public override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Logger.LogInformation($"Loading LogItems...");

            var nowSecondsSinceEpoch = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds();

            long      timeCursor;
            const int pageSize = 300;

            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            long mostRecentTimestamp;

            // Get the latest timestamp from the database
            using (var context = new Context(_datamartClient.DbContextOptions))
                mostRecentTimestamp = (await context
                                       .OrderByDescending(l => l.HappenedOnTimeStampUtc)
                                      ?? 0;

            // Only go as far back as the configured StartDateTimeUtc
            timeCursor = Math.Max(mostRecentTimestamp, _startDateTimeUtc.ToUnixTimeSeconds());
            var initialTimeCursor     = timeCursor;
            var timeCursorLastTime    = timeCursor;
            var totalLogEntriesStored = 0;

            while (timeCursor <= nowSecondsSinceEpoch)
                using (var context = new Context(_datamartClient.DbContextOptions))
                    var filter = new Filter <LogItem>
                        FilterItems = new List <FilterItem <LogItem> >
                            new Ge <LogItem>(nameof(LogItem.HappenedOnTimeStampUtc), timeCursor),
                        Order = new Order <LogItem>
                            Property  = nameof(LogItem.HappenedOnTimeStampUtc),
                            Direction = OrderDirection.Asc
                        Take = pageSize
                    var apiEntriesThisTime = await _datamartClient.GetAllAsync(filter, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (apiEntriesThisTime.Count == 0)
                        // Nothing to do

                    // Check the ones on the time boundary to see whether we already have them
                    var existingOnBoundary = await context
                                             .Where(l => l.HappenedOnTimeStampUtc == timeCursor)
                                             .Select(l => l.Id)

                    // Remove those that came in on the boundary that we already have
                    apiEntriesThisTime = apiEntriesThisTime.Where(e => !existingOnBoundary.Contains(e.Id)).ToList();

                    if (apiEntriesThisTime.Count == 0)
                        // Nothing to do after filtering, we must be done?

                    totalLogEntriesStored += apiEntriesThisTime.Count;

                    Logger.LogDebug($"Processing log items for {_datamartClient.AccountName}");
                    var dataProcessingStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    var sqlSave = new Stopwatch();

                    context.LogItems.AddRange(apiEntriesThisTime.Select(DatamartClient.MapperInstance.Map <LogItem, LogStoreItem>));

                    await context

                    timeCursor = apiEntriesThisTime.Max(e => e.HappenedOnTimeStampUtc);

                    Logger.LogDebug($"Processed {apiEntriesThisTime} log items ending {timeCursor} for {_datamartClient.AccountName}");
            Logger.LogInformation($"Finished storing {totalLogEntriesStored} Log entries for {_datamartClient.AccountName}");
Exemple #2
        private async Task <UpdateAlertStats> UpdateDeviceAlerts(long nowSecondsSinceEpoch, List <int> databaseDeviceIds, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Logger.LogInformation($"Loading alerts for {databaseDeviceIds.Count} devices...");

            // Record stats
            var updateAlertStats = new UpdateAlertStats();

            // DataSource alerts
            long      timeCursor;
            var       deviceAlertCount   = 0;
            const int pageSize           = 300;
            var       alertsToBulkInsert = new Dictionary <string, AlertStoreItem>();
            var       deviceIndex        = 0;

            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            using (var monitorObjectGroupContext = new Context(_datamartClient.DbContextOptions))
                using (var memoryCache = new MemoryCache(new MemoryCacheOptions()))
                    foreach (var deviceId in databaseDeviceIds)
                        if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                            using (var context = new Context(_datamartClient.DbContextOptions))
                                // Get the device
                                var device = await context.Devices.SingleOrDefaultAsync(d => d.Id == deviceId).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                // Build up the list of alerts in memory, then delete the table contents and re-add.

                                Logger.LogDebug($"Retrieving datasource alerts for {_datamartClient.AccountName} : Id={deviceId}, CurrentDisplayName={device.DisplayName}");

                                // Get the  alerts

                                timeCursor = Math.Max(device.LastAlertClosedTimeSeconds, _startDateTimeUtc.ToUnixTimeSeconds());
                                var timeCursorLastTime = timeCursor;
                                deviceAlertCount = 0;

