Exemple #1
        // Monadic methods

        public static EitherMonad <R> Return <R>(R value)
            return(EitherMonad <R> .Right(value));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var value1 = Maybe <int> .Some(10);

            var value2 = Maybe <int> .Some(20);

            var none = Maybe <int> .None();

             * Demonstrates using a Linq query comprehension with the Maybe<T> monad (facilitated by
             * Maybe<T>'s implementation of SelectMany).
             * [Haskell corresponding with this code]
             * do
             *      v1 <- value1
             *      v2 <- value2
             *      return (v1 + v2)

            var tempValue1 = from v1 in value1
                             from v2 in value2
                             select v1 + v2;


             * The following two examples demonstrate the Linq query comprehension short-circuiting the
             * "None" values through to the end of the computation (in either position).

            var tempValue2 = from v1 in none
                             from v2 in value2
                             select v1 + v2;


            var tempValue3 = from v1 in value1
                             from v2 in none
                             select v1 + v2;


             * Just another demonstration with more Maybe<T> values in the Linq query comprehenshio.

            var tempValue4 = from v1 in value1
                             from v2 in value2
                             from v3 in Maybe <int> .Some(2)
                             select(v1 + v2) * v3;


             * Another longer Linq query comprehension with multiple "None" values.
             * [corresponding Haskell code (using Haskell's equivalent to Linq query comprehension—"do" notation)]
             * do
             *    v1 <- value1
             *    v2 <- value2
             *    v3 <- Some(2)
             *    v4 <- none
             *    return (v1 + v2) * v3 / v4

            var tempValue5 = from v1 in value1
                             from v2 in none
                             from v3 in Maybe <int> .Some(2)
                             from v4 in Maybe <int> .None()
                             select(v1 + v2) * v3 / v4;


             * A demonstration using the Bind operation instead of Linq query comprehsion syntax.  Behind the scenes, the
             * compiler converts Linq query comprehensions into SelectMany calls (as far as these examples are concerned)—
             * where SelectMany loosely corresponds with the Monadic "Bind" operation.
             * [corresponding Haskell code (but using the bind operator, >>=, directly instead of "do" notation—which the
             *  Haskell compiler converts to bind operators)]
             * value1 >>= \v1 ->
             * value2 >>= \v2 ->
             * Some(2) >>= \v3 ->
             * none >>= \v4 ->
             * return (v1 + v2) * v3 / v4

            var tempValue6 = value1.Bind(v1 =>
                                         value2.Bind(v2 =>
                                                     Maybe <int> .Some(2).Bind(v3 =>
                                                                               none.Bind(v4 =>
                                                                                         Maybe <int> .Return((v1 + v2) * v3 / v4)


             * Some examples using EitherMonad<R> (i.e., the monadic wrapper around Either<L, R>) instead of Maybe<T>.

            var tempValue7 = from v1 in EitherMonad <int> .Right(10)
                             from v2 in EitherMonad <int> .Right(20)
                             select v1 + v2;


            var tempValue8 = from v1 in EitherMonad <int> .Right(10)
                             from v2 in EitherMonad <int> .Left("error-1")
                             from v3 in EitherMonad <int> .Left("error-2")
                             select v1 + v2 + v3;


            Console.WriteLine("<Press enter to continue.>");