A Commit
Inheritance: GitObject
        public CommitWrapper(LibGit2Sharp.Commit commit)
            this.commit = commit;

            Sha = commit.Sha;
            MessageShort = commit.MessageShort;
            Message = commit.Message;
            Author = commit.Author;
            Committer = commit.Committer;
            Tree = (async (i) => commit.Tree);
            Parents = (async (i) => commit.Parents.Select((p) => new CommitWrapper(p)));
        static Branch[] CalculateWhenMultipleParents(IRepository repository, Commit currentCommit, ref Branch currentBranch, Branch[] excludedBranches)
            var parents = currentCommit.Parents.ToArray();
            var branches = repository.Branches.Where(b => !b.IsRemote && b.Tip == parents[1]).ToList();
            if (branches.Count == 1)
                var branch = branches[0];
                excludedBranches = new[]
                currentBranch = branch;
            else if (branches.Count > 1)
                currentBranch = branches.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Name == "master") ?? branches.First();
                var possibleTargetBranches = repository.Branches.Where(b => !b.IsRemote && b.Tip == parents[0]).ToList();
                if (possibleTargetBranches.Count > 1)
                    currentBranch = possibleTargetBranches.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Name == "master") ?? possibleTargetBranches.First();
                    currentBranch = possibleTargetBranches.FirstOrDefault() ?? currentBranch;

            Logger.WriteInfo("HEAD is merge commit, this is likely a pull request using " + currentBranch.Name + " as base");

            return excludedBranches;
Exemple #3
        public IEnumerable <CommitAggregate> Get()
            ICommitLog commitLog = _repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter());

            IEnumerator <LibGit2Sharp.Commit> commitEnumerator = commitLog.GetEnumerator();

            LibGit2Sharp.Commit previousCommit = commitEnumerator.Current;

            while (commitEnumerator.MoveNext())
                // As the enumerator reads the history top down, the current enumerator value
                // is the older commit. Therefore, the previousCommit is the newer commit.
                Tree  olderCommitTree  = commitEnumerator.Current.Tree;
                Tree  newerCommmitTree = previousCommit.Tree;
                Patch patch            = _repo.Diff.Compare <Patch>(olderCommitTree, newerCommmitTree);
                previousCommit = commitEnumerator.Current;

                yield return(new CommitAggregate
                    Commit = commitEnumerator.Current,
                    Changes = patch
        /// <summary>
        /// Commit changes for repository
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commitInfo">Information about the commit</param>
        public void Commit(CommitInfo commitInfo)
            string localServiceRepoFolder = _settings.GetServicePath(commitInfo.Org, commitInfo.Repository, AuthenticationHelper.GetDeveloperUserName(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext));

            using (LibGit2Sharp.Repository repo = new LibGit2Sharp.Repository(localServiceRepoFolder))
                string remoteUrl = FindRemoteRepoLocation(commitInfo.Org, commitInfo.Repository);
                Remote remote    = repo.Network.Remotes["origin"];

                if (!remote.PushUrl.Equals(remoteUrl))
                    // This is relevant when we switch beteen running designer in local or in docker. The remote URL changes.
                    // Requires adminstrator access to update files.
                    repo.Network.Remotes.Update("origin", r => r.Url = remoteUrl);

                Commands.Stage(repo, "*");

                // Create the committer's signature and commit
                LibGit2Sharp.Signature author    = new LibGit2Sharp.Signature(AuthenticationHelper.GetDeveloperUserName(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext), "@jugglingnutcase", DateTime.Now);
                LibGit2Sharp.Signature committer = author;

                // Commit to the repository
                LibGit2Sharp.Commit commit = repo.Commit(commitInfo.Message, author, committer);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Answer is file was modified in current commit (in compare with all parent commits)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commit">Current commit</param>
        /// <param name="file">File path</param>
        /// <returns>True if file was modified</returns>
        private bool IsFileWasUpdated(LibGit2Sharp.Commit commit, string file)
            // File not exist
            if (commit.Tree[file] == null)
            // TODO: File was deleted or renamed: if (commit.Tree[file] == null && commit.Parents.Count() > 0 && commit.Parents.All(e => e.Tree[file] != null)) return true;

            // It's first commit so file was just created.
            if (!commit.Parents.Any())

            // Did not exist before
            if (commit.Parents.All(e => e.Tree[file] == null))

