public static float GetCameraPercent(Vector2 position, Rect sliderRect) { var percentage = Mathf.Clamp(1.0f - (position.x - sliderRect.x) / sliderRect.width, 0.01f, 1.0f); percentage = LODGUI.LinearizeScreenPercentage(percentage); return(percentage); }
private void DrawLODLevelSlider(Rect sliderPosition, List <LODGUI.LODInfo> lods) { int sliderId = GUIUtility.GetControlID(m_LODSliderId, FocusType.Passive); int camerId = GUIUtility.GetControlID(m_CameraSliderId, FocusType.Passive); Event evt = Event.current; switch (evt.GetTypeForControl(sliderId)) { case EventType.Repaint: { LODGUI.DrawLODSlider(sliderPosition, lods, SelectedLOD); break; } case EventType.MouseDown: { if (evt.button == 1 && sliderPosition.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) // right click { float cameraPercent = LODGUI.GetCameraPercent(evt.mousePosition, sliderPosition); var pm = new GenericMenu(); if (lods.Count >= 8) { pm.AddDisabledItem(EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Insert Before")); } else { pm.AddItem(EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Insert Before"), false, new LODAction(lods, cameraPercent, evt.mousePosition, m_LODs, InsertLod).InsertLOD); } // culled region bool disabledRegion = !(lods.Count > 0 && lods[lods.Count - 1].RawScreenPercent < cameraPercent); if (disabledRegion) { pm.AddDisabledItem(EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Delete")); } else { pm.AddItem(EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Delete"), false, new LODAction(lods, cameraPercent, evt.mousePosition, m_LODs, DeletedLOD).DeleteLOD); } pm.ShowAsContext(); bool selected = false; foreach (var lod in lods) { if (lod.m_RangePosition.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { SelectedLOD = lod.LODLevel; selected = true; break; } } if (!selected) { SelectedLOD = -1; } evt.Use(); break; } // edge buttons overflow by 5 pixels var barPosition = sliderPosition; barPosition.x -= 5; barPosition.width += 10; if (barPosition.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { evt.Use(); GUIUtility.hotControl = sliderId; bool clickedButton = false; lods.OrderByDescending(x => x.LODLevel); foreach (var lod in lods) { if (lod.m_ButtonPosition.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { m_SelectedLODSlider = lod.LODLevel; clickedButton = true; m_cameraPercent = lod.RawScreenPercent + 0.001f; // Bias by 0.1% so that there is no skipping when sliding BeginLODDrag(); break; } } if (!clickedButton) { foreach (var lod in lods) { if (lod.m_RangePosition.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { m_SelectedLODSlider = -1; SelectedLOD = lod.LODLevel; break; } } } } break; } case EventType.MouseDrag: { if (GUIUtility.hotControl == sliderId && m_SelectedLODSlider >= 0 && lods[m_SelectedLODSlider] != null) { evt.Use(); var cameraPercent = LODGUI.GetCameraPercent(evt.mousePosition, sliderPosition); // Bias by 0.1% so that there is no skipping when sliding LODGUI.SetSelectedLODLevelPercentage(cameraPercent - 0.001f, m_SelectedLODSlider, lods); m_LODs[m_SelectedLODSlider].screenPercentage = cameraPercent; UpdateLODDrag(); } break; } case EventType.MouseUp: { if (GUIUtility.hotControl == sliderId) { GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; m_SelectedLODSlider = -1; EndLODDrag(); evt.Use(); } break; } case EventType.DragUpdated: case EventType.DragPerform: { var lodLevel = -2; foreach (var lod in lods) { if (lod.m_RangePosition.