public async void ConfigureWith(ListInfo listInfo)
			await listInfo.FetchInfoAsync ();

			if (document != null) {
				document.DocumentDeleted -= OnListDocumentWasDeleted;
				document.Close (null);

			document = new ListDocument(listInfo.Url);
			document.DocumentDeleted += OnListDocumentWasDeleted;

			NavigationItem.Title = listInfo.Name;

			TextAttributes = new UIStringAttributes {
				Font = UIFont.PreferredHeadline,
				ForegroundColor = AppColors.ColorFrom(listInfo.Color.Value)
		async void ProcessMetadataItems()
			Console.WriteLine ("ProcessMetadataItems");
			NSMetadataItem[] metadataItems = documentMetadataQuery.Results;

			// We only expect a single result to be returned by our NSMetadataQuery since we query for a specific file.
			if (metadataItems.Length == 1) {
				var url = (NSUrl)metadataItems [0].ValueForAttribute (NSMetadataQuery.ItemURLKey);

				if (document != null)
					document.Close (null);
				document = new ListDocument (url);

				var success = await document.OpenAsync ();
				if (!success) {
					Console.WriteLine ("Couldn't open document: {0}.", document.FileUrl.AbsoluteString);
