Get() public méthode

public Get ( int index ) : KiServiceTableEntry
index int
Résultat KiServiceTableEntry
Exemple #1
        //fill the listview with the information from kiServiceTable
        private void FillServiceTableList()
            int hookCount = 0;  //count hooked services

            for (int i = 0; i < kiServiceTable.NumberOfServices; i++)
                //our current entry in the list
                KiServiceTableEntry entry = kiServiceTable.Get(i);

                //new item in list field
                ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(String.Format("{0:000}", i), 0);

                //add function name

                //convert address into hex string
                string str = "0x" + Convert.ToString(entry.Address, 16);

                //add module name

                if (!((entry.Module == "ntoskrnl.exe") || (entry.Module == "ntkrnlmp.exe") || (entry.Module == "ntkrnlpa.exe") || (entry.Module == "ntkrpamp.exe")))
                    item.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Salmon;

                //add item into listview

            //change status text
            statusText.Text = hookCount.ToString() + " service calls are redirected from ntoskrnl.exe";
Exemple #2
        //searchs in the ntdll.dll export list for each service
        public unsafe void GetKiServiceNames(KiServiceTable kiServiceTable)
            //base address from ntdll.dll
            //ntdll.dll is loaded in every process in nt automatically with kernel32.dll
            int ntdllBase = GetModuleHandle("ntdll.dll");
            if (ntdllBase == 0) //should never happen

            int size = 0;
            //we need the address from the export table
            //export table is the first directory entry in the  pe header
            int export = ImageDirectoryEntryToData(ntdllBase, true, 0, ref size);

            if (export == 0)    //should never happen

            //+0x18 Number of names
            byte* ptr = (byte* )(export + 0x18);
            int numberOfNames = ((int *)ptr)[0];
            //+0x20 Address of names
            ptr = (byte*)(export + 0x20);
            int addressOfNames = ((int*)ptr)[0];

            //translate rva into va in memory
            //it is unsafe to do this way, need to correct it with the pe header
            addressOfNames += ntdllBase;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNames; i++)
                //get address from the name
                ptr = (byte*)(addressOfNames + i*4);
                int address = ((int*)ptr)[0];
                address += ntdllBase;

                //copy string
                string name = "";
                for (int i2 = 0; ((byte*)address)[i2] != 0; i2++)
                    name = name + (char)(((byte*)address)[i2]);

                //get address from the method
                //getprocaddress helps us here
                address = GetProcAddress(ntdllBase, name);

                //check if it is service call
                //service calls always starts with
                //mov eax, code

                ptr = (byte*)(address);

                //mov eax has opocde 0xb8
                if (((byte*)ptr)[0] != 0xb8 || ((byte*)ptr)[5] != 0xba)

                //reslove service code
                int serviceCode = ((int*)ptr)[0];

                KiServiceTableEntry entry =

                if (entry.Name.Length != 0)     //already inserted
                entry.Name = entry.Name + name;
Exemple #3
        //searchs in the ntdll.dll export list for each service
        public unsafe void GetKiServiceNames(KiServiceTable kiServiceTable)
            //base address from ntdll.dll
            //ntdll.dll is loaded in every process in nt automatically with kernel32.dll
            int ntdllBase = GetModuleHandle("ntdll.dll");

            if (ntdllBase == 0) //should never happen

            int size = 0;
            //we need the address from the export table
            //export table is the first directory entry in the  pe header
            int export = ImageDirectoryEntryToData(ntdllBase, true, 0, ref size);

            if (export == 0)    //should never happen

            //+0x18 Number of names
            byte *ptr           = (byte * )(export + 0x18);
            int   numberOfNames = ((int *)ptr)[0];

            //+0x20 Address of names
            ptr = (byte *)(export + 0x20);
            int addressOfNames = ((int *)ptr)[0];

            //translate rva into va in memory
            //it is unsafe to do this way, need to correct it with the pe header
            addressOfNames += ntdllBase;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNames; i++)
                //get address from the name
                ptr = (byte *)(addressOfNames + i * 4);
                int address = ((int *)ptr)[0];
                address += ntdllBase;

                //copy string
                string name = "";
                for (int i2 = 0; ((byte *)address)[i2] != 0; i2++)
                    name = name + (char)(((byte *)address)[i2]);

                //get address from the method
                //getprocaddress helps us here
                address = GetProcAddress(ntdllBase, name);

                //check if it is service call
                //service calls always starts with
                //mov eax, code

                ptr = (byte *)(address);

                //mov eax has opocde 0xb8
                if (((byte *)ptr)[0] != 0xb8 || ((byte *)ptr)[5] != 0xba)

                //reslove service code
                int serviceCode = ((int *)ptr)[0];

                KiServiceTableEntry entry =

                if (entry.Name.Length != 0)     //already inserted
                entry.Name = entry.Name + name;