ListObjects() public méthode

Queries a bucket for a listing of objects it contains. Only objects with keys beginning with the given prefix will be returned. The DefaultDelimiter will be used. If you expect a large number of objects to be returned, consider using ListAllObjects().
public ListObjects ( string bucketName, string prefix ) : IList
bucketName string
prefix string
Résultat IList
        public Program()
            var usingTrustedConnection = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Username) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password);

            var sourceConnection = usingTrustedConnection
                ? new ServerConnection(ServerName) { LoginSecure = true }
                : new ServerConnection(ServerName, Username, Password);

            var sqlServer = new Server(sourceConnection);

            if(sqlServer != null){

                var backup = new Backup();
                var dbc = sqlServer.Databases;

                if (dbc.Contains(DatabaseName))
                    backup.Action = BackupActionType.Database;

                    backup.Database = DatabaseName;

                    var dateFilename = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
                    var tempFilename = String.Format("{0}-{1}.bak", DatabaseName, dateFilename);
                    var tempBackupPath = String.Format("{0}{1}", TempFilePath, tempFilename);

                    //remove old backups from this local temp location
                    foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(TempFilePath))
                        if (file != tempBackupPath)
                            Console.WriteLine("Removing previous temp backup " + file);

                        var backupDevice = new BackupDeviceItem(tempBackupPath, DeviceType.File);
                        backup.Checksum = true;
                        backup.ContinueAfterError = false;
                        backup.LogTruncation = BackupTruncateLogType.Truncate;

                        //if file exists then do an incremental, otherwise do a full
                        if (File.Exists(tempBackupPath))
                            backup.Incremental = true;
                            backup.Incremental = false;

                        // Perform backup.

                        //now move the backup to S3 - overwriting anything that is there with the same name
                        var s3 = new S3Service
                                         AccessKeyID = AccessKeyID,
                                         SecretAccessKey = SecretAccessKey

                        var bucket = Bucket;
                        s3.AddObject(tempBackupPath, bucket, tempFilename);

                        var metadataOnly = true;

                        foreach(var listEntry in s3.ListObjects(Bucket,""))
                            var request = new GetObjectRequest(s3, Bucket, listEntry.Name, metadataOnly);

                            using (var response = request.GetResponse())
                                if (response.LastModified < DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(DaysToKeepS3BackupFor * -1))
                                    Console.WriteLine("Going to delete old archive " + listEntry.Name);
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Backup to S3 is complete");
                    catch(Exception ee)
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Exception occurred - do not continue.  Wait until next run to try again "+ee.ToString());