public DocFieldProcessorPerThread(DocumentsWriterThreadState threadState, DocFieldProcessor docFieldProcessor)
     this.docState = threadState.docState;
     this.docFieldProcessor = docFieldProcessor;
     this.fieldInfos = docFieldProcessor.fieldInfos;
     this.consumer = docFieldProcessor.consumer.addThread(this);
		internal FieldsWriter(IndexOutput fdx, IndexOutput fdt, FieldInfos fn)
			fieldInfos = fn;
			fieldsStream = fdt;
			indexStream = fdx;
			doClose = false;
        internal TermInfosReader(Directory dir, System.String seg, FieldInfos fis, int readBufferSize)
            bool success = false;

                directory = dir;
                segment = seg;
                fieldInfos = fis;

                origEnum = new SegmentTermEnum(directory.OpenInput(segment + "." + IndexFileNames.TERMS_EXTENSION, readBufferSize), fieldInfos, false);
                size = origEnum.size;
                totalIndexInterval = origEnum.indexInterval;

                indexEnum = new SegmentTermEnum(directory.OpenInput(segment + "." + IndexFileNames.TERMS_INDEX_EXTENSION, readBufferSize), fieldInfos, true);

                success = true;
                // With lock-less commits, it's entirely possible (and
                // fine) to hit a FileNotFound exception above. In
                // this case, we want to explicitly close any subset
                // of things that were opened so that we don't have to
                // wait for a GC to do so.
                if (!success)
        internal SegmentTermEnum(IndexInput i, FieldInfos fis, bool isi)
            input = i;
            fieldInfos = fis;
            isIndex = isi;
            maxSkipLevels = 1; // use single-level skip lists for formats > -3

            int firstInt = input.ReadInt();
            if (firstInt >= 0)
                // original-format file, without explicit format version number
                format = 0;
                size = firstInt;

                // back-compatible settings
                indexInterval = 128;
                skipInterval = System.Int32.MaxValue; // switch off skipTo optimization
                // we have a format version number
                format = firstInt;

                // check that it is a format we can understand
                if (format < TermInfosWriter.FORMAT_CURRENT)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("Unknown format version:" + format + " expected " + TermInfosWriter.FORMAT_CURRENT + " or higher");

                size = input.ReadLong(); // read the size

                if (format == - 1)
                    if (!isIndex)
                        indexInterval = input.ReadInt();
                        formatM1SkipInterval = input.ReadInt();
                    // switch off skipTo optimization for file format prior to 1.4rc2 in order to avoid a bug in
                    // skipTo implementation of these versions
                    skipInterval = System.Int32.MaxValue;
                    indexInterval = input.ReadInt();
                    skipInterval = input.ReadInt();
                    if (format <= TermInfosWriter.FORMAT)
                        // this new format introduces multi-level skipping
                        maxSkipLevels = input.ReadInt();
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(indexInterval > 0, "indexInterval=" + indexInterval + " is negative; must be > 0");
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(skipInterval > 0, "skipInterval=" + skipInterval + " is negative; must be > 0");
            if (format > TermInfosWriter.FORMAT_VERSION_UTF8_LENGTH_IN_BYTES)
Exemple #5
        public void Read(IndexInput input, FieldInfos fieldInfos)
            this.term = null; // invalidate cache
            int start = input.ReadVInt();
            int length = input.ReadVInt();
            int totalLength = start + length;
            if (preUTF8Strings)
                input.ReadChars(text.result, start, length);

                if (dirty)
                    // Fully convert all bytes since bytes is dirty
                    UnicodeUtil.UTF16toUTF8(text.result, 0, text.length, bytes);
                    input.ReadBytes(bytes.result, start, length);
                    UnicodeUtil.UTF8toUTF16(bytes.result, 0, totalLength, text);
                    dirty = false;
                    // Incrementally convert only the UTF8 bytes that are new:
                    input.ReadBytes(bytes.result, start, length);
                    UnicodeUtil.UTF8toUTF16(bytes.result, start, length, text);
            this.field = fieldInfos.FieldName(input.ReadVInt());
		internal FieldsWriter(Directory d, System.String segment, FieldInfos fn)
			fieldInfos = fn;
			fieldsStream = d.CreateOutput(segment + ".fdt");
			indexStream = d.CreateOutput(segment + ".fdx");
			doClose = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a {@code SegmentReadState}. </summary>
 public SegmentReadState(Directory dir, SegmentInfo info, FieldInfos fieldInfos, IOContext context, int termsIndexDivisor, string segmentSuffix)
     this.Directory = dir;
     this.SegmentInfo = info;
     this.FieldInfos = fieldInfos;
     this.Context = context;
     this.TermsIndexDivisor = termsIndexDivisor;
     this.SegmentSuffix = segmentSuffix;
		public DocFieldProcessorPerThread(DocumentsWriterThreadState threadState, DocFieldProcessor docFieldProcessor)
			this.docState = threadState.docState;
			this.docFieldProcessor = docFieldProcessor;
			this.fieldInfos = docFieldProcessor.fieldInfos;
			this.consumer = docFieldProcessor.consumer.AddThread(this);
			fieldsWriter = docFieldProcessor.fieldsWriter.AddThread(docState);
        public FieldsReader(Directory d, System.String segment, FieldInfos fn)
            fieldInfos = fn;

            fieldsStream = d.OpenInput(segment + ".fdt");
            indexStream = d.OpenInput(segment + ".fdx");

            size = (int) (indexStream.Length() / 8);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sole constructor. </summary>
        public CompressingTermVectorsReader(Directory d, SegmentInfo si, string segmentSuffix, FieldInfos fn, IOContext context, string formatName, CompressionMode compressionMode)
            this.compressionMode = compressionMode;
            string segment = si.Name;
            bool success = false;
            fieldInfos = fn;
            numDocs = si.DocCount;
            ChecksumIndexInput indexStream = null;
                // Load the index into memory
                string indexStreamFN = IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(segment, segmentSuffix, CompressingTermVectorsWriter.VECTORS_INDEX_EXTENSION);
                indexStream = d.OpenChecksumInput(indexStreamFN, context);
                string codecNameIdx = formatName + CompressingTermVectorsWriter.CODEC_SFX_IDX;
                version = CodecUtil.CheckHeader(indexStream, codecNameIdx, CompressingTermVectorsWriter.VERSION_START, CompressingTermVectorsWriter.VERSION_CURRENT);
                Debug.Assert(CodecUtil.HeaderLength(codecNameIdx) == indexStream.FilePointer);
                indexReader = new CompressingStoredFieldsIndexReader(indexStream, si);

                if (version >= CompressingTermVectorsWriter.VERSION_CHECKSUM)
                    indexStream.ReadVLong(); // the end of the data file
                indexStream = null;

                // Open the data file and read metadata
                string vectorsStreamFN = IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(segment, segmentSuffix, CompressingTermVectorsWriter.VECTORS_EXTENSION);
                vectorsStream = d.OpenInput(vectorsStreamFN, context);
                string codecNameDat = formatName + CompressingTermVectorsWriter.CODEC_SFX_DAT;
                int version2 = CodecUtil.CheckHeader(vectorsStream, codecNameDat, CompressingTermVectorsWriter.VERSION_START, CompressingTermVectorsWriter.VERSION_CURRENT);
                if (version != version2)
                    throw new Exception("Version mismatch between stored fields index and data: " + version + " != " + version2);
                Debug.Assert(CodecUtil.HeaderLength(codecNameDat) == vectorsStream.FilePointer);

                packedIntsVersion = vectorsStream.ReadVInt();
                chunkSize = vectorsStream.ReadVInt();
                decompressor = compressionMode.NewDecompressor();
                this.reader = new BlockPackedReaderIterator(vectorsStream, packedIntsVersion, CompressingTermVectorsWriter.BLOCK_SIZE, 0);