            // Nothing related to parent files
            if (commit.Parents.All(e => e.Tree[file] == null || e.Tree[file].Target.Id != commit.Tree[file].Target.Id))

        private static IEnumerable<Commit> GetIntermediateCommits(IRepository repo, Commit baseCommit, Commit headCommit)
            if (baseCommit == null) yield break;

            if (intermediateCommitCache == null || intermediateCommitCache.LastOrDefault() != headCommit)
                var filter = new CommitFilter
                    Since = headCommit,
                    SortBy = CommitSortStrategies.Topological | CommitSortStrategies.Reverse

                intermediateCommitCache = repo.Commits.QueryBy(filter).ToList();

            var found = false;
            foreach (var commit in intermediateCommitCache)
                if (commit.Sha == baseCommit.Sha)
                    found = true;

                if (found)
                    yield return commit;
        public SemanticVersion FindVersion(IRepository repository, Commit tip)
            int major;
            int minor;
            int patch;
            foreach (var tag in repository.TagsByDate(tip))
                if (ShortVersionParser.TryParse(tag.Name, out major, out minor, out patch))
                    return BuildVersion(repository, tip, major, minor, patch);

            var semanticVersion = new SemanticVersion();

            string versionString;
            if (MergeMessageParser.TryParse(tip, out versionString))
                if (ShortVersionParser.TryParse(versionString, out major, out minor, out patch))
                    semanticVersion = BuildVersion(repository, tip, major, minor, patch);


            if (semanticVersion == null || semanticVersion.IsEmpty())
                throw new WarningException("The head of a support branch should always be a merge commit if you follow gitflow. Please create one or work around this by tagging the commit with SemVer compatible Id.");

            return semanticVersion;
Exemple #8
 public CommitModel(Commit commit)
     Hash = commit.Id.Sha;
     Who = commit.Author.Name;
     When = commit.Author.When;
     What = commit.MessageShort;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Load file cotent from specified commit
        /// </summary>
        public static string GetFileFromCommit(LibGit2Sharp.Commit commit, string path)
            try {
                var gitFile = commit[path];

                if (gitFile == null || !(gitFile.Target is Blob))
                    // TODO: Compare with previous file path/name
                    // File was renamed or moved.
                    var blob = (Blob)gitFile.Target;
                    // TODO: probably use commit.Encoding
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(blob.GetContentStream(), Encoding.UTF8)) {
            } catch (Exception ex) {

Exemple #10
 public TagCommit( Commit c, ReleaseTagVersion first )
     Debug.Assert( c != null && first != null && first.IsValid );
     _commitSha = c.Sha;
     _contentSha = c.Tree.Sha;
     _thisTag = first;
Exemple #11
 public int NumberOfCommitsOnBranchSinceCommit(Branch branch, Commit commit)
     var olderThan = branch.Tip.Committer.When;
     return branch.Commits
         .TakeWhile(x => x != commit)
        public void Visit(Commit commit)
            Dictionary<DateTime, List<CommitDetails>> commitsOnDay = null;
            if (!commitsByAuthor.TryGetValue(commit.Author.Email, out commitsOnDay))
                commitsOnDay = new Dictionary<DateTime, List<CommitDetails>>();
                commitsByAuthor.Add(commit.Author.Email, commitsOnDay);

            DateTime commitDate = commit.Committer.When.DateTime.Round(TimeSpan.FromDays(1));
            List<CommitDetails> commitDetails = null;
            if (!commitsOnDay.TryGetValue(commitDate, out commitDetails))
                commitDetails = new List<CommitDetails>();
                commitsOnDay[commitDate] = commitDetails;

            commitDetails.Add(new CommitDetails()
                Id = commit.Id.Sha.Substring(0, 7),
                Author = commit.Author.Email,
                Message = commit.Message,
                CommitTime = commit.Committer.When.DateTime
        public static KeyValuePair<string, BranchConfig> GetBranchConfiguration(Commit currentCommit, IRepository repository, bool onlyEvaluateTrackedBranches, Config config, Branch currentBranch, IList<Branch> excludedInheritBranches = null)
            var matchingBranches = LookupBranchConfiguration(config, currentBranch);

            if (matchingBranches.Length == 0)
                var branchConfig = new BranchConfig();
                ConfigurationProvider.ApplyBranchDefaults(config, branchConfig);
                return new KeyValuePair<string, BranchConfig>(string.Empty, branchConfig);
            if (matchingBranches.Length == 1)
                var keyValuePair = matchingBranches[0];
                var branchConfiguration = keyValuePair.Value;

                if (branchConfiguration.Increment == IncrementStrategy.Inherit)
                    return InheritBranchConfiguration(onlyEvaluateTrackedBranches, repository, currentCommit, currentBranch, keyValuePair, branchConfiguration, config, excludedInheritBranches);

                return keyValuePair;

            const string format = "Multiple branch configurations match the current branch branchName of '{0}'. Matching configurations: '{1}'";
            throw new Exception(string.Format(format, currentBranch.Name, string.Join(", ", matchingBranches.Select(b => b.Key))));
Exemple #14
        private Commit Convert_Commit(IList <Author> authors, LibGit2Sharp.Commit commit)
            var result = new Commit
                Author = Find_Commit_Author(authors, commit),
                When   = commit.Committer.When.DateTime

            foreach (var commitParent in commit.Parents)
                var fileChanges = _repository.Diff.Compare <LibGit2Sharp.Patch>(commitParent.Tree, commit.Tree);
                foreach (var fileChange in fileChanges)
                    result.Patch.Add(new Patch
                        LinesAdded   = fileChange.LinesAdded,
                        LinesRemoved = fileChange.LinesDeleted,
                        Contents     = fileChange.Patch,
                        ChangeType   = Set_Status(fileChange.Status)

