private void UpdateRequirementMaps(Sequence <CompoundTerm> actions, IState iState) { Set <string> yesStrings = new Set <string>(); foreach (Action a in actions) { System.Console.WriteLine(iState.GetHashCode() + a.ToString()); foreach (string s in this.modelProgram.GetEnablingConditionDescriptions(iState, a, false)) { yesStrings = yesStrings.Add(s); if (!requirementProperties.Contains(s)) { requirementProperties = requirementProperties.AddLast(s); requireEnabledStateMap = requireEnabledStateMap.Add(s, Set <int> .EmptySet); } requireEnabledStateMap = requireEnabledStateMap.Override(s, requireEnabledStateMap[s].Add(iState.GetHashCode())); } } bdt = bdt.addState(yesStrings, iState.GetHashCode()); if (i == 0) { if (i < requirementProperties.Count) { string s1 = requirementProperties[i++]; bdt = bdt.Refine(s1, requireEnabledStateMap[s1]); bdt.PrintTree(0); } } }
private void doValueIteration(BinaryDecisionTree bdt) { List <double> maxV = bdt.ReturnValue(true); List <double> minV = bdt.ReturnValue(false); List <Set <int> > abstractMap = bdt.ReturnLeaves(); double tmp; int maxvcount = maxV.Count; double diff = 1.0; double epsilon = 0.1; while (diff > epsilon) { diff = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < maxvcount; k++) { tmp = doLocalValueIteration(k, abstractMap, maxV, true); diff = Math.Max(diff, Math.Abs(tmp - maxV[k])); maxV[k] = tmp; tmp = doLocalValueIteration(k, abstractMap, minV, false); diff = Math.Max(diff, Math.Abs(tmp - minV[k])); minV[k] = tmp; } } for (int k = 0; k < maxvcount; k++) { System.Console.WriteLine("maxv " + maxV[k] + " minv " + minV[k]); } // Need to update the maxValue as well as minValue in the tree bdt = bdt.UpdateMaxMin(maxV, minV, abstractMap); }
public MDPNewAbstractStrategy(ModelProgram modelProgram) : base(modelProgram) { requirementProperties = Sequence <string> .EmptySequence; requireEnabledStateMap = Map <string, Set <int> > .EmptyMap; activeEdges = new Dictionary <int, Set <int> >(); passiveEdges = new Dictionary <int, Bag <int> >(); bdt = new BinaryDecisionTree("root", null, null, 1, 1, new Set <int>(currState.GetHashCode())); }
public BinaryDecisionTree(string prop, BinaryDecisionTree t, BinaryDecisionTree f, double maxv, double minv, Set <int> setStates) { = prop; this.trueEdge = t; this.falseEdge = f; this.maxValue = maxv; this.minValue = minv; this.states = setStates; }
public BinaryDecisionTree(string prop, BinaryDecisionTree t, BinaryDecisionTree f, double maxv, double minv, Set<int> setStates) { = prop; this.trueEdge = t; this.falseEdge = f; this.maxValue = maxv; this.minValue = minv; this.states = setStates; }
internal BinaryDecisionTree UpdateMaxMin(List <double> maxV, List <double> minV, List <Set <int> > abstractMap) { if (this.trueEdge == null && this.falseEdge == null) { if (abstractMap.Contains(states)) { int index = abstractMap.IndexOf(states); this.maxValue = maxV[index]; this.minValue = minV[index]; } return(this); } else { trueEdge = trueEdge.UpdateMaxMin(maxV, minV, abstractMap); falseEdge = falseEdge.UpdateMaxMin(maxV, minV, abstractMap); return(this); } }
public BinaryDecisionTree addState(Set <string> trueProps, int StateId) { if (states.Contains(StateId)) { return(this); } //if (this.trueEdge == null && this.falseEdge == null) //{ states = this.states.Add(StateId); //} if (trueEdge != null && trueProps.Contains( { this.trueEdge = this.trueEdge.addState(trueProps, StateId); } else if (falseEdge != null) { this.falseEdge = this.falseEdge.addState(trueProps, StateId); } return(this); }
public BinaryDecisionTree Refine(string prop, Set <int> enabledStates) { // dont refine already added property if ( { return(this); } if (states.IsEmpty) { return(this); } Set <int> s1 = states.Intersect(enabledStates); Set <int> s2 = states.Difference(enabledStates); if (this.trueEdge != null) { this.trueEdge.Refine(prop, s1); } if (this.falseEdge != null) { this.falseEdge.Refine(prop, s2); } if (this.trueEdge == null && this.falseEdge == null) { //if (!s1.IsEmpty) //{ this.trueEdge = new BinaryDecisionTree(prop, null, null, this.maxValue, this.minValue, s1); //} //else this.trueEdge = null; //if (!s2.IsEmpty) //{ this.falseEdge = new BinaryDecisionTree(prop, null, null, this.maxValue, this.minValue, s2); //} //else this.falseEdge = null; } return(this); }
