Exemple #1
        public CompositeCompoundList(string tableCompType, string tableSumCompName, string tableMolCompName, string tableToDeleteInMolComp, string tableConstPart, string tableConstMod, string radical1, string radical2, string radical3, string radical4, Dictionary <string, BuildingBlockList> allBuildingBlocks)
            int limitR1R2; int limitR2R3; int limitR3R4;

            BuildingBlockList R1 = allBuildingBlocks[radical1];

            for (int i = 0; i < R1.Count; i++)
                BuildingBlockList R2 = allBuildingBlocks[radical2];
                if (radical1 == radical2)
                    limitR1R2 = i + 1;
                    limitR1R2 = R2.Count;
                for (int j = 0; j < limitR1R2; j++)
                    BuildingBlockList R3 = allBuildingBlocks[radical3];
                    if (radical2 == radical3)
                        limitR2R3 = j + 1;
                        limitR2R3 = R3.Count;

                    for (int g = 0; g < limitR2R3; g++)
                        BuildingBlockList R4 = allBuildingBlocks[radical4];
                        if (radical3 == radical4)
                            limitR3R4 = g + 1;
                            limitR3R4 = R4.Count;

                        for (int f = 0; f < limitR3R4; f++)
                            string totalElemComp = R1[i].Composition + "+" + R2[j].Composition + "+" + R3[g].Composition + "+" + R4[f].Composition + "+" + tableConstMod;
                            totalElemComp = totalElemComp.Replace("+0", "");
                            totalElemComp = totalElemComp.Replace("+", "");
                            int totalX = R1[i].X + R2[j].X + R3[g].X + R4[f].X;
                            int totalY = R1[i].Y + R2[j].Y + R3[g].Y + R4[f].Y;
                            int totalZ = R1[i].Z + R2[j].Z + R3[g].Z + R4[f].Z;

                            this.Add(new CompositeCompound(tableCompType, tableSumCompName, tableMolCompName, tableToDeleteInMolComp, totalElemComp, R1[i].Name, R2[j].Name, R3[g].Name, R4[f].Name, totalX, totalY, totalZ));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates expected lipid compounds.
        /// </summary>
        public IList <LipidCompound> GenerateLipids()
            // init timer
            var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            // init container
            var expectedLipids = new List <LipidCompound>();

            //generates FA building blocks
            #region Make building bloks
            BuildingBlockList NAN  = new BuildingBlockList("", "", "0", "", "", "");
            BuildingBlockList FAdb = new BuildingBlockList("FAdb", "FA x:y", "c*x + h*(x-y)*2 + o*2", "12-22", "y=function", "");
            BuildingBlockList SPH  = new BuildingBlockList("SPH", "d18:1", "c*18 + h*35 + o*1 + n", "18", "1", "2");

            BuildingBlockList FA = new BuildingBlockList("", "", "", "", "", "");

            foreach (var bb in FattyAcyl.Values)
                FA.Add(FAdb.Find(x => x.Name.Contains(bb)));

            var allBB = new Dictionary <string, BuildingBlockList>
                [""]     = NAN,
                ["FAdb"] = FAdb,
                ["FA"]   = FA,
                ["SPH"]  = SPH


            #region Generate List of Candidates
            CompositeCompoundList classPC   = new CompositeCompoundList("PC", "PC x:y", "PC r1-r2", "FA ", "", "C8H16O4NP", "FA", "FA", "", "", allBB);
            CompositeCompoundList classPCO  = new CompositeCompoundList("PC O", "PC O-x:y", "PC O-r1-r2", "FA ", "", "C8H18O3NP", "FA", "FA", "", "", allBB);
            CompositeCompoundList classLPC  = new CompositeCompoundList("LPC", "LPC x:y", "LPC r1", "FA ", "", "C8H18O5NP", "FA", "", "", "", allBB);
            CompositeCompoundList classLPCO = new CompositeCompoundList("LPC O", "LPC O-x:y", "LPC O-r1", "FA ", "", "C8H20O4NP", "FA", "", "", "", allBB);

            CompositeCompoundList classPE   = new CompositeCompoundList("PE", "PE x:y", "PE r1-r2", "FA ", "", "C5H10O4NP", "FA", "FA", "", "", allBB);
            CompositeCompoundList classPEO  = new CompositeCompoundList("PE O", "PE O-x:y", "PE O-r1-r2", "FA ", "", "C5H12O3NP", "FA", "FA", "", "", allBB);
            CompositeCompoundList classLPE  = new CompositeCompoundList("LPE", "LPE x:y", "LPE r1", "FA ", "", "C5H12O5NP", "FA", "", "", "", allBB);
            CompositeCompoundList classLPEO = new CompositeCompoundList("LPE O", "LPE O-x:y", "LPE O-r1", "FA ", "", "C5H14NO4P", "FA", "", "", "", allBB);

