public LineReport(double time, XYDoubleLocation nearLoc, XYDoubleLocation farLoc, double distance, double length) { // Closure must still be checked before creating the LineReport! double k1 = distance - length; double k2 = distance; double dx = farLoc.X - nearLoc.X; double dy = farLoc.Y - nearLoc.Y; double theta = Math.Atan2(dy, dx); double inner = k1 * Math.Cos(theta); double innerX = nearLoc.X; double innerY; double outer = k2 * Math.Cos(theta); double outerX = farLoc.X; double outerY; if (!double.IsInfinity(dy / dx)) { double m = dy / dx; innerX = inner + nearLoc.X; innerY = m * inner + nearLoc.Y; outerX = outer + nearLoc.X; outerY = m * outer + nearLoc.Y; } else { innerY = Math.Sign(dy) * k1 + nearLoc.Y; outerY = Math.Sign(dy) * k2 + nearLoc.Y; } XYDoubleLocation outerLoc; XYDoubleLocation innerLoc = new XYDoubleLocation(innerX, innerY); if ((Math.Abs(outerX - nearLoc.X) > Math.Abs(dx)) || (Math.Abs(outerY - nearLoc.Y) > Math.Abs(dy))) outerLoc = farLoc; else outerLoc = new XYDoubleLocation(outerX, outerY); innerLoc.SetField(nearLoc.Field); outerLoc.SetField(nearLoc.Field); if ((Math.Abs(innerX - nearLoc.X) > Math.Abs(dx)) || (Math.Abs(innerY - nearLoc.Y) > Math.Abs(dy))) innerLoc = outerLoc; // This occurs if the line has already intersected the neighbor this.loc1 = innerLoc; this.loc2 = outerLoc; this.time = time; }
// Any non-Normal Location can be constructed using a Normal and a Field. public XYDoubleLocation(NormalLocation normLoc, XYDoubleLocation[] field) { // (Note that this constructor would be much more complex for something like Lat/Long) if (!SetField(field)) // First, set the field and verify it. { throw (new Exception("Invalid Field in XYDoubleLocation")); } else { // Next, measure the size of the field in the X and Y locations XYDoubleLocation[] tempField = (XYDoubleLocation[])this.Field; double dX = tempField[1].X - tempField[0].X; double dY = tempField[1].Y - tempField[0].Y; // Transform the magnitude of the Normal double X = dX * normLoc.X; double Y = dY * normLoc.Y; // Transform the translation of the Normal this.x = X + tempField[0].X; this.y = Y + tempField[0].Y; } }
private void btn_RunSim_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { isSimPaused = false; if (isSimRunning) return; disableConfiguration(); label_Info.Text = "Configuring Simulation."; label_Info.Refresh(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(250); // ********** VERIFY CONFIGURATION ********** // This could be moved to click/change events // and the Begin button disabled until config // is validated. bool valid = true; if (selected_IApplicationEventGenerator.ForeColor == Color.Red) valid = false; if (selected_IDeployer.ForeColor == Color.Red) valid = false; if (selected_ILocation.ForeColor == Color.Red) valid = false; if (selected_INodeFactory.ForeColor == Color.Red) valid = false; if (selected_IPhysicalProcessor.ForeColor == Color.Red) valid = false; if (selected_IRandomizerFactory.ForeColor == Color.Red) valid = false; if (selected_GraphicsRunning.ForeColor == Color.Red) valid = false; string filename = text_IOFolder.Text + "\\" + text_IOFileTag.Text + "_SimInfo.txt"; if (filename.IndexOfAny(System.IO.Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) > -1) valid = false; if (!valid) { enableConfiguration(); label_Info.Text = "ERR: Fix Highlighted Red/Yellow Options."; return; } // To prevent SW from getting stuck. Seems to happen when restarting many visualizations. sw = new StopWatch.StopWatch(); sw.Reset(); resetTimeTick = 0; // Set up modules & settings Type INodeFactoryType = (Type)this.cb_INode.SelectedItem; Type IPhysicalProcessorType = (Type)this.cb_IPhysicalProcessor.SelectedItem; Type IDeployerType = (Type)this.cb_IDeployer.SelectedItem; Type IApplicationEventGeneratorType = (Type)this.cb_IApplicationEventGenerator.SelectedItem; Type IRandomizerFactoryType = (Type)this.cb_IRandomizerFactory.SelectedItem; Type ILocationType = (Type)this.cb_ILocation.SelectedItem; double x1 = double.Parse(text_FieldX1.Text); double y1 = double.Parse(text_FieldY1.Text); double x2 = double.Parse(text_FieldX2.Text); double y2 = double.Parse(text_FieldY2.Text); double timeScale = double.Parse(TimeScale.Text); if (!cb_InvertScale.Checked) timeScale = 1 / timeScale; // Sim seconds per real second secPerTick = timeScale / double.Parse(FPS.Text); // Sim seconds per frame bool multirun = false; int numruns = 1; if (cb_Multirun.Checked && (tb_Multirun.BackColor == Color.White)) { multirun = true; numruns = int.Parse(tb_Multirun.Text); disableConfigurationMultirun(); } outputFile = null; // write to Run Info File string indent = " "; StreamWriter simInfoFile = new StreamWriter(filename, false); simInfoFile.WriteLine("Simulation Tag: " + text_IOFileTag.Text); simInfoFile.Write("Run Flags: "); if (cb_AppSetsSink.Checked) simInfoFile.Write("[Application Sets Sink Node] "); if (cb_randomSink.Checked) simInfoFile.Write("[Randomized Sink Node] "); if (cb_GraphicsOff.Checked) simInfoFile.Write("[Graphics Off] "); else simInfoFile.Write("[Graphics On] "); if (cb_Multirun.Checked) simInfoFile.Write("[Multirun with " + tb_Multirun.Text + " Runs]"); simInfoFile.Write("\n"); simInfoFile.WriteLine("ILocation: " + ILocationType.ToString()); simInfoFile.WriteLine(indent + "Initial Corner: (" + text_FieldX1.Text + ", " + text_FieldY1.Text + ")"); simInfoFile.WriteLine(indent + "Final Corner: (" + text_FieldX2.Text + ", " + text_FieldY2.Text + ")"); // Initial randomizer factory IRandomizerFactory randomFactoryMultirun = (IRandomizerFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(IRandomizerFactoryType); randomFactoryMultirun.PanelObjs = setPanelObjValues(PanelObjs_IRandomizerFactory); randomFactoryMultirun.Initialize(); simInfoFile.WriteLine("IRandomizerFactory: " + IRandomizerFactoryType.ToString()); foreach (PanelObj pObj in PanelObjs_IRandomizerFactory) { pObj.UpdateInfo(); simInfoFile.WriteLine(indent + + ": Text = " + pObj.text + "; Value = " + pObj.value); } simInfoFile.WriteLine("IDeployer: " + IDeployerType.ToString()); foreach (PanelObj pObj in PanelObjs_IDeployer) { pObj.UpdateInfo(); simInfoFile.WriteLine(indent + + ": Text = " + pObj.text + "; Value = " + pObj.value); } simInfoFile.WriteLine("IPhysicalProcessor: " + IPhysicalProcessorType.ToString()); foreach (PanelObj pObj in PanelObjs_IPhysProc) { pObj.UpdateInfo(); simInfoFile.WriteLine(indent + + ": Text = " + pObj.text + "; Value = " + pObj.value); } simInfoFile.WriteLine("INodeFactory: " + INodeFactoryType.ToString()); foreach (PanelObj pObj in PanelObjs_INode) { pObj.UpdateInfo(); simInfoFile.WriteLine(indent + + ": Text = " + pObj.text + "; Value = " + pObj.value); } simInfoFile.WriteLine("IApplicationEventGenerator: " + IApplicationEventGeneratorType.ToString()); foreach (PanelObj pObj in PanelObjs_IApplicationEventGenerator) { pObj.UpdateInfo(); simInfoFile.WriteLine(indent + + ": Text = " + pObj.text + "; Value = " + pObj.value); } simInfoFile.WriteLine(); // Start running simulation label_Info.Text = "Simulation Running"; label_Info.Refresh(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(250); for (run = 0; run < numruns; run++) { // SIM START isSimRunning = true; reporter = new Reporter(secPerTick); reporter.EnableGraphics = !cb_GraphicsOff.Checked; IRandomizerFactory randomFactory = (IRandomizerFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(IRandomizerFactoryType); randomFactory.PanelObjs = setPanelObjValues(PanelObjs_IRandomizerFactory); if (run == 0) randomFactory.SetSeed(randomFactoryMultirun.InitialSeed); else