public bool writeData(List <typeRec> typeRecs, string key, string logID) { string connectionString; SqlConnection cnn; connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["LoggerDB"].ConnectionString; cnn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); try { cnn.Open(); SqlCommand command; SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); int loadNum = 0; int configCount = typeRecs.Count / 3; int count = 0; while (loadNum < configCount) { typeRec r = typeRecs[count]; configParams parms = new configParams(); = r.typeContent.Substring(0, 1); parms.cardReaderError = r.typeContent.Substring(1, 3); parms.reserved1 = r.typeContent.Substring(4, 3); parms.reserved2 = r.typeContent.Substring(7, 3); parms.trackWriteError = r.typeContent.Substring(10, 3); = r.typeContent.Substring(13, 3); parms.reserved3 = r.typeContent.Substring(16, 9); count++; r = typeRecs[count]; parms.luno = r.typeContent; count++; r = typeRecs[count]; int timersNum = r.typeContent.Length / 5; parms.timers = new timerRec[timersNum]; for (int x = 0, y = 0; y < timersNum; x = x + 5, y++) { parms.timers[y].timerNum = r.typeContent.Substring(x, 2); parms.timers[y].timerTics = r.typeContent.Substring(x + 2, 3); } count++; loadNum++; // childs of configParamsInfo string sql = ""; for (int y = 0; y < timersNum; y++) { sql = @"INSERT INTO configParamsTimers([logkey],[rectype],[timerNum],[timerTics],[logID]) "; sql = sql + @" VALUES('" + r.typeIndex + "','C',"; sql = sql + "'" + parms.timers[y].timerNum + "',"; sql = sql + "'" + parms.timers[y].timerTics + "'," + logID + ")"; command = new SqlCommand(sql, cnn); dataAdapter.InsertCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, cnn); dataAdapter.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.Dispose(); } // save the timers parent record sql = @"INSERT INTO configParamsInfo([logkey],[rectype],[camera],[cardReaderError],[reserved1]," + "[reserved2],[trackWriteError],[supply],[reserved3],[luno],[timersCount],[load],[prjkey],[logID])" + " VALUES('" + r.typeIndex + "','" + // key 'C' + "','" + // record type + "','" + parms.cardReaderError + "','" + parms.reserved1 + "','" + parms.reserved2 + "','" + parms.trackWriteError + "','" + + "','" + parms.reserved3 + "','" + parms.luno + "','" + timersNum.ToString() + "','" + loadNum.ToString() + "','" + key + "'," + logID + ")"; command = new SqlCommand(sql, cnn); dataAdapter.InsertCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, cnn); dataAdapter.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.Dispose(); // cnn.Close(); } cnn.Close(); return(true); } catch (Exception dbEx) { Console.WriteLine(dbEx.ToString()); return(false); } }
public bool writeData(List <typeRec> typeRecs, string key, string logID) { string connectionString; SqlConnection cnn; connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["LoggerDB"].ConnectionString; cnn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); try { cnn.Open(); SqlCommand command; SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); int loadNum = 0; int count = 0; while (count < typeRecs.Count) { typeRec r = typeRecs[count]; enhancedParams parms = new enhancedParams(); parms.luno = r.typeContent; count++; int optionsCount = 0; if (typeRecs[count - 1].typeIndex == typeRecs[count].typeIndex) { r = typeRecs[count]; optionsCount = r.typeContent.Length / 5; parms.options = new parameterAndValue[optionsCount]; for (int x = 0, y = 0; y < optionsCount; x = x + 5, y++) { parms.options[y].paramName = r.typeContent.Substring(x, 2); parms.options[y].paramValue = r.typeContent.Substring(x + 2, 3); } count++; } int timersNum = 0; if (typeRecs[count - 1].typeIndex == typeRecs[count].typeIndex) { r = typeRecs[count]; timersNum = r.typeContent.Length / 5; parms.timers = new timerRec[timersNum]; for (int x = 0, y = 0; y < timersNum; x = x + 5, y++) { parms.timers[y].timerNum = r.typeContent.Substring(x, 2); parms.timers[y].timerTics = r.typeContent.Substring(x + 2, 3); } count++; } loadNum++; // childs of EnhanedParamsInfo string sql = ""; for (int y = 0; y < optionsCount; y++) { sql = @"INSERT INTO enhancedParams([logkey],[rectype],[optionNum],[optionCode],[logID]) "; sql = sql + @" VALUES('" + r.typeIndex + "','C',"; sql = sql + "'" + parms.options[y].paramName + "',"; sql = sql + "'" + parms.options[y].paramValue + "'," + logID + ")"; command = new SqlCommand(sql, cnn); dataAdapter.InsertCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, cnn); dataAdapter.