                success = true;
                if (!success)
                    IOUtils.CloseWhileHandlingException(this, indexStream);
		public void  Read(IndexInput input, FieldInfos fieldInfos)
			this.term = null; // invalidate cache
			int start = input.ReadVInt();
			int length = input.ReadVInt();
			int totalLength = start + length;
			input.ReadChars(this.text, start, length);
			this.field = fieldInfos.FieldName(input.ReadVInt());
Exemple #12
		public void  AddDocument(System.String segment, Document doc)
			// write field names
			fieldInfos = new FieldInfos();
			fieldInfos.Write(directory, segment + ".fnm");
			// write field values
			FieldsWriter fieldsWriter = new FieldsWriter(directory, segment, fieldInfos);
			// invert doc into postingTable
			postingTable.Clear(); // clear postingTable
			fieldLengths = new int[fieldInfos.Size()]; // init fieldLengths
			fieldPositions = new int[fieldInfos.Size()]; // init fieldPositions
			fieldOffsets = new int[fieldInfos.Size()]; // init fieldOffsets
			fieldBoosts = new float[fieldInfos.Size()]; // init fieldBoosts
			float boost = doc.GetBoost();
			for (int i = 0; i < fieldBoosts.Length; i++)
				fieldBoosts[i] = boost;
			// sort postingTable into an array
			Posting[] postings = SortPostingTable();
			for (int i = 0; i < postings.length; i++) {
			Posting posting = postings[i];
			System.out.print(" freq=" + posting.freq);
			System.out.print(" pos=");
			for (int j = 1; j < posting.freq; j++)
			System.out.print("," + posting.positions[j]);
			// write postings
			WritePostings(postings, segment);
			// write norms of indexed fields
		public /*internal*/ TermInfosReader(Directory dir, System.String seg, FieldInfos fis)
			directory = dir;
			segment = seg;
			fieldInfos = fis;
			origEnum = new SegmentTermEnum(directory.OpenInput(segment + ".tis"), fieldInfos, false);
			size = origEnum.size;
			indexEnum = new SegmentTermEnum(directory.OpenInput(segment + ".tii"), fieldInfos, true);
Exemple #14
		private void  Initialize(Directory directory, System.String segment, FieldInfos fis, int interval, bool isi)
			indexInterval = interval;
			fieldInfos = fis;
			isIndex = isi;
			output = directory.CreateOutput(segment + (isIndex ? ".tii" : ".tis"));
			output.WriteInt(FORMAT); // write format
			output.WriteLong(0); // leave space for size
			output.WriteInt(indexInterval); // write indexInterval
			output.WriteInt(skipInterval); // write skipInterval
		public override void SetUp()
			fieldInfos = new FieldInfos();
			IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, new WhitespaceAnalyzer(), true);
			segmentName = writer.NewestSegment().name;
        public TermVectorsWriter(Directory directory, System.String segment, FieldInfos fieldInfos)
            // Open files for TermVector storage
            tvx = directory.CreateOutput(segment + "." + IndexFileNames.VECTORS_INDEX_EXTENSION);
            tvd = directory.CreateOutput(segment + "." + IndexFileNames.VECTORS_DOCUMENTS_EXTENSION);
            tvf = directory.CreateOutput(segment + "." + IndexFileNames.VECTORS_FIELDS_EXTENSION);

            this.fieldInfos = fieldInfos;
		/// <summary> Returns a deep clone of this FieldInfos instance.</summary>
		public System.Object Clone()
			FieldInfos fis = new FieldInfos();
			int numField = byNumber.Count;
			for (int i = 0; i < numField; i++)
				FieldInfo fi = (FieldInfo) ((FieldInfo) byNumber[i]).Clone();
				fis.byName[] = fi;
			return fis;
		// Used only by clone
		private FieldsReader(FieldInfos fieldInfos, int numTotalDocs, int size, int format, int formatSize, int docStoreOffset, IndexInput cloneableFieldsStream, IndexInput cloneableIndexStream)
			this.fieldInfos = fieldInfos;
			this.numTotalDocs = numTotalDocs;
			this.size = size;
			this.format = format;
			this.formatSize = formatSize;
			this.docStoreOffset = docStoreOffset;
			this.cloneableFieldsStream = cloneableFieldsStream;
			this.cloneableIndexStream = cloneableIndexStream;
			fieldsStream = (IndexInput) cloneableFieldsStream.Clone();
			indexStream = (IndexInput) cloneableIndexStream.Clone();
        public TermVectorsWriter(Directory directory, System.String segment, FieldInfos fieldInfos)
            // Open files for TermVector storage
            tvx = directory.CreateOutput(segment + TVX_EXTENSION);
            tvd = directory.CreateOutput(segment + TVD_EXTENSION);
            tvf = directory.CreateOutput(segment + TVF_EXTENSION);

            this.fieldInfos = fieldInfos;
            fields = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(fieldInfos.Size()));
            terms = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10));
 // used by clone
 private CompressingTermVectorsReader(CompressingTermVectorsReader reader)
     this.fieldInfos = reader.fieldInfos;
     this.vectorsStream = (IndexInput)reader.vectorsStream.Clone();
     this.indexReader = (CompressingStoredFieldsIndexReader)reader.indexReader.Clone();
     this.packedIntsVersion = reader.packedIntsVersion;
     this.compressionMode = reader.compressionMode;
     this.decompressor = (Decompressor)reader.decompressor.Clone();
     this.chunkSize = reader.chunkSize;
     this.numDocs = reader.numDocs;
     this.reader = new BlockPackedReaderIterator(vectorsStream, packedIntsVersion, CompressingTermVectorsWriter.BLOCK_SIZE, 0);
     this.version = reader.version;
     this.closed = false;
        public TermVectorsReader(Directory d, System.String segment, FieldInfos fieldInfos)
            if (d.FileExists(segment + TermVectorsWriter.TVX_EXTENSION))
                tvx = d.OpenInput(segment + TermVectorsWriter.TVX_EXTENSION);
                tvd = d.OpenInput(segment + TermVectorsWriter.TVD_EXTENSION);
                tvdFormat = CheckValidFormat(tvd);
                tvf = d.OpenInput(segment + TermVectorsWriter.TVF_EXTENSION);
                tvfFormat = CheckValidFormat(tvf);
                size = (int) tvx.Length() / 8;

