Represents a Lua state.
A Lua state is akin to an AppDomain in .Net.
Inheritance: IDisposable
Exemple #1
 protected override object[] OnInvoke( Lua state, object[] args)
     LuaFunction print = state["print"] as LuaFunction;
     print.Call( string.Format( "CLR function called with: {0}", args[0] ) );
     throw new Exception("Some CLR error.");
     return new object[] { "Test" };
Exemple #2
        public static void Main( string[] args )
                TestRemoting( );

                using( Lua state = new Lua(  ) )
                    LuaFunction print = state["print"] as LuaFunction;

                    LuaTable table = state.CreateTable();
                    table.SetValue( "test", "value" );
                    state["incomingTable"] = table;

                    state.DoFile( "test.lua" );
                    var f = new Function();
                    state["TestClr"] = f;

                    LuaFunction f1 = state["AFunction"] as LuaFunction;

                    state.DoString( "AFunction = nil" );

                    print.Call( "AFunction returned: " + f1.Call(  )[0] );
                    f1.Dispose(  );

                    LuaFunction f2 = state["BFunction"] as LuaFunction;
                    f2.Call(  );
                    f2.Dispose(  );

                    LuaTable sillytable = state["SillyTable"] as LuaTable;

                    string str = sillytable["aaa"] as string;

                    print.Call( str );

                    sillytable["aaa"] = 9001;

                    foreach( var val in sillytable )
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", val.Key, val.Value);

                    print.Call( state["SillyTable", "aaa"] );

                    sillytable.Dispose(  );

                    state.CreateTable( "table" );
                    print.Call( state["table"] as LuaTable );

                    print.Dispose(  );
            catch( LuaException e )
                Console.WriteLine( "Fail: " + e.Message );
Exemple #3
 protected void AssertOutput( string script, string function, string expectedOutput, string message )
     using( Lua lua = new Lua( ) )
         lua.DoString( script );
         AssertOutput( lua, function, expectedOutput, message );
Exemple #4
        protected void AssertOutput( Lua lua, string function, string expectedOutput, string message )
            expectedOutput = expectedOutput.Replace( "\r\n", "\n" ); // Get rid of Windows problems.
            using( StringWriter writer = new StringWriter( ) )
                PrintFunction func = new PrintFunction( writer );
                lua["print"] = func;
                lua["remote"] = RemoteFunction.Instance;


                Assert.AreEqual( expectedOutput, writer.ToString( ).Trim( ), message );
Exemple #5
        public static void Main( string[] args )
                using( Lua state = new Lua(  ) )
                    state.DoFile( "test.lua" );

                    LuaFunction f1 = state["AFunction"] as LuaFunction;

                    state.DoString( "AFunction = nil" );

                    f1.Call(  );
                    f1.Dispose(  );

                    LuaFunction f2 = state["BFunction"] as LuaFunction;
                    f2.Call(  );
                    f2.Dispose(  );

                    LuaFunction print = state["print"] as LuaFunction;

                    LuaTable sillytable = state["SillyTable"] as LuaTable;

                    string str = sillytable["aaa"] as string;

                    print.Call( str );

                    sillytable["aaa"] = 9001;

                    print.Call( state["SillyTable", "aaa"] );

                    sillytable.Dispose(  );

                    state.CreateTable( "table" );
                    print.Call( state["table"] as LuaTable );

                    print.Dispose(  );
            catch( LuaException e )
                Console.WriteLine( "Fail: " + e.Message );
 private void newLua()
     lua = new Lua();
Exemple #7
 // Does nothing.
 protected override object[] OnInvoke(Lua state, object[] args)
     throw new NotImplementedException ();
Exemple #8
        private static void TestRemoting( )
            RemoteFunction.LookupFunction = MainClass.Lookup;

            using( var lua2 = new Lua( ) )
                using( var lua1 = new Lua( ) )
                    LookupTable<string, Lua>.Store( "lua1", lua1 );
                    LookupTable<string, Lua>.Store( "lua2", lua2 );

                    lua1["remote"] = RemoteFunction.Instance;
            @"function Test1( a, b )
            print( a );
            print( b.a.a );
            return ""Hello from Lua1 "" .. remote( ""lua2"", ""Test2"", ""a"", ""b"" );
                    lua2["remote"] = RemoteFunction.Instance;
            function Test2( a, b )
            print( ""Test2"" .. a .. b );
            return ""Hello from Lua2 Called In"";

            print( remote( ""lua1"", ""Test1"", ""a"", { a = { a = ""This is in a nested table."" } } ) );
Exemple #9
 protected void AssertOutput( Lua lua, string function, string expectedOutput )
     AssertOutput( lua, function, expectedOutput, (string)null );
Exemple #10
 protected override object[] OnInvoke(Lua state, object[] args)
     if( args.Length != 1 )
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "args" );
     writer.WriteLine( args[0] );
     return null;
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when the function should be invoked.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='state'>
 /// The Lua state that is calling the function.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='args'>
 /// The arguments that were passed to the function.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The output values for the function. If no values are
 /// returned; null should be used.
 /// </returns>
 protected abstract object[] OnInvoke( Lua state, object[] args );