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.Dispose(); } sql = ""; for (int y = 0; y < timersNum; y++) { sql = @"INSERT INTO enhancedTimers([logkey],[rectype],[timerNum],[timerSeconds],[logID]) "; sql = sql + @" VALUES('" + r.typeIndex + "','C',"; sql = sql + "'" + parms.timers[y].timerNum + "',"; sql = sql + "'" + parms.timers[y].timerTics + "'," + logID + ")"; command = new SqlCommand(sql, cnn); dataAdapter.InsertCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, cnn); dataAdapter.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.Dispose(); } // save the timers parent record sql = @"INSERT INTO enhancedParamsInfo([logkey],[rectype],[luno],[paramsCount],[timersCount],[load],[prjkey],[logID])" + " VALUES('" + r.typeIndex + "','" + // key 'C' + "','" + // record type parms.luno + "','" + optionsCount.ToString() + "','" + timersNum.ToString() + "','" + loadNum.ToString() + "','" + key + "'," + logID + ")"; command = new SqlCommand(sql, cnn); dataAdapter.InsertCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, cnn); dataAdapter.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.Dispose(); // cnn.Close(); } cnn.Close(); return(true); } catch (Exception dbEx) { Console.WriteLine(dbEx.ToString()); return(false); } }
public void getData(string regExStr, string recordType, string logID) { string sql = @"SELECT logkey,id,group8 from [logger].[dbo].[loginfo] " + "WHERE group8 like '" + regExStr + "' " + "AND logID =" + logID; Dictionary <string, string> data = readData(sql); string[] dataTypes = null; List <typeRec> typeList = new List <typeRec>(); string[] tmpTypes; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> rec in data) { // tmpTypes = rec.Value.Split((char)0x1c); if (recordType == "00" || recordType == "01") { typeRec r = new typeRec(); r.typeIndex = rec.Key; r.typeContent = rec.Value; typeList.Add(r); } tmpTypes = rec.Value.Split((char)0x1c); if (tmpTypes[3] == recordType) { int myInd = tmpTypes[0].Length + tmpTypes[1].Length + tmpTypes[2].Length + tmpTypes[3].Length; string typeData = rec.Value.Substring(myInd + 4, rec.Value.Length - (myInd + 4)); dataTypes = typeData.Split((char)0x1c); foreach (string item in dataTypes) { typeRec r = new typeRec(); r.typeIndex = rec.Key; r.typeContent = item; typeList.Add(r); } } } switch (recordType) { case "00": TRec tr = new TRec(); if (tr.writeData(typeList, Key, logID)) { setBitToTrue(recordType, logID); } break; case "01": TReply treply = new TReply(); if (treply.writeData(typeList, Key, logID)) { // set screen bit to true setBitToTrue(recordType, logID); } break; case "11": screenRec scrRec = new screenRec(); if (scrRec.writeData(typeList, Key, logID)) { setBitToTrue(recordType, logID); } break; case "12": stateRec staRec = new stateRec(); if (staRec.writeData(typeList, Key, logID)) { setBitToTrue(recordType, logID); } break; case "13": configParamsRec cpRec = new configParamsRec(); if (cpRec.writeData(typeList, Key, logID)) { setBitToTrue(recordType, logID); } break; case "15": FitRec fitRec = new FitRec(); if (fitRec.writeData(typeList, Key, logID)) { setBitToTrue(recordType, logID); } break; case "16": ConfigIdRec cir = new ConfigIdRec(); if (cir.writeData(typeList, Key, logID)) { setBitToTrue(recordType, logID); } break; case "1A": EnhancedParamsRec epRec = new EnhancedParamsRec(); if (epRec.writeData(typeList, Key, logID)) { setBitToTrue(recordType, logID); } break; case "1B": //writeMAC(typeList); break; case "1C": DateAndTimeRec dt = new DateAndTimeRec(); if (dt.writeData(typeList, Key, logID)) { setBitToTrue(recordType, logID); } break; case "1E": //writeDispenser(typeList); break; case "42": ExtEncryptionRec xer = new ExtEncryptionRec(); if (xer.writeData(typeList, Key, logID)) { setBitToTrue(recordType, logID); } break; } }