//Clone Constructors
 public PlayerModel(PlayerModel player, PlayFieldModel state)
     this.hand                      = new PlayerHand(player.hand, state);
     this.bank                      = new PlayerBank(player.bank, state);
     this.propertySets              = new PlayerPropertySets(player.propertySets, state);
     this.guid                      = player.guid;
     this.id                        = player.id;
     this.isThisPlayersTurn         = player.isThisPlayersTurn;
     this.name                      = player.name;
     this.actionsCurrentlyAllowed   = player.actionsCurrentlyAllowed.cloneListTurnActionTypes();
     this.isReadyToStartGame        = player.isReadyToStartGame;
     this.owesAnotherPlayer         = player.owesAnotherPlayer;
     this.amountOwedToAnotherPlayer = player.amountOwedToAnotherPlayer;
 //Clone Constructors
 public PlayerModel(PlayerModel player, PlayFieldModel state)
     this.hand = new PlayerHand(player.hand, state);
     this.bank = new PlayerBank(player.bank, state);
     this.propertySets = new PlayerPropertySets(player.propertySets, state);
     this.guid = player.guid;
     this.id = player.id;
     this.isThisPlayersTurn = player.isThisPlayersTurn;
     this.name = player.name;
     this.actionsCurrentlyAllowed = player.actionsCurrentlyAllowed.cloneListTurnActionTypes();
     this.isReadyToStartGame = player.isReadyToStartGame;
     this.owesAnotherPlayer = player.owesAnotherPlayer;
     this.amountOwedToAnotherPlayer = player.amountOwedToAnotherPlayer;
 public PlayerModel(String nameP)
     //Set ID
     guid = generatePlayerGuid();
     //Set name
     name = nameP;
     //Give emptyhand
     hand = new PlayerHand(guid, new List <Card>());
     //Give emptybank
     bank = new PlayerBank(guid, new List <Card>());
     //give emptypropertysets
     propertySets = new PlayerPropertySets(guid, new List <PropertyCardSet>());
     //Set not players turn
     isThisPlayersTurn = false;
     //notready to start game
     isReadyToStartGame = false;
 public PlayerModel(String nameP)
     //Set ID
     guid = generatePlayerGuid();
     //Set name
     name = nameP;
     //Give emptyhand
     hand = new PlayerHand(guid, new List<Card>());
     //Give emptybank
     bank = new PlayerBank(guid, new List<Card>());
     //give emptypropertysets
     propertySets = new PlayerPropertySets(guid, new List<PropertyCardSet>());
     //Set not players turn
     isThisPlayersTurn = false;
     //notready to start game
     isReadyToStartGame = false;
 public PlayerBank(PlayerBank bank, PlayFieldModel state)
     this.playerGuid  = bank.playerGuid;
     this.cardsInBank = bank.cardsInBank.cloneListCard(state.deck);
 public void referenceAllDataContracts(ActionCard ac, Card c, FieldUpdateMessage fum, Message msg, MoneyCard mc, PlayerBank pb, PlayerHand ph, PlayerModel pm, PlayerPropertySets pps, PlayFieldModel pfm, PlayPile pp, PollForFieldUpdateMessage pffum, PropertyCard pc, PropertyCardSet pcs, PropertySetInfo psi, RentStandard rs, TakeActionOnTurnMessage taotm, TurnActionModel tam)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public PlayerBank(PlayerBank bank, PlayFieldModel state)
     this.playerGuid = bank.playerGuid;
     this.cardsInBank = bank.cardsInBank.cloneListCard(state.deck);
 public void referenceAllDataContracts(ActionCard ac, Card c, FieldUpdateMessage fum, Message msg, MoneyCard mc, PlayerBank pb, PlayerHand ph, PlayerModel pm, PlayerPropertySets pps, PlayFieldModel pfm, PlayPile pp, PollForFieldUpdateMessage pffum, PropertyCard pc, PropertyCardSet pcs, PropertySetInfo psi, RentStandard rs, TakeActionOnTurnMessage taotm, TurnActionModel tam)
     throw new NotImplementedException();