            CompositeCompoundList classPS  = new CompositeCompoundList("PS", "PS x:y", "PS r1-r2", "FA ", "", "C6H10NO6P", "FA", "FA", "", "", allBB);
            CompositeCompoundList classLPS = new CompositeCompoundList("LPS", "LPS x:y", "LPS r1", "FA ", "", "C6H12NO7P", "FA", "", "", "", allBB);

            CompositeCompoundList classPI  = new CompositeCompoundList("PI", "PI x:y", "PI r1-r2", "FA ", "", "C9H15O9P", "FA", "FA", "", "", allBB);
            CompositeCompoundList classLPI = new CompositeCompoundList("LPI", "LPI x:y", "LPI r1", "FA ", "", "C9H17O10P", "FA", "", "", "", allBB);

            CompositeCompoundList classPA   = new CompositeCompoundList("PA", "PA x:y", "PA r1-r2", "FA ", "", "C3H5O4P", "FA", "FA", "", "", allBB);
            CompositeCompoundList classPAO  = new CompositeCompoundList("PA O", "PA O-x:y", "PA O-r1-r2", "FA ", "", "C3H7O3P", "FA", "FA", "", "", allBB);
            CompositeCompoundList classLPA  = new CompositeCompoundList("LPA", "LPA x:y", "LPA r1", "FA ", "", "C3H7O5P", "FA", "", "", "", allBB);
            CompositeCompoundList classLPAO = new CompositeCompoundList("LPA O", "LPA O-x:y", "LPAO r1", "FA ", "", "C3H9O4P", "FA", "", "", "", allBB);

            CompositeCompoundList classPG  = new CompositeCompoundList("PG", "PG x:y", "PG r1-r2", "FA ", "", "C6H11O6", "FA", "FA", "", "", allBB);
            CompositeCompoundList classLPG = new CompositeCompoundList("LPG", "LPG x:y", "LPG r1", "FA ", "", "C6H13O7P", "FA", "", "", "", allBB);

            CompositeCompoundList classCL = new CompositeCompoundList("CL", "CL x:y", "CL r1-r2-r3-r4", "FA ", "", "C9H14O9P2", "FA", "FA", "FA", "FA", allBB);

            CompositeCompoundList classCer    = new CompositeCompoundList("Cer", "Cer dx:y", "Cer r1-r2", "SPH", "", "", "SPH", "FA", "", "", allBB);
            CompositeCompoundList classSM     = new CompositeCompoundList("SM", "SM dx:y", "SM r1-r2", "SPH", "", "C5H12N2O3P", "SPH", "FA", "", "", allBB);
            CompositeCompoundList classHexCer = new CompositeCompoundList("HexCer", "HexCer dx:y", "HexCer r1-r2", "SPH", "", "C6H10O5", "SPH", "FA", "", "", allBB);

            CompositeCompoundList classTAG = new CompositeCompoundList("TAG", "TAG x:y", "TAG r1-r2-r3", "FA ", "", "C3H2", "FA", "FA", "FA", "", allBB);
            CompositeCompoundList classDAG = new CompositeCompoundList("DAG", "DAG x:y", "DAG r1-r2", "FA ", "", "C3H4O", "FA", "FA", "", "", allBB);
            CompositeCompoundList classMAG = new CompositeCompoundList("MAG", "MAG x:y", "MAG r1", "FA ", "", "C3H4O", "FA", "", "", "", allBB);

            var allClasses = new Dictionary <string, CompositeCompoundList>
                ["PC"]     = classPC,
                ["PC O"]   = classPCO,
                ["LPC"]    = classLPC,
                ["LPC O"]  = classLPCO,
                ["PE"]     = classPE,
                ["PE O"]   = classPEO,
                ["LPE"]    = classLPE,
                ["LPE O"]  = classLPEO,
                ["PS"]     = classPS,
                ["LPS"]    = classLPS,
                ["PI"]     = classPI,
                ["LPI"]    = classLPI,
                ["PA"]     = classPA,
                ["PA O"]   = classPAO,
                ["LPA"]    = classLPA,
                ["LPA O"]  = classLPAO,
                ["PG"]     = classLPG,
                ["LPG"]    = classLPG,
                ["CL"]     = classCL,
                ["TAG"]    = classTAG,
                ["DAG"]    = classDAG,
                ["MAG"]    = classMAG,
                ["Cer"]    = classCer,
                ["HexCer"] = classHexCer,
                ["SM"]     = classSM

            foreach (var key in LipidCLass.Values)
                CompositeCompoundList tempClass = allClasses[key];
                foreach (var lipid in tempClass)
                    if (!expectedLipids.Exists(x => x.Name == lipid.SumComp))
                        LipidCompound temp = new LipidCompound(lipid.Composition, -1);
                        temp.Name  = lipid.SumComp;
                        temp.Class = lipid.Type;


            foreach (var species in expectedLipids)
                SendAndLogVerboseMessage(MessageLevel.Info, $"Lipid {species.Name} with {species.ElementalCompositionFormula} on the list of candidates.");
            SendAndLogVerboseMessage(MessageLevel.Info, $"Generating {expectedLipids.Count} expected lipids took {StringHelper.GetDisplayString(timer.Elapsed)}.");
