public GameState loadGame(out int playerTurn)
     ludoBoard.loadSavedBoard(out playerTurn);
     GameState gameState = new GameState();
     Piece[][] pieces = (Piece[][]) ludoBoard.State["pieces"];
     return updateGameState(gameState, pieces);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that UI will call in order to get a status update
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameEvent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GameState parseEvent(GameEvent gameEvent)
            Colors playerID = gameEvent.Player;
            piece chosenPieceID = gameEvent.Piece;
            Piece[][] pieces = (Piece[][]) ludoBoard.State["pieces"];
            Piece chosenPiece = pieces[(int)playerID][chosenPieceID];
            dice dice = gameEvent.Dice;
            Player[] players = (Player[]) ludoBoard.State["players"];
            Player player = players[(int)playerID];
            GameState gameState = new GameState();
            bool isPieceActivated = false;

            Nest[] nests = (Nest[]) ludoBoard.State["nests"];

            Debug.Write("\nRules: Deciding action for player: " + player.PlayerID + ", with piece: " +
                        chosenPiece.PieceID + ", player rolled: " + dice);

            if (!chosenPiece.Active)
                isPieceActivated = tryActivate(playerID, dice, chosenPieceID);
                Debug.Write(String.Format("\nRules: Tried activating new piece: {0}", isPieceActivated));
                if (ludoBoard.Instruction != Instructions.CollisionWithSelf)
                    ludoBoard.Instruction = (isPieceActivated) ? Instructions.Introduce : Instructions.NotIntroduce;
                Debug.Write("\nRules: Trying to move piece.");
                bool hasPieceMoved = tryMove(chosenPiece, dice);
            Debug.WriteLine("\n Instruction = " + gameState.Instruction);
            return updateGameState(gameState, pieces);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// If there is a player with higher result than the others, make them the winner
        /// Otherwise, do nothing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameEvent"></param>
        /// <param name="winner"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private GameState decideStartingPlayer(GameEvent gameEvent)
            GameState gameState = new GameState();
            Colors winner;
            Dictionary<Colors, dice> diceResults = gameEvent.Dices;

            Debug.WriteLine("\ndiceResults check");
            // Create ordered List
            var orderedResults = diceResults.OrderBy(results => results.Value).ToList();
            // Check if there are two equally maximum results
            int last = orderedResults[numOfPlayers - 1].Value;
            int nextLast = orderedResults[numOfPlayers - 2].Value;
            bool isTie = (last == nextLast);

            if (isTie)
                Debug.WriteLine("\n it's a Tie");
                gameState.StartingPlayer = -1;
                winner = orderedResults[numOfPlayers - 1].Key;
                gameState.StartingPlayer = (int)winner;
                Debug.Write("\nWinner of round robin is: " + winner);
                ActiveGame = true;  // TODO: ???
            return gameState;
 private GameState updateGameState(GameState gameState, Piece[][] pieces)
     gameState.Pieces = exportPieces(pieces);
     gameState.Instruction = exportInstruction();
     return gameState;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports status to int[]-friendly API handling
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GameState ToArray()
            GameState gameState = new GameState();

            gameState.Nests = nestsToArray();
            gameState.Squares = squaresToArray(squares, numOfSquaresPerSide);
            gameState.ExitSquares = squaresToArray(exitSquares, numOfExitSquaresPerSide);
            return gameState;
 private void StartGame()
     ruleEngine = new RuleEngine();
     gameState = new GameState();
     gameEvent = new GameEvent();
     pieces = new List<Piece>();
     hasGameStarted = true;
     createTurnString(ref turn);
     PlayerTurn = turn;
     gameEvent.Player = LudoRules.Colors.Blue;
        /// <summary>
        /// When the "roll dice" button has been clicked - communicate with rule engine
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        void RollDiceAndHandleEvents(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (hasGameStarted)
                // Force player to choose the right piece
                if (!hasChosenPiece)
                else if (hasChosenPiece && (ChosenPieceColor != gameEvent.Player))
                // Piece now chosen,try rolling the dice
                    Dice newDice = new Dice();
                    int diceRoll = newDice.rollDice();
                    showDice("/images/dice" + diceRoll.ToString() + ".jpg");

                    // Let the rule engine do its magic and update the game state, then update GUI
                    gameState = parseNewEvent(diceRoll);

                    // Prepare next turn
                    gameEvent.Player = switchTurn();
                    createTurnString(ref turn);
                    PlayerTurn = turn;
        void LoadGame(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            int assignedTurn;

                gameState = ruleEngine.loadGame(out assignedTurn);
                gameEvent.Player = (LudoRules.Colors)assignedTurn;
                createTurnString(ref turn);
                PlayerTurn = turn;
            catch (Exception exception)
                Debug.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", exception);
        /// <summary>
        /// Update GUI bindings when rule engine changes the state of the pieces
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameState"></param>
        private void changePieces(GameState gameState)
            int x, y;
            int pieceIndexInNest = 0;

            foreach (var pieceInfo in gameState.Pieces)
                var piecePosition = pieceInfo[0];
                var pieceColor = pieceInfo[1];
                var pieceSteps = pieceInfo[2];

                if (piecePosition == -1) // in nest
                    x = nestPositions[pieceIndexInNest][0];
                    y = nestPositions[pieceIndexInNest][1];
                else if (piecePosition == 44 || pieceSteps == 44) // exited, nowhere
                    x = 0;
                    y = 0;
                    pieceImages[pieceIndexInNest].Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                else // in squares
                    int addPos = 0;

                    if (pieceSteps >= 40) // in exit squares
                        switch (pieceColor)
                            case (int) LudoRules.Colors.Blue:
                                addPos += 12;
                            case (int) LudoRules.Colors.Red:
                                addPos += 0;
                            case (int) LudoRules.Colors.Yellow:
                                addPos += 4;
                            case (int) LudoRules.Colors.Green:
                                addPos += 8;
                        x = squarePositions[pieceSteps + 1 + addPos][0];
                        y = squarePositions[pieceSteps + 1 + addPos][1];
                        x = squarePositions[piecePosition + 1 + addPos][0];
                        y = squarePositions[piecePosition + 1 + addPos][1];


                pieces[pieceIndexInNest].X = x;
                pieces[pieceIndexInNest].Y = y;
            // Change Property
            Pieces = pieces;