Exemple #15
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public Designer.Models.Commit GetInitialCommit(string org, string repository)
            string localServiceRepoFolder = _settings.GetServicePath(org, repository, AuthenticationHelper.GetDeveloperUserName(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext));

            Designer.Models.Commit commit = null;

            using var repo = new LibGit2Sharp.Repository(localServiceRepoFolder);
            if (repo.Commits.Any() && repo.Commits.Last() != null)
                LibGit2Sharp.Commit firstCommit = repo.Commits.Last();
                commit              = new Designer.Models.Commit();
                commit.Message      = firstCommit.Message;
                commit.MessageShort = firstCommit.MessageShort;
                commit.Encoding     = firstCommit.Encoding;
                commit.Sha          = firstCommit.Sha;

                commit.Author       = new Designer.Models.Signature();
                commit.Author.Email = firstCommit.Author.Email;
                commit.Author.Name  = firstCommit.Author.Name;
                commit.Author.When  = firstCommit.Author.When;

                commit.Comitter       = new Designer.Models.Signature();
                commit.Comitter.Name  = firstCommit.Committer.Name;
                commit.Comitter.Email = firstCommit.Committer.Email;
                commit.Comitter.When  = firstCommit.Committer.When;
                _logger.LogWarning($" // SourceControlSI // GetInitialCommit // Did not find any commits in repo {localServiceRepoFolder}");

Exemple #16
         * /// <summary>
         * /// Reserve position for the current branch. Any branch on the same position should move right.
         * /// </summary>
         * /// <param name="snapshot">Comit that claims position</param>
         * private void ReserveBranchOffset(Snapshot snapshot) {
         *      for (int i = snapshot.VisibleOrder + 1; i < snapshots.Where(e => e.IsCommitVisible).Count(); i++) {
         *              if (snapshots[i].TreeOffset == snapshot.TreeOffset) {
         *                      snapshots[i].TreeOffset++;
         *                      ReserveBranchOffset(snapshots[i]);
         *              }
         *      }
         * }
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify is file had the same name in the previous commit or was renamed/moved
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="snapshot">Observable snapshot</param>
        /// <param name="diff">Commits comparer</param>
        /// <param name="commit">Current commit</param>
        /// <param name="name">Current file name</param>
        /// <returns>File name in previous commit</returns>
        private string GetPreviousCommitFileName(Snapshot snapshot, Diff diff, LibGit2Sharp.Commit commit, string name)
            // When you git commit normally, the current commit
            // becomes the parent commit of the new commit that's introduced by the command.

            // When you git merge two commits (or branches, whatever) without fast-forwarding,
            // a new commit will be created with both commits as parents.
            // You can merge more than two commits in that way, so the new commit may have more than two parents.

            if (!commit.Parents.Any())
                // No parent commits. Stop history looping. Probably is't already last (first) commit.
                snapshot.FilePathState = FilePathState.Unknown;

            foreach (var parent in commit.Parents)
                var treeComparer = diff.Compare <TreeChanges>(parent.Tree, commit.Tree);

                // If file was renamed than continue to work with previous name
                foreach (var f in treeComparer.Renamed)
                    if (name == f.Path)
                        snapshot.FilePathState   |= FilePathState.Changed;
                        snapshot.PreviousFilePath = f.OldPath;

                // If file was just added than nothing to continue
                foreach (var f in treeComparer.Added)
                    if (name == f.Path)
                        snapshot.FilePathState |= FilePathState.Added;

                // TODO: Probably we should set branch source in commit
                // TODO: Not sure about files conflicts (paralel creating the same file and moving to one branch!)
                // TODO: Add notificaton message: Added/Removed/Updated Code // Renamed/Moved/Created File
                // TODO: Investigate:
                //		- treeComparer.TypeChanged
                //		- treeComparer.Copied

            if (snapshot.FilePathState == FilePathState.Added)
            if (snapshot.FilePathState == FilePathState.Changed)

