public Dictionary <string, object> GetPos(CpuBlock cpu) { Vector3 myPos = Rigidbody.position; return(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "absolutePos", BlockUtils.Vec2Obj(cpu, myPos) } }); }
public Dictionary <string, object> GetV(CpuBlock cpu) { Vector3 myV = Rigidbody.velocity; return(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "velocity", BlockUtils.Vec2Obj(cpu, myV) } }); }
public Dictionary <string, object> GetAng(CpuBlock cpu) { Quaternion quaternion = base.transform.rotation; Vector3 angV = Rigidbody.angularVelocity; return(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "quaternion", BlockUtils.Quat2Obj(cpu, quaternion) }, { "velocity", BlockUtils.Vec2Obj(cpu, angV) } }); }
public Dictionary <string, object> GetTargetObject(CpuBlock cpu) { if (closestCollider == null) { return(null); } if (detectedObjectInfo != null) { return(detectedObjectInfo); } // Static objects have rigidBody.isKinematic var rigidBody = closestCollider.attachedRigidbody; // Mesh has no rigidbody var isStaic = (rigidBody == null || rigidBody.isKinematic); var transform = closestCollider.transform; // AI has EntityAI var parentAI = transform.GetComponentInParent <EntityAI>(); var simpleAI = transform.GetComponentInParent <EnemyAISimple>(); // Blocks have BlockBehavior var parentBlock = transform.GetComponentInParent <BlockBehaviour>(); var objectInfo = rigidBody?.GetComponentInParent <SimBehaviour>(); var bombInfo = rigidBody?.GetComponentInParent <ExplodeOnCollide>(); var killable = rigidBody?.GetComponentInParent <InjuryController>(); var projectile = rigidBody?.GetComponentInParent <ProjectileScript>(); var isDead = parentAI != null && parentAI.isDead || simpleAI != null && simpleAI.isDead; var canBreak = objectInfo is IExplosionEffect || rigidBody?.GetComponent <PhysNodeTile>() != null || rigidBody?.GetComponent <StructuralPhysTile>() != null; var objectType = (bombInfo != null || (parentBlock is ExplodeOnCollideBlock) ? "bomb" : parentBlock != null ? "block" : projectile != null ? "projectile" : isDead ? "dead" : parentAI != null || simpleAI != null ? "unit" : killable != null ? "creature" : canBreak ? "breakable" : objectInfo != null ? "entity" : "other"); Vector3 relativePos = closestPoint - sensorPos.position; Vector3 targetV = rigidBody ? rigidBody.velocity :; detectedObjectInfo = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "static", isStaic ? (long)1 : 0 }, { "type", objectType }, { "relativePos", BlockUtils.Vec2Obj(cpu, relativePos) }, { "absolutePos", BlockUtils.Vec2Obj(cpu, closestPoint) }, { "velocity", BlockUtils.Vec2Obj(cpu, targetV) } }; return(detectedObjectInfo); }
public static JsValue Vec2Obj(CpuBlock b, Vector3 v) { var vec3 = b.Interp.Global.Get(CpuVector3.Name) as IConstructor; return(vec3.Construct(new JsValue[] { v.x, v.y, v.z }, null)); }
public static ObjectInstance Quat2Obj(CpuBlock b, Quaternion q) { var quat = b.Interp.Global.Get(CpuQuaternion.Name) as IConstructor; return(quat.Construct(new JsValue[] { q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w }, null)); }