public UplinkPktFwdMessage(Rxpk rxpkInput)
     this.Rxpk = new List <Rxpk>()
Exemple #2
        public void JoinRequest_Should_Succeed_Mic_Check()
            var appEUIText  = "0005100000000004";
            var appEUIBytes = ConversionHelper.StringToByteArray(appEUIText);

            var devEUIText  = "0005100000000004";
            var devEUIBytes = ConversionHelper.StringToByteArray(devEUIText);

            var devNonceText  = "ABCD";
            var devNonceBytes = ConversionHelper.StringToByteArray(devNonceText);

            var appKey = "00000000000000000005100000000004";

            var joinRequest = new LoRaPayloadJoinRequest(appEUIText, devEUIText, devNonceBytes);

            Assert.True(joinRequest.CheckMic(appKey)); // ensure multiple calls work!

            var rxpk = new LoRaTools.LoRaPhysical.Rxpk()
                Chan = 7,
                Rfch = 1,
                Freq = 903.700000,
                Stat = 1,
                Modu = "LORA",
                Datr = "SF10BW125",
                Codr = "4/5",
                Rssi = -17,
                Lsnr = 12.0f,

            var data = joinRequest.GetByteMessage();

            rxpk.Data = Convert.ToBase64String(data);
            rxpk.Size = (uint)data.Length;

            byte[] decodedJoinRequestBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(rxpk.Data);
            var    decodedJoinRequest      = new LoRaTools.LoRaMessage.LoRaPayloadJoinRequest(decodedJoinRequestBytes);

        /// <summary>
        /// Process LoRa message where the payload is of type LoRaPayloadData
        /// </summary>
        async Task <DownlinkPktFwdMessage> ProcessDataMessageAsync(LoRaTools.LoRaPhysical.Rxpk rxpk, LoRaPayloadData loraPayload, DateTime startTime)
            var devAddr = loraPayload.DevAddr;

            var timeWatcher = new LoRaOperationTimeWatcher(this.loraRegion, startTime);

            using (var processLogger = new ProcessLogger(timeWatcher, devAddr))
                if (!this.IsValidNetId(loraPayload.GetDevAddrNetID(), this.configuration.NetId))
                    Logger.Log(ConversionHelper.ByteArrayToString(devAddr), "device is using another network id, ignoring this message", LogLevel.Debug);
                    processLogger.LogLevel = LogLevel.Debug;

                // Find device that matches:
                // - devAddr
                // - mic check (requires: loraDeviceInfo.NwkSKey or loraDeviceInfo.AppKey, rxpk.LoraPayload.Mic)
                // - gateway id
                var loRaDevice = await this.deviceRegistry.GetDeviceForPayloadAsync(loraPayload);

                if (loRaDevice == null)
                    Logger.Log(ConversionHelper.ByteArrayToString(devAddr), $"device is not from our network, ignoring message", LogLevel.Information);

                // Add context to logger

                var isMultiGateway       = !string.Equals(loRaDevice.GatewayID, this.configuration.GatewayID, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                var frameCounterStrategy = isMultiGateway ? this.frameCounterUpdateStrategyFactory.GetMultiGatewayStrategy() : this.frameCounterUpdateStrategyFactory.GetSingleGatewayStrategy();

                var payloadFcnt          = loraPayload.GetFcnt();
                var requiresConfirmation = loraPayload.IsConfirmed();

                using (new LoRaDeviceFrameCounterSession(loRaDevice, frameCounterStrategy))
                    // Leaf devices that restart lose the counter. In relax mode we accept the incoming frame counter
                    // ABP device does not reset the Fcnt so in relax mode we should reset for 0 (LMIC based) or 1
                    var isFrameCounterFromNewlyStartedDevice = false;
                    if (payloadFcnt <= 1)
                        if (loRaDevice.IsABP)
                            if (loRaDevice.IsABPRelaxedFrameCounter && loRaDevice.FCntUp >= 0 && payloadFcnt <= 1)
                                // known problem when device restarts, starts fcnt from zero
                                _ = frameCounterStrategy.ResetAsync(loRaDevice);
                                isFrameCounterFromNewlyStartedDevice = true;
                        else if (loRaDevice.FCntUp == payloadFcnt && payloadFcnt == 0)
                            // Some devices start with frame count 0
                            isFrameCounterFromNewlyStartedDevice = true;