            // No path/name changes was found.
            snapshot.FilePathState = FilePathState.NotChanged;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public Altinn.Studio.Designer.Models.Commit GetInitialCommit(string org, string repository)
            List <Altinn.Studio.Designer.Models.Commit> commits = new List <Altinn.Studio.Designer.Models.Commit>();
            string localServiceRepoFolder = _settings.GetServicePath(org, repository, AuthenticationHelper.GetDeveloperUserName(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext));

            using (var repo = new LibGit2Sharp.Repository(localServiceRepoFolder))
                LibGit2Sharp.Commit    firstCommit = repo.Commits.Last();
                Designer.Models.Commit commit      = new Designer.Models.Commit();
                commit.Message      = firstCommit.Message;
                commit.MessageShort = firstCommit.MessageShort;
                commit.Encoding     = firstCommit.Encoding;
                commit.Sha          = firstCommit.Sha;

                commit.Author       = new Designer.Models.Signature();
                commit.Author.Email = firstCommit.Author.Email;
                commit.Author.Name  = firstCommit.Author.Name;
                commit.Author.When  = firstCommit.Author.When;

                commit.Comitter       = new Designer.Models.Signature();
                commit.Comitter.Name  = firstCommit.Committer.Name;
                commit.Comitter.Email = firstCommit.Committer.Email;
                commit.Comitter.When  = firstCommit.Committer.When;

Exemple #18
        private void ImportTag(string name, LibGit2Sharp.Commit commit, bool isRelease)
            Debug.WriteLine("ImportTag({0}, {1}, {2})", name, commit.Sha, isRelease);
            int?commitId = ImportCommit(commit);

            if (commitId == null)
            TaggedCommit tag = db.GetTag(name, isRelease);

            if (tag != null)
                if (tag.CommitId == commitId)
                Debug.WriteLine("Update " + (isRelease ? "tag" : "branch") + " " + name + " (commit " + commit.Sha + ")");
                tag.CommitId = commitId.Value;
                Debug.WriteLine("Import " + (isRelease ? "tag" : "branch") + " " + name + " (commit " + commit.Sha + ")");
                tag           = new TaggedCommit();
                tag.CommitId  = commitId.Value;
                tag.Name      = name;
                tag.IsRelease = isRelease;
Exemple #19
 public BisectStep(Commit c, int result)
     commit = c;
     if (-1 <= result && result <= 1)
         i = result;
         i = Result.NOTSET;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a TAR archive of the given commit.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="odb">The object database.</param>
 /// <param name="commit">commit.</param>
 /// <param name="archivePath">The archive path.</param>
 public static void Archive(this ObjectDatabase odb, Commit commit, string archivePath)
     using (var output = new FileStream(archivePath, FileMode.Create))
     using (var archiver = new TarArchiver(output))
         odb.Archive(commit, archiver);
Exemple #21
 public BaseVersion(string source, bool shouldIncrement, SemanticVersion semanticVersion, Commit baseVersionSource, string branchNameOverride)
     Source = source;
     ShouldIncrement = shouldIncrement;
     SemanticVersion = semanticVersion;
     BaseVersionSource = baseVersionSource;
     BranchNameOverride = branchNameOverride;
        public static GraphEntry FromCommit(GraphEntry previous, Commit commit)
            if (previous == null) {
                return CreateFirstEntry(commit);

            return CreateEntryFromCommit(previous, commit);
Exemple #23
 internal GitCommit(Commit commit)
     Sha = commit.Sha;
     Author = new GitSignature(commit.Author.Email, commit.Author.Name, commit.Author.When);
     Committer = new GitSignature(commit.Committer.Email, commit.Committer.Name, commit.Committer.When);
     Message = commit.Message;
     MessageShort = commit.MessageShort;
 private bool AfterDate(Commit commit)
     if (from != null)
        return commit.Committer.When.Date >= from;
        return true;
 private bool ContainsComment(Commit commit)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment))
        return commit.Message.ToLower().Contains(comment.ToLower()) || commit.MessageShort.ToLower().Contains(comment.ToLower()); ;
        return true;
 private bool ContainsUser(Commit commit)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user))
        return commit.Committer.Name.Equals(user);
        return true;
 private bool BeforeDate(Commit commit)
     if (to != null)
        return commit.Committer.When.Date <= to;
        return true;
        private bool HighlightCommit(Commit commit)
            CommitVertex commitVertex = GetCommitVertex(commit);
            if (commitVertex.OnCurrentBranch)
                return false;

            commitVertex.OnCurrentBranch = true;
            return true;
        public ChangeSet GetChangeSet(string id)
            using (var repo = new LibGit2Sharp.Repository(RepositoryPath))
                LibGit2Sharp.Commit commit = repo.Lookup <LibGit2Sharp.Commit>(id);

