public bool CheckAffectPermissions(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, ExtBlock old, ExtBlock block) { if (![old.BlockID] && !Block.AllowBreak(old.BlockID) && !Block.BuildIn(old.BlockID)) { return(false); } if (p.PlayingTntWars && !CheckTNTWarsChange(p, x, y, z, ref block.BlockID)) { return(false); } Zone[] zones = Zones.Items; if (zones.Length == 0) { return(CheckRank(p)); } // Check zones specifically allowed in for (int i = 0; i < zones.Length; i++) { Zone zn = zones[i]; if (x < zn.MinX || x > zn.MaxX || y < zn.MinY || y > zn.MaxY || z < zn.MinZ || z > zn.MaxZ) { continue; } ZoneConfig cfg = zn.Config; if ( >= cfg.BuildMin) { return(true); } if (cfg.BuildWhitelist.Count > 0 && cfg.BuildWhitelist.CaselessContains( { return(true); } } // Check zones denied from for (int i = 0; i < zones.Length; i++) { Zone zn = zones[i]; if (x < zn.MinX || x > zn.MaxX || y < zn.MinY || y > zn.MaxY || z < zn.MinZ || z > zn.MaxZ) { continue; } AccessResult access = zn.Access.Check(p); if (access == AccessResult.Allowed || access == AccessResult.Whitelisted) { continue; } if (p.ZoneSpam > DateTime.UtcNow) { return(false); } zn.Access.CheckDetailed(p); p.ZoneSpam = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(2); return(false); } return(CheckRank(p)); }
public void Blockchange(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, ExtBlock block) { if (DoBlockchange(p, x, y, z, block) == 2) { Player.GlobalBlockchange(this, x, y, z, block); } }
void RevertPhysics(Check C) { //attemps on shutdown to change blocks back into normal selves that are active, hopefully without needing to send into to clients. switch (blocks[C.b]) { case Block.Air_Flood: case Block.Air_FloodLayer: case Block.Air_FloodDown: case Block.Air_FloodUp: blocks[C.b] = 0; break; } try { PhysicsArgs args =; // Copy paste here because it's worthwhile inlining if (args.Type1 == PhysicsArgs.Revert) { ushort x, y, z; IntToPos(C.b, out x, out y, out z); ExtBlock block = ExtBlock.FromRaw(args.Value1, args.ExtBlock); Blockchange(C.b, block, true, default(PhysicsArgs)); } else if (args.Type2 == PhysicsArgs.Revert) { ushort x, y, z; IntToPos(C.b, out x, out y, out z); ExtBlock block = ExtBlock.FromRaw(args.Value2, args.ExtBlock); Blockchange(C.b, block, true, default(PhysicsArgs)); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError(e); } }
public void UpdateBlock(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, ExtBlock block, ushort flags = BlockDBFlags.ManualPlace, bool buffered = false) { ExtBlock old = GetBlock(x, y, z); bool drawn = (flags & BlockDBFlags.ManualPlace) != 0; int type = DoBlockchange(p, x, y, z, block, drawn); if (type == 0) { return; // no block change performed } BlockDB.Cache.Add(p, x, y, z, flags, old, block); if (type == 1) { return; // not different visually } int index = PosToInt(x, y, z); if (buffered) { BlockQueue.Addblock(p, index, block); } else { Player.GlobalBlockchange(this, x, y, z, block); } }
public static void GlobalBlockchange(Level level, int b, ExtBlock block) { ushort x, y, z; level.IntToPos(b, out x, out y, out z); GlobalBlockchange(level, x, y, z, block); }
internal static void LoadMessages(Level level, string name) { level.hasMessageBlocks = Database.TableExists("Messages" + name); if (!level.hasMessageBlocks) { return; } using (DataTable table = Database.Backend.GetRows("Messages" + name, "*")) { foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { ushort x = ushort.Parse(row["X"].ToString()); ushort y = ushort.Parse(row["Y"].ToString()); ushort z = ushort.Parse(row["Z"].ToString()); ExtBlock block = level.GetBlock(x, y, z); if (level.Props[block.Index].IsMessageBlock) { continue; } Database.Backend.DeleteRows("Messages" + name, "WHERE X=@0 AND Y=@1 AND Z=@2", x, y, z); } } }
public void UpdateBlockHandlers() { for (int i = 0; i < Props.Length; i++) { UpdateBlockHandler(ExtBlock.FromIndex(i)); } }
internal bool AddUpdate(int b, ExtBlock block, bool overRide = false) { PhysicsArgs args = default(PhysicsArgs); args.ExtBlock = block.BlockID == Block.custom_block; return(AddUpdate(b, block.RawID, overRide, args)); }
public void Blockchange(int b, ExtBlock block, bool overRide = false, PhysicsArgs data = default(PhysicsArgs), bool addUndo = true) //Block change made by physics { if (DoPhysicsBlockchange(b, block, overRide, data, addUndo)) { Player.GlobalBlockchange(this, b, block); } }
internal bool HasCustomProps(ExtBlock block) { if (block.IsPhysicsType) { return(false); } return(CustomBlockDefs[block.RawID] != BlockDefinition.GlobalDefs[block.RawID]); }
public void UpdateCustomBlock(byte raw, BlockDefinition def) { CustomBlockDefs[raw] = def; ExtBlock block = ExtBlock.FromRaw(raw); UpdateBlockHandler(block); blockAABBs[block.Index] = Block.BlockAABB(block, this); }
void HandleBlockchange(byte[] buffer, int offset) { try { if (!loggedIn || spamChecker.CheckBlockSpam()) { return; } ushort x = NetUtils.ReadU16(buffer, offset + 1); ushort y = NetUtils.ReadU16(buffer, offset + 3); ushort z = NetUtils.ReadU16(buffer, offset + 5); if (frozen) { RevertBlock(x, y, z); return; } byte action = buffer[offset + 7]; if (action > 1) { const string msg = "Unknown block action!"; Leave(msg, msg, true); return; } LastAction = DateTime.UtcNow; if (IsAfk) { CmdAfk.ToggleAfk(this, ""); } ExtBlock held = ExtBlock.FromRaw(buffer[offset + 8]); RawHeldBlock = held; if ((action == 0 || held.BlockID == Block.Air) && !level.Config.Deletable) { SendMessage("Deleting blocks is disabled in this level."); RevertBlock(x, y, z); return; } else if (action == 1 && !level.Config.Buildable) { SendMessage("Placing blocks is disabled in this level."); RevertBlock(x, y, z); return; } if (held.BlockID == Block.custom_block) { if (!hasBlockDefs || level.CustomBlockDefs[held.ExtID] == null) { SendMessage("Invalid block type: " + held.ExtID); RevertBlock(x, y, z); return; } } ManualChange(x, y, z, action != 0, held, true); } catch (Exception e) { // Don't ya just love it when the server tattles? Chat.MessageOps(DisplayName + " has triggered a block change error"); Chat.MessageOps(e.GetType().ToString() + ": " + e.Message); Logger.LogError(e); } }
internal Player() { spamChecker = new SpamChecker(this); SessionID = Interlocked.Increment(ref sessionCounter) & SessionIDMask; for (int i = 0; i < BlockBindings.Length; i++) { BlockBindings[i] = ExtBlock.FromRaw((byte)i); } }
internal bool CheckManualChange(ExtBlock old, ExtBlock block, bool deleteMode) { if (!BlockPerms.UsableBy(this, old.BlockID) && !Block.BuildIn(old.BlockID) && !Block.AllowBreak(old.BlockID)) { string action = deleteMode ? "delete" : "replace"; BlockPerms.List[old.BlockID].MessageCannotUse(this, action); return(false); } return(CommandParser.IsBlockAllowed(this, "place", block)); }
public bool LightPasses(ExtBlock block) { BlockDefinition def = GetBlockDef(block); if (def != null) { return(!def.BlocksLight || def.BlockDraw == DrawType.TransparentThick || def.MinZ > 0); } return(Block.LightPass(block.BlockID)); }
public static void UpdateGlobalBlockProps() { for (int i = 0; i < GlobalProps.Length; i++) { ExtBlock block = ExtBlock.FromRaw((byte)i); GlobalProps[i] = BlockProps.MakeDefault(); GlobalProps[i] = DefaultProps(block); } BlockProps.Load("global", GlobalProps, GlobalPropsLock, false); }
void HandleMovement(byte[] buffer, int offset) { if (!loggedIn || trainGrab || following.Length > 0) { CheckBlocks(Pos); return; } if (Supports(CpeExt.HeldBlock)) { RawHeldBlock = ExtBlock.FromRaw(buffer[offset + 1]); } int x, y, z; if (hasExtPositions) { x = NetUtils.ReadI32(buffer, offset + 2); y = NetUtils.ReadI32(buffer, offset + 6); z = NetUtils.ReadI32(buffer, offset + 10); offset += 6; // for yaw/pitch offset below } else { x = NetUtils.ReadI16(buffer, offset + 2); y = NetUtils.ReadI16(buffer, offset + 4); z = NetUtils.ReadI16(buffer, offset + 6); } byte yaw = buffer[offset + 8], pitch = buffer[offset + 9]; Position next = new Position(x, y, z); CheckBlocks(next); OnPlayerMoveEvent.Call(this, next, yaw, pitch); if (cancelmove) { cancelmove = false; return; } Pos = next; SetYawPitch(yaw, pitch); if (!Moved() || Loading) { return; } if (DateTime.UtcNow < AFKCooldown) { return; } LastAction = DateTime.UtcNow; if (IsAfk) { CmdAfk.ToggleAfk(this, ""); } }
public void UpdateBlockHandler(ExtBlock block) { bool nonSolid = !MCGalaxy.Blocks.CollideType.IsSolid(CollideType(block)); int i = block.Index; deleteHandlers[i] = BlockBehaviour.GetDeleteHandler(block, Props); placeHandlers[i] = BlockBehaviour.GetPlaceHandler(block, Props); walkthroughHandlers[i] = BlockBehaviour.GetWalkthroughHandler(block, Props, nonSolid); physicsHandlers[i] = BlockBehaviour.GetPhysicsHandler(block, Props); physicsDoorsHandlers[i] = BlockBehaviour.GetPhysicsDoorsHandler(block, Props); }
public byte CollideType(ExtBlock block) { BlockDefinition def = GetBlockDef(block); byte collide = def != null ? def.CollideType : MCGalaxy.Blocks.CollideType.Solid; if (def == null && !block.IsCustomType) { return(DefaultSet.Collide(Block.Convert(block.BlockID))); } return(collide); }
internal bool DoBlockchangeCallback(ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, ExtBlock block) { lastClick.X = x; lastClick.Y = y; lastClick.Z = z; if (Blockchange == null) { return(false); } Blockchange(this, x, y, z, block); return(true); }
bool PlaceBlock(ExtBlock old, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, ExtBlock block) { HandlePlace handler = level.placeHandlers[block.Index]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, block, x, y, z); return(true); } return(ChangeBlock(x, y, z, block) == 2); }
public Level(string name, ushort width, ushort height, ushort length) { if (width < 1) { width = 1; } if (height < 1) { height = 1; } if (length < 1) { length = 1; } Width = width; Height = height; Length = length; for (int i = 0; i < CustomBlockDefs.Length; i++) { CustomBlockDefs[i] = BlockDefinition.GlobalDefs[i]; } LoadCoreProps(); for (int i = 0; i < blockAABBs.Length; i++) { ExtBlock block = ExtBlock.FromIndex(i); blockAABBs[i] = Block.BlockAABB(block, this); } UpdateBlockHandlers(); = name; MapName = name.ToLower(); BlockDB = new BlockDB(this); Config.EdgeLevel = (short)(height / 2); Config.CloudsHeight = (short)(height + 2); blocks = new byte[Width * Height * Length]; ChunksX = Utils.CeilDiv16(Width); ChunksY = Utils.CeilDiv16(Height); ChunksZ = Utils.CeilDiv16(Length); CustomBlocks = new byte[ChunksX * ChunksY * ChunksZ][]; spawnx = (ushort)(Width / 2); spawny = (ushort)(Height * 0.75f); spawnz = (ushort)(Length / 2); rotx = 0; roty = 0; VisitAccess = new LevelAccessController(this, true); BuildAccess = new LevelAccessController(this, false); listCheckExists = new SparseBitSet(Width, Height, Length); listUpdateExists = new SparseBitSet(Width, Height, Length); }
