IndexOfVerticalMax() public méthode

public IndexOfVerticalMax ( ) : int[]
Résultat int[]
Exemple #1
         * Compute the training error at the given batch
		public static int ComputeNumberOfErrors(SparseMatrix Dt, DenseMatrix y)
			if (Dt.nCols != y.nCols)
				throw new Exception("The numbers of samples from label and prediction do not match.");
			int nTotError = 0;
			int[] PredictedClass = y.IndexOfVerticalMax();
			for (int IdxCol = 0; IdxCol < Dt.nCols; IdxCol++)
				if (Dt.SparseColumnVectors[IdxCol].Key[0] != PredictedClass[IdxCol])
			return nTotError;