randomFactory.SetSeed(randomFactoryMultirun.CreateRandomizer().Next()); simInfoFile.WriteLine("Run #" + run + ": Randomizer Seed Info"); simInfoFile.WriteLine(indent + "Random Seed: " + randomFactory.InitialSeed); Nodes nodes = new Nodes(randomFactory.CreateRandomizer()); EventManager eventMgr = new EventManager(); IPhysicalProcessor physProc = (IPhysicalProcessor)Activator.CreateInstance(IPhysicalProcessorType); physProc.PanelObjs = setPanelObjValues(PanelObjs_IPhysProc); ReporterIWF repIWF = new ReporterIWF(secPerTick, physProc.TransmissionSpeed, physProc.PropagationSpeed); repIWF.Attach(reporter); physProc.RepIWF = repIWF; INodeFactory nodeFactory = (INodeFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(INodeFactoryType); nodeFactory.PanelObjs = setPanelObjValues(PanelObjs_INode); nodeFactory.Initialize(eventMgr, physProc, randomFactory, reporter); XYDoubleLocation[] field = new XYDoubleLocation[2]; field[0] = new XYDoubleLocation(x1, y1); field[1] = new XYDoubleLocation(x2, y2); IDeployer deployer = (IDeployer)Activator.CreateInstance(IDeployerType); deployer.PanelObjs = setPanelObjValues(PanelObjs_IDeployer); deployer.Initialize(nodes, nodeFactory, field, randomFactory); //SimulationCompleteEvent finalEvent = new SimulationCompleteEvent(); //finalEvent.Time = 0 /*hours*/ * 60 * 60 // + 10 /*minutes*/ * 60 // + 0 /*seconds*/; //eventMgr.AddEvent(finalEvent); deployer.Deploy(); // Physical Processor needs to be initialized after the nodes are deployed. physProc.Initialize(nodes, eventMgr); repIWF.MaxBitDistance = physProc.MaximumRange; IApplicationEventGenerator eventGen = (IApplicationEventGenerator) Activator.CreateInstance(IApplicationEventGeneratorType); eventGen.PanelObjs = setPanelObjValues(PanelObjs_IApplicationEventGenerator); eventGen.Attach(reporter); eventGen.Initialize(eventMgr, nodes, randomFactory.CreateRandomizer(), field); if (cb_AppSetsSink.Checked) { if (cb_randomSink.Checked) { eventGen.GenerateEvent(); nodes.SetRandomSinkNode(); } else { INode[] furthestPair = nodes.FindFurthestNodes(); eventGen.GenerateEvent(furthestPair[0].Location); furthestPair[1].IsSink = true; } } else eventGen.GenerateEvent(); nodes.InitializeNodes(); tab_INode.SelectedTab = tab_Statistics; backgroundWorker_RunSim.RunWorkerAsync(eventMgr); while (backgroundWorker_RunSim.IsBusy) Application.DoEvents(); if (cb_GraphicsOff.Checked) { label_Info.Text = "Run " + (run + 1).ToString() + " of " + numruns.ToString() + " is running."; label_Info.Refresh(); runSimStruct runSimArgs; runSimArgs.outputFile = outputFile; = run; backgroundWorker_RunSim.RunWorkerAsync(runSimArgs); while (backgroundWorker_RunSim.IsBusy) Application.DoEvents(); } else { label_Info.Text = "Visualizer Running"; label_Info.Refresh(); currTimeTick = 0; timerDraw.Tick += new EventHandler(runVisualizer); timerDraw.Start(); } } if (cb_GraphicsOff.Checked) {// Press "stop" EventArgsMessage args = new EventArgsMessage("Simulation Complete."); btn_Stop_Sim_Click(sender, args); enableConfigurationMultirun(); } simInfoFile.Close(); }
CircleReport generateStaticReport(double time, XYDoubleLocation eventCenter) { GraphicsPath gradientPath = new GraphicsPath(); gradientPath.AddEllipse((float)eventCenter.X, (float)eventCenter.Y, (float)(eventSize), (float)(eventSize)); CircleReport circReport = new CircleReport(time, eventCenter, eventSize * 2, gradientPath, true, -1); circReport.Color = ColorEnum.FlashOverride; circReport.FinalColor = ColorEnum.Transparent; circReport.Layer = DrawLayer.Background; return circReport; }