            this.fieldInfos = fieldInfos;
 // used by clone
 private CompressingStoredFieldsReader(CompressingStoredFieldsReader reader)
     this.Version_Renamed = reader.Version_Renamed;
     this.FieldInfos = reader.FieldInfos;
     this.FieldsStream = (IndexInput)reader.FieldsStream.Clone();
     this.IndexReader = (CompressingStoredFieldsIndexReader)reader.IndexReader.Clone();
     this.MaxPointer = reader.MaxPointer;
     this.ChunkSize_Renamed = reader.ChunkSize_Renamed;
     this.PackedIntsVersion = reader.PackedIntsVersion;
     this.CompressionMode_Renamed = reader.CompressionMode_Renamed;
     this.Decompressor = (Decompressor)reader.Decompressor.Clone();
     this.NumDocs = reader.NumDocs;
     this.Bytes = new BytesRef(reader.Bytes.Bytes.Length);
     this.Closed = false;
Exemple #23
		public virtual void  Test()
			//Positive test of FieldInfos
			Assert.IsTrue(testDoc != null);
			FieldInfos fieldInfos = new FieldInfos();
			//Since the complement is stored as well in the fields map
			Assert.IsTrue(fieldInfos.Size() == DocHelper.all.Count); //this is all b/c we are using the no-arg constructor
			RAMDirectory dir = new RAMDirectory();
			System.String name = "testFile";
			IndexOutput output = dir.CreateOutput(name);
			Assert.IsTrue(output != null);
			//Use a RAMOutputStream
				Assert.IsTrue(output.Length() > 0);
				FieldInfos readIn = new FieldInfos(dir, name);
				Assert.IsTrue(fieldInfos.Size() == readIn.Size());
				FieldInfo info = readIn.FieldInfo("textField1");
				Assert.IsTrue(info != null);
				Assert.IsTrue(info.storeTermVector_ForNUnit == false);
				Assert.IsTrue(info.omitNorms_ForNUnit == false);
				info = readIn.FieldInfo("textField2");
				Assert.IsTrue(info != null);
				Assert.IsTrue(info.storeTermVector_ForNUnit == true);
				Assert.IsTrue(info.omitNorms_ForNUnit == false);
				info = readIn.FieldInfo("textField3");
				Assert.IsTrue(info != null);
				Assert.IsTrue(info.storeTermVector_ForNUnit == false);
				Assert.IsTrue(info.omitNorms_ForNUnit == true);
				info = readIn.FieldInfo("omitNorms");
				Assert.IsTrue(info != null);
				Assert.IsTrue(info.storeTermVector_ForNUnit == false);
				Assert.IsTrue(info.omitNorms_ForNUnit == true);
			catch (System.IO.IOException e)
Exemple #24
		protected virtual void  SetUp()
			fieldInfos = new FieldInfos();
			DocumentWriter writer = new DocumentWriter(dir, new WhitespaceAnalyzer(), Similarity.GetDefault(), 50);
			Assert.IsTrue(writer != null);
				writer.AddDocument("test", testDoc);
			catch (System.IO.IOException e)
Exemple #25
		internal SegmentTermEnum(IndexInput i, FieldInfos fis, bool isi)
			input = i;
			fieldInfos = fis;
			isIndex = isi;
			int firstInt = input.ReadInt();
			if (firstInt >= 0)
				// original-format file, without explicit format version number
				format = 0;
				size = firstInt;
				// back-compatible settings
				indexInterval = 128;
				skipInterval = System.Int32.MaxValue; // switch off skipTo optimization
				// we have a format version number
				format = firstInt;
				// check that it is a format we can understand
				if (format < TermInfosWriter.FORMAT)
					throw new System.IO.IOException("Unknown format version:" + format);
				size = input.ReadLong(); // read the size
				if (format == - 1)
					if (!isIndex)
						indexInterval = input.ReadInt();
						formatM1SkipInterval = input.ReadInt();
					// switch off skipTo optimization for file format prior to 1.4rc2 in order to avoid a bug in 
					// skipTo implementation of these versions
					skipInterval = System.Int32.MaxValue;
					indexInterval = input.ReadInt();
					skipInterval = input.ReadInt();
		internal TermVectorsReader(Directory d, System.String segment, FieldInfos fieldInfos, int readBufferSize, int docStoreOffset, int size)
			bool success = false;
				if (d.FileExists(segment + "." + IndexFileNames.VECTORS_INDEX_EXTENSION))
					tvx = d.OpenInput(segment + "." + IndexFileNames.VECTORS_INDEX_EXTENSION, readBufferSize);
					tvd = d.OpenInput(segment + "." + IndexFileNames.VECTORS_DOCUMENTS_EXTENSION, readBufferSize);
					tvdFormat = CheckValidFormat(tvd);
					tvf = d.OpenInput(segment + "." + IndexFileNames.VECTORS_FIELDS_EXTENSION, readBufferSize);
					tvfFormat = CheckValidFormat(tvf);
					if (- 1 == docStoreOffset)
						this.docStoreOffset = 0;
						this.size = (int) (tvx.Length() >> 3);
						this.docStoreOffset = docStoreOffset;
						this.size = size;
						// Verify the file is long enough to hold all of our
						// docs
						System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(((int) (tvx.Length() / 8)) >= size + docStoreOffset);
				this.fieldInfos = fieldInfos;
				success = true;
				// With lock-less commits, it's entirely possible (and
				// fine) to hit a FileNotFound exception above. In
				// this case, we want to explicitly close any subset
				// of things that were opened so that we don't have to
				// wait for a GC to do so.
				if (!success)
Exemple #27
 // note, just like in codec apis Directory 'dir' is NOT the same as segmentInfo.dir!!
 public SegmentMerger(IList<AtomicReader> readers, SegmentInfo segmentInfo, InfoStream infoStream, Directory dir, int termIndexInterval, MergeState.CheckAbort checkAbort, FieldInfos.FieldNumbers fieldNumbers, IOContext context, bool validate)
     // validate incoming readers
     if (validate)
         foreach (AtomicReader reader in readers)
     MergeState = new MergeState(readers, segmentInfo, infoStream, checkAbort);
     Directory = dir;
     this.TermIndexInterval = termIndexInterval;
     this.Codec = segmentInfo.Codec;
     this.Context = context;
     this.FieldInfosBuilder = new FieldInfos.Builder(fieldNumbers);
     MergeState.SegmentInfo.DocCount = SetDocMaps();
		internal FieldsReader(Directory d, System.String segment, FieldInfos fn, int readBufferSize, int docStoreOffset, int size)
			bool success = false;
				fieldInfos = fn;
				cloneableFieldsStream = d.OpenInput(segment + ".fdt", readBufferSize);
				fieldsStream = (IndexInput) cloneableFieldsStream.Clone();
				indexStream = d.OpenInput(segment + ".fdx", readBufferSize);
				if (docStoreOffset != - 1)
					// We read only a slice out of this shared fields file
					this.docStoreOffset = docStoreOffset;
					this.size = size;
					// Verify the file is long enough to hold all of our
					// docs
					System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(((int)(indexStream.Length() / 8)) >= size + this.docStoreOffset);
					this.docStoreOffset = 0;
					this.size = (int) (indexStream.Length() >> 3);
				numTotalDocs = (int) (indexStream.Length() >> 3);
				success = true;
				// With lock-less commits, it's entirely possible (and
				// fine) to hit a FileNotFound exception above. In
				// this case, we want to explicitly close any subset
				// of things that were opened so that we don't have to
				// wait for a GC to do so.
				if (!success)
		public FormatPostingsFieldsWriter(SegmentWriteState state, FieldInfos fieldInfos):base()
			dir =;
			segment = state.segmentName;
			totalNumDocs = state.numDocs;
			this.fieldInfos = fieldInfos;
			termsOut = new TermInfosWriter(dir, segment, fieldInfos, state.termIndexInterval);
			// TODO: this is a nasty abstraction violation (that we
			// peek down to find freqOut/proxOut) -- we need a
			// better abstraction here whereby these child consumers
			// can provide skip data or not
			skipListWriter = new DefaultSkipListWriter(termsOut.skipInterval, termsOut.maxSkipLevels, totalNumDocs, null, null);
			SupportClass.CollectionsHelper.AddIfNotContains(state.flushedFiles, state.SegmentFileName(IndexFileNames.TERMS_EXTENSION));
			SupportClass.CollectionsHelper.AddIfNotContains(state.flushedFiles, state.SegmentFileName(IndexFileNames.TERMS_INDEX_EXTENSION));
			termsWriter = new FormatPostingsTermsWriter(state, this);
        // public static boolean DEBUG = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sole constructor. </summary>
        public Lucene41PostingsReader(Directory dir, FieldInfos fieldInfos, SegmentInfo segmentInfo, IOContext ioContext, string segmentSuffix)
            bool success = false;
            IndexInput docIn = null;
            IndexInput posIn = null;
            IndexInput payIn = null;
                docIn = dir.OpenInput(IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(segmentInfo.Name, segmentSuffix, Lucene41PostingsFormat.DOC_EXTENSION), ioContext);
                Version = CodecUtil.CheckHeader(docIn, Lucene41PostingsWriter.DOC_CODEC, Lucene41PostingsWriter.VERSION_START, Lucene41PostingsWriter.VERSION_CURRENT);
                forUtil = new ForUtil(docIn);

                if (fieldInfos.HasProx())
                    posIn = dir.OpenInput(IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(segmentInfo.Name, segmentSuffix, Lucene41PostingsFormat.POS_EXTENSION), ioContext);
                    CodecUtil.CheckHeader(posIn, Lucene41PostingsWriter.POS_CODEC, Version, Version);

                    if (fieldInfos.HasPayloads() || fieldInfos.HasOffsets())
                        payIn = dir.OpenInput(IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(segmentInfo.Name, segmentSuffix, Lucene41PostingsFormat.PAY_EXTENSION), ioContext);
                        CodecUtil.CheckHeader(payIn, Lucene41PostingsWriter.PAY_CODEC, Version, Version);

                this.DocIn = docIn;
                this.PosIn = posIn;
                this.PayIn = payIn;
                success = true;
                if (!success)
                    IOUtils.CloseWhileHandlingException(docIn, posIn, payIn);
Exemple #31
        public virtual void TestPayloadFieldBit()
            Directory       ram      = NewDirectory();
            PayloadAnalyzer analyzer = new PayloadAnalyzer();
            IndexWriter     writer   = new IndexWriter(ram, NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, analyzer));
            Document        d        = new Document();