private CompoundTerm ChooseAction(Sequence <Action> actions, IState iState) { TransitionProperties tp; int targetId = -1; List <double> MaxV = bdt.ReturnValue(true); List <double> MinV = bdt.ReturnValue(false); List <Set <int> > abstractMap = bdt.ReturnLeaves(); Sequence <Pair <int, Action> > cumulActSum = Sequence <Pair <int, Action> > .EmptySequence; double epsilon = 0.1; Dictionary <int, int> sumTarget = new Dictionary <int, int>(); Action maxAct = null; int targetAbsId = -1; int sum = 0; UpdateRequirementMaps(actions, iState); Set <Action> newStateActs = new Set <Action>(); Set <Action> oldActs = new Set <Action>(actions.Head); foreach (Action a in actions) { int tState = this.modelProgram.GetTargetState(iState, a, null, out tp).GetHashCode(); targetAbsId = findAbstractId(tState, abstractMap); if (targetAbsId == -1) { newStateActs = newStateActs.Add(a); } else { sum = sum + (int)(MaxV[targetAbsId] * Math.Pow(10.0, 9.0)); Pair <int, Action> np = new Pair <int, Action>(sum, a); sumTarget.Add(sum, targetAbsId); cumulActSum = cumulActSum.AddLast(np); } } if (!newStateActs.IsEmpty) { maxAct = newStateActs.Choose(); System.Console.WriteLine("new action in new state " + maxAct.ToString()); return(maxAct); } else { Random rndNumbers = new Random(); int rndNumber = rndNumbers.Next(sum); System.Console.WriteLine(sum + " " + rndNumber); foreach (Pair <int, Action> np in cumulActSum) { System.Console.WriteLine(np.First + " " + np.Second.ToString()); if (rndNumber <= np.First) { maxAct = np.Second; targetId = sumTarget[np.First]; break; } targetId = sumTarget[np.First]; maxAct = np.Second; } System.Console.WriteLine("old action in old state " + maxAct.ToString()); } // Adaptive Refinement if (MaxV[targetId] - MinV[targetId] > epsilon) { if (i < requirementProperties.Count) { string s1 = requirementProperties[i++]; bdt = bdt.Refine(s1, requireEnabledStateMap[s1]); bdt.PrintTree(0); } } return(maxAct); }
public BinaryDecisionTree Refine(string prop, Set<int> enabledStates) { // dont refine already added property if ( return this; if (states.IsEmpty) return this; Set<int> s1 = states.Intersect(enabledStates); Set<int> s2 = states.Difference(enabledStates); if (this.trueEdge != null) this.trueEdge.Refine(prop,s1); if (this.falseEdge != null) this.falseEdge.Refine(prop,s2); if (this.trueEdge == null && this.falseEdge == null) { //if (!s1.IsEmpty) //{ this.trueEdge = new BinaryDecisionTree(prop, null, null,this.maxValue,this.minValue, s1); //} //else this.trueEdge = null; //if (!s2.IsEmpty) //{ this.falseEdge = new BinaryDecisionTree(prop, null, null,this.maxValue,this.minValue, s2); //} //else this.falseEdge = null; } return this; }
private void UpdateRequirementMaps(Sequence<CompoundTerm> actions, IState iState) { Set<string> yesStrings = new Set<string>(); foreach (Action a in actions) { System.Console.WriteLine(iState.GetHashCode() + a.ToString()); foreach (string s in this.modelProgram.GetEnablingConditionDescriptions(iState, a, false)) { yesStrings = yesStrings.Add(s); if (!requirementProperties.Contains(s)) { requirementProperties = requirementProperties.AddLast(s); requireEnabledStateMap = requireEnabledStateMap.Add(s, Set<int>.EmptySet); } requireEnabledStateMap = requireEnabledStateMap.Override(s, requireEnabledStateMap[s].Add(iState.GetHashCode())); } } bdt = bdt.addState(yesStrings, iState.GetHashCode()); if (i == 0) { if (i < requirementProperties.Count) { string s1 = requirementProperties[i++]; bdt = bdt.Refine(s1, requireEnabledStateMap[s1]); bdt.PrintTree(0); } } }
private CompoundTerm ChooseAction(Sequence<Action> actions, IState iState) { TransitionProperties tp; int targetId = -1; List<double> MaxV = bdt.ReturnValue(true); List<double> MinV = bdt.ReturnValue(false); List<Set<int>> abstractMap = bdt.ReturnLeaves(); Sequence<Pair<int, Action>> cumulActSum = Sequence<Pair<int, Action>>.EmptySequence; double epsilon = 0.1; Dictionary<int, int> sumTarget = new Dictionary<int, int>(); Action maxAct = null; int targetAbsId = -1; int sum = 0; UpdateRequirementMaps(actions, iState); Set<Action> newStateActs = new Set<Action>(); Set<Action> oldActs = new Set<Action>(actions.Head); foreach (Action a in actions) { int tState = this.modelProgram.GetTargetState(iState, a, null, out tp).GetHashCode(); targetAbsId = findAbstractId(tState, abstractMap); if (targetAbsId == -1) { newStateActs = newStateActs.Add(a); } else { sum = sum + (int)(MaxV[targetAbsId] * Math.Pow(10.0, 9.0)); Pair<int, Action> np = new Pair<int, Action>(sum, a); sumTarget.Add(sum, targetAbsId); cumulActSum = cumulActSum.AddLast(np); } } if (!newStateActs.IsEmpty) { maxAct = newStateActs.Choose(); System.Console.WriteLine("new action in new state " + maxAct.ToString()); return maxAct; } else { Random rndNumbers = new Random(); int rndNumber = rndNumbers.Next(sum); System.Console.WriteLine(sum + " " + rndNumber); foreach (Pair<int, Action> np in cumulActSum) { System.Console.WriteLine(np.First + " " + np.Second.ToString()); if (rndNumber <= np.First) { maxAct = np.Second; targetId = sumTarget[np.First]; break; } targetId = sumTarget[np.First]; maxAct = np.Second; } System.Console.WriteLine("old action in old state " + maxAct.ToString()); } // Adaptive Refinement if (MaxV[targetId] - MinV[targetId] > epsilon) { if (i < requirementProperties.Count) { string s1 = requirementProperties[i++]; bdt = bdt.Refine(s1, requireEnabledStateMap[s1]); bdt.PrintTree(0); } } return maxAct; }
private void doValueIteration(BinaryDecisionTree bdt) { List<double> maxV = bdt.ReturnValue(true); List<double> minV = bdt.ReturnValue(false); List<Set<int>> abstractMap = bdt.ReturnLeaves(); double tmp; int maxvcount = maxV.Count; double diff = 1.0; double epsilon = 0.1; while (diff > epsilon) { diff = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < maxvcount;k++) { tmp = doLocalValueIteration(k, abstractMap, maxV, true); diff = Math.Max(diff, Math.Abs(tmp - maxV[k])); maxV[k] = tmp; tmp = doLocalValueIteration(k, abstractMap, minV, false); diff = Math.Max(diff, Math.Abs(tmp - minV[k])); minV[k] = tmp; } } for (int k = 0; k < maxvcount; k++) { System.Console.WriteLine("maxv "+ maxV[k]+ " minv "+ minV[k]); } // Need to update the maxValue as well as minValue in the tree bdt = bdt.UpdateMaxMin(maxV, minV, abstractMap); }
public MDPNewAbstractStrategy(ModelProgram modelProgram): base(modelProgram) { requirementProperties = Sequence<string>.EmptySequence; requireEnabledStateMap = Map<string, Set<int>>.EmptyMap; activeEdges = new Dictionary<int, Set<int>>(); passiveEdges = new Dictionary<int, Bag<int>>(); bdt = new BinaryDecisionTree("root", null, null,1,1, new Set<int>(currState.GetHashCode())); }
internal BinaryDecisionTree UpdateMaxMin(List<double> maxV, List<double> minV, List<Set<int>> abstractMap) { if (this.trueEdge == null && this.falseEdge == null) { if (abstractMap.Contains(states)) { int index = abstractMap.IndexOf(states); this.maxValue = maxV[index]; this.minValue = minV[index]; } return this; } else { trueEdge = trueEdge.UpdateMaxMin(maxV, minV, abstractMap); falseEdge = falseEdge.UpdateMaxMin(maxV, minV, abstractMap); return this; } }
public BinaryDecisionTree addState(Set<string> trueProps, int StateId) { if (states.Contains(StateId)) return this; //if (this.trueEdge == null && this.falseEdge == null) //{ states = this.states.Add(StateId); //} if (trueEdge!=null && trueProps.Contains( { this.trueEdge = this.trueEdge.addState(trueProps, StateId); } else if(falseEdge != null) this.falseEdge = this.falseEdge.addState(trueProps, StateId); return this; }