/// <summary>
        /// Pair with the hostname in the textbox
        /// </summary>
        public async Task Pair(Computer c)
            Debug.WriteLine("Pairing ");
            // Create NvHttp object with the user input as the URL
                nv = new NvHttp(c.IpAddress);
            catch (Exception)
                var dialog = new MessageDialog("Invalid Hostname", "Pairing Failed");
            // Get the server IP address
                await nv.ServerIPAddress();
            catch (Exception e)
                var dialog = new MessageDialog("Error resolving hostname " + e.Message , "Pairing Failed");

            // "Please don't do this ever, but it's only okay because Cameron said so" -Cameron Gutman            

            // Get the pair state.
            bool? pairState = await QueryPairState(); 
            if (pairState == true)
                var dialog = new MessageDialog("This device is already paired to the host PC", "Already Paired");
                Debug.WriteLine("Already paired");
                // pairstate = null. We've encountered an error
            else if (!pairState.HasValue)
                var dialog = new MessageDialog("Failed to query pair state", "Pairing failed");
                Debug.WriteLine("Query pair state failed");
            bool challenge = await Challenges(nv.GetUniqueId());
            if (!challenge)
                Debug.WriteLine("Challenges failed");

            // Otherwise, everything was successful
            var successDialog = new MessageDialog("Pairing successful", "Success");
            await successDialog.ShowAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// When the user presses "Start Streaming Steam", first check that they are paired
        /// </summary>
        private async Task StreamSetup(Computer computer)
            // Resolve the hostname
                nv = new NvHttp(computer.IpAddress);
            catch (Exception)
                StreamSetupFailed("Invalid Hostname");
            // Get the Ip address of the streaming machine
                await nv.ServerIPAddress();
            catch (Exception)
                StreamSetupFailed("Unable to get streaming machine's IP addresss");
            Pairing p = new Pairing(nv); 
            // HACK: Preload the cert data

            // If we can't get the pair state, return   
            bool? pairState = await p.QueryPairState();
            if (!pairState.HasValue)
                await StreamSetupFailed("Pair state query failed");

            // If we're not paired, return
            if (pairState == false)
                await StreamSetupFailed("Device not paired");
            // If we haven't cancelled and don't have the steam ID, query app list to get it
            if (computer.steamID == 0)
                // If queryAppList fails, return
                computer.steamID = await Task.Run(() => QueryAppList());
                if (computer.steamID == 0)
                    await StreamSetupFailed("App list query failed");
            await StreamSetupComplete();
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses mDNS to enumerate the machines on the network eligible to stream from
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task EnumerateEligibleMachines()
            // TODO save previous machines you've connected to
            // Make a local copy of the computer list
            // The UI thread will populate the listbox with computerList whenever it pleases, so we don't want it to take the one we're modifying
            List<Computer> computerListLocal = new List<Computer>(computerList);

            // Ignore all computers we may have found in the past
            Debug.WriteLine("Enumerating machines...");

            // If there's no network, save time and don't do the time-consuming mDNS 
            if (!InternetAvailable)
                Debug.WriteLine("Network not available - skipping mDNS");
                // Let Zeroconf do its magic and find everything it can with mDNS
                ILookup<string, string> domains = null;
                    domains = await ZeroconfResolver.BrowseDomainsAsync();
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Browse Domains Async threw exception: " + e.Message);
                IReadOnlyList<IZeroconfHost> responses = null;
                    responses = await ZeroconfResolver.ResolveAsync(domains.Select(g => g.Key));

                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Exception in ZeroconfResolver.ResolverAsyc (Expected if BrowseDomainsAsync excepted): " + e.Message);
                if (responses != null)
                    // Go through every response we received and grab only the ones running nvstream
                    foreach (var resp in responses)
                        if (resp.Services.ContainsKey("_nvstream._tcp.local."))
                            Computer toAdd = new Computer(resp.DisplayName, resp.IPAddress);
                            // If we don't have the computer already, add it
                            if (!computerListLocal.Exists(x => x.IpAddress == resp.IPAddress))