            // this field won't have any payloads
            d.Add(NewTextField("f1", "this field has no payloads", Field.Store.NO));
            // this field will have payloads in all docs, however not for all term positions,
            // so this field is used to check if the DocumentWriter correctly enables the payloads bit
            // even if only some term positions have payloads
            d.Add(NewTextField("f2", "this field has payloads in all docs", Field.Store.NO));
            d.Add(NewTextField("f2", "this field has payloads in all docs NO PAYLOAD", Field.Store.NO));
            // this field is used to verify if the SegmentMerger enables payloads for a field if it has payloads
            // enabled in only some documents
            d.Add(NewTextField("f3", "this field has payloads in some docs", Field.Store.NO));
            // only add payload data for field f2
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
            analyzer.SetPayloadData("f2", "somedata".GetBytes(IOUtils.CHARSET_UTF_8), 0, 1);
#pragma warning restore 612, 618
            // flush

            SegmentReader reader = GetOnlySegmentReader(DirectoryReader.Open(ram));
            FieldInfos    fi     = reader.FieldInfos;
            Assert.IsFalse(fi.FieldInfo("f1").HasPayloads, "Payload field bit should not be set.");
            Assert.IsTrue(fi.FieldInfo("f2").HasPayloads, "Payload field bit should be set.");
            Assert.IsFalse(fi.FieldInfo("f3").HasPayloads, "Payload field bit should not be set.");

            // now we add another document which has payloads for field f3 and verify if the SegmentMerger
            // enabled payloads for that field
            analyzer = new PayloadAnalyzer(); // Clear payload state for each field
            writer   = new IndexWriter(ram, NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, analyzer).SetOpenMode(OpenMode.CREATE));
            d        = new Document();
            d.Add(NewTextField("f1", "this field has no payloads", Field.Store.NO));
            d.Add(NewTextField("f2", "this field has payloads in all docs", Field.Store.NO));
            d.Add(NewTextField("f2", "this field has payloads in all docs", Field.Store.NO));
            d.Add(NewTextField("f3", "this field has payloads in some docs", Field.Store.NO));
            // add payload data for field f2 and f3
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
            analyzer.SetPayloadData("f2", "somedata".GetBytes(IOUtils.CHARSET_UTF_8), 0, 1);
            analyzer.SetPayloadData("f3", "somedata".GetBytes(IOUtils.CHARSET_UTF_8), 0, 3);
#pragma warning restore 612, 618

            // force merge
            // flush

            reader = GetOnlySegmentReader(DirectoryReader.Open(ram));
            fi     = reader.FieldInfos;
            Assert.IsFalse(fi.FieldInfo("f1").HasPayloads, "Payload field bit should not be set.");
            Assert.IsTrue(fi.FieldInfo("f2").HasPayloads, "Payload field bit should be set.");
            Assert.IsTrue(fi.FieldInfo("f3").HasPayloads, "Payload field bit should be set.");
Exemple #32
        public virtual void TestFixedPostings()
            const int NUM_TERMS = 100;

            TermData[] terms = new TermData[NUM_TERMS];
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TERMS; i++)
                int[]  docs = new int[] { i };
                string text = Convert.ToString(i);
                terms[i] = new TermData(this, text, docs, null);

            FieldInfos.Builder builder = new FieldInfos.Builder();

            FieldData field = new FieldData(this, "field", builder, terms, true, false);

            FieldData[] fields     = new FieldData[] { field };
            FieldInfos  fieldInfos = builder.Finish();
            Directory   dir        = NewDirectory();

            this.Write(fieldInfos, dir, fields, true);
            Codec       codec = Codec.Default;
            SegmentInfo si    = new SegmentInfo(dir, Constants.LUCENE_MAIN_VERSION, SEGMENT, 10000, false, codec, null);

            FieldsProducer reader = codec.PostingsFormat().FieldsProducer(new SegmentReadState(dir, si, fieldInfos, NewIOContext(Random()), DirectoryReader.DEFAULT_TERMS_INDEX_DIVISOR));

            IEnumerator <string> fieldsEnum = reader.GetEnumerator();

            string fieldName = fieldsEnum.Current;

            Terms terms2 = reader.Terms(fieldName);


            TermsEnum termsEnum = terms2.Iterator(null);

            DocsEnum docsEnum = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TERMS; i++)
                BytesRef term = termsEnum.Next();
                Assert.AreEqual(terms[i].Text2, term.Utf8ToString());

                // do this twice to stress test the codec's reuse, ie,
                // make sure it properly fully resets (rewinds) its
                // internal state:
                for (int iter = 0; iter < 2; iter++)
                    docsEnum = TestUtil.Docs(Random(), termsEnum, null, docsEnum, DocsEnum.FLAG_NONE);
                    Assert.AreEqual(terms[i].Docs[0], docsEnum.NextDoc());
                    Assert.AreEqual(DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS, docsEnum.NextDoc());

            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TERMS; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(termsEnum.SeekCeil(new BytesRef(terms[i].Text2)), TermsEnum.SeekStatus.FOUND);

 internal override void  SetFieldInfos(FieldInfos fieldInfos)
Exemple #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Expert: create a <see cref="ParallelAtomicReader"/> based on the provided
        /// <paramref name="readers"/> and <paramref name="storedFieldsReaders"/>; when a document is
        /// loaded, only <paramref name="storedFieldsReaders"/> will be used.
        /// </summary>
        public ParallelAtomicReader(bool closeSubReaders, AtomicReader[] readers, AtomicReader[] storedFieldsReaders)
            this.closeSubReaders = closeSubReaders;
            if (readers.Length == 0 && storedFieldsReaders.Length > 0)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("There must be at least one main reader if storedFieldsReaders are used.");
            this.parallelReaders     = (AtomicReader[])readers.Clone();
            this.storedFieldsReaders = (AtomicReader[])storedFieldsReaders.Clone();
            if (parallelReaders.Length > 0)
                AtomicReader first = parallelReaders[0];
                this.maxDoc       = first.MaxDoc;
                this.numDocs      = first.NumDocs;
                this.hasDeletions = first.HasDeletions;
                this.maxDoc       = this.numDocs = 0;
                this.hasDeletions = false;
            Collections.AddAll(completeReaderSet, this.parallelReaders);
            Collections.AddAll(completeReaderSet, this.storedFieldsReaders);

            // check compatibility:
            foreach (AtomicReader reader in completeReaderSet)
                if (reader.MaxDoc != maxDoc)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("All readers must have same MaxDoc: " + maxDoc + "!=" + reader.MaxDoc);

            // TODO: make this read-only in a cleaner way?
            FieldInfos.Builder builder = new FieldInfos.Builder();
            // build FieldInfos and fieldToReader map:
            foreach (AtomicReader reader in this.parallelReaders)
                FieldInfos readerFieldInfos = reader.FieldInfos;
                foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in readerFieldInfos)
                    // NOTE: first reader having a given field "wins":
                    if (!fieldToReader.ContainsKey(fieldInfo.Name))
                        fieldToReader[fieldInfo.Name] = reader;
                        if (fieldInfo.HasVectors)
                            tvFieldToReader[fieldInfo.Name] = reader;
            fieldInfos = builder.Finish();

            // build Fields instance
            foreach (AtomicReader reader in this.parallelReaders)
                Fields readerFields = reader.Fields;
                if (readerFields != null)
                    foreach (string field in readerFields)
                        // only add if the reader responsible for that field name is the current:
                        if (fieldToReader[field].Equals(reader))
                            this.fields.AddField(field, readerFields.GetTerms(field));

            // do this finally so any Exceptions occurred before don't affect refcounts:
            foreach (AtomicReader reader in completeReaderSet)
                if (!closeSubReaders)
Exemple #35
        public virtual void TestFieldNumberGaps()
            int numIters = AtLeast(13);

            for (int i = 0; i < numIters; i++)
                Directory dir = NewDirectory();
                    IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random())).SetMergePolicy(NoMergePolicy.NO_COMPOUND_FILES));
                    Document    d      = new Document();
                    d.Add(new TextField("f1", "d1 first field", Field.Store.YES));
                    d.Add(new TextField("f2", "d1 second field", Field.Store.YES));
                    SegmentInfos sis = new SegmentInfos();
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, sis.Size());
                    FieldInfos fis1 = SegmentReader.ReadFieldInfos(sis.Info(0));
                    Assert.AreEqual("f1", fis1.FieldInfo(0).Name);
                    Assert.AreEqual("f2", fis1.FieldInfo(1).Name);