public void GenerateEvent(double time, ILocation location) { // Overloads GenerateEvent to allow the simulation to provide the time the event occurs. XYDoubleLocation initalCorner = (XYDoubleLocation)field[0]; // Casting to xyLocation objects. Other XYDoubleLocation finalCorner = (XYDoubleLocation)field[1]; // coordinate systems are not supported. List<PEQNode> nodesInRange = new List<PEQNode>(); // Generate the random center location of the event. eventCenter = (XYDoubleLocation)location; eventCenter.SetField(field); Notify(generateStaticReport(time, eventCenter)); foreach (PEQNode node in nodes.NodeQueue) { // Find which nodes are within the effective detection area. if (eventCenter.Distance(node.Location) <= eventSize) // if in the event area nodesInRange.Add(node); } double eventTime = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.numOccurances; i++) { eventTime = time + i / this.eventFreq; foreach (PEQNode node in nodesInRange) { PEQMessageApplication appMsg = new PEQMessageApplication(); // Create a new app message appMsg._Data._DataID = _dataID++; MessageEvent msgEvent = new MessageEvent(appMsg); // create a new message event msgEvent.Referrer = node; // set the referrer to the current node PEQDataInfoReport rep = new PEQDataInfoReport(node.ID, eventTime); rep._Sent = 1; rep._DataID = appMsg._Data._DataID; Notify(rep); PEQTimerInternal messageTimer = new PEQTimerInternal(appMsg, eventTime, node); eventMgr.AddEvent(messageTimer); // add the event to the Event Queue. } } SimulationCompleteEvent simCompleteEvent = new SimulationCompleteEvent(nodes); simCompleteEvent.Time = eventTime + 60; // one minute after last event occurs eventMgr.AddEvent(simCompleteEvent); }
public void GenerateEvent() { // Rather than setting a random time, in this case the event is simply generated when specified. XYDoubleLocation initalCorner = (XYDoubleLocation)field[0]; // Casting to xyLocation objects. Other XYDoubleLocation finalCorner = (XYDoubleLocation)field[1]; // coordinate systems are not supported. XYDoubleLocation location; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { location = new XYDoubleLocation(initalCorner.X, i*(finalCorner.Y-initalCorner.Y)/4); GenerateEvent(location); } }
public void GenerateEvent(double time, ILocation location) { // Overloads GenerateEvent to allow the simulation to provide the time the event occurs. XYDoubleLocation initalCorner = (XYDoubleLocation)field[0]; // Casting to xyLocation objects. Other XYDoubleLocation finalCorner = (XYDoubleLocation)field[1]; // coordinate systems are not supported. // Generate the random center location of the event. eventCenter = (XYDoubleLocation)location; eventCenter.SetField(field); Notify(generateStaticReport(time, eventCenter)); foreach (FloodingQueryNode node in nodes.NodeQueue) { // Find which nodes are within the effective detection area. if (eventCenter.Distance(node.Location) <= eventSize) // if in the event area { FloodingQueryApplicationMessage appMsg = new FloodingQueryApplicationMessage(); // Create a new app message MessageEvent msgEvent = new MessageEvent(appMsg); // create a new message event msgEvent.Referrer = node; // set the referrer to the current node NodeTimerEvent timerEvent = new NodeTimerEvent(); // create a timer event timerEvent.Time = time; timerEvent.Event = msgEvent; // apply the message event timerEvent.node = node; eventMgr.AddEvent(timerEvent); // add the event to the Event Queue. } } }
public void GenerateEvent() { // Rather than setting a random time, in this case the event is simply generated at 15 seconds. XYDoubleLocation initalCorner = (XYDoubleLocation)field[0]; // Casting to xyLocation objects. Other XYDoubleLocation finalCorner = (XYDoubleLocation)field[1]; // coordinate systems are not supported. XYDoubleLocation location = new XYDoubleLocation((float)(randomizer.NextDouble() * (finalCorner.X - initalCorner.X) + initalCorner.X), (float)(randomizer.NextDouble() * (finalCorner.Y - initalCorner.Y) + initalCorner.Y)); GenerateEvent(location); SimulationCompleteEvent simCompleteEvent = new SimulationCompleteEvent(nodes); simCompleteEvent.Time = eventMeanTime + 60; // one minute after event occurs eventMgr.AddEvent(simCompleteEvent); }
