public static void Menu()
            EditorLSDatabaseWindow window = EditorWindow.GetWindow <EditorLSDatabaseWindow> ();

            window.titleContent = new GUIContent("Lockstep Database");
            window.minSize      = new Vector2(400, 100);
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            float height  = 15f;
            Rect  drawPos = position;

            drawPos.yMax = drawPos.yMin + height;
            DataCodeAttribute dca = this.attribute as DataCodeAttribute;

            if (dca == null)
                EditorGUI.LabelField(drawPos, "No attribute found");
            else if (EditorLSDatabaseWindow.Window == null || EditorLSDatabaseWindow.Window.IsLoaded == false)
                if (GUI.Button(drawPos, new GUIContent("No database loaded", "Click to open the database manager and load a database.")))
                    if (EditorLSDatabaseWindow.Window == null)
                DataHelper helper;
                if (!EditorLSDatabaseWindow.Window.DatabaseEditor.DataHelpers.TryGetValue(dca.TargetDataName, out helper))
                    Debug.LogError("Data code '" + dca.TargetDataName + "' was not found in the current database");
                    DataItem[]   data         = helper.Data;
                    GUIContent[] dataContents = new GUIContent[data.Length + 1];

                    if (property.isArray && property.type != "string")
                        int arraySize = property.arraySize;
                        arraySize          = EditorGUI.IntField(drawPos, "Size", arraySize);
                        property.arraySize = arraySize;
                        for (int n = 0; n < arraySize; n++)
                            SerializedProperty element = property.GetArrayElementAtIndex(n);
                            DrawElement(element, dataContents, data, drawPos, label);
                        DrawElement(property, dataContents, data, drawPos, label);
            accumulatedHeight = drawPos.yMax - position.yMin;
Exemple #3
        public void Initialize(EditorLSDatabaseWindow window, LSDatabase database)
            this.MainWindow = window;
            Database        = database;

            for (int i = 0; i < DataItemInfos.Count; i++)
                DataItemInfo info = DataItemInfos[i];
        public void Initialize(EditorLSDatabaseWindow window, LSDatabase database, out bool valid)
            this.MainWindow = window;
            Database        = database;

            IsValid = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < DataItemInfos.Count; i++)
                DataItemInfo info = DataItemInfos[i];
                bool         isValid;
                CreateDataHelper(info, out isValid);
                if (!isValid)
                    Debug.LogError("Database does not match database type described by the database editor. Make sure Lockstep_Database.asset is the correct database type.");
                    IsValid = false;
            valid = IsValid;
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            float height  = 15f;
            Rect  drawPos = position;

            drawPos.yMax = drawPos.yMin + height;
            DataCodeAttribute dca = this.attribute as DataCodeAttribute;

            if (dca == null)
                EditorGUI.LabelField(drawPos, "No attribute found");
            else if (EditorLSDatabaseWindow.Window == null || EditorLSDatabaseWindow.Window.IsLoaded == false)
                if (GUI.Button(drawPos, new GUIContent("No database loaded", "Click to open the database manager and load a database.")))
                    if (EditorLSDatabaseWindow.Window == null)
                DataHelper helper;
                if (!EditorLSDatabaseWindow.Window.DatabaseEditor.DataHelpers.TryGetValue(dca.TargetDataName, out helper))
                    Debug.LogError("Data code '" + dca.TargetDataName + "' was not found in the current database");
                    DataItem[]   data         = helper.Data;
                    GUIContent[] dataContents = new GUIContent[data.Length];
                    if (property.isArray && property.type != "string")
                        int arraySize = property.arraySize;
                        arraySize          = EditorGUI.IntField(drawPos, "Size", arraySize);
                        property.arraySize = arraySize;
                        for (int n = 0; n < arraySize; n++)
                            SerializedProperty element = property.GetArrayElementAtIndex(n);

                            string curName = element.stringValue;
                            int    index   = -1;
                            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                                string name = data [i].Name;
                                if (curName.Equals(name))
                                    index = i;

                                GUIContent content = new GUIContent(name);
                                dataContents [i] = content;
                            //label.tooltip += dca.TargetDataName;
                            int newIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(drawPos, label, index, dataContents);
                            if (newIndex >= 0 && newIndex < dataContents.Length)
                                element.stringValue = dataContents [newIndex].text;
                        string curName = property.stringValue;
                        int    index   = -1;
                        for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                            string name = data [i].Name;
                            if (curName.Equals(name))
                                index = i;

                            GUIContent content = new GUIContent(name);
                            dataContents [i] = content;
                        //label.tooltip += dca.TargetDataName;
                        int newIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(drawPos, label, index, dataContents);
                        if (newIndex >= 0 && newIndex < dataContents.Length)
                            property.stringValue = dataContents [newIndex].text;
            accumulatedHeight = drawPos.yMax - position.yMin;
        public void Initialize(EditorLSDatabaseWindow window, LSDatabase database)
            this.MainWindow = window;
            Database = database;

            InitializeData ();
            for (int i = 0; i < DataItemInfos.Count; i++) {
                DataItemInfo info = DataItemInfos[i];
                CreateDataHelper (info);
        public void Initialize(EditorLSDatabaseWindow window, LSDatabase database, out bool valid)
            this.MainWindow = window;
            Database = database;

            InitializeData ();
            IsValid = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < DataItemInfos.Count; i++) {
                DataItemInfo info = DataItemInfos[i];
                bool isValid;
                CreateDataHelper (info, out isValid);
                if (!isValid) {
                    Debug.LogError ("Database does not match database type described by the database editor. Make sure Lockstep_Database.asset is the correct database type.");
                    IsValid = false;
            valid = IsValid;