                    IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random())).SetMergePolicy(Random().NextBoolean() ? NoMergePolicy.NO_COMPOUND_FILES : NoMergePolicy.COMPOUND_FILES));
                    Document    d      = new Document();
                    d.Add(new TextField("f1", "d2 first field", Field.Store.YES));
                    d.Add(new StoredField("f3", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }));
                    SegmentInfos sis = new SegmentInfos();
                    Assert.AreEqual(2, sis.Size());
                    FieldInfos fis1 = SegmentReader.ReadFieldInfos(sis.Info(0));
                    FieldInfos fis2 = SegmentReader.ReadFieldInfos(sis.Info(1));
                    Assert.AreEqual("f1", fis1.FieldInfo(0).Name);
                    Assert.AreEqual("f2", fis1.FieldInfo(1).Name);
                    Assert.AreEqual("f1", fis2.FieldInfo(0).Name);
                    Assert.AreEqual("f3", fis2.FieldInfo(2).Name);

                    IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random())).SetMergePolicy(Random().NextBoolean() ? NoMergePolicy.NO_COMPOUND_FILES : NoMergePolicy.COMPOUND_FILES));
                    Document    d      = new Document();
                    d.Add(new TextField("f1", "d3 first field", Field.Store.YES));
                    d.Add(new TextField("f2", "d3 second field", Field.Store.YES));
                    d.Add(new StoredField("f3", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }));
                    SegmentInfos sis = new SegmentInfos();
                    Assert.AreEqual(3, sis.Size());
                    FieldInfos fis1 = SegmentReader.ReadFieldInfos(sis.Info(0));
                    FieldInfos fis2 = SegmentReader.ReadFieldInfos(sis.Info(1));
                    FieldInfos fis3 = SegmentReader.ReadFieldInfos(sis.Info(2));
                    Assert.AreEqual("f1", fis1.FieldInfo(0).Name);
                    Assert.AreEqual("f2", fis1.FieldInfo(1).Name);
                    Assert.AreEqual("f1", fis2.FieldInfo(0).Name);
                    Assert.AreEqual("f3", fis2.FieldInfo(2).Name);
                    Assert.AreEqual("f1", fis3.FieldInfo(0).Name);
                    Assert.AreEqual("f2", fis3.FieldInfo(1).Name);
                    Assert.AreEqual("f3", fis3.FieldInfo(2).Name);

                    IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random())).SetMergePolicy(Random().NextBoolean() ? NoMergePolicy.NO_COMPOUND_FILES : NoMergePolicy.COMPOUND_FILES));
                    writer.DeleteDocuments(new Term("f1", "d1"));
                    // nuke the first segment entirely so that the segment with gaps is
                    // loaded first!

                IndexWriter writer_ = new IndexWriter(dir, NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random())).SetMergePolicy(new LogByteSizeMergePolicy()).SetInfoStream(new FailOnNonBulkMergesInfoStream()));

                SegmentInfos sis_ = new SegmentInfos();
                Assert.AreEqual(1, sis_.Size());
                FieldInfos fis1_ = SegmentReader.ReadFieldInfos(sis_.Info(0));
                Assert.AreEqual("f1", fis1_.FieldInfo(0).Name);
                Assert.AreEqual("f2", fis1_.FieldInfo(1).Name);
                Assert.AreEqual("f3", fis1_.FieldInfo(2).Name);
 internal virtual void  SetFieldInfos(FieldInfos fieldInfos)
     this.fieldInfos = fieldInfos;
Exemple #37
 internal override void setFieldInfos(FieldInfos fieldInfos)
Exemple #38
        internal SegmentCoreReaders(SegmentReader owner, Directory dir, SegmentCommitInfo si, IOContext context, int termsIndexDivisor)
            fieldsReaderLocal = new DisposableThreadLocal <StoredFieldsReader>(()
                                                                               => (StoredFieldsReader)fieldsReaderOrig.Clone());
            termVectorsLocal = new DisposableThreadLocal <TermVectorsReader>(()
                                                                             => (termVectorsReaderOrig == null) ? null : (TermVectorsReader)termVectorsReaderOrig.Clone());

            if (termsIndexDivisor == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("indexDivisor must be < 0 (don't load terms index) or greater than 0 (got 0)");

            Codec     codec = si.Info.Codec;
            Directory cfsDir; // confusing name: if (cfs) its the cfsdir, otherwise its the segment's directory.

            bool success = false;

                if (si.Info.UseCompoundFile)
                    cfsDir = cfsReader = new CompoundFileDirectory(dir, IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(si.Info.Name, "", IndexFileNames.COMPOUND_FILE_EXTENSION), context, false);
                    cfsReader = null;
                    cfsDir    = dir;

                FieldInfos fieldInfos = owner.FieldInfos;

                this.termsIndexDivisor = termsIndexDivisor;
                PostingsFormat   format           = codec.PostingsFormat;
                SegmentReadState segmentReadState = new SegmentReadState(cfsDir, si.Info, fieldInfos, context, termsIndexDivisor);
                // Ask codec for its Fields
                fields = format.FieldsProducer(segmentReadState);
                if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                    Debugging.Assert(fields != null);
                // ask codec for its Norms:
                // TODO: since we don't write any norms file if there are no norms,
                // kinda jaky to assume the codec handles the case of no norms file at all gracefully?!

                if (fieldInfos.HasNorms)
                    normsProducer = codec.NormsFormat.NormsProducer(segmentReadState);
                    if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                        Debugging.Assert(normsProducer != null);
                    normsProducer = null;

                fieldsReaderOrig = si.Info.Codec.StoredFieldsFormat.FieldsReader(cfsDir, si.Info, fieldInfos, context);

                if (fieldInfos.HasVectors) // open term vector files only as needed
                    termVectorsReaderOrig = si.Info.Codec.TermVectorsFormat.VectorsReader(cfsDir, si.Info, fieldInfos, context);
                    termVectorsReaderOrig = null;

                success = true;
                if (!success)
 internal TermInfosReader(Directory dir, System.String seg, FieldInfos fis)
     : this(dir, seg, fis, BufferedIndexInput.BUFFER_SIZE)
        internal TermInfosReader(Directory dir, System.String seg, FieldInfos fis, int readBufferSize, int indexDivisor)
            bool success = false;

            if (indexDivisor < 1 && indexDivisor != -1)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("indexDivisor must be -1 (don't load terms index) or greater than 0: got " + indexDivisor);

                directory  = dir;
                segment    = seg;
                fieldInfos = fis;

                origEnum = new SegmentTermEnum(directory.OpenInput(segment + "." + IndexFileNames.TERMS_EXTENSION, readBufferSize), fieldInfos, false);
                size     = origEnum.size;

                if (indexDivisor != -1)
                    // Load terms index
                    totalIndexInterval = origEnum.indexInterval * indexDivisor;
                    var indexEnum = new SegmentTermEnum(directory.OpenInput(segment + "." + IndexFileNames.TERMS_INDEX_EXTENSION, readBufferSize), fieldInfos, true);

                        int indexSize = 1 + ((int)indexEnum.size - 1) / indexDivisor;  // otherwise read index

                        indexTerms    = new Term[indexSize];
                        indexInfos    = new TermInfo[indexSize];
                        indexPointers = new long[indexSize];

                        for (int i = 0; indexEnum.Next(); i++)
                            indexTerms[i]    = indexEnum.Term;
                            indexInfos[i]    = indexEnum.TermInfo();
                            indexPointers[i] = indexEnum.indexPointer;

                            for (int j = 1; j < indexDivisor; j++)
                                if (!indexEnum.Next())
                    // Do not load terms index:
                    totalIndexInterval = -1;
                    indexTerms         = null;
                    indexInfos         = null;
                    indexPointers      = null;
                success = true;
                // With lock-less commits, it's entirely possible (and
                // fine) to hit a FileNotFound exception above. In
                // this case, we want to explicitly close any subset
                // of things that were opened so that we don't have to
                // wait for a GC to do so.
                if (!success)
 internal void setFieldInfos(FieldInfos fieldInfos)
     this.fieldInfos = fieldInfos;
        public virtual void TestPositions()
            Directory   ram      = NewDirectory();
            Analyzer    analyzer = new MockAnalyzer(Random);
            IndexWriter writer   = new IndexWriter(ram, NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, analyzer));
            Document    d        = new Document();

            // f1,f2,f3: docs only
            FieldType ft = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_NOT_STORED);

            ft.IndexOptions = IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY;

            Field f1 = NewField("f1", "this field has docs only", ft);


