public string LoadProducts(string OrderID)
                if (Context.User.IsInRole("Administrator"))
                    string HTML = "";

                    Guid myOrderID = Guid.Parse(OrderID.Trim());

                    List<OrderProduct> myProductItems = new OrdersLogic().RetrieveItemsByOrderID(myOrderID).ToList();

                    HTML += "<table>";

                    int Counter = 0;

                    foreach (OrderProduct myProductItem in myProductItems)
                        HTML += "<tr class=\"GridViewTuple\">";

                        HTML += "<td>";
                        HTML += new ProductsLogic().RetrieveProductByID(myProductItem.ProductFK.ToString()).Name;
                        HTML += "</td>";

                        HTML += "<td>";
                        HTML += "<div style=\"padding-top: 4px; float: left;\">x&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><input class=\"CatalogTextBox\" id=\"" + myProductItem.ProductFK + "\" Use=\"Quantity\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + myProductItem.Quantity.ToString() + "\">";
                        HTML += "</td>";

                        HTML += "<td>";
                        HTML += "<input type=\"button\" ProductID=\"" + myProductItem.ProductFK + "\" Use=\"Update\" value=\"Update\">";
                        HTML += "</td>";

                        HTML += "<td>";
                        HTML += "<input type=\"button\" ProductID=\"" + myProductItem.ProductFK + "\" Use=\"Remove\" value=\"Remove\">";
                        HTML += "</td>";

                        HTML += "<td>";
                        HTML += "<div Use=\"ErrorDiv\" ProductID=\"" + myProductItem.ProductFK + "\" class=\"MiniFontBlue\">Not Enough Stock</div>";
                        HTML += "</td>";

                        HTML += "</tr>";


                    HTML += "</table>";

                    return HTML;
                    return "";
            catch (Exception Exception)
                throw Exception;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string StartDate = null;
                string EndDate = null;
                string Users = null;

                if((Request.QueryString["sd"] != null) && (Request.QueryString["ed"] != null))
                    StartDate = Request.QueryString["sd"].ToString();
                    EndDate = Request.QueryString["ed"].ToString();
                else if (Request.QueryString["u"] != null)
                    Users = Request.QueryString["u"].ToString();

                string HTML = "";

                if (Users == null)
                    DateTime myStartDate = new DateTime();
                    DateTime myEndDate = new DateTime();

                        myStartDate = new DateTimeParser().ParseDate(StartDate.Replace('/', '-'));
                        myEndDate = new DateTimeParser().ParseDate(EndDate.Replace('/', '-'));
                    catch (Exception)

                    if (myStartDate > myEndDate)
                        DateTime myInitialStartDate = myStartDate;
                        DateTime myInitialEndDate = myEndDate;

                        myStartDate = myInitialEndDate;
                        myEndDate = myInitialStartDate;

                    IQueryable<TopTenView> myTopTenList = new OrdersLogic().RetrieveTopTen(myStartDate, myEndDate);

                    HTML = "<table style=\"font-family: Arial;\" cellpadding=\"6\">";

                    HTML += "<tr>";
                    HTML += "<td>";
                    HTML += "Start Date:";
                    HTML += "</td>";
                    HTML += "<td>";
                    HTML += myStartDate.ToShortDateString();
                    HTML += "</td>";
                    HTML += "</tr>";

                    HTML += "<tr>";
                    HTML += "<td>";
                    HTML += "End Date:";
                    HTML += "</td>";
                    HTML += "<td>";
                    HTML += myEndDate.ToShortDateString();
                    HTML += "</td>";
                    HTML += "</tr>";

                    HTML += "</table>";

                    HTML += "<br/>";
                    HTML += "<br/>";

                    HTML += "<table style=\"font-family: Arial;\" cellpadding=\"6\">";

                    HTML += "<tr>";
                    HTML += "<td>";
                    HTML += "Rank";
                    HTML += "</td>";
                    HTML += "<td>";
                    HTML += "Product Name";
                    HTML += "</td>";
                    HTML += "<td>";
                    HTML += "Product Description";
                    HTML += "</td>";
                    HTML += "<td>";
                    HTML += "Quantity Bought";
                    HTML += "</td>";
                    HTML += "<tr>";

                    int Counter = 0;

                    foreach (TopTenView myTopTenItem in myTopTenList)

                        if (Counter > 10)

                        HTML += "<tr>";

                        HTML += "<td>";
                        HTML += Counter;
                        HTML += "</td>";
                        HTML += "<td>";
                        HTML += myTopTenItem.ProductName;
                        HTML += "</td>";
                        HTML += "<td>";
                        HTML += myTopTenItem.ProductDescription;
                        HTML += "</td>";
                        HTML += "<td>";
                        HTML += myTopTenItem.QuantitySold;
                        HTML += "</td>";

