public NPCs(MySQLHandler dataBase, Items ItemsDatabase) { npclist = new List <NPC>(); if (dataBase.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) { try { dataBase.Connection.Open(); } catch { // } } MySqlCommand query = dataBase.Connection.CreateCommand(); query.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM `npcs`"; try { using (MySqlDataReader reader = query.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { int[] tmpcost = Array.ConvertAll(reader.GetString("cost").Split(','), int.Parse); int[] tmpitemids = Array.ConvertAll(reader.GetString("itemids").Split(','), int.Parse); Item[] items = new Item[tmpitemids.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < tmpitemids.Length; i++) { Item tmpitem = ItemsDatabase.GetItemByID(tmpitemids[i]); items[i] = tmpitem; } NPC npc = new NPC( reader.GetInt32("id"), reader.GetInt32("mapid"), reader.GetString("name"), reader.GetFloat("x"), reader.GetFloat("y"), items, reader.GetString("cost") ); npclist.Add(npc); } } } catch { // } }
public Monsters(MySQLHandler dataBase) { monlist = new List <Monster>(); if (dataBase.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) { try { dataBase.Connection.Open(); } catch { // } } MySqlCommand query = dataBase.Connection.CreateCommand(); query.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM `monsters`"; try { using (MySqlDataReader reader = query.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { int[] dropids = Array.ConvertAll(reader.GetString("drop_item_id").Split(','), int.Parse); int[] dropprobability = Array.ConvertAll(reader.GetString("drop_probability").Split(','), int.Parse); Monster mon = new Monster( reader.GetInt32("id"), reader.GetString("title"), reader.GetInt32("level"), reader.GetInt32("attack"), reader.GetInt32("maxhp"), reader.GetInt32("exp"), reader.GetInt32("respawntime"), dropids, dropprobability, reader.GetUInt32("gold") ); monlist.Add(mon); } } } catch { // } }
public ItemsWeapon(MySQLHandler dataBase) { itemWList = new List <ItemWeapon>(); if (dataBase.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) { try { dataBase.Connection.Open(); } catch { // } } MySqlCommand query = dataBase.Connection.CreateCommand(); //query.CommandText = "SELECT ITEM.*, WEAPON_DETAILS.min_attack, WEAPON_DETAILS.max_attack, BONUSES.strength, BONUSES.stamina, BONUSES.dexterity, BONUSES.luck FROM `item` ITEM, `weapon_details` WEAPON_DETAILS, `bonuses` BONUSES WHERE ITEM.type='weapon' AND AND"; query.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM `items_weapon`"; try { using (MySqlDataReader reader = query.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { ItemWeapon weapon = new ItemWeapon( reader.GetUInt32("id"), reader.GetString("type"), reader.GetUInt32("price"), reader.GetString("name"), reader.GetUInt32("min_attack"), reader.GetUInt32("max_attack"), reader.GetUInt32("strength"), reader.GetUInt32("stamina"), reader.GetUInt32("dexterity"), reader.GetUInt32("luck") ); itemWList.Add(weapon); } } } catch { // } }
public Items(MySQLHandler dataBase) { itemList = new List <Item>(); if (dataBase.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) { try { dataBase.Connection.Open(); } catch { // } } MySqlCommand query = dataBase.Connection.CreateCommand(); query.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM `items_information`"; try { using (MySqlDataReader reader = query.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { Item item = new Item( reader.GetInt32("id"), reader.GetString("title"), reader.GetInt32("power"), reader.GetInt32("defense"), reader.GetInt32("hp"), reader.GetBoolean("stackable"), reader.GetInt32("rarity"), reader.GetInt32("lvl_req"), reader.GetString("type") ); itemList.Add(item); } } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("There was an error while loading items. \n\n\n" + e.ToString(), "Error while loading Items", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } }
public Skills(MySQLHandler dataBase) { skillList = new List <Skill>(); if (dataBase.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) { try { dataBase.Connection.Open(); } catch { // } } MySqlCommand query = dataBase.Connection.CreateCommand(); query.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM `skills`"; try { using (MySqlDataReader reader = query.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { Skill skill = new Skill( reader.GetInt32("id"), reader.GetInt32("attack"), reader.GetInt32("level"), reader.GetString("name") ); skillList.Add(skill); } } } catch { // } }
public Waves(MySQLHandler dataBase, Monsters monstersdb) { wavelist = new List <Wave>(); if (dataBase.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) { try { dataBase.Connection.Open(); } catch { // } } MySqlCommand query = dataBase.Connection.CreateCommand(); query.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM `wavelist`"; try { using (MySqlDataReader reader = query.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { List <Monster> mons = new List <Monster>(); string[] tmpmonsterids = reader.GetString("monsters").Split(','); string[] tmpmonstercount = reader.GetString("monstercount").Split(','); string[] tmpx = reader.GetString("x").Split(','); string[] tmpy = reader.GetString("y").Split(','); int[] monids = new int[tmpmonsterids.Length]; int[] moncount = new int[tmpmonsterids.Length]; int[] x = new int[tmpmonsterids.Length]; int[] y = new int[tmpmonsterids.