            Field f2 = NewField("f2", "this field has docs only", ft);


            Field f3 = NewField("f3", "this field has docs only", ft);


            FieldType ft2 = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_NOT_STORED);

            ft2.IndexOptions = IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS;

            // f4,f5,f6 docs and freqs
            Field f4 = NewField("f4", "this field has docs and freqs", ft2);


            Field f5 = NewField("f5", "this field has docs and freqs", ft2);


            Field f6 = NewField("f6", "this field has docs and freqs", ft2);


            FieldType ft3 = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_NOT_STORED);

            ft3.IndexOptions = IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS;

            // f7,f8,f9 docs/freqs/positions
            Field f7 = NewField("f7", "this field has docs and freqs and positions", ft3);


            Field f8 = NewField("f8", "this field has docs and freqs and positions", ft3);


            Field f9 = NewField("f9", "this field has docs and freqs and positions", ft3);



            // now we add another document which has docs-only for f1, f4, f7, docs/freqs for f2, f5, f8,
            // and docs/freqs/positions for f3, f6, f9
            d = new Document();

            // f1,f4,f7: docs only
            f1 = NewField("f1", "this field has docs only", ft);

            f4 = NewField("f4", "this field has docs only", ft);

            f7 = NewField("f7", "this field has docs only", ft);

            // f2, f5, f8: docs and freqs
            f2 = NewField("f2", "this field has docs and freqs", ft2);

            f5 = NewField("f5", "this field has docs and freqs", ft2);

            f8 = NewField("f8", "this field has docs and freqs", ft2);

            // f3, f6, f9: docs and freqs and positions
            f3 = NewField("f3", "this field has docs and freqs and positions", ft3);

            f6 = NewField("f6", "this field has docs and freqs and positions", ft3);

            f9 = NewField("f9", "this field has docs and freqs and positions", ft3);


            // force merge
            // flush

            SegmentReader reader = GetOnlySegmentReader(DirectoryReader.Open(ram));
            FieldInfos    fi     = reader.FieldInfos;

            // docs + docs = docs
            Assert.AreEqual(IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY, fi.FieldInfo("f1").IndexOptions);
            // docs + docs/freqs = docs
            Assert.AreEqual(IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY, fi.FieldInfo("f2").IndexOptions);
            // docs + docs/freqs/pos = docs
            Assert.AreEqual(IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY, fi.FieldInfo("f3").IndexOptions);
            // docs/freqs + docs = docs
            Assert.AreEqual(IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY, fi.FieldInfo("f4").IndexOptions);
            // docs/freqs + docs/freqs = docs/freqs
            Assert.AreEqual(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS, fi.FieldInfo("f5").IndexOptions);
            // docs/freqs + docs/freqs/pos = docs/freqs
            Assert.AreEqual(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS, fi.FieldInfo("f6").IndexOptions);
            // docs/freqs/pos + docs = docs
            Assert.AreEqual(IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY, fi.FieldInfo("f7").IndexOptions);
            // docs/freqs/pos + docs/freqs = docs/freqs
            Assert.AreEqual(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS, fi.FieldInfo("f8").IndexOptions);
            // docs/freqs/pos + docs/freqs/pos = docs/freqs/pos
            Assert.AreEqual(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS, fi.FieldInfo("f9").IndexOptions);

Exemple #43
        internal SegmentTermEnum(IndexInput i, FieldInfos fis, bool isi)
            input         = i;
            fieldInfos    = fis;
            isIndex       = isi;
            maxSkipLevels = 1;             // use single-level skip lists for formats > -3

            int firstInt = input.ReadInt();

            if (firstInt >= 0)
                // original-format file, without explicit format version number
                format = 0;
                size   = firstInt;

                // back-compatible settings
                indexInterval = 128;
                skipInterval  = System.Int32.MaxValue;                // switch off skipTo optimization
                // we have a format version number
                format = firstInt;

                // check that it is a format we can understand
                if (format < TermInfosWriter.FORMAT_CURRENT)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("Unknown format version:" + format + " expected " + TermInfosWriter.FORMAT_CURRENT + " or higher");

                size = input.ReadLong();                 // read the size

                if (format == -1)
                    if (!isIndex)
                        indexInterval        = input.ReadInt();
                        formatM1SkipInterval = input.ReadInt();
                    // switch off skipTo optimization for file format prior to 1.4rc2 in order to avoid a bug in
                    // skipTo implementation of these versions
                    skipInterval = System.Int32.MaxValue;
                    indexInterval = input.ReadInt();
                    skipInterval  = input.ReadInt();
                    if (format <= TermInfosWriter.FORMAT)
                        // this new format introduces multi-level skipping
                        maxSkipLevels = input.ReadInt();
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(indexInterval > 0, "indexInterval=" + indexInterval + " is negative; must be > 0");
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(skipInterval > 0, "skipInterval=" + skipInterval + " is negative; must be > 0");
            if (format > TermInfosWriter.FORMAT_VERSION_UTF8_LENGTH_IN_BYTES)
Exemple #44
        public override void SetUp()

             * for (int i = 0; i < testFields.Length; i++) {
             * fieldInfos.Add(testFields[i], true, true, testFieldsStorePos[i], testFieldsStoreOff[i]);
             * }

            int tokenUpto = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < TestTerms.Length; i++)
                Positions[i] = new int[TERM_FREQ];
                // first position must be 0
                for (int j = 0; j < TERM_FREQ; j++)
                    // positions are always sorted in increasing order
                    Positions[i][j] = (int)(j * 10 + new Random(1).NextDouble() * 10);
                    TestToken token = Tokens[tokenUpto++] = new TestToken(this);
                    token.Text        = TestTerms[i];
                    token.Pos         = Positions[i][j];
                    token.StartOffset = j * 10;
                    token.EndOffset   = j * 10 + TestTerms[i].Length;

            Dir = NewDirectory();
            IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(Dir, NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MyAnalyzer(this)).SetMaxBufferedDocs(-1).SetMergePolicy(NewLogMergePolicy(false, 10)).SetUseCompoundFile(false));

            Document doc = new Document();

            for (int i = 0; i < TestFields.Length; i++)
                FieldType customType = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_NOT_STORED);
                if (TestFieldsStorePos[i] && TestFieldsStoreOff[i])
                    customType.StoreTermVectors         = true;
                    customType.StoreTermVectorPositions = true;
                    customType.StoreTermVectorOffsets   = true;
                else if (TestFieldsStorePos[i] && !TestFieldsStoreOff[i])
                    customType.StoreTermVectors         = true;
                    customType.StoreTermVectorPositions = true;
                else if (!TestFieldsStorePos[i] && TestFieldsStoreOff[i])
                    customType.StoreTermVectors       = true;
                    customType.StoreTermVectorOffsets = true;
                    customType.StoreTermVectors = true;
                doc.Add(new Field(TestFields[i], "", customType));

            //Create 5 documents for testing, they all have the same
            for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
            Seg = writer.NewestSegment();

            FieldInfos = SegmentReader.ReadFieldInfos(Seg);
        internal SegmentCoreReaders(SegmentReader owner, Directory dir, SegmentCommitInfo si, IOContext context, int termsIndexDivisor)
            fieldsReaderLocal = new AnonymousFieldsReaderLocal(this);
            termVectorsLocal  = new AnonymousTermVectorsLocal(this);

            if (termsIndexDivisor == 0)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("indexDivisor must be < 0 (don't load terms index) or greater than 0 (got 0)");

            Codec     codec = si.Info.Codec;
            Directory cfsDir; // confusing name: if (cfs) its the cfsdir, otherwise its the segment's directory.

            bool success = false;

                if (si.Info.UseCompoundFile)
                    cfsDir = cfsReader = new CompoundFileDirectory(dir, IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(si.Info.Name, "", IndexFileNames.COMPOUND_FILE_EXTENSION), context, false);
                    cfsReader = null;
                    cfsDir    = dir;

                FieldInfos fieldInfos = owner.FieldInfos;

                this.termsIndexDivisor = termsIndexDivisor;
                PostingsFormat   format           = codec.PostingsFormat;
                SegmentReadState segmentReadState = new SegmentReadState(cfsDir, si.Info, fieldInfos, context, termsIndexDivisor);
                // Ask codec for its Fields
                fields = format.FieldsProducer(segmentReadState);
                Debug.Assert(fields != null);
                // ask codec for its Norms:
                // TODO: since we don't write any norms file if there are no norms,
                // kinda jaky to assume the codec handles the case of no norms file at all gracefully?!