                return(commit == null ? null : new ChangeSet(commit.Sha, commit.Author.Name, commit.Author.Email, commit.Message, commit.Author.When));
		public CommitItem( Commit commit ) {
			d = commit.Author.When;
			//commitMessage = commit.Message.Split( "\r\n".ToCharArray() )[ 0 ];
			commitMessage = commit.MessageShort;
			hour = ( d.Hour.ToString().Length == 1 ) ? "0" + d.Hour : d.Hour.ToString();
			minute = ( d.Minute.ToString().Length == 1 ) ? "0" + d.Minute : d.Minute.ToString();
			second = ( d.Second.ToString().Length == 1 ) ? "0" + d.Second : d.Second.ToString();
			dateString = d.Month + "/" + d.Day + "/" + d.Year + " " + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second;
 public GitDiffDirectory(Commit commit)
   var files = new List<IDiffFile>();
   GitMergeOperation.WalkTree(commit.Tree, (path, blob) =>
     files.Add(new GitDiffFile(blob) { Path = path });
   _files = files;
Exemple #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SimpleCommit" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rocket">The rocket.</param>
        /// <param name="commit">The commit.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">commit</exception>
        internal SimpleCommit(RocketFilterApp rocket, Commit commit)
            if (commit == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("commit");
            this.rocket = rocket;
            this.commit = commit;

            // Update all properties
        public static async Task<Patch> GetChangeSet(Repository repo, Commit commit)
            return await new Task<Patch>(() =>
                var commitTree = commit.Tree; // Main Tree
                var parentCommitTree = commit.Parents.Single().Tree; // Secondary Tree

                return repo.Diff.Compare<Patch>(parentCommitTree, commitTree); // Difference
 public void Visit(Commit commit)
     DateTime commitDate = commit.Committer.When.DateTime.Round(TimeSpan.FromDays(1));
     if (!commitCountByDate.ContainsKey(commitDate))
         commitCountByDate[commitDate] = 0;
     commitCountByDate[commitDate] += 1;
        internal HistoryDivergence(Repository repo, Commit one, Commit another)
            commonAncestor = new Lazy<Commit>(() => repo.Commits.FindCommonAncestor(one, another));
            Tuple<int?, int?> div = Proxy.git_graph_ahead_behind(repo.Handle, another, one);

            One = one;
            Another = another;
            AheadBy = div.Item1;
            BehindBy = div.Item2;
Exemple #36
 public static bool TryParse(Commit mergeCommit, Config configuration, out SemanticVersion shortVersion)
     string versionPart;
     if (Inner(mergeCommit, out versionPart))
         return SemanticVersion.TryParse(versionPart, configuration.TagPrefix, out shortVersion);
     shortVersion = null;
     return false;
Exemple #37
        public List<TreeEntryChanges> GetFilesForCommit(Commit commit)
            var thisCommit = commit.Tree;
            var parentCommit = commit.Parents.First().Tree;

            var modifiedSourceFiles = gitRepo.Diff.Compare<TreeChanges>(parentCommit, thisCommit)
                .Where(m => m.Path.EndsWith(".cs"))

            return modifiedSourceFiles;
        int NumberOfCommitsOnBranchSinceCommit(GitVersionContext context, Commit commit)
            var qf = new CommitFilter
                Since = context.CurrentCommit,
                Until = commit,
                SortBy = CommitSortStrategies.Topological | CommitSortStrategies.Time

            return context.Repository.Commits.QueryBy(qf).Count();
 SemanticVersion BuildVersion(IRepository repository, Commit tip, int major, int minor, int patch)
     var releaseDate = ReleaseDateFinder.Execute(repository, tip.Sha, patch);
     return new SemanticVersion
         Major = major,
         Minor = minor,
         Patch = patch,
         BuildMetaData = new SemanticVersionBuildMetaData(null, "support", releaseDate)
Exemple #40
        public CommitWrapper(LibGit2Sharp.Commit commit)
            this.commit = commit;

            Sha          = commit.Sha;
            MessageShort = commit.MessageShort;
            Message      = commit.Message;
            Author       = commit.Author;
            Committer    = commit.Committer;
            Tree         = (async(i) => commit.Tree);
            Parents      = (async(i) => commit.Parents.Select((p) => new CommitWrapper(p)));
        protected override bool IsValidTag(GitVersionContext context, string branchName, Tag tag, Commit commit)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(branchName))
                if (context.Configuration.TrackMergeTarget)
                    return IsDirectMergeFromCommit(tag, commit);

            return base.IsValidTag(context, branchName, tag, commit);
Exemple #42
        private static IList <string> GetChangedFiles(Repository repo, Commit commit)
            var files  = new HashSet <string>();
            var parent = commit.Parents.First();

            foreach (var change in repo.Diff.Compare <TreeChanges>(parent.Tree, commit.Tree))
Exemple #43
        public CommitRewriteInfo ThisUser(Commit commit)
            var sg = new Signature(string.IsNullOrEmpty(_user.Name) ? _user.Login : _user.Name, _user.Email,