                        HTML += "</tr>";

                    HTML += "</table>";

                    IQueryable<TopTenClients> myTopTenList = new OrdersLogic().RetrieveTopTenClients();

                    HTML += "<table style=\"font-family: Arial;\" cellpadding=\"6\">";

                    HTML += "<tr>";
                    HTML += "<td>";
                    HTML += "Rank";
                    HTML += "</td>";
                    HTML += "<td>";
                    HTML += "Client Name";
                    HTML += "</td>";
                    HTML += "<td>";
                    HTML += "Quantity Bought";
                    HTML += "</td>";
                    HTML += "<tr>";

                    int Counter = 0;

                    foreach (TopTenClients myTopTenItem in myTopTenList)

                        if (Counter > 10)

                        HTML += "<tr>";

                        HTML += "<td>";
                        HTML += Counter;
                        HTML += "</td>";
                        HTML += "<td>";
                        HTML += myTopTenItem.ClientName;
                        HTML += "</td>";
                        HTML += "<td>";
                        HTML += myTopTenItem.ProductCount;
                        HTML += "</td>";

                        HTML += "</tr>";

                    HTML += "</table>";

                lblOutput.Text = HTML;
            catch (Exception Exception)
                throw Exception;
        public bool UpdateItem(string OrderID, string ProductID, string OrderType, string Quantity)
                if (Context.User.IsInRole("Administrator"))
                    Guid myOrderID = Guid.Parse(OrderID);
                    Guid myProductID = Guid.Parse(ProductID);
                    int myQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(Quantity);

                    bool UpdateSuccessful = false;

                    if (OrderType.Trim() == "User")
                        UpdateSuccessful = new OrdersLogic().UpdateUserOrderItem(myOrderID, myProductID, myQuantity);

                        return UpdateSuccessful;
                    else if (OrderType.Trim() == "Supplier")
                        UpdateSuccessful = new OrdersLogic().UpdateSupplierOrderItem(myOrderID, myProductID, myQuantity);

                        return UpdateSuccessful;

                    return UpdateSuccessful;
                    return false;
            catch (Exception Exception)
                throw Exception;
        public bool RemoveItem(string OrderID, string ProductID, string OrderType)
                if (Context.User.IsInRole("Administrator"))
                    Guid myOrderID = Guid.Parse(OrderID);
                    Guid myProductID = Guid.Parse(ProductID);

                    bool UpdateSuccessful = false;

                    if (OrderType.Trim() == "User")
                        new OrdersLogic().RemoveUserOrderItem(myOrderID, myProductID);

                        return true;
                    else if (OrderType.Trim() == "Supplier")
                        UpdateSuccessful = new OrdersLogic().RemoveSupplierOrderItem(myOrderID, myProductID);

                        return UpdateSuccessful;

                    return UpdateSuccessful;
                    return false;
            catch (Exception Exception)
                throw Exception;
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when the User Orders Grid View Selected Index is Changed
        /// Level: External
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void gvUserOrders_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
                txtUserID.Visible = true;
                txtUserID.Text = gvUserOrders.SelectedValue.ToString();

                Order myOrder = new OrdersLogic().RetrieveOrderByID(Guid.Parse(gvUserOrders.SelectedValue.ToString()));

                txtSupplierID.Text = "";
                ddlOrderStatus.Visible = true;
                ddlOrderStatus.SelectedValue = myOrder.OrderStatus.Id.ToString();
                btnUpdate.Visible = true;
                lblOrder.Visible = true;

                btnPrintContents.Visible = true;
                btnEditContents.Visible = true;
            catch (Exception Exception)
                throw Exception;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                    string myOrderID = Request.QueryString[0].ToString();
                    Guid myOrderGuid;

                    if (Guid.TryParse(myOrderID, out myOrderGuid))
                        Order myOrder = new OrdersLogic().RetrieveOrderByID(myOrderGuid);
                        IQueryable<OrderProduct> myOrderItems = new OrdersLogic().RetrieveItemsByOrderID(myOrderGuid);

                        bool HasAccess = false;

                            HasAccess = true;
                            if (myOrder.UserFK == new UsersLogic().RetrieveUserByUsername(Context.User.Identity.Name).Id)
                                HasAccess = true;

                        //User has access to the order
                        if (HasAccess)
                            string HTML = "<table style=\"font-family: Arial;\"  cellpadding=\"6\">";

                            HTML += "<tr>";
                                HTML += "<td>";
                                HTML += "Order ID: ";
                                HTML += "</td>";
                                HTML += "<td>";
                                HTML += myOrder.Id;
                                HTML += "</td>";
                            HTML += "</tr>";

