Exemple #1
                    // FIXME: Switch to union find for this...
                    static void FloodFill(List <Wire> wires, List <Wire> toCheck, Wire currentWire)
                        if (wires.Contains(currentWire))


                        for (int i = toCheck.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            Wire wire = toCheck[i];
                            if (wire.IsPointOnWire(currentWire.Pos))
                                FloodFill(wires, toCheck, wire);
                            else if (wire.IsPointOnWire(currentWire.EndPos))
                                FloodFill(wires, toCheck, wire);

                            // Do don't need to check anymore
                            if (wires.Count == toCheck.Count)
Exemple #2
        public WireTransaction?CreateAddWireTransaction(Wire wire)
            var wireEnd = wire.GetEndPosition();

            List <Wire> Deleted = new List <Wire>();
            List <Wire> Added   = new List <Wire>();

            // This dictionary maps wires to the point where they intersect this wire
            // If there exists a mapping but the value is null, that means both ends
            // of the wire are contained inside of the addeed wire.
            Dictionary <Wire, Vector2i?> SplitPoints = new Dictionary <Wire, Vector2i?>();

            // First we get all of the points where we need to split the current wire
            foreach (var bWire in WiresList)
                bool start = wire.IsPointOnWire(bWire.Pos);
                bool end   = wire.IsPointOnWire(bWire.EndPos);
                if (start && end)
                    // Null indicates that both ends are contained in this wire
                    SplitPoints[bWire] = null;
                else if (start)
                    SplitPoints[bWire] = bWire.Pos;
                else if (end)
                    SplitPoints[bWire] = bWire.EndPos;

            // FIXME: Add other split points like component connection points!

            // After we've found all of the intersection points we can check
            // if the ends of the added wire will split some other wire.
            // At the same time we check to see if there is a wire that
            // contains both ends of the wire we added.
            // In this case we shouldn't create or delete any wires because
            // then there will be two wires on the same space.
            Wire?containingWire = null;

            foreach (var bWire in WiresList)
                // We check to see if the point is *inside*
                // the wire because if the new wire touches
                // the other wire at it's end point we don't
                // need to do anything to it. It's only if the
                // new point is on the inside of the wire that
                // we need to do anything.

                bool containedStart = false;
                if (bWire.IsPointInsideWire(wire.Pos))
                    // We only care if the wires are going in different direction
                    // as that means we should split the wire.
                    // The case where they are going the same direction
                    // will be handled in the next step.
                    if (wire.Direction != bWire.Direction)
                        // The diff will be in non-zero in only one direction so this will work fine.
                        var diff = wire.Pos - bWire.Pos;
                        Added.Add(new Wire(bWire.Pos, diff.ManhattanDistance, bWire.Direction));
                        Added.Add(new Wire(bWire.Pos + diff, bWire.Length - diff.ManhattanDistance, bWire.Direction));

                    containedStart = true;

                if (bWire.IsPointInsideWire(wire.EndPos))
                    if (wire.Direction != bWire.Direction)
                        // The diff will be in non-zero in only one direction so this will work fine.
                        var diff = wire.EndPos - bWire.Pos;
                        Added.Add(new Wire(bWire.Pos, diff.ManhattanDistance, bWire.Direction));
                        Added.Add(new Wire(bWire.Pos + diff, bWire.Length - diff.ManhattanDistance, bWire.Direction));

                    // This means that both the start and the end point of this wire was contained
                    // inside of bWire. So we basically shouldn't create any transaction.s
                    if (containedStart)
                        containingWire = bWire;
                        // We don't care about any more wires so it's fine to break.

            // If the wire we are adding is entrierly contained within another wire
            // the addition won't change any state so we don't create a transaction for that.
            if (containingWire.HasValue)
                // This addition wouldn't change any state.

            List <Vector2i> Points = new List <Vector2i>();

            // Now we should merge or remove wires that are going in the same direction as us.
            Wire mergedWire = wire;

            foreach (var(splitWire, location) in SplitPoints)
                if (location == null)
                    // Both ends are contained.
                    // So to merge we can just delete the contained wire.
                    Console.WriteLine($"Wire ({splitWire}) was completely contained in ({wire}), so it was removed.");
                else if (wire.Direction == splitWire.Direction)
                    // This means that we should merge the two wires.
                    // We can do that by deleting the existing wire and
                    // extending the wire we are adding to include that wire.
                    var minPos = Vector2i.ComponentWiseMin(mergedWire.Pos, splitWire.Pos);
                    var maxPos = Vector2i.ComponentWiseMax(mergedWire.EndPos, splitWire.EndPos);
                    var diff   = maxPos - minPos;

                    Wire newMerged;
                    newMerged.Direction = wire.Direction;
                    newMerged.Pos       = minPos;
                    newMerged.Length    = diff.ManhattanDistance;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Merged ({splitWire}) with ({mergedWire}). Result: ({newMerged})");
                    mergedWire = newMerged;

                    // This will not fail due to the null check above.
                    Console.WriteLine($"The wire ({splitWire}) should split the current wire at ({location}).");
                    if (Points.Contains(location.Value) == false)

            // Lastly we split the merged wire on all of the remaining points.
            // We do this by first sorting the points in the wires direction
            // and then go through linearly and add the parts of the wire.

            // We do the comparison outside of the lambda to avoid a capture.
            // (this is a premature optimization)
                wire.Direction == Direction.Vertical ?
                (Comparison <Vector2i>)((v1, v2) => v1.Y - v2.Y) :
                ((v1, v2) => v1.X - v2.X));

            Vector2i pos = mergedWire.Pos;

            foreach (var split in Points)
                Wire newWire;
                newWire.Direction = mergedWire.Direction;
                newWire.Pos       = pos;
                newWire.Length    = (split - pos).ManhattanDistance;
                if (newWire.Length < 0)
                pos = newWire.EndPos;
                Console.WriteLine($"Split wire at {split}. Result: ({newWire})");
            // Here we need to add the last part of the wire
            Wire w = new Wire(pos, (mergedWire.EndPos - pos).ManhattanDistance, mergedWire.Direction);

            Console.WriteLine($"End part of split: {w}");

            // FIXME: We want to deduplicate the values in Added and Deleted
            // If both lists contain exactly the same wires we want to return
            // null instead as the transaction doesn't change anything.

            // Remove all wires with zero length
            Added.RemoveAll(w =>
                if (w.Length == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Warn: Trying to add a wire with zero length! {w}");

            // Now we just return the transaction.
            // To apply this transaction ApplyTransaction(...) must be called.

            return(new WireTransaction(wire, Deleted, Added));