public JobLog Delete(JobLog entity)
     using (_connection = Utilities.GetProfiledOpenConnection())
     return entity;
 public JobLog SaveOrUpdate(JobLog entity)
     using (_connection = Utilities.GetProfiledOpenConnection())
         if (entity.JobLogId > 0)
             entity.JobLogId = _connection.Update(entity);
             var insert = _connection.Insert(entity);
                 entity.JobLogId = (int)insert;
         return entity;
Exemple #3
        public void MorningMessage(object model, int id)
            var peopletoreceivemail = _userLogic.GetList(new { SendMail1 = true });
            var todayschoices = _restaurantOptionLogic.GetAndSaveOptions().ToList();
            var fromaddress = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("FromEmail");

            //send email to each person who is eligible
            foreach (var user in peopletoreceivemail)
                var baseurl = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("BaseURL");
                var link = string.Format("{0}?GUID={1}", baseurl, user.Guid);
                var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase);
                var template = File.ReadAllText(new Uri(path + "/Views/_MailTemplates/Morning.cshtml").AbsolutePath);
                var messagemodel = new MailDetails() { User = user, Restaurants = todayschoices, Url = link, BaseUrl = baseurl };

                string result = Razor.Parse(template, messagemodel);
                Helpers.SendMail(user.Email, fromaddress, "What's for Lunch - Message of the day", result);

                //add log
                var entity = new JobLog() { JobId = id, Category = "MorningMessage", Message = string.Format("Morning message sent to {0}", user.FullName) };
Exemple #4
        private void CreateWhereAreWeGoingJob()
            var job = new Job() { CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, MethodName = "WhereAreWeGoingMessage", ParametersJson = "{}", RunDate = Core.Helpers.AdjustTimeOffsetToUtc(DateTime.Today.AddHours(11).AddMinutes(15)) };
            var _jobLogic = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IJobLogic>();

            //add log
            var _jobLogLogic = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IJobLogLogic>();
            var entity = new JobLog() { JobId = 0, Category = "System", Message = "Create where are we going is over mail job" };
Exemple #5
 public void RunJob(string methodname, string parameters, int id)
     var calledType = Type.GetType("Lunch.Core.Jobs.Jobs");
     if (calledType != null)
         var methods = calledType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
         foreach (var method in methods)
             if (method.Name == methodname)
                 object jobsInstance = ObjectFactory.GetInstance(calledType);
                 calledType.InvokeMember(methodname, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod| BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, jobsInstance, new object[] { parameters, id });
         //add log
         var _jobLogLogic = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IJobLogLogic>();
         var entity = new JobLog() { JobId = 0, Category = "Error" , Message=string.Format("Running job {0} failed",methodname) };
        public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)

                //Check to see if today is a lunch day
                if (Core.Jobs.Helpers.IsLunchDate(Core.Helpers.AdjustTimeOffsetFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow)))
                    //add log
                    var _jobLogLogic = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IJobLogLogic>();
                    var entity = new JobLog() { JobId = 0, Category = "System", Message = "Running recurring job" };

                    var _jobLogic = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IJobLogic>();
                    var jobsfortoday =
                                 .Where(f => f.RunDate.ToShortDateString() == Core.Helpers.AdjustTimeOffsetFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow).ToShortDateString())

                    //Check to see if there are jobs in the db for today
                    //if not add jobs
                    if (jobsfortoday.Count == 0)
                        new Core.Jobs.Helpers().CreateJobs();

                        entity = new JobLog() { JobId = 0, Category = "System", Message = "Creating Jobs" };

                    //check to see if any tasks exist that need to run now
                    //run those jobs and log actions
                    //Todo: should create a logic method to get all that has not run
                    var jobstorun = _jobLogic.GetAll().Where(f => f.RunDate < DateTime.UtcNow && f.HasRun == false);

                    foreach (var job in jobstorun)
                        ObjectFactory.GetInstance<Core.Jobs.Helpers>().RunJob(job.MethodName, job.ParametersJson, job.Id);
                        job.HasRun = true;

                        entity = new JobLog()
                                         JobId = 0,
                                         Category = "System",
                                         Message = string.Format("Running Job {0}", job.MethodName)

            catch (Exception ex)
                var _jobLogLogic = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IJobLogLogic>();
                var entity = new JobLog()
                    JobId = 0,
                    Category = "Error",
                    Message = string.Format("Error in job execution: {0}", ex.Message)
Exemple #7
        public void VotingIsOverMessage(object model, int id)
            var peopletoreceivemail = _userLogic.GetList(new { SendMail2 = true });
            var todayschoices = _restaurantOptionLogic.GetAllByDate(null).OrderByDescending(f => f.Votes).Take(2).ToList();
            var fromaddress = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("FromEmail");
            var allvetos = _vetoLogic.GetAllActive().ToList();

            //send email to each person who is eligible
            foreach (var user in peopletoreceivemail)
                //abort sending this message if the current user has no veto powers
                if (allvetos.All(f => f.UserId != user.Id))

                var baseurl = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("BaseURL");
                var link = string.Format("{0}?GUID={1}", baseurl, user.Guid);

                var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase);
                var template = File.ReadAllText(new Uri(path + "/Views/_MailTemplates/VotingOver.cshtml").AbsolutePath);
                var messagemodel = new MailDetails() { User = user, Restaurants = todayschoices, Url = link, BaseUrl = baseurl };
                string result = Razor.Parse(template, messagemodel);
                Helpers.SendMail(user.Email, fromaddress, "What's for Lunch - Veto Option", result);

                //add log
                var entity = new JobLog() { JobId = id, Category = "VotingIsOverMessage", Message = string.Format("Voting is over message sent to {0}", user.FullName) };