/* * Adds a product to the Data Base * Paramaters: product to create * Returns: true if the product could be created, false on the contrary */ public bool CreateProduct(ENProduct product) { bool created = false; SqlConnection conection = new SqlConnection(constring); try{ conection.Open(); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("", conection)){ cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Product(name, pvp, stock, brand, type, description, urlImage) values ('" + product.name + "'," + product.price + ", " + product.stock + ", '" + product.brand + "', '" + product.@type + "', '" + product.description + "', '" + product.url + "');"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } created = true; }catch (SqlException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error al crear product. ", ex.Message); }finally{ conection.Close(); } return(created); }
/* * Updates the product in the DataBase * Parameters: product to update * Return: true in case that the product could be updated */ public bool UpdateProduct(ENProduct product) { bool updated = true; SqlConnection conection = new SqlConnection(constring); try { conection.Open(); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("", conection)) { cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE Product set stock=" + product.stock + " where cod='" + product.id + "';"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } catch (SqlException Ex) { Console.WriteLine("No se ha podido recuperar el producto de la base de datos.", Ex.Message); updated = false; } finally { conection.Close(); } return(updated); }
public DataTable ReadProductCat(ENProduct product) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constring); DataSet set = new DataSet(); SqlDataAdapter ad = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * from Product;", con); ad.Fill(set, "Product"); DataTable tb = new DataTable(); tb = set.Tables["Product"]; return(tb); }
//Read product form data base when you click on the catalog public bool ReadProductFromCatalog(ENProduct product) { bool read = false; SqlConnection conection = new SqlConnection(constring); try{ conection.Open(); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("", conection)){ cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Product where cod = '" + product.id + "';"; SqlDataReader productRead = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (productRead.Read()) { product.id = Convert.ToInt32(productRead[0]); product.name = Convert.ToString(productRead[1]); product.price = float.Parse(Convert.ToString(productRead[2])); product.stock = Convert.ToInt32(productRead[3]); product.brand = Convert.ToString(productRead[4]); product.type = Convert.ToString(productRead[5]); product.description = Convert.ToString(productRead[6]); product.url = Convert.ToString(productRead[7]); } productRead.Close(); } read = true; } catch (SqlException Ex) { Console.WriteLine("No se ha podido recuperar el producto de la base de datos.", Ex.Message); } finally { conection.Close(); } return(read); }
/* * Deletes the product in the Data Base * Parameters: product to delete * Return: true in case that the product could be deleted, false on the contrary */ public bool DeleteProduct(ENProduct product) { bool deleted = false; return(deleted); }