            return(new CommitRewriteInfo
                Author = sg,
                Committer = sg,
                Message = commit.Message
Exemple #44
  * Save the locally modified files into the local repository
 private static void GitCommit(LibGit2Sharp.Repository repo)
     Commands.Stage(repo, "*");
     LibGit2Sharp.Signature author    = new LibGit2Sharp.Signature("GitSheller", "@cornerpirate", DateTime.Now);
     LibGit2Sharp.Signature committer = author;
     // This line throws a LibGit2Sharp.EmptyCommitException when the file has not been altered.
         LibGit2Sharp.Commit commit = repo.Commit("Committed", author, committer);
     } catch (LibGit2Sharp.EmptyCommitException ece)
         // No changes detected.
Exemple #45
        private static string GetFileContent(LibGit2Sharp.Commit commit, string fileName)
            // get content from commit
            var    blob    = (Blob)commit.Tree[fileName].Target;
            string content = blob.GetContentText();

            // strip BOM (U+FEFF) if present
            if (content.Length > 0 && content[0] == '\uFEFF')
                content = content.Substring(1);

Exemple #46
        private Commit GetCommitFromGitCommit(GitCommit gitCommit, string repositoryPath)
            List <Changes> changes   = GetChanges(gitCommit, repositoryPath);
            Commit         newCommit = new Commit()
                Revision = gitCommit.Sha,
                Author   = gitCommit.Author.Name,
                Date     = gitCommit.Author.When.DateTime,
                Email    = gitCommit.Author.Email,
                Message  = gitCommit.MessageShort

            changes.ForEach(change => newCommit.AddChanges(change));
Exemple #47
        public static Stream ContentStreamFromPath(LibGit2Sharp.Commit commit, string path)
            var treeItem = commit.Tree[path];

            if (treeItem == null)
            var blob = commit.Tree[path].Target as Blob;

            if (blob == null)

Exemple #48
        private static void HandleCheckout(LibGit2Sharp.Commit checkoutCommit, string projectName, string projectPath, string branchName)
            using (var context = new BadSmellMinerDbContext())
                if (context.Commits.Any(q => q.CommitId == checkoutCommit.Sha))

                var organicAnalysisFilePath = RunOrganic(checkoutCommit.Sha, projectName, projectPath);

                var project = CreateProject(projectName, context);

                var organicClasses = ExtractOrganicClasses(organicAnalysisFilePath);

                CreateNewCommit(project, organicClasses, branchName, checkoutCommit, context);
Exemple #49
        private Commit Convert_First_Commit(LibGit2Sharp.Commit commit, IList <Author> authors)
            var result = new Commit();

            var fileChanges = _repository.Diff.Compare <PatchStats>(null, commit.Tree);

            foreach (var fileChange in fileChanges)
                result.Patch.Add(new Patch
                    LinesRemoved = fileChange.LinesDeleted,
                    LinesAdded   = fileChange.LinesAdded,
                    Contents     = string.Empty, // todo : get the contents properly,
                    ChangeType   = ChangeType.Added

        /// <summary>
        /// Add all changes in service repo and push to remote
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commitInfo">the commit information for the service</param>
        public void PushChangesForRepository(CommitInfo commitInfo)
            string localServiceRepoFolder = _settings.GetServicePath(commitInfo.Org, commitInfo.Repository, AuthenticationHelper.GetDeveloperUserName(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext));
            var    watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            using (Repository repo = new Repository(localServiceRepoFolder))
                // Restrict users from empty commit
                if (repo.RetrieveStatus().IsDirty)
                    string remoteUrl = FindRemoteRepoLocation(commitInfo.Org, commitInfo.Repository);
                    Remote remote    = repo.Network.Remotes["origin"];

                    if (!remote.PushUrl.Equals(remoteUrl))
                        // This is relevant when we switch beteen running designer in local or in docker. The remote URL changes.
                        // Requires adminstrator access to update files.
                        repo.Network.Remotes.Update("origin", r => r.Url = remoteUrl);

                    Commands.Stage(repo, "*");

                    // Create the committer's signature and commit
                    LibGit2Sharp.Signature author    = new LibGit2Sharp.Signature(AuthenticationHelper.GetDeveloperUserName(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext), "@jugglingnutcase", DateTime.Now);
                    LibGit2Sharp.Signature committer = author;

                    // Commit to the repository
                    LibGit2Sharp.Commit commit = repo.Commit(commitInfo.Message, author, committer);

                    PushOptions options = new PushOptions();
                    options.CredentialsProvider = (_url, _user, _cred) =>
                                                  new UsernamePasswordCredentials {
                        Username = GetAppToken(), Password = string.Empty
                    repo.Network.Push(remote, @"refs/heads/master", options);