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < tmpmonsterids.Length; i++) { monids[i] = int.Parse(tmpmonsterids[i]); moncount[i] = int.Parse(tmpmonstercount[i]); x[i] = int.Parse(tmpx[i]); y[i] = int.Parse(tmpy[i]); float tmpspacing = 0; for (int j = 0; j < moncount[i]; j++) { Monster tmpmon = new Monster(); tmpspacing = (float)(j) / 10.0f; tmpmon = monstersdb.GetMonsterByID(monids[i]); tmpmon.position.XCoord = x[i] + tmpspacing; tmpmon.position.YCoord = y[i]; mons.Add(tmpmon); } } Wave wave = new Wave( reader.GetInt32("id"), monids, moncount, x, y, mons, reader.GetInt32("mapid")); /*for (int i = 0; i < mons.Count; i++) * MessageBox.Show(mons[i].Test.ToString());*/ wavelist.Add(wave); } } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } }
public Character(ulong playerID, MySQLHandler GlobalMysql, Socket s, Items itemsDB) { MYSQL = GlobalMysql; // Equipment and Storage goes here. // equipment = new CharacterEquipment(playerID, GlobalMysql); // storage = new CharacterStorage(playerID, GlobalMysql); _skillList = new List <Skill>(); AllSkills = new Skills(MYSQL); ItemsDB = itemsDB; _socketClient = s; // Entire item list for all items in database _equipmentList = new List <Item>(); if (MYSQL.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) { try { MYSQL.Connection.Open(); } catch { // err } } MySqlCommand query = MYSQL.Connection.CreateCommand(); query.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM `characters` WHERE `characters`.`id` = " + playerID; // 0,10; 1,30;2,30; lock (GlobalMysql) { try { using (MySqlDataReader reader = query.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { name = reader.GetString("name"); level = reader.GetInt32("level"); id = reader.GetUInt64("id"); str = reader.GetUInt32("str"); dex = reader.GetUInt32("dex"); _int = reader.GetUInt32("_int"); luck = reader.GetUInt32("luck"); maxhp = reader.GetUInt32("maxhp"); maxmp = reader.GetUInt32("maxmp"); curhp = reader.GetUInt32("curhp"); curmp = reader.GetUInt32("curmp"); mapid = reader.GetInt32("mapid"); _maxwave = reader.GetInt32("wavenumber"); skillpoints = reader.GetUInt32("skillpoints"); statpoints = reader.GetUInt32("statpoints"); exp = reader.GetInt32("exp"); gold = reader.GetUInt32("gold"); hash = MyEncryption.CreateCharacterHash(reader.GetString("account_id")); this.Id = id; accID = reader.GetInt32("account_id"); // skill stuff string[] tmpactiveskill = reader.GetString("active_skill").Split(','); int[] tmpactiveskills = new int[4]; string[] skillids = reader.GetString("skill_id").Split(','); int[] skillidlist = new int[11]; int skillCounter = 0; string[] skilllevel = reader.GetString("skill_level").Split(','); int[] skilllevels = new int[11]; foreach (string _skillid in skillids) { if (skillCounter >= 10) { break; } int tempID; int val = Int32.TryParse(_skillid, out tempID) ? tempID : 0; if (val == 0) { continue; } skillidlist[skillCounter] = val; skillCounter++; } skillCounter = 0; foreach (string _skilllevel in skilllevel) { if (skillCounter >= 10) { break; } int tempID; int val = Int32.TryParse(_skilllevel, out tempID) ? tempID : 0; if (val == 0) { continue; } skilllevels[skillCounter] = val; skillCounter++; } skillCounter = 0; foreach (string _tmpactiveskill in tmpactiveskill) { if (skillCounter > 3) { break; } int tempID; int val = Int32.TryParse(_tmpactiveskill, out tempID) ? tempID : 0; if (val == 0) { continue; } tmpactiveskills[skillCounter] = val; skillCounter++; } for (int i = 0; i < skillidlist.Count(); i++) { Skill skill = AllSkills.GetSkillByID(skillidlist[i]); if (skill == null) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < tmpactiveskills.Count(); j++) { if (tmpactiveskills[j] == skill.Id) { skill.Active = true; } } skill.Level = skilllevels[i]; //Skill skill = new Skill(skillidlist[i], AllSkills.SkillList[j].Attack, skilllevels[i], AllSkills.SkillList[j].Name); _skillList.Add(skill); } } } } catch (MySqlException e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString(), "Server can't start.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } // Items Now // fill up the list for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SLOTS; i++) { _equipmentList.Add(new Item()); } query.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM `character_items` WHERE `ownerID` = " + (int)id + " ORDER BY slot DESC"; try { using (MySqlDataReader reader = query.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { Item tmpItem = new Item(); tmpItem = ItemsDB.GetItemByID(reader.GetInt32("itemid")); tmpItem.Slot = reader.GetInt32("slot"); tmpItem.Amount = reader.GetInt32("amount"); tmpItem.Power = reader.GetInt32("attack"); tmpItem.Defense = reader.GetInt32("defense"); tmpItem.HP = reader.GetInt32("hp"); tmpItem.Stat1 = reader.GetInt32("extra_stat1"); tmpItem.Stat2 = reader.GetInt32("extra_stat2"); if (tmpItem.ID != -1) { //_equipmentList.Add(tmpItem); _equipmentList[tmpItem.Slot] = tmpItem; } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid item", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } } } catch (MySqlException e) { MessageBox.Show("Error while loading items for charid = " + id + " \n\n\n" + e.ToString(), "Charater.cs Error - Failed to load items", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } LastSave = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds; }