void SelectionBlockChange(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, ExtBlock block) { lock (selLock) { Blockchange = SelectionBlockChange; RevertBlock(x, y, z); selMarks[selIndex] = new Vec3S32(x, y, z); if (selMarkCallback != null) { selMarkCallback(p, selMarks, selIndex, selState, block); } // Mark callback cancelled selection if (selCallback == null) { return; } selIndex++; if (selIndex == 1 && selTitle != null) { SendCpeMessage(CpeMessageType.BottomRight2, "Mark #1" + FormatSelectionMark(selMarks[0])); } else if (selIndex == 2 && selTitle != null) { SendCpeMessage(CpeMessageType.BottomRight1, "Mark #2" + FormatSelectionMark(selMarks[0])); } if (selIndex != selMarks.Length) { return; } string title = selTitle; object state = selState; SelectionMarkHandler markCallback = selMarkCallback; SelectionHandler callback = selCallback; ClearSelection(); if (!block.IsPhysicsType) { block = p.BlockBindings[block.RawID]; } bool canRepeat = callback(this, selMarks, state, block); if (canRepeat && staticCommands) { MakeSelection(selIndex, title, state, callback, markCallback); } } }
void LoadCoreProps() { for (int i = 0; i < Props.Length; i++) { ExtBlock block = ExtBlock.FromIndex(i); if (!HasCustomProps(block)) { Props[i] = BlockDefinition.DefaultProps(block); } else { Props[i] = BlockProps.MakeDefault(); } } }
internal static BlockProps DefaultProps(ExtBlock block) { if (block.IsPhysicsType) { return(Block.Props[block.Index]); } else if (!block.IsCustomType && GlobalDefs[block.RawID] == null) { return(Block.Props[block.RawID]); } else { return(GlobalProps[block.RawID]); } }
public string BlockName(ExtBlock block) { if (block.IsPhysicsType) { return(Block.Name(block.BlockID)); } BlockDefinition def = GetBlockDef(block); if (def != null) { return(def.Name.Replace(" ", "")); } return(block.BlockID != Block.custom_block ? Block.Name(block.BlockID) : block.ExtID.ToString()); }
bool DeleteBlock(ExtBlock old, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, ExtBlock block) { if (deleteMode) { return(ChangeBlock(x, y, z, ExtBlock.Air) == 2); } HandleDelete handler = level.deleteHandlers[old.Index]; if (handler != null) { handler(this, old, x, y, z); return(true); } return(ChangeBlock(x, y, z, ExtBlock.Air) == 2); }
internal bool ActivatesPhysics(ExtBlock block) { int i = block.Index; if (Props[i].IsMessageBlock || Props[i].IsPortal) { return(false); } if (Props[i].IsDoor || Props[i].IsTDoor) { return(false); } if (Props[i].OPBlock) { return(false); } return(physicsHandlers[i] != null); }
static void UpdateLoadedLevels(BlockDefinition[] oldGlobalDefs) { Level[] loaded = LevelInfo.Loaded.Items; foreach (Level lvl in loaded) { for (int i = 0; i < lvl.CustomBlockDefs.Length; i++) { if (lvl.CustomBlockDefs[i] != oldGlobalDefs[i]) { continue; } ExtBlock block = ExtBlock.FromRaw((byte)i); lvl.Props[block.Index] = DefaultProps(block); lvl.UpdateCustomBlock(block.RawID, GlobalDefs[i]); } } }
/// <summary> Updates the block at the given position, mainly intended for manual changes by the player. </summary> /// <remarks> Adds to the BlockDB. Also turns block below to grass/dirt depending on light. </remarks> /// <returns> Return code from DoBlockchange </returns> public int ChangeBlock(ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, ExtBlock block) { ExtBlock old = level.GetBlock(x, y, z); int type = level.DoBlockchange(this, x, y, z, block); if (type == 0) { return(type); // no change performed } if (type == 2) { Player.GlobalBlockchange(level, x, y, z, block); // different visually } ushort flags = BlockDBFlags.ManualPlace; if (painting && CollideType.IsSolid(level.CollideType(old))) { flags = BlockDBFlags.Painted; } level.BlockDB.Cache.Add(this, x, y, z, flags, old, block); bool autoGrass = level.Config.GrassGrow && (level.physics == 0 || level.physics == 5); if (!autoGrass) { return(type); } ExtBlock below = level.GetBlock(x, (ushort)(y - 1), z); ushort grassIdx = level.Props[below.Index].GrassIndex; if (grassIdx != Block.Invalid && block.BlockID == Block.Air) { level.Blockchange(this, x, (ushort)(y - 1), z, ExtBlock.FromIndex(grassIdx)); } ushort dirtIdx = level.Props[below.Index].DirtIndex; if (dirtIdx != Block.Invalid && !level.LightPasses(block)) { level.Blockchange(this, x, (ushort)(y - 1), z, ExtBlock.FromIndex(dirtIdx)); } return(type); }