            _logger.Log(Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Information, "push cahnges - {0} ", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Exemple #51
        public List <Changes> GetChanges(GitCommit commit, string repositoryPath)
            List <Changes> changes = new List <Changes>();

            using (GitRepository gitRepositoryInfo = new GitRepository(repositoryPath))
                bool isInitial   = false;
                var  firstCommit = commit.Parents.FirstOrDefault();
                if (firstCommit == null)
                    isInitial = true;
                Tree  rootCommitTree = gitRepositoryInfo.Lookup <GitCommit>(commit.Id.ToString()).Tree;
                Patch patch;
                if (!isInitial)
                    Tree commitTreeWithUpdatedFile =
                        gitRepositoryInfo.Lookup <GitCommit>(commit.Parents.FirstOrDefault().Sha).Tree;
                    patch = gitRepositoryInfo.Diff.Compare <Patch>(commitTreeWithUpdatedFile, rootCommitTree);
                    patch = gitRepositoryInfo.Diff.Compare <Patch>(null, rootCommitTree);
                foreach (var change in patch)
                    changes.Add(new Changes()
                        Type          = ConvertChangeKindToChangeType(change.Status),
                        Path          = change.Path,
                        ChangeContent = change.Patch
        private void OnViewChangeDetails(LibGit2Sharp.Commit p, ObjectId blob, int secondsToTimeout)
            //    Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            //    {
            //        _mediator.NotifyColleaguesAsync<BeginBusyEvent>("Downloading change details...");
            //        Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            //        {
            //            using(var client = new SvnClient())
            //            {
            //                try
            //                {
            //                    SvnInfoEventArgs info;
            //                    var absolutePath = Path.Combine(repoPath.ToString(), p.RepositoryPath.ToString());
            //                    client.GetInfo(absolutePath, out info);
            //                    using(MemoryStream latest = new MemoryStream(), previous = new MemoryStream())
            //                    {
            //                        client.Write(new SvnUriTarget(absolutePath, latestRevision), latest);
            //                        client.Write(new SvnUriTarget(absolutePath, new SvnRevision(latestRevision.Revision - 1)), previous);
            //                        latest.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            //                        previous.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //                        var ext = Path.HasExtension(p.Path) ? Path.GetExtension(p.Path) : ".txt";
            //                        string latFileOnDisk = Path.Combine(ApplicationSettings.Instance.DiffDirectory, string.Format("{0}_{1}.{2}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(p.Path), latestRevision.Revision, ext));
            //                        using(var latestFile = File.OpenWrite(latFileOnDisk))
            //                        {
            //                            latest.WriteTo(latestFile);
            //                            latestFile.Flush();
            //                        }

            //                        string prevFileOnDisk = Path.Combine(ApplicationSettings.Instance.DiffDirectory, string.Format("{0}_{1}.{2}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(p.Path), (latestRevision.Revision - 1), ext));
            //                        using(var previousFile = File.OpenWrite(prevFileOnDisk))
            //                        {
            //                            previous.WriteTo(previousFile);
            //                            previousFile.Flush();
            //                        }

            //                        _mediator.NotifyColleaguesAsync<EndBusyEvent>(null);

            //                        // background this so that our callbacks are not waiting on this complete (unnecessary)
            //                        Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            //                        {
            //                            var process = _diffService.ShowDiff(prevFileOnDisk, latFileOnDisk);

            //                            if(process != null)
            //                            {
            //                                process.WaitForExit();
            //                            }
            //                            File.Delete(prevFileOnDisk);
            //                            File.Delete(latFileOnDisk);
            //                        });
            //                    }
            //                }
            //                catch(Exception)
            //                {
            //                    // log it?
            //                }
            //            }
            //        });

            //        // TODO: either cleanly handle a cancel or just let it go forever...
            //        //if(!task.Wait(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, secondsToTimeout)))
            //        //{
            //        //    token.Cancel();
            //        //    _messageBoxService.ShowError("Diff download timed out. Please increase the timeout if you continue to receive this error.");
            //        //    _mediator.NotifyColleaguesAsync<EndBusyEvent>(null);
            //        //}
            //    });
Exemple #53
        int?FinishImportCommit(LibGit2Sharp.Commit gitCommit, List <int> parentCommits)
            string commitHash = gitCommit.Sha;
            var    commit     = new DataAccess.Collector.Commit();

            commit.Hash       = commitHash;
            commit.CommitDate = gitCommit.Committer.When.UtcDateTime;
            Debug.WriteLine("Imported commit " + commitHash + " as " + commit.Id);