            // We're done messing with the list - it's okay for the UI thread to update it now
            Computer last = LoadComputer();
            if (last != null)
            {// If we don't have the computer already, add it
                if (!computerListLocal.Exists(x => x.IpAddress == last.IpAddress))
            computerList = computerListLocal;

            if (computerList.Count == 0)
                computerPicker.PlaceholderText = "No computers found";
            else if (computerList.Count == 1)
                computerPicker.PlaceholderText = "1 computer found...";
                computerPicker.PlaceholderText = computerList.Count + " computers found...";
 /// <summary>
 /// Once we freshly pair to a computer, save it
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="c">Computer we've paired to</param>
 public static void SaveComputer(Computer c)
     var settings = ApplicationData.Current.RoamingSettings;
     settings.Values["computerName"] = c.Name;
     settings.Values["computerIP"] = c.IpAddress;
        /// <summary>
        /// Executed when the user presses "Start Streaming Steam!"
        /// </summary>
        private async void StreamButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Debug.WriteLine("Start Streaming button pressed");

            // Stop enumerating machines while we're trying to check pair state

            // Don't let the user mash the buttons
            // TODO use a spinner to avoid the appearance of the app being unresponsive
            PairButton.IsEnabled = false;
            StreamButton.IsEnabled = false;
            _60fps_button.IsEnabled = false;
            _30fps_button.IsEnabled = false;
            _720p_button.IsEnabled = false;
            _1080p_button.IsEnabled = false;

            status_text.Text = "Checking pair state...";
            selected = (Computer)computerPicker.SelectedItem;
            // User hasn't selected a machine
            if (selected == null)
                var dialog = new MessageDialog("No machine selected", "Streaming Failed");
                await dialog.ShowAsync(); 
                status_text.Text = "";                
                await StreamSetup(selected);
                status_text.Text = "";

            // User can use the buttons again
            PairButton.IsEnabled = true;
            StreamButton.IsEnabled = true;
            _60fps_button.IsEnabled = true;
            _30fps_button.IsEnabled = true;
            _720p_button.IsEnabled = true;
            _1080p_button.IsEnabled = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the computer information passed from the previous page
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
            // We only want to stream in landscape
            DisplayInformation.AutoRotationPreferences = DisplayOrientations.Landscape;
            selected = (Computer)e.Parameter;

            Window.Current.CoreWindow.KeyDown += WindowKeyDownHandler;
            Window.Current.CoreWindow.KeyUp += WindowKeyUpHandler;
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses mDNS to enumerate the machines on the network eligible to stream from
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task EnumerateEligibleMachines()
            // TODO save previous machines you've connected to
            // Make a local copy of the computer list
            // The UI thread will populate the listbox with computerList whenever it pleases, so we don't want it to take the one we're modifying
            List <Computer> computerListLocal = new List <Computer>(computerList);

            // Ignore all computers we may have found in the past
            Debug.WriteLine("Enumerating machines...");

            // If there's no network, save time and don't do the time-consuming mDNS
            if (!InternetAvailable)
                Debug.WriteLine("Network not available - skipping mDNS");
                // Let Zeroconf do its magic and find everything it can with mDNS
                ILookup <string, string> domains = null;
                    domains = await ZeroconfResolver.BrowseDomainsAsync();
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Browse Domains Async threw exception: " + e.Message);
                IReadOnlyList <IZeroconfHost> responses = null;
                    responses = await ZeroconfResolver.ResolveAsync(domains.Select(g => g.Key));
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Exception in ZeroconfResolver.ResolverAsyc (Expected if BrowseDomainsAsync excepted): " + e.Message);
                if (responses != null)
                    // Go through every response we received and grab only the ones running nvstream
                    foreach (var resp in responses)
                        if (resp.Services.ContainsKey("_nvstream._tcp.local."))
                            Computer toAdd = new Computer(resp.DisplayName, resp.IPAddress, steamId);
                            // If we don't have the computer already, add it
                            if (!computerListLocal.Exists(x => x.IpAddress == resp.IPAddress))

            // We're done messing with the list - it's okay for the UI thread to update it now
            computerList = computerListLocal;
            if (computerList.Count == 0)
                computerPicker.PlaceholderText = "No computers found";
            else if (computerList.Count == 1)
                computerPicker.PlaceholderText = "1 computer found...";
                computerPicker.PlaceholderText = computerList.Count + " computers found...";