/// <summary>
        /// Deletes a escaperoom in the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        public void Delete(int id)
            EscapeRoom er = new EscapeRoom()
                EscapeRoomID = id

        public void TestMethod1( )
            EscapeRoomServices ess    = new EscapeRoomServices();
            EmployeeCtr        empCtr = new EmployeeCtr();

            MAPMAClient.Model.EscapeRoom Es1 = new MAPMAClient.Model.EscapeRoom();
            MAPMAClient.Model.Employee   Em1 = empCtr.Get(1);
            Es1.Name         = "The Dark Room";
            Es1.Description  = "The Fors is Strong in the darkside";
            Es1.MaxClearTime = 180;
            Es1.CleanTime    = 90;
            Es1.Price        = 1200;
            Es1.Rating       = 0;
            Es1.Emp          = Em1;
            Es1.Image        = null;

            ess.CreateEscapeRoom(Es1.Name, Es1.Description, Es1.MaxClearTime, Es1.CleanTime, Es1.Price, Es1.Rating, Es1.Emp.EmployeeID, Es1.Image);

            List <MAPMAClient.Model.EscapeRoom> escapeRooms = new List <MAPMAClient.Model.EscapeRoom>();

            escapeRooms = ess.GetAllForOwner();
            bool found = false;
            int  i     = 0;

            MAPMAClient.Model.EscapeRoom EsR = new MAPMAClient.Model.EscapeRoom();

            while (i < escapeRooms.Count && !found)
                if (escapeRooms.ElementAt(i).Name.Equals(Es1.Name))
                    EsR   = escapeRooms.ElementAt(i);
                    found = true;


            if (EsR.EscapeRoomID != 0)
        public void TestBookRoomOwner()
            BookingCtr    bc  = new BookingCtr();
            CustomerCtr   cc  = new CustomerCtr();
            EscapeRoomCtr ec  = new EscapeRoomCtr();
            EmployeeCtr   emc = new EmployeeCtr();

            MAPMAClient.Model.Customer   cus = cc.Get("Anorak");
            MAPMAClient.Model.EscapeRoom er  = ec.GetForOwner(2);
            MAPMAClient.Model.Employee   em  = emc.Get(1);
            MAPMAClient.Model.Booking    hostBook;
            MAPMAClient.Model.Booking    book = new MAPMAClient.Model.Booking()
                AmountOfPeople = 7,
                BookingTime    = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay,
                Cus            = cus,
                Date           = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7.0).Date,
                Emp            = em,
                Er             = er
            MAPMAClient.Model.Booking bookWithoutTime = new MAPMAClient.Model.Booking()
                AmountOfPeople = 7,
                Cus            = cus,
                Date           = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7.0).Date,
                Emp            = em,
                Er             = er

            bc.Create(book.Emp, book.Cus, book.Er, book.BookingTime, book.AmountOfPeople, book.Date);
            hostBook = bc.Get(cus, er, book.Date);

            Assert.AreEqual(bookWithoutTime.Date, hostBook.Date);
            Assert.AreEqual(bookWithoutTime.Emp.EmployeeID, hostBook.Emp.EmployeeID);
            Assert.AreEqual(bookWithoutTime.Cus.Username, hostBook.Cus.Username);

            bc.Delete(cus, er, book.Date, book.Emp, book.AmountOfPeople, book.BookingTime);
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Constuctor for Booking with the following parameters
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="amountOfPeople"></param>
 /// <param name="date"></param>
 /// <param name="bookingTime"></param>
 /// <param name="cus"></param>
 /// <param name="er"></param>
 public Booking(int amountOfPeople, DateTime date, TimeSpan bookingTime, Customer cus, EscapeRoom er)
     this.AmountOfPeople = amountOfPeople;
     this.Date           = date;
     this.BookingTime    = bookingTime;
     this.Cus            = cus;
     this.Er             = er;
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Constuctor for Booking with the following parameters
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="amountOfPeople"></param>
 /// <param name="date"></param>
 /// <param name="bookingTime"></param>
 /// <param name="emp"></param>
 /// <param name="er"></param>
 public Booking(int amountOfPeople, DateTime date, TimeSpan bookingTime, Employee emp, EscapeRoom er)
     this.AmountOfPeople = amountOfPeople;
     this.Date           = date;
     this.BookingTime    = bookingTime;
     this.Emp            = emp;
     this.Er             = er;