                    // Reply attack or confirmed reply
                    // Confirmed resubmit: A confirmed message that was received previously but we did not answer in time
                    // Device will send it again and we just need to return an ack (but also check for C2D to send it over)
                    var isConfirmedResubmit = false;
                    if (!isFrameCounterFromNewlyStartedDevice && payloadFcnt <= loRaDevice.FCntUp)
                        // if it is confirmed most probably we did not ack in time before or device lost the ack packet so we should continue but not send the msg to iothub
                        if (requiresConfirmation && payloadFcnt == loRaDevice.FCntUp)
                            if (!loRaDevice.ValidateConfirmResubmit(payloadFcnt))
                                Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"resubmit from confirmed message exceeds threshold of {LoRaDevice.MaxConfirmationResubmitCount}, message ignored, msg: {payloadFcnt} server: {loRaDevice.FCntUp}", LogLevel.Debug);
                                processLogger.LogLevel = LogLevel.Debug;

                            isConfirmedResubmit = true;
                            Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"resubmit from confirmed message detected, msg: {payloadFcnt} server: {loRaDevice.FCntUp}", LogLevel.Information);
                            Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"invalid frame counter, message ignored, msg: {payloadFcnt} server: {loRaDevice.FCntUp}", LogLevel.Information);

                    var fcntDown = 0;
                    // If it is confirmed it require us to update the frame counter down
                    // Multiple gateways: in redis, otherwise in device twin
                    if (requiresConfirmation)
                        fcntDown = await frameCounterStrategy.NextFcntDown(loRaDevice, payloadFcnt);

                        // Failed to update the fcnt down
                        // In multi gateway scenarios it means the another gateway was faster than using, can stop now
                        if (fcntDown <= 0)
                            // update our fcntup anyway?
                            // loRaDevice.SetFcntUp(payloadFcnt);
                            Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, "another gateway has already sent ack or downlink msg", LogLevel.Information);


                        Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"down frame counter: {loRaDevice.FCntDown}", LogLevel.Information);

                    if (!isConfirmedResubmit)
                        var validFcntUp = isFrameCounterFromNewlyStartedDevice || (payloadFcnt > loRaDevice.FCntUp);
                        if (validFcntUp)
                            Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"valid frame counter, msg: {payloadFcnt} server: {loRaDevice.FCntUp}", LogLevel.Information);

                            object payloadData = null;

                            // if it is an upward acknowledgement from the device it does not have a payload
                            // This is confirmation from leaf device that he received a C2D confirmed
                            // if a message payload is null we don't try to decrypt it.
                            if (loraPayload.Frmpayload.Length != 0)
                                byte[] decryptedPayloadData = null;
                                    decryptedPayloadData = loraPayload.GetDecryptedPayload(loRaDevice.AppSKey);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"failed to decrypt message: {ex.Message}", LogLevel.Error);

                                var fportUp = loraPayload.GetFPort();

                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loRaDevice.SensorDecoder))
                                    Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"no decoder set in device twin. port: {fportUp}", LogLevel.Debug);
                                    payloadData = Convert.ToBase64String(decryptedPayloadData);
                                    Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"decoding with: {loRaDevice.SensorDecoder} port: {fportUp}", LogLevel.Debug);
                                    payloadData = await this.payloadDecoder.DecodeMessageAsync(decryptedPayloadData, fportUp, loRaDevice.SensorDecoder);

                            if (!await this.SendDeviceEventAsync(loRaDevice, rxpk, payloadData, loraPayload, timeWatcher))
                                // failed to send event to IoT Hub, stop now

                            Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"invalid frame counter, msg: {payloadFcnt} server: {loRaDevice.FCntUp}", LogLevel.Information);

                    // We check if we have time to futher progress or not
                    // C2D checks are quite expensive so if we are really late we just stop here
                    var timeToSecondWindow = timeWatcher.GetRemainingTimeToReceiveSecondWindow(loRaDevice);
                    if (timeToSecondWindow < LoRaOperationTimeWatcher.ExpectedTimeToPackageAndSendMessage)
                        if (requiresConfirmation)
                            Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"too late for down message ({timeWatcher.GetElapsedTime()}), sending only ACK to gateway", LogLevel.Information);


