Exemple #1
        // Called by one node once it has reopened, to notify all
        // other nodes.  this is just a mock (since it goes and
        // directly updates all other nodes, in RAM)... in a real
        // env this would hit the wire, sending version &
        // collection stats to all other nodes:
        internal virtual void BroadcastNodeReopen(int nodeID, long version, IndexSearcher newSearcher)
            if (Verbose)
                Console.WriteLine("REOPEN: nodeID=" + nodeID + " version=" + version + " maxDoc=" + newSearcher.IndexReader.MaxDoc);

            // Broadcast new collection stats for this node to all
            // other nodes:
            foreach (string field in fieldsToShare)
                CollectionStatistics stats = newSearcher.CollectionStatistics(field);
                foreach (NodeState node in m_nodes)
                    // Don't put my own collection stats into the cache;
                    // we pull locally:
                    if (node.MyNodeID != nodeID)
                        node.collectionStatsCache[new FieldAndShardVersion(nodeID, version, field)] = stats;
            foreach (NodeState node in m_nodes)
                node.UpdateNodeVersion(nodeID, version);
Exemple #2
            internal SlowMinShouldMatchScorer(BooleanWeight weight, AtomicReader reader, IndexSearcher searcher)
                : base(weight)
                this.Dv     = reader.GetSortedSetDocValues("dv");
                this.MaxDoc = reader.MaxDoc;
                BooleanQuery bq = (BooleanQuery)weight.Query;

                this.MinNrShouldMatch = bq.MinimumNumberShouldMatch;
                this.Sims             = new SimScorer[(int)Dv.ValueCount];
                foreach (BooleanClause clause in bq.Clauses)
                    Term term = ((TermQuery)clause.Query).Term;
                    long ord  = Dv.LookupTerm(term.Bytes);
                    if (ord >= 0)
                        bool success = Ords.Add(ord);
                        Debug.Assert(success); // no dups
                        TermContext context = TermContext.Build(reader.Context, term);
                        SimWeight   w       = weight.Similarity.ComputeWeight(1f, searcher.CollectionStatistics("field"), searcher.TermStatistics(term, context));
                        var         dummy   = w.ValueForNormalization; // ignored
                        w.Normalize(1F, 1F);
                        Sims[(int)ord] = weight.Similarity.DoSimScorer(w, (AtomicReaderContext)reader.Context);
            public MultiPhraseWeight(MultiPhraseQuery outerInstance, IndexSearcher searcher)
                this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
                this.similarity    = searcher.Similarity;
                IndexReaderContext context = searcher.TopReaderContext;

                // compute idf
                var allTermStats = new List <TermStatistics>();

                foreach (Term[] terms in outerInstance.termArrays)
                    foreach (Term term in terms)
                        TermContext termContext;
                        termContexts.TryGetValue(term, out termContext);
                        if (termContext == null)
                            termContext        = TermContext.Build(context, term);
                            termContexts[term] = termContext;
                        allTermStats.Add(searcher.TermStatistics(term, termContext));
                stats = similarity.ComputeWeight(outerInstance.Boost, searcher.CollectionStatistics(outerInstance.field), allTermStats.ToArray());
Exemple #4
 public TermWeight(TermQuery outerInstance, IndexSearcher searcher, TermContext termStates)
     this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
     Debug.Assert(termStates != null, "TermContext must not be null");
     this.termStates = termStates;
     this.similarity = searcher.Similarity;
     this.stats      = similarity.ComputeWeight(outerInstance.Boost, searcher.CollectionStatistics(outerInstance.term.Field), searcher.TermStatistics(outerInstance.term, termStates));
Exemple #5
 public TermWeight(TermQuery outerInstance, IndexSearcher searcher, TermContext termStates)
     this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
     Debug.Assert(termStates != null, "TermContext must not be null");
     this.TermStates = termStates;
     this.Similarity = searcher.Similarity;
     this.Stats = Similarity.ComputeWeight(outerInstance.Boost, searcher.CollectionStatistics(outerInstance.Term_Renamed.Field()), searcher.TermStatistics(outerInstance.Term_Renamed, termStates));
Exemple #6
            public PhraseWeight(PhraseQuery outerInstance, IndexSearcher searcher)
                this.outerInstance = outerInstance;
                this.similarity    = searcher.Similarity;
                IndexReaderContext context = searcher.TopReaderContext;

