Exemple #1
		/// <summary>
		///Calculates the distance between two lat/lng's in miles or meters.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ll2">Second lat,lng position to calculate distance to.</param>
		/// <param name="lUnits">Units to calculate distance, defaults to miles</param>
		/// <returns>Returns the distance in meters or miles</returns>
		public double ArcDistance(LatLng ll2, DistanceUnits lUnits)
			LatLng ll1 = Normalize();
			ll2 = ll2.Normalize();

			double lat1 = ll1.GetLat(), lng1 = ll1.GetLng();
			double lat2 = ll2.GetLat(), lng2 = ll2.GetLng();

			// Check for same position
			if (lat1 == lat2 && lng1 == lng2)
				return 0.0;

			// Get the m_dLongitude difference. Don't need to worry about
			// crossing 180 since cos(x) = cos(-x)
			double dLon = lng2 - lng1;

			double a = Radians(90.0 - lat1);
			double c = Radians(90.0 - lat2);
			double cosB = (Math.Cos(a) * Math.Cos(c))
			              + (Math.Sin(a) * Math.Sin(c) * Math.Cos(Radians(dLon)));

			double radius = (lUnits == DistanceUnits.MILES) ? 3963.205 /* MILERADIUSOFEARTH */ : 6378.160187

			// Find angle subtended (with some bounds checking) in radians and
			// multiply by earth radius to find the arc distance
			if (cosB < -1.0) return MathHelper.PI * radius;

			if (cosB >= 1.0) return 0;

			return Math.Acos(cosB) * radius;
Exemple #2
		public FloatLatLng(LatLng ll)
			_lat = ll.GetLat();
			_lng = ll.GetLng();
Exemple #3
		public override LatLng CalculateMidpoint(LatLng other)
			return new FloatLatLng((_lat + other.GetLat()) / 2.0, (_lng + other.GetLng()) / 2.0);
Exemple #4
		public FixedLatLng(LatLng ll)
			_lat = ll.GetFixedLat();
			_lng = ll.GetFixedLng();
Exemple #5
		public override LatLng CalculateMidpoint(LatLng other)
			return new FixedLatLng((_lat + other.GetFixedLat())/2, (_lng + other.GetFixedLng())/2);
Exemple #6
		/// <summary>
		/// Calculates the distance between two lat/lng's in miles.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="latLng">The lat lng.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns the distance in miles</returns>
		public double ArcDistance(LatLng ll2)
			return ArcDistance(ll2, DistanceUnits.MILES);
Exemple #7
		/// <summary>
		/// Calculate the midpoint between this point an another.  Respects fixed vs floating point
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="other">The other.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public abstract LatLng CalculateMidpoint(LatLng other);
Exemple #8
 public FixedLatLng(LatLng ll)
     _lat = ll.GetFixedLat();
     _lng = ll.GetFixedLng();
Exemple #9
 public override LatLng CalculateMidpoint(LatLng other)
     return(new FixedLatLng((_lat + other.GetFixedLat()) / 2, (_lng + other.GetFixedLng()) / 2));