                    // If it is confirmed and
                    // - Downlink is disabled for the device or
                    // - we don't have time to check c2d and send to device we return now
                    if (requiresConfirmation && (!loRaDevice.DownlinkEnabled || timeToSecondWindow.Subtract(LoRaOperationTimeWatcher.ExpectedTimeToPackageAndSendMessage) <= LoRaOperationTimeWatcher.MinimumAvailableTimeToCheckForCloudMessage))
                                   false, // fpending

                    // Flag indicating if there is another C2D message waiting
                    var fpending = false;

                    // Contains the Cloud to message we need to send
                    Message cloudToDeviceMessage = null;

                    if (loRaDevice.DownlinkEnabled)
                        // ReceiveAsync has a longer timeout
                        // But we wait less that the timeout (available time before 2nd window)
                        // if message is received after timeout, keep it in loraDeviceInfo and return the next call
                        var timeAvailableToCheckCloudToDeviceMessages = timeWatcher.GetAvailableTimeToCheckCloudToDeviceMessage(loRaDevice);
                        if (timeAvailableToCheckCloudToDeviceMessages >= LoRaOperationTimeWatcher.MinimumAvailableTimeToCheckForCloudMessage)
                            cloudToDeviceMessage = await loRaDevice.ReceiveCloudToDeviceAsync(timeAvailableToCheckCloudToDeviceMessages);

                            if (cloudToDeviceMessage != null && !this.ValidateCloudToDeviceMessage(loRaDevice, cloudToDeviceMessage))
                                _ = loRaDevice.CompleteCloudToDeviceMessageAsync(cloudToDeviceMessage);
                                cloudToDeviceMessage = null;

                            if (cloudToDeviceMessage != null)
                                if (!requiresConfirmation)
                                    // The message coming from the device was not confirmed, therefore we did not computed the frame count down
                                    // Now we need to increment because there is a C2D message to be sent
                                    fcntDown = await frameCounterStrategy.NextFcntDown(loRaDevice, payloadFcnt);

                                    if (fcntDown == 0)
                                        // We did not get a valid frame count down, therefore we should not process the message
                                        _ = loRaDevice.AbandonCloudToDeviceMessageAsync(cloudToDeviceMessage);

                                        cloudToDeviceMessage = null;
                                        requiresConfirmation = true;

                                    Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"down frame counter: {loRaDevice.FCntDown}", LogLevel.Information);

                                // Checking again if cloudToDeviceMessage is valid because the fcntDown resolution could have failed,
                                // causing us to drop the message
                                if (cloudToDeviceMessage != null)
                                    var remainingTimeForFPendingCheck = timeWatcher.GetRemainingTimeToReceiveSecondWindow(loRaDevice) - (LoRaOperationTimeWatcher.CheckForCloudMessageCallEstimatedOverhead + LoRaOperationTimeWatcher.MinimumAvailableTimeToCheckForCloudMessage);
                                    if (remainingTimeForFPendingCheck >= LoRaOperationTimeWatcher.MinimumAvailableTimeToCheckForCloudMessage)
                                        var additionalMsg = await loRaDevice.ReceiveCloudToDeviceAsync(LoRaOperationTimeWatcher.MinimumAvailableTimeToCheckForCloudMessage);

                                        if (additionalMsg != null)
                                            fpending = true;
                                            _        = loRaDevice.AbandonCloudToDeviceMessageAsync(additionalMsg);
                                            Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"found fpending c2d message id: {additionalMsg.MessageId ?? "undefined"}", LogLevel.Information);

                    // No C2D message and request was not confirmed, return nothing
                    if (!requiresConfirmation)

                    var confirmDownstream = this.CreateDownlinkMessage(

                    if (cloudToDeviceMessage != null)
                        if (confirmDownstream == null)
                            Logger.Log(loRaDevice.DevEUI, $"out of time for downstream message, will abandon c2d message id: {cloudToDeviceMessage.MessageId ?? "undefined"}", LogLevel.Information);
                            _ = loRaDevice.AbandonCloudToDeviceMessageAsync(cloudToDeviceMessage);
                            _ = loRaDevice.CompleteCloudToDeviceMessageAsync(cloudToDeviceMessage);