                            if(myOrder.SupplierFK == null)
                                HTML += "<tr>";
                                HTML += "<td>";
                                HTML += "Name: ";
                                HTML += "</td>";
                                HTML += "<td>";
                                HTML += myOrder.User.Name + " " + myOrder.User.Surname;
                                HTML += "</td>";
                                HTML += "</tr>";

                                string[] Address = myOrder.User.StreetAddress.Split('|');

                                HTML += "<tr>";
                                HTML += "<td>";
                                HTML += "Address: ";
                                HTML += "</td>";
                                HTML += "<td>";
                                HTML += Address[0];
                                HTML += "</td>";
                                HTML += "</tr>";

                                HTML += "<tr>";
                                HTML += "<td>";
                                HTML += "</td>";
                                HTML += "<td>";
                                HTML += Address[1];
                                HTML += "</td>";
                                HTML += "</tr>";

                                HTML += "<tr>";
                                HTML += "<td>";
                                HTML += "Town: ";
                                HTML += "</td>";
                                HTML += "<td>";
                                HTML += myOrder.User.Town.Town1;
                                HTML += "</td>";
                                HTML += "</tr>";

                                HTML += "<tr>";
                                HTML += "<td>";
                                HTML += "Country: ";
                                HTML += "</td>";
                                HTML += "<td>";
                                HTML += myOrder.User.Town.Country.Country1;
                                HTML += "</td>";
                                HTML += "</tr>";
                                HTML += "<tr>";
                                HTML += "<td>";
                                HTML += "Supplier: ";
                                HTML += "</td>";
                                HTML += "<td>";
                                HTML += myOrder.Supplier.Supplier1;
                                HTML += "</td>";
                                HTML += "</tr>";

                            HTML += "<tr>";
                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "Status: ";
                            HTML += "</td>";
                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += myOrder.OrderStatus.Status;
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "</tr>";
                            HTML += "<tr>";
                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "Date Placed: ";
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += myOrder.OrderDate;
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "</tr>";

                            HTML += "</table>";

                            HTML += "<br/>";

                            HTML += "<table style=\"font-family: Arial;\"  cellpadding=\"6\">";

                            HTML += "<tr>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "Product";
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "Quantity";
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "Price";
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "VAT Rate";
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "Discount (Incl.)";
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "</tr>";

                            double TotalPrice = 0;
                            double TotalVat = 0;

                            foreach (OrderProduct myOrderItem in myOrderItems)
                                Product myProduct = new ProductsLogic().RetrieveProductByID(myOrderItem.ProductFK.ToString());

                                User myUser = null;
                                UserTypeProduct myPriceType = null;

                                if (myOrder.UserFK != null)
                                    myUser = new UsersLogic().RetrieveUserByID(Guid.Parse(myOrder.UserFK.ToString()));
                                    myPriceType = new PriceTypesLogic().RetrievePriceTypeByID(myUser.UserTypeFK, myProduct.Id);
                                    UserType myUserType = new UserTypesLogic().RetrieveUserTypeByName("Wholesaler");
                                    myPriceType = new PriceTypesLogic().RetrievePriceTypeByID(myUserType.Id, myProduct.Id);

                                HTML += "<tr>";

                                HTML += "<td>";
                                HTML += myProduct.Name;
                                HTML += "</td>";

                                HTML += "<td>";
                                HTML += " x " + myOrderItem.Quantity;
                                HTML += "</td>";

                                HTML += "<td>";
                                HTML += " at € " + myOrderItem.Price.ToString("F");
                                HTML += "</td>";

                                HTML += "<td>";
                                HTML += myProduct.Vatrate.Vatrate1 + "% VAT";
                                HTML += "</td>";

                                TotalPrice += myOrderItem.Price * myOrderItem.Quantity;
                                TotalVat += ((myProduct.Vatrate.Vatrate1 / 100) * (myOrderItem.Price * myOrderItem.Quantity));

                                HTML += "<td>";

                                if((myOrder.OrderDate >= myPriceType.DiscountDateFrom) && (myOrder.OrderDate <= myPriceType.DiscountDateTo))
                                    HTML += myPriceType.DiscountPercentage + "% Discount";

                                HTML += "</td>";

                                HTML += "</tr>";

                            HTML += "<tr>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "Subtotal : ";
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "€ " + (TotalPrice - TotalVat).ToString("F");
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "<tr>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "VAT : ";
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "€ " + TotalVat.ToString("F");
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "</tr>";

                            HTML += "<tr>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "Total : ";
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "<td>";
                            HTML += "€ " + TotalPrice.ToString("F");
                            HTML += "</td>";

                            HTML += "</tr>";
                            HTML += "</table>";

                            lblOutput.Text = HTML;

            catch (Exception Exception)
                throw Exception;