                states = new TermContext[outerInstance.terms.Count];
                TermStatistics[] termStats = new TermStatistics[outerInstance.terms.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < outerInstance.terms.Count; i++)
                    Term term = outerInstance.terms[i];
                    states[i]    = TermContext.Build(context, term);
                    termStats[i] = searcher.TermStatistics(term, states[i]);
                stats = similarity.ComputeWeight(outerInstance.Boost, searcher.CollectionStatistics(outerInstance.field), termStats);
Exemple #7
        public SpanWeight(SpanQuery query, IndexSearcher searcher)
            this.Similarity = searcher.Similarity;
            this.query = query;

            TermContexts = new Dictionary<Term, TermContext>();
            SortedSet<Term> terms = new SortedSet<Term>();
            IndexReaderContext context = searcher.TopReaderContext;
            TermStatistics[] termStats = new TermStatistics[terms.Count];
            int i = 0;
            foreach (Term term in terms)
                TermContext state = TermContext.Build(context, term);
                termStats[i] = searcher.TermStatistics(term, state);
                TermContexts[term] = state;
            string field = query.Field;
            if (field != null)
                Stats = Similarity.ComputeWeight(query.Boost, searcher.CollectionStatistics(query.Field), termStats);
        // Called by one node once it has reopened, to notify all
        // other nodes.  this is just a mock (since it goes and
        // directly updates all other nodes, in RAM)... in a real
        // env this would hit the wire, sending version &
        // collection stats to all other nodes:
        internal virtual void BroadcastNodeReopen(int nodeID, long version, IndexSearcher newSearcher)
            if (VERBOSE)
                Console.WriteLine("REOPEN: nodeID=" + nodeID + " version=" + version + " maxDoc=" + newSearcher.IndexReader.MaxDoc);

            // Broadcast new collection stats for this node to all
            // other nodes:
            foreach (string field in FieldsToShare)
                CollectionStatistics stats = newSearcher.CollectionStatistics(field);
                foreach (NodeState node in Nodes)
                    // Don't put my own collection stats into the cache;
                    // we pull locally:
                    if (node.MyNodeID != nodeID)
                        node.CollectionStatsCache[new FieldAndShardVersion(nodeID, version, field)] = stats;
            foreach (NodeState node in Nodes)
                node.UpdateNodeVersion(nodeID, version);
 internal SlowMinShouldMatchScorer(BooleanWeight weight, AtomicReader reader, IndexSearcher searcher)
     : base(weight)
     this.Dv = reader.GetSortedSetDocValues("dv");
     this.MaxDoc = reader.MaxDoc;
     BooleanQuery bq = (BooleanQuery)weight.Query;
     this.MinNrShouldMatch = bq.MinimumNumberShouldMatch;
     this.Sims = new SimScorer[(int)Dv.ValueCount];
     foreach (BooleanClause clause in bq.Clauses)
         Term term = ((TermQuery)clause.Query).Term;
         long ord = Dv.LookupTerm(term.Bytes);
         if (ord >= 0)
             bool success = Ords.Add(ord);
             Debug.Assert(success); // no dups
             TermContext context = TermContext.Build(reader.Context, term);
             SimWeight w = weight.Similarity.ComputeWeight(1f, searcher.CollectionStatistics("field"), searcher.TermStatistics(term, context));
             var dummy = w.ValueForNormalization; // ignored
             w.Normalize(1F, 1F);
             Sims[(int)ord] = weight.Similarity.DoSimScorer(w, (AtomicReaderContext)reader.Context);