                                while (timeCursor <= nowSecondsSinceEpoch && !cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                                    var alertFilter = new Filter <Alert>
                                        FilterItems = new List <FilterItem <Alert> >
                                            new Eq <Alert>(nameof(Alert.IsCleared), "*"),
                                            new Gt <Alert>(nameof(Alert.EndOnSeconds), timeCursor),
                                        Order = new Order <Alert>
                                            Property  = nameof(Alert.EndOnSeconds),
                                            Direction = OrderDirection.Asc
                                        Take = pageSize
                                    var alertsThisTime = await _datamartClient.GetAllAsync(alertFilter, $"device/devices/{deviceId}/alerts", cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                    deviceAlertCount += alertsThisTime.Count;

                                    Logger.LogDebug($"Processing datasource alerts for {_datamartClient.AccountName} : Id={deviceId}, CurrentDisplayName={device.DisplayName}");
                                    var dataProcessingStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                                    // A structure for reducing the alerts that came in so we only have 1 record per Id, the last one is the only one of interest
                                    var reducedAlerts = new Dictionary <string, Alert>();
                                    foreach (var networkAlert in alertsThisTime)
                                        reducedAlerts[networkAlert.Id] = networkAlert;

                                    var sqlFetch = new Stopwatch();
                                    var sqlSave  = new Stopwatch();

                                    // We either need to update an existing alert, or bulk insert this one
                                    foreach (var networkAlert in reducedAlerts.Values)
                                        // Is it already in the database?
                                        var databaseAlert = await context
                                                            .SingleOrDefaultAsync(asi => asi.Id == networkAlert.Id)


                                        if (databaseAlert == null)
                                            // No.  We will bulk insert
                                            var newStoreItem = DatamartClient.MapperInstance.Map <Alert, AlertStoreItem>(networkAlert);
                                            var utcNow       = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
                                            newStoreItem.DatamartCreatedUtc      = utcNow.UtcDateTime;
                                            newStoreItem.DatamartLastModifiedUtc = utcNow.UtcDateTime;
                                            await SetMonitorObjectGroupIdsAsync(monitorObjectGroupContext, networkAlert, newStoreItem, memoryCache).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                            alertsToBulkInsert[networkAlert.Id] = newStoreItem;
                                            // Yes. We update now with the fields that CAN change.
                                            databaseAlert.AckComment     = networkAlert.AckComment.Truncate(50);
                                            databaseAlert.AckedBy        = networkAlert.AckedBy.Truncate(50);
                                            databaseAlert.AckedOnSeconds = networkAlert.AckedOnSeconds;
                                            databaseAlert.ClearValue     = networkAlert.ClearValue.Truncate(50);
                                            databaseAlert.EndOnSeconds   = networkAlert.EndOnSeconds;
                                            databaseAlert.IsCleared      = networkAlert.IsCleared;
                                            await context

                                    var message = $"Processed datasource alerts for {_datamartClient.AccountName} : Id={deviceId}, CurrentDisplayName={device.DisplayName}; {reducedAlerts.Count}(of {alertsThisTime.Count}) " +
                                                  $"get({sqlFetch.ElapsedMilliseconds:N0}ms) save({sqlSave.ElapsedMilliseconds:N0}ms) in {dataProcessingStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds:N0}ms " +
                                                  $"from {DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(timeCursor).UtcDateTime}...)";

                                    // Update the timeCursor to point to the highest value observed in the data

                                    if (alertsThisTime.Count > 0)
                                        // The timeCursor should be at least as high as it was and if there are any later EndOnSeconds, we'll update to that. This will ignore the 0's coming back from OpenAlerts.
                                        timeCursor = Math.Max(timeCursor, alertsThisTime.Max(a => a.EndOnSeconds));

                                    if (alertsThisTime.Count < pageSize)

                                    // It's possible that there are more than the max buffer count of alerts in a single second.
                                    // If this is the case, give up on that second and move to the next one.
                                    if (timeCursor == timeCursorLastTime)
                                        // BUG - There is an issue where if there are more than 300 open alerts, we never get any further, this just loops very slowly, increasing 1 second at a time - all the EndOnSeconds will be 0

                                    timeCursorLastTime = timeCursor;

                                if (alertsToBulkInsert.Values.Count > 0)
                                    await BulkInsertAlertsAsync(context, alertsToBulkInsert.Values.ToList()).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                // Update the device
                                device.LastAlertClosedTimeSeconds = timeCursor;
                                await context

                                Logger.LogInformation($"Retrieved datasource alerts for {_datamartClient.AccountName} : Id={deviceId}, CurrentDisplayName={device.DisplayName} ({deviceIndex}/{databaseDeviceIds.Count}). Retrieved {deviceAlertCount} in {stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:N1}s");
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Logger.LogWarning($"Failed to retrieve alerts for {_datamartClient.AccountName} : Id={deviceId} due to {e.Message}");
            // TODO Alerts where the MonitorObjectType is not device.