            // Fix existing sessions referencing this commit:
            int?svnRevision = null;

            if (EnableGitSvnImport)
                foreach (string messageLine in gitCommit.Message.Split('\n', '\r'))
                    Match m = gitSvnRegex.Match(messageLine);
                    if (m.Success)
                        // determine SVN revision numbers for commits imported from SVN
                        svnRevision = int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value);
            if (svnRevision != null)
                svnRevisionToCommitIdMapping[svnRevision.Value] = commit.Id;
                var sessionsThatNeedUpdate = from s in db.Context.Sessions
                                             join ed in db.Context.EnvironmentDatas on s.Id equals ed.SessionId
                                             join edn in db.Context.EnvironmentDataNames on ed.EnvironmentDataNameId equals edn.Id
                                             join edv in db.Context.EnvironmentDataValues on ed.EnvironmentDataValueId equals edv.Id
                                             where edn.Name == "commit" && edv.Name == commitHash
                                             select s;
                int updatedSessionsCount = 0;
                foreach (var session in sessionsThatNeedUpdate)
                    session.CommitId = commit.Id;
                if (updatedSessionsCount > 0)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Updated " + updatedSessionsCount + " sessions referencing this commit");

            // Now create the relation to the parent commits:
            foreach (int parentCommit in parentCommits)
                CommitRelation r = new CommitRelation();
                r.ParentCommit = parentCommit;
                r.ChildCommit  = commit.Id;

Exemple #54
        int?ImportCommit(LibGit2Sharp.Commit startingCommit)
            // Using an explicit stack, because we would run into StackOverflowException when writing this
            // as a recursive method. See comment above "class Frame" for the recursive implementation.

            int?          result = null;    // variable used to store the return value (passed from one stack frame to the calling frame)
            Stack <Frame> stack  = new Stack <Frame>();

            stack.Push(new Frame(startingCommit));
            while (stack.Count > 0)
                Frame f = stack.Peek();
                switch (f.state)
                case 0:
                    // Test whether this commit is already imported
                    var commit = db.GetCommitByHash(f.gitCommit.Sha);
                    if (commit != null)
                        result = commit.Id;
                    // Test whether the commit is too old to be imported
                    if (f.gitCommit.Committer.When < EarliestCommitDate)
                        result = null;
                    f.parentCommitIds = new List <int>();
                    f.loopIndex       = 0;
                    goto case 1;                             // proceed to first loop iteration

                case 1:
                    // check the loop condition (whether we have imported all necessary commits)
                    if (f.loopIndex < f.gitCommit.Parents.Count())
                        // recursive invocation (to fetch the commit ID of the parent)
                        f.state = 2;
                        stack.Push(new Frame(f.gitCommit.Parents.ElementAt(f.loopIndex)));
                        // we are done with the loop; all parent commit IDs were collected
                        result = FinishImportCommit(f.gitCommit, f.parentCommitIds);

                case 2:
                    // store result from recursive invocation
                    if (result != null)
                    goto case 1;                             // proceed to next loop iteration
Exemple #55
 public Frame(LibGit2Sharp.Commit gitCommit)
     this.gitCommit = gitCommit;
Exemple #56
 private bool First_Commit(LibGit2Sharp.Commit commit)
Exemple #57
 private static Author Find_Commit_Author(IList <Author> authors, LibGit2Sharp.Commit commit)
     return(authors.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Emails.Contains(commit.Author.Email)));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Performs the job as a background task
        /// </summary>
        public override void ExecuteWork()
            // Retrieve the hash tag
            if (LastCommit != null)
                Repository repository = GetRepository();

                string dictionaryDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Dictionary.FilePath);
                if (dictionaryDirectory != null)
                    dictionaryDirectory = dictionaryDirectory.Substring(RepositoryPath.Length + 1,
                                                                        dictionaryDirectory.Length - RepositoryPath.Length - 1);

                    History history = Dictionary.EFSSystem.History;
                    if (history.Commit(LastCommit.Sha) == null)
                        // Processes all commits until the one that has been selected
                        Dictionary currentVersion  = Dictionary;
                        Dictionary previousVersion = null;
                        Commit     previousCommit  = null;
                        Commit     commitToRefer   = null;
                        foreach (Commit commit in repository.Commits)
                            // Always compare the current version with the first commit in the repository
                            // since changes may have been applied to the current version
                            if (previousVersion == null || !history.CommitExists(commit.Sha))
                                if (previousCommit == null)
                                    if (previousVersion != Dictionary && currentVersion != previousVersion)
                                    previousVersion = currentVersion;
                                    previousVersion = DictionaryByVersion(previousCommit);
                                    Comparer.ensureGuidDictionary(previousVersion, currentVersion);

                                bool changesAvailable = true;
                                if (commitToRefer != null)
                                    changesAvailable = false;
                                    TreeChanges changes = repository.Diff.Compare(commit.Tree, commitToRefer.Tree);
                                    foreach (TreeEntryChanges entry in changes.Modified)
                                        if (entry.Path.StartsWith(dictionaryDirectory))
                                            changesAvailable = true;

                                if (changesAvailable)
                                    if (commitToRefer != null)
                                        string message = commitToRefer.Message.Trim();
                                        if (message.Length > 132)
                                            message = message.Substring(0, 132) + "...";
                                        Dialog.UpdateMessage("Processing " + message + " (" + commitToRefