public void Write(string filename) { JsonWorld world = new JsonWorld(); world.positionIterations = Engine.positionIterations; world.velocityIterations = Engine.velocityIterations; world.stepsPerSecond = (int)(1.0f / Engine.timeStep); Engine.GetWorld().SetJson(world); FileStream stream1 = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create); DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(JsonWorld)); ser.WriteObject(stream1, world); stream1.Close(); string content = File.ReadAllText(filename); File.WriteAllText(filename, FormatJson(content)); }
public JsonWorld Read(string filename) { //Preparse json string tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); //string tempFile = filename+"X"; string[] content = File.ReadAllLines(filename); List <string> newContent = new List <string>(); foreach (string line in content) { string newLine = line; while (newLine.Contains(" ")) { newLine = newLine.Replace(" ", " "); } while (newLine.IndexOf("//") >= 0) { newLine = newLine.Substring(0, newLine.IndexOf("//")); } foreach (string vector in vectors) { string check = "\"" + vector + "\" : 0,"; //Microsoft.SmallBasic.Library.TextWindow.WriteLine(check); string replace = "\"" + vector + "\" : {\"x\": 0,\"y\": 0},"; newLine = newLine.Replace(check, replace); } newContent.Add(newLine); } File.WriteAllLines(tempFile, newContent); FileStream stream1 = new FileStream(tempFile, FileMode.Open); DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(JsonWorld)); JsonWorld world = (JsonWorld)ser.ReadObject(stream1); stream1.Close(); File.Delete(tempFile); return(world); }
public void Write(string filename) { JsonWorld world = new JsonWorld(); world.positionIterations = Engine.positionIterations; world.velocityIterations = Engine.velocityIterations; world.stepsPerSecond = (int)(1.0f/Engine.timeStep); Engine.GetWorld().SetJson(world); FileStream stream1 = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create); DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(JsonWorld)); ser.WriteObject(stream1, world); stream1.Close(); string content = File.ReadAllText(filename); File.WriteAllText(filename,FormatJson(content)); }
// STEVE public void SetJson(JsonWorld jsWorld) { jsWorld.gravity = new JsonVector(_gravity); jsWorld.allowSleep = _allowSleep; Sprite sprite; Dictionary<Body, int> bodies = new Dictionary<Body, int>(); jsWorld.body = new List<JsonBody>(); jsWorld.image = new List<JsonImage>(); jsWorld.joint = new List<JsonJoint>(); int iBody = 0; int iFixture = 0; int iJoint = 0; Body body = _bodyList; while (null != body._next) body = body._next; for (; body != null; body = body._prev) //for (Body body = _bodyList; body != null; body = body._next) { if (body._shapeCount == 0) continue; JsonBody jsBody = new JsonBody(); jsWorld.body.Add(jsBody); bodies[body] = iBody; = "Body" + (iBody + 1); if (null != body.GetUserData() && body.GetUserData().GetType() == typeof(Sprite)) { sprite = (Sprite)body.GetUserData(); =; } jsBody.type = body.Type == Body.BodyType.Static ? 0 : 2; jsBody.angle = body.GetAngle(); jsBody.angularDamping = body._angularDamping; jsBody.angularVelocity = body.GetAngularVelocity(); jsBody.awake = (body.Flags & Body.BodyFlags.Sleep) != Body.BodyFlags.Sleep; jsBody.bullet = (body.Flags & Body.BodyFlags.Bullet) == Body.BodyFlags.Bullet; jsBody.fixedRotation = (body.Flags & Body.BodyFlags.FixedRotation) == Body.BodyFlags.FixedRotation; jsBody.linearDamping = body._linearDamping; jsBody.linearVelocity = new JsonVector(body.GetLinearVelocity()); jsBody.massData_mass = body.GetMass(); jsBody.massData_center = new JsonVector(body.GetLocalCenter()); jsBody.massData_I = body.GetInertia(); jsBody.position = new JsonVector(body.GetPosition()); jsBody.fixture = new List<JsonFixture>(); int iFixtureCount = 0; for (Shape shape = body.GetShapeList(); shape != null; shape = shape.GetNext(), iFixtureCount++) { JsonFixture jsFixture = new JsonFixture(); jsBody.fixture.Add(jsFixture); = iFixtureCount == 0 ? : "Fixture" + ++iFixture; jsFixture.density = shape.Density; jsFixture.filter_categoryBits = shape.FilterData.CategoryBits; jsFixture.filter_maskBits = shape.FilterData.MaskBits; jsFixture.filter_groupIndex = shape.FilterData.GroupIndex; jsFixture.friction = shape.Friction; jsFixture.restitution = shape.Restitution; jsFixture.sensor = shape.IsSensor; float angle = body.GetAngle(); if (shape.GetType() == ShapeType.CircleShape) { CircleShape circle = (CircleShape)shape; Vec2 position = new Vec2(0, 0); position.X += circle.GetLocalPosition().X * (float)System.Math.Cos(angle) - circle.GetLocalPosition().Y * (float)System.Math.Sin(angle); position.Y += circle.GetLocalPosition().X * (float)System.Math.Sin(angle) + circle.GetLocalPosition().Y * (float)System.Math.Cos(angle); = new JsonCircle(new JsonVector(position), circle.GetRadius()); } else if (shape.GetType() == ShapeType.PolygonShape) { PolygonShape polygon = (PolygonShape)shape; List<float> x = new List<float>(); List<float> y = new List<float>(); for (int i = 0; i < ((PolygonShape)shape).VertexCount; i++) { Vec2 position = new Vec2(0, 0); position.X += polygon.GetVertices()[i].X * (float)System.Math.Cos(angle) - polygon.GetVertices()[i].Y * (float)System.Math.Sin(angle); position.Y += polygon.GetVertices()[i].X * (float)System.Math.Sin(angle) + polygon.GetVertices()[i].Y * (float)System.Math.Cos(angle); x.Add(position.X); y.Add(position.Y); } jsFixture.polygon = new JsonPolygon(new JsonVectorArray(x, y)); } if (null == shape.UserData || shape.UserData.GetType() != typeof(Sprite)) continue; sprite = (Sprite)shape.UserData; =; if (!"Image")) continue; JsonImage image = new JsonImage(); jsWorld.image.Add(image); =; image.body = iBody; Type GraphicsWindowType = typeof(GraphicsWindow); Dictionary<string, UIElement> _objectsMap = (Dictionary<string, UIElement>)GraphicsWindowType.GetField("_objectsMap", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase).GetValue(null); UIElement obj; if (!_objectsMap.TryGetValue(, out obj)) continue; if (obj.GetType() != typeof(Image)) continue; InvokeHelper ret = new InvokeHelper(delegate { Image imageObj = (Image)obj; BitmapSource img = (BitmapSource)imageObj.Source; System.Drawing.Bitmap dImg = FastPixel.GetBitmap(img); string fileName = Program.Directory + "\\" + + ".png"; dImg.Save(fileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); image.file = fileName; }); FastThread.Invoke(ret); } iBody++; //jsBody.fixture.Reverse(); } //Joint joint = _jointList; //while (null != joint._next) joint = joint._next; //for (; joint != null; joint = joint._prev) for (Joint joint = _jointList; joint != null; joint = joint._next) { JsonJoint jsJoint = new JsonJoint(); switch (joint.GetType()) { case JointType.RevoluteJoint: { RevoluteJoint _joint = (RevoluteJoint)joint; jsJoint.type = "revolute"; jsJoint.anchorA = new JsonVector(_joint.Anchor2); jsJoint.anchorB = new JsonVector(_joint.Anchor1); jsJoint.bodyA = bodies[_joint.GetBody2()]; jsJoint.bodyB = bodies[_joint.GetBody1()]; jsJoint.collideConnected = _joint._collideConnected; jsJoint.enableLimit = _joint._enableLimit; jsJoint.enableMotor = _joint._enableMotor; jsJoint.jointSpeed = _joint.JointSpeed; jsJoint.lowerLimit = _joint.LowerLimit; jsJoint.maxMotorTorque = _joint.MotorTorque; jsJoint.motorSpeed = _joint.MotorSpeed; jsJoint.refAngle = _joint.JointAngle; jsJoint.upperLimit = _joint.UpperLimit; = "Joint" + ++iJoint; jsWorld.joint.Add(jsJoint); } break; case JointType.DistanceJoint: { DistanceJoint _joint = (DistanceJoint)joint; jsJoint.type = "distance"; jsJoint.anchorA = new JsonVector(_joint.Anchor2); jsJoint.anchorB = new JsonVector(_joint.Anchor1); jsJoint.bodyA = bodies[_joint.GetBody2()]; jsJoint.bodyB = bodies[_joint.GetBody1()]; jsJoint.collideConnected = _joint._collideConnected; jsJoint.dampingRatio = _joint._dampingRatio; jsJoint.frequency = _joint._frequencyHz; jsJoint.length = _joint._length; = "Joint" + ++iJoint; jsWorld.joint.Add(jsJoint); } break; case JointType.PrismaticJoint: { PrismaticJoint _joint = (PrismaticJoint)joint; jsJoint.type = "prismatic"; jsJoint.anchorA = new JsonVector(_joint.Anchor2); jsJoint.anchorB = new JsonVector(_joint.Anchor1); jsJoint.bodyA = bodies[_joint.GetBody2()]; jsJoint.bodyB = bodies[_joint.GetBody1()]; jsJoint.collideConnected = _joint._collideConnected; jsJoint.enableLimit = _joint._enableLimit; jsJoint.enableMotor = _joint._enableMotor; jsJoint.localAxisA = new JsonVector(_joint._axis); jsJoint.jointSpeed = _joint.JointSpeed; jsJoint.lowerLimit = _joint.LowerLimit; jsJoint.maxMotorForce = _joint.MotorForce; jsJoint.motorSpeed = _joint.MotorSpeed; jsJoint.refAngle = _joint._refAngle; jsJoint.upperLimit = _joint.UpperLimit; = "Joint" + ++iJoint; jsWorld.joint.Add(jsJoint); } break; case JointType.GearJoint: { TextWindow.WriteLine("Gear joint is not implemented or the conversion is ambiguous"); } break; case JointType.LineJoint: { TextWindow.WriteLine("Line joint is not implemented or the conversion is ambiguous"); } break; case JointType.MouseJoint: { TextWindow.WriteLine("Mouse joint is not implemented or the conversion is ambiguous"); } break; case JointType.PulleyJoint: { TextWindow.WriteLine("Pulley joint is not implemented or the conversion is ambiguous"); } break; } } }