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { lodLevel = lod.LODLevel; break; } } if (lodLevel >= 0) { SelectedLOD = lodLevel; DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy; if (DragAndDrop.objectReferences.Count() > 0) { if (evt.type == EventType.DragPerform) { var selectedGameObjects = from go in DragAndDrop.objectReferences where go as GameObject != null select go as GameObject; if (selectedGameObjects.Count() > 0) { var go = selectedGameObjects.First(); if (go != null) { m_LODs[SelectedLOD].Drop(go); UpdateBehavic(); OnLodChanged(m_selectLOD); Debug.Log("drop lod: " + SelectedLOD + " " +; } } DragAndDrop.AcceptDrag(); } evt.Use(); } } break; } case EventType.DragExited: { evt.Use(); break; } } var cameraRect = LODGUI.CalcLODButton(sliderPosition, LODGUI.DelinearizeScreenPercentage(m_cameraPercent)); var cameraIconRect = new Rect( - 15, cameraRect.y - 25, 32, 32); var cameraLineRect = new Rect( - 1, cameraRect.y, 2, cameraRect.height); var cameraPercentRect = new Rect( - 5, cameraLineRect.yMax, 35, 20); switch (evt.GetTypeForControl(camerId)) { case EventType.Repaint: { var colorCache = GUI.backgroundColor; GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(colorCache.r, colorCache.g, colorCache.b, 0.8f); LODGUI.Styles.LODCameraLine.Draw(cameraLineRect, false, false, false, false); GUI.backgroundColor = colorCache; GUI.Label(cameraIconRect, LODGUI.Styles.CameraIcon, GUIStyle.none); LODGUI.Styles.LODSliderText.Draw(cameraPercentRect, String.Format("{0:0}%", Mathf.Clamp01(m_cameraPercent) * 100.0f), false, false, false, false); break; } case EventType.MouseDown: { if (cameraIconRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { evt.Use(); var cameraPercent = LODGUI.GetCameraPercent(evt.mousePosition, sliderPosition); UpdateSelectedLODFromCamera(lods, cameraPercent); GUIUtility.hotControl = camerId; BeginLODDrag(); } break; } case EventType.MouseDrag: { if (GUIUtility.hotControl == camerId) { evt.Use(); m_cameraPercent = LODGUI.GetCameraPercent(evt.mousePosition, sliderPosition); UpdateSelectedLODFromCamera(lods, m_cameraPercent); UpdateLODDrag(); } break; } case EventType.MouseUp: { if (GUIUtility.hotControl == camerId) { EndLODDrag(); GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; evt.Use(); } break; } } }
private void OnGUI() { var initiallyEnabled = GUI.enabled; if (SelectedLOD >= m_NumberOfLODs) { SelectedLOD = m_NumberOfLODs - 1; } GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Select Role: "); role_pop = EditorGUILayout.Popup(role_pop, roles); GUILayout.Space(8); if (GUILayout.Button("load")) { LoadRole(lodNode); UpdateInfo(); } if (GUILayout.Button("save")) { float[] levels = m_LODs.Where(x => x.screenPercentage > 0 && x.screenPercentage < 1).Select(x => x.screenPercentage).ToArray(); string prefab = lodNode.prefab; config.AddorUpdate(prefab, levels); config.Save(); LodExport.Export(m_LODs.ToArray(), lodNode); LodUtil.ReLoad(m_LODs, lodNode); return; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(18); var sliderBarPosition = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(0, LODGUI.kSliderBarHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); var lods = LODGUI.CreateLODInfos(m_NumberOfLODs, sliderBarPosition, i => string.Format("LOD {0}", i), i => m_LODs[i].screenPercentage); DrawLODLevelSlider(sliderBarPosition, lods); GUILayout.Space(LODGUI.kSliderBarBottomMargin); if (QualitySettings.lodBias != 1.0f) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(string.Format("Active LOD bias is {0:0.0#}. Distances are adjusted accordingly.", QualitySettings.lodBias), MessageType.Warning); } GUILayout.Space(8); GUILayout.Label(SelectedLOD < 0 ? "Culled" : "LOD " + SelectedLOD, LODGUI.selectStyle); GUILayout.Space(8); if (SelectedLOD >= 0) { var direct = m_LODs[SelectedLOD].GUI(m_direct); if (m_direct != direct) { m_direct = direct; UpdateBehavic(); } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); }