                if (fieldInfos.HasNorms)
                    normsProducer = codec.NormsFormat.NormsProducer(segmentReadState);
                    Debug.Assert(normsProducer != null);
                    normsProducer = null;

                // LUCENENET TODO: EXCEPTIONS Not sure why this catch block is swallowing AccessViolationException,
                // because it didn't exist in Lucene. Is it really needed? AVE is for protected memory...could
                // this be needed because we are using unchecked??

                fieldsReaderOrig = si.Info.Codec.StoredFieldsFormat.FieldsReader(cfsDir, si.Info, fieldInfos, context);
#pragma warning disable 168
            catch (System.AccessViolationException ave)
#pragma warning restore 168

                if (fieldInfos.HasVectors) // open term vector files only as needed
                    termVectorsReaderOrig = si.Info.Codec.TermVectorsFormat.VectorsReader(cfsDir, si.Info, fieldInfos, context);
                    termVectorsReaderOrig = null;

                success = true;
                if (!success)
Exemple #46
        // Writes field updates (new _X_N updates files) to the directory
        public virtual void WriteFieldUpdates(Directory dir, DocValuesFieldUpdates.Container dvUpdates)
            lock (this)
                //System.out.println("rld.writeFieldUpdates: seg=" + info + " numericFieldUpdates=" + numericFieldUpdates);


                // Do this so we can delete any created files on
                // exception; this saves all codecs from having to do
                // it:
                TrackingDirectoryWrapper trackingDir = new TrackingDirectoryWrapper(dir);

                FieldInfos fieldInfos = null;
                bool       success    = false;
                    Codec codec = Info.Info.Codec;

                    // reader could be null e.g. for a just merged segment (from
                    // IndexWriter.commitMergedDeletes).
                    SegmentReader reader = this.Reader == null ? new SegmentReader(Info, Writer.Config.ReaderTermsIndexDivisor, IOContext.READONCE) : this.Reader;
                        // clone FieldInfos so that we can update their dvGen separately from
                        // the reader's infos and write them to a new fieldInfos_gen file
                        FieldInfos.Builder builder = new FieldInfos.Builder(Writer.GlobalFieldNumberMap);
                        // cannot use builder.add(reader.getFieldInfos()) because it does not
                        // clone FI.attributes as well FI.dvGen
                        foreach (FieldInfo fi in reader.FieldInfos)
                            FieldInfo clone = builder.Add(fi);
                            // copy the stuff FieldInfos.Builder doesn't copy
                            if (fi.Attributes() != null)
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> e in fi.Attributes())
                                    clone.PutAttribute(e.Key, e.Value);
                            clone.DocValuesGen = fi.DocValuesGen;
                        // create new fields or update existing ones to have NumericDV type
                        foreach (string f in dvUpdates.NumericDVUpdates.Keys)
                            builder.AddOrUpdate(f, NumericDocValuesField.TYPE);
                        // create new fields or update existing ones to have BinaryDV type
                        foreach (string f in dvUpdates.BinaryDVUpdates.Keys)
                            builder.AddOrUpdate(f, BinaryDocValuesField.fType);

                        fieldInfos = builder.Finish();
                        long              nextFieldInfosGen     = Info.NextFieldInfosGen;
                        string            segmentSuffix         = nextFieldInfosGen.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);//Convert.ToString(nextFieldInfosGen, Character.MAX_RADIX));
                        SegmentWriteState state                 = new SegmentWriteState(null, trackingDir, Info.Info, fieldInfos, Writer.Config.TermIndexInterval, null, IOContext.DEFAULT, segmentSuffix);
                        DocValuesFormat   docValuesFormat       = codec.DocValuesFormat();
                        DocValuesConsumer fieldsConsumer        = docValuesFormat.FieldsConsumer(state);
                        bool              fieldsConsumerSuccess = false;
                            //          System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] RLD.writeFieldUpdates: applying numeric updates; seg=" + info + " updates=" + numericFieldUpdates);
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, NumericDocValuesFieldUpdates> e in dvUpdates.NumericDVUpdates)
                                string field = e.Key;
                                NumericDocValuesFieldUpdates fieldUpdates = e.Value;
                                FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(field);
                                Debug.Assert(fieldInfo != null);

                                fieldInfo.DocValuesGen = nextFieldInfosGen;
                                // write the numeric updates to a new gen'd docvalues file
                                fieldsConsumer.AddNumericField(fieldInfo, GetLongEnumerable(reader, field, fieldUpdates));

                            //        System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] RAU.writeFieldUpdates: applying binary updates; seg=" + info + " updates=" + dvUpdates.binaryDVUpdates);
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, BinaryDocValuesFieldUpdates> e in dvUpdates.BinaryDVUpdates)
                                string field = e.Key;
                                BinaryDocValuesFieldUpdates dvFieldUpdates = e.Value;
                                FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(field);
                                Debug.Assert(fieldInfo != null);

                                //          System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] RAU.writeFieldUpdates: applying binary updates; seg=" + info + " f=" + dvFieldUpdates + ", updates=" + dvFieldUpdates);

                                fieldInfo.DocValuesGen = nextFieldInfosGen;
                                // write the numeric updates to a new gen'd docvalues file
                                fieldsConsumer.AddBinaryField(fieldInfo, GetBytesRefEnumerable(reader, field, dvFieldUpdates));

                            codec.FieldInfosFormat().FieldInfosWriter.Write(trackingDir, Info.Info.Name, segmentSuffix, fieldInfos, IOContext.DEFAULT);
                            fieldsConsumerSuccess = true;
                            if (fieldsConsumerSuccess)
                        if (reader != this.Reader)
                            //          System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] RLD.writeLiveDocs: closeReader " + reader);

                    success = true;
                    if (!success)
                        // Advance only the nextWriteDocValuesGen so that a 2nd
                        // attempt to write will write to a new file

                        // Delete any partially created file(s):
                        foreach (string fileName in trackingDir.CreatedFiles)
                            catch (Exception)
                                // Ignore so we throw only the first exc

                // copy all the updates to mergingUpdates, so they can later be applied to the merged segment
                if (IsMerging)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, NumericDocValuesFieldUpdates> e in dvUpdates.NumericDVUpdates)
                        DocValuesFieldUpdates updates;
                        if (!MergingDVUpdates.TryGetValue(e.Key, out updates))
                            MergingDVUpdates[e.Key] = e.Value;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, BinaryDocValuesFieldUpdates> e in dvUpdates.BinaryDVUpdates)
                        DocValuesFieldUpdates updates;
                        if (!MergingDVUpdates.TryGetValue(e.Key, out updates))
                            MergingDVUpdates[e.Key] = e.Value;

                // create a new map, keeping only the gens that are in use
                IDictionary <long, ISet <string> > genUpdatesFiles    = Info.UpdatesFiles;
                IDictionary <long, ISet <string> > newGenUpdatesFiles = new Dictionary <long, ISet <string> >();
                long fieldInfosGen = Info.FieldInfosGen;
                foreach (FieldInfo fi in fieldInfos)
                    long dvGen = fi.DocValuesGen;
                    if (dvGen != -1 && !newGenUpdatesFiles.ContainsKey(dvGen))
                        if (dvGen == fieldInfosGen)
                            newGenUpdatesFiles[fieldInfosGen] = trackingDir.CreatedFiles;
                            newGenUpdatesFiles[dvGen] = genUpdatesFiles[dvGen];

                Info.GenUpdatesFiles = newGenUpdatesFiles;

                // wrote new files, should checkpoint()