public void Deploy() { if (!isInitialized) throw new InvalidOperationException("RandomDeployer not initialized!"); XYDoubleLocation center, current; center = new XYDoubleLocation((field[0].X + field[1].X) / 2, (field[0].Y + field[1].Y) / 2); List<XYDoubleLocation> pointList = new List<XYDoubleLocation>(); //rand = randFactory.CreateRandomizer(); bool continueFlag = true; int i = 0; double s = 2 * Math.PI * b; // For l=pi*s*n^2 double n, theta, l, r, x, y; while (continueFlag) { l = i * nodeDistance; n = Math.Sqrt(l / (Math.PI * s)); theta = 2 * Math.PI * n; r = a + b * theta; x = r * Math.Cos(theta) + center.X; y = r * Math.Sin(theta) + center.Y; current = new XYDoubleLocation(x, y); current.SetField(field); if (current.InField()) nodes.AddNode(nodeFactory.CreateNode(current)); else continueFlag = false; i++; } }
public LineReport(double time, XYDoubleLocation nearLoc, XYDoubleLocation farLoc, double distance, double length, bool isStatic, int id) : this(time, nearLoc, farLoc, distance, length) { this.isStatic = isStatic; = id; if (isStatic) layer = DrawLayer.Static; }
public void Deploy() { if (!isInitialized) throw new InvalidOperationException("RandomDeployer not initialized!"); List<XYDoubleLocation> pointList = new List<XYDoubleLocation>(); rand = randFactory.CreateRandomizer(); bool continueFlag; XYDoubleLocation initial, final, current; initial = (XYDoubleLocation)field[0]; final = (XYDoubleLocation)field[1]; current = new XYDoubleLocation(); // Sink current = new XYDoubleLocation(final.X, (final.Y - initial.Y)/2); current.SetField(field); nodes.AddNode(nodeFactory.CreateNode(current)); pointList.Add(current); nodes.GetNodeByID(0).IsSink = true; // Sources for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { current = new XYDoubleLocation(initial.X, (i-1)*(final.Y-initial.Y)/4); current.SetField(field); nodes.AddNode(nodeFactory.CreateNode(current)); pointList.Add(current); } // Node Field for (int i = 6; i < numNodes; i++) { continueFlag = false; while (!continueFlag) { continueFlag = true; current = new XYDoubleLocation( rand.NextDouble() * (final.X - initial.X - 2 * padding) + initial.X + padding, rand.NextDouble() * (final.Y - initial.Y - 2 * padding) + initial.Y + padding); foreach (XYDoubleLocation point in pointList) { if (current.Distance(point) < minDistance) continueFlag = false; } } pointList.Add(current); current.SetField(field); nodes.AddNode(nodeFactory.CreateNode(current)); } }
public void GenerateEvent() { // Rather than setting a random time, in this case the event is simply generated when specified. XYDoubleLocation initalCorner = (XYDoubleLocation)field[0]; // Casting to xyLocation objects. Other XYDoubleLocation finalCorner = (XYDoubleLocation)field[1]; // coordinate systems are not supported. XYDoubleLocation location = new XYDoubleLocation((float)(randomizer.NextDouble() * (finalCorner.X - initalCorner.X) + initalCorner.X), (float)(randomizer.NextDouble() * (finalCorner.Y - initalCorner.Y) + initalCorner.Y)); GenerateEvent(location); }
public void Deploy() { if (!isInitialized) throw new InvalidOperationException("GridDeployer not initialized!"); double x, y; XYDoubleLocation initial, final, current; initial = (XYDoubleLocation)field[0]; final = (XYDoubleLocation)field[1]; for (x = initial.X + padding; x <= final.X - padding; x += nodeDistance) for (y = initial.Y + padding; y <= final.Y - padding; y += nodeDistance) { current = new XYDoubleLocation(x, y); current.SetField(field); nodes.AddNode(nodeFactory.CreateNode(current)); // Creates a node using the factory and adds it to the collection. } }