public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { try { GUI.BeginGroup(inRect); Rect titleRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, inRect.width, TitleBarHeight); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Widgets.Label(titleRect, "AI Packages"); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Rect availableRect = new Rect(0f, titleRect.yMax + VerticalMargin, ListViewSize.x, inRect.height - titleRect.yMax - AcceptButtonSize.y - VerticalMargin * 2); Widgets.DrawBoxSolid(availableRect, BoxColor); DrawList(availableRect, AvailablePackagesForDesign, availableScrollPos, ref selAvailable, ref selDesign, true); Rect chosenRect = new Rect(inRect.width - ListViewSize.x, availableRect.y, ListViewSize.x, availableRect.height); Widgets.DrawBoxSolid(chosenRect, BoxColor); DrawList(chosenRect, PackagesTemp, designScrollPos, ref selDesign, ref selAvailable, false); float butX = availableRect.xMax + ((chosenRect.x - availableRect.xMax) / 2) - ListButtonSize.x / 2; Rect addButtonRect = new Rect(butX, - VerticalMargin - ListButtonSize.y, ListButtonSize.x, ListButtonSize.y); if (Widgets.ButtonText(addButtonRect, "->")) { if (selAvailable != null) { availableTemp.Remove(selAvailable); packagesTemp.Add(selAvailable); selDesign = selAvailable; selAvailable = null; } } Rect removeButtonRect = new Rect(addButtonRect.x, + VerticalMargin, ListButtonSize.x, ListButtonSize.y); if (Widgets.ButtonText(removeButtonRect, "<-")) { if (selDesign != null) { packagesTemp.Remove(selDesign); availableTemp.Add(selDesign); selAvailable = selDesign; selDesign = null; } } Rect cancelButtonRect = new Rect(0f, inRect.height - AcceptButtonSize.y, AcceptButtonSize.x, AcceptButtonSize.y); if (Widgets.ButtonText(cancelButtonRect, "Cancel")) { Find.WindowStack.TryRemove(this); } Rect acceptButtonRect = new Rect(inRect.width - AcceptButtonSize.x, cancelButtonRect.y, AcceptButtonSize.x, AcceptButtonSize.y); if (Widgets.ButtonText(acceptButtonRect, "Accept")) { design.AIPackages.Clear(); design.AIPackages.AddRange(packagesTemp); BlueprintUIUtil.StatDummy(design).InitialiseFromBlueprint(); RimWorld.StatsReportUtility.Reset(); Find.WindowStack.TryRemove(this); } } finally { GUI.EndGroup(); } }
public void DrawWindow(Rect inRect) { try { GUI.BeginGroup(inRect); #region Header //Header Rect headerRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, inRect.width, HeaderRectHeight); try { GUI.BeginGroup(headerRect); //Draw the label string nameLabelString; float nameLabelXPos; float nameLabelWidth; if (state == BlueprintHandlerState.Edit || state == BlueprintHandlerState.New) { nameLabelString = "BlueprintName".Translate(); nameLabelWidth = Text.CalcSize(nameLabelString).x; nameLabelXPos = headerRect.width / 2 - (nameLabelWidth + 5f + TextBoxWidth) / 2; } else { nameLabelString = "BlueprintName".Translate() + Blueprint.Label; nameLabelWidth = Text.CalcSize(nameLabelString).x; nameLabelXPos = headerRect.width / 2 - nameLabelWidth / 2; } Rect nameLabelRect = new Rect(nameLabelXPos, 0f, nameLabelWidth, HeaderRectHeight); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Widgets.Label(nameLabelRect, nameLabelString); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; //if the state is New or Edit, draw the textbox. if (state == BlueprintHandlerState.Edit || state == BlueprintHandlerState.New) { Rect nameRect = new Rect(nameLabelRect.xMax + 5f, HeaderRectHeight / 2 - TextBoxHeight / 2, 200f, TextBoxHeight); Blueprint.Label = Widgets.TextField(nameRect, Blueprint.Label); } } finally { GUI.EndGroup(); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } #endregion #region Main Rect //MainRect Rect mainRect = new Rect(0f, headerRect.yMax + SectionMargin, inRect.width, inRect.height - HeaderRectHeight - FooterRectHeight - SectionMargin * 2); try { GUI.BeginGroup(mainRect); PartSelectorAreaWidth = (float)Math.Floor(mainRect.width * 0.45); StatsAreaWidth = (float)Math.Floor(mainRect.width * 0.30); DisplayAreaWidth = (float)Math.Floor(mainRect.width * 0.25); //Parts list float leftRectsHeight = mainRect.height / 3 - (SectionMargin * 2) / 3; Rect partsRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, DisplayAreaWidth, leftRectsHeight); BlueprintUIUtil.DrawPartsList(partsRect, ref partsScrollPos, Blueprint); //AI list Rect aiRect = new Rect(0f, partsRect.yMax + SectionMargin, partsRect.width, leftRectsHeight); BlueprintUIUtil.DrawAIList(aiRect, ref aiScrollPos, Blueprint, state); //Skills Rect skillsRect = new Rect(0f, aiRect.yMax + SectionMargin, partsRect.width, leftRectsHeight); BlueprintUIUtil.DrawSkillsList(skillsRect, ref skillsScrollPos, Blueprint, state); //Droid part selector Rect droidDisplayRect = new Rect(partsRect.xMax + SectionMargin, 0f, PartSelectorAreaWidth, mainRect.height); BlueprintUIUtil.DrawPartSelector(droidDisplayRect, Blueprint, state); //Stats Rect statsRect = new Rect(droidDisplayRect.xMax + SectionMargin, 0f, StatsAreaWidth, leftRectsHeight * 2 + SectionMargin); Widgets.DrawBoxSolid(statsRect, BoxColor); StatsReportUtility.DrawStatsReport(statsRect, BlueprintUIUtil.StatDummy(Blueprint)); //Costs Rect costsRect = new Rect(statsRect.x, statsRect.yMax + SectionMargin, statsRect.width, leftRectsHeight); Widgets.DrawBoxSolid(costsRect, BoxColor); } finally { GUI.EndGroup(); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } #endregion //Footer area Rect footerRect = new Rect(0f, inRect.height - FooterRectHeight, mainRect.width, FooterRectHeight); DrawFooter(footerRect); } finally { GUI.EndGroup(); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { try { GUI.BeginGroup(inRect); //Draw label Rect labelRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, inRect.width, 40f); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Widgets.Label(labelRect, group.label); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Widgets.DrawLine(new Vector2(labelRect.x + 15f, labelRect.yMax - 3f), new Vector2(labelRect.xMax - 15f, labelRect.yMax - 3f), Color.white, 1f); Rect texRect = new Rect(inRect.width / 2 - BlueprintUIUtil.TexRectSize.x / 2, inRect.height / 2 - BlueprintUIUtil.TexRectSize.y / 2 - 7f, BlueprintUIUtil.TexRectSize.x, BlueprintUIUtil.TexRectSize.y); Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(texRect, partTex, 1f); //Draw Left slot boxes Rect Slot2Rect = new Rect(0f, (texRect.y + texRect.height / 2) - BlueprintUIUtil.SlotRectSize.y / 2, inRect.width - texRect.xMax, BlueprintUIUtil.TotalSlotRectHeight); if (Slot2 != null) { BlueprintUIUtil.DrawSlot(Slot2Temp, Slot2Rect, design.ChassisType, state); } Rect Slot1Rect = new Rect(Slot2Rect.x, Slot2Rect.y - BlueprintUIUtil.TotalSlotRectHeight, Slot2Rect.width, Slot2Rect.height); if (Slot1 != null) { BlueprintUIUtil.DrawSlot(Slot1Temp, Slot1Rect, design.ChassisType, state); } Rect Slot3Rect = new Rect(Slot2Rect.x, Slot2Rect.yMax, Slot2Rect.width, Slot2Rect.height); if (Slot3 != null) { BlueprintUIUtil.DrawSlot(Slot3Temp, Slot3Rect, design.ChassisType, state); } //Draw right slot boxes Rect Slot4Rect = new Rect(texRect.xMax, Slot1Rect.y, inRect.width - texRect.xMax, Slot2Rect.height); if (Slot4 != null) { BlueprintUIUtil.DrawSlot(Slot4Temp, Slot4Rect, design.ChassisType, state); } Rect Slot5Rect = new Rect(Slot4Rect.x, Slot2Rect.y, Slot4Rect.width, Slot2Rect.height); if (Slot5 != null) { BlueprintUIUtil.DrawSlot(Slot5Temp, Slot5Rect, design.ChassisType, state); } Rect Slot6Rect = new Rect(Slot4Rect.x, Slot3Rect.y, Slot4Rect.width, Slot2Rect.height); if (Slot6 != null) { BlueprintUIUtil.DrawSlot(Slot6Temp, Slot6Rect, design.ChassisType, state); } //Draw Buttons if (state == BlueprintHandlerState.New || state == BlueprintHandlerState.Edit) { //Accept Rect acceptButtonRect = new Rect(inRect.width - ButtonSize.x, inRect.height - ButtonSize.y, ButtonSize.x, ButtonSize.y); if (Widgets.ButtonText(acceptButtonRect, "Accept".Translate())) { if (Slot1 != null) { Slot1.CopyFrom(Slot1Temp); } if (Slot2 != null) { Slot2.CopyFrom(Slot2Temp); } if (Slot3 != null) { Slot3.CopyFrom(Slot3Temp); } if (Slot4 != null) { Slot4.CopyFrom(Slot4Temp); } if (Slot5 != null) { Slot5.CopyFrom(Slot5Temp); } if (Slot6 != null) { Slot6.CopyFrom(Slot6Temp); } BlueprintUIUtil.StatDummy(design).InitialiseFromBlueprint(); RimWorld.StatsReportUtility.Reset(); Find.WindowStack.TryRemove(this); } //Cancel Rect cancelButtonRect = new Rect(0f, inRect.height - ButtonSize.y, ButtonSize.x, ButtonSize.y); if (Widgets.ButtonText(cancelButtonRect, "Cancel".Translate())) { Find.WindowStack.TryRemove(this); } } else { Rect closeButtonRect = new Rect(inRect.width / 2 - ButtonSize.x / 2, inRect.height - ButtonSize.y, ButtonSize.x, ButtonSize.y); if (Widgets.ButtonText(closeButtonRect, "Close".Translate())) { Find.WindowStack.TryRemove(this); } } } finally { GUI.EndGroup(); } }