                // if there is a reader open, reopen it to reflect the updates
                if (Reader != null)
                    SegmentReader newReader = new SegmentReader(Info, Reader, LiveDocs_Renamed, Info.Info.DocCount - Info.DelCount - PendingDeleteCount_Renamed);
                    bool          reopened  = false;
                        Reader   = newReader;
                        reopened = true;
                        if (!reopened)
        /// <summary> </summary>
        /// <returns> The number of documents in all of the readers
        /// </returns>
        /// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
        /// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
        private int MergeFields()
            if (!mergeDocStores)
                // When we are not merging by doc stores, that means
                // all segments were written as part of a single
                // autoCommit=false IndexWriter session, so their field
                // name -> number mapping are the same.  So, we start
                // with the fieldInfos of the last segment in this
                // case, to keep that numbering.
                SegmentReader sr = (SegmentReader)readers[readers.Count - 1];
                fieldInfos = (FieldInfos)sr.core.fieldInfos.Clone();
                fieldInfos = new FieldInfos();                 // merge field names

            for (System.Collections.IEnumerator iter = readers.GetEnumerator(); iter.MoveNext();)
                IndexReader reader = (IndexReader)iter.Current;
                if (reader is SegmentReader)
                    SegmentReader segmentReader       = (SegmentReader)reader;
                    FieldInfos    readerFieldInfos    = segmentReader.FieldInfos();
                    int           numReaderFieldInfos = readerFieldInfos.Size();
                    for (int j = 0; j < numReaderFieldInfos; j++)
                        FieldInfo fi = readerFieldInfos.FieldInfo(j);
                        fieldInfos.Add(, fi.isIndexed, fi.storeTermVector, fi.storePositionWithTermVector, fi.storeOffsetWithTermVector, !reader.HasNorms(, fi.storePayloads, fi.omitTermFreqAndPositions);
                    AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.TERMVECTOR_WITH_POSITION_OFFSET), true, true, true, false, false);
                    AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.TERMVECTOR_WITH_POSITION), true, true, false, false, false);
                    AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.TERMVECTOR_WITH_OFFSET), true, false, true, false, false);
                    AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.TERMVECTOR), true, false, false, false, false);
                    AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.OMIT_TERM_FREQ_AND_POSITIONS), false, false, false, false, true);
                    AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.STORES_PAYLOADS), false, false, false, true, false);
                    AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.INDEXED), false, false, false, false, false);
                    fieldInfos.Add(reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.UNINDEXED), false);
            fieldInfos.Write(directory, segment + ".fnm");

            int docCount = 0;


            if (mergeDocStores)
                // for merging we don't want to compress/uncompress the data, so to tell the FieldsReader that we're
                // in  merge mode, we use this FieldSelector
                FieldSelector fieldSelectorMerge = new AnonymousClassFieldSelector(this);

                // merge field values
                FieldsWriter fieldsWriter = new FieldsWriter(directory, segment, fieldInfos);

                    int idx = 0;
                    for (System.Collections.IEnumerator iter = readers.GetEnumerator(); iter.MoveNext();)
                        IndexReader   reader = (IndexReader)iter.Current;
                        SegmentReader matchingSegmentReader = matchingSegmentReaders[idx++];
                        FieldsReader  matchingFieldsReader  = null;
                        if (matchingSegmentReader != null)
                            FieldsReader fieldsReader = matchingSegmentReader.GetFieldsReader();
                            if (fieldsReader != null && fieldsReader.CanReadRawDocs())
                                matchingFieldsReader = fieldsReader;
                        if (reader.HasDeletions())
                            docCount += CopyFieldsWithDeletions(fieldSelectorMerge, fieldsWriter, reader, matchingFieldsReader);
                            docCount += CopyFieldsNoDeletions(fieldSelectorMerge, fieldsWriter, reader, matchingFieldsReader);

                System.String fileName      = segment + "." + IndexFileNames.FIELDS_INDEX_EXTENSION;
                long          fdxFileLength = directory.FileLength(fileName);

                if (4 + ((long)docCount) * 8 != fdxFileLength)
                    // This is most likely a bug in Sun JRE 1.6.0_04/_05;
                    // we detect that the bug has struck, here, and
                    // throw an exception to prevent the corruption from
                    // entering the index.  See LUCENE-1282 for
                    // details.
                    throw new System.SystemException("mergeFields produced an invalid result: docCount is " + docCount + " but fdx file size is " + fdxFileLength + " file=" + fileName + " file exists?=" + directory.FileExists(fileName) + "; now aborting this merge to prevent index corruption");
            // If we are skipping the doc stores, that means there
            // are no deletions in any of these segments, so we
            // just sum numDocs() of each segment to get total docCount
                for (System.Collections.IEnumerator iter = readers.GetEnumerator(); iter.MoveNext();)
                    docCount += ((IndexReader)iter.Current).NumDocs();

        public override void  SetUp()

             * for (int i = 0; i < testFields.length; i++) {
             * fieldInfos.add(testFields[i], true, true, testFieldsStorePos[i], testFieldsStoreOff[i]);
             * }

            int tokenUpto = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < testTerms.Length; i++)
                positions[i] = new int[TERM_FREQ];
                offsets[i]   = new TermVectorOffsetInfo[TERM_FREQ];
                // first position must be 0
                for (int j = 0; j < TERM_FREQ; j++)
                    // positions are always sorted in increasing order
                    positions[i][j] = (int)(j * 10 + (new System.Random().NextDouble()) * 10);
                    // offsets are always sorted in increasing order
                    offsets[i][j] = new TermVectorOffsetInfo(j * 10, j * 10 + testTerms[i].Length);
                    TestToken token = tokens[tokenUpto++] = new TestToken(this);
                    token.text        = testTerms[i];
                    token.pos         = positions[i][j];
                    token.startOffset = offsets[i][j].StartOffset;
                    token.endOffset   = offsets[i][j].EndOffset;

            IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, new MyAnalyzer(this), true, IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.LIMITED, null);

            writer.UseCompoundFile = false;
            Document doc = new Document();

            for (int i = 0; i < testFields.Length; i++)
                Field.TermVector tv;
                if (testFieldsStorePos[i] && testFieldsStoreOff[i])
                    tv = Field.TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS;
                else if (testFieldsStorePos[i] && !testFieldsStoreOff[i])
                    tv = Field.TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS;
                else if (!testFieldsStorePos[i] && testFieldsStoreOff[i])
                    tv = Field.TermVector.WITH_OFFSETS;
                    tv = Field.TermVector.YES;
                doc.Add(new Field(testFields[i], "", Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED, tv));

            //Create 5 documents for testing, they all have the same
            for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                writer.AddDocument(doc, null);
            seg = writer.NewestSegment().name;

            fieldInfos = new FieldInfos(dir, seg + "." + IndexFileNames.FIELD_INFOS_EXTENSION, null);
        public virtual void TestSameFieldNumbersAcrossSegments()
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                Directory   dir    = NewDirectory();
                IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random)).SetMergePolicy(NoMergePolicy.COMPOUND_FILES));

                Document d1 = new Document();
                d1.Add(new StringField("f1", "first field", Field.Store.YES));
                d1.Add(new StringField("f2", "second field", Field.Store.YES));

                if (i == 1)
                    writer = new IndexWriter(dir, NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random)).SetMergePolicy(NoMergePolicy.COMPOUND_FILES));

                Document  d2          = new Document();
                FieldType customType2 = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_STORED);
                customType2.StoreTermVectors = true;
                d2.Add(new TextField("f2", "second field", Field.Store.NO));
                d2.Add(new Field("f1", "first field", customType2));
                d2.Add(new TextField("f3", "third field", Field.Store.NO));
                d2.Add(new TextField("f4", "fourth field", Field.Store.NO));


                SegmentInfos sis = new SegmentInfos();
                Assert.AreEqual(2, sis.Count);

                FieldInfos fis1 = SegmentReader.ReadFieldInfos(sis.Info(0));
                FieldInfos fis2 = SegmentReader.ReadFieldInfos(sis.Info(1));

                Assert.AreEqual("f1", fis1.FieldInfo(0).Name);
                Assert.AreEqual("f2", fis1.FieldInfo(1).Name);
                Assert.AreEqual("f1", fis2.FieldInfo(0).Name);
                Assert.AreEqual("f2", fis2.FieldInfo(1).Name);
                Assert.AreEqual("f3", fis2.FieldInfo(2).Name);
                Assert.AreEqual("f4", fis2.FieldInfo(3).Name);

                writer = new IndexWriter(dir, NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random)));

                sis = new SegmentInfos();
                Assert.AreEqual(1, sis.Count);

                FieldInfos fis3 = SegmentReader.ReadFieldInfos(sis.Info(0));

                Assert.AreEqual("f1", fis3.FieldInfo(0).Name);
                Assert.AreEqual("f2", fis3.FieldInfo(1).Name);
                Assert.AreEqual("f3", fis3.FieldInfo(2).Name);
                Assert.AreEqual("f4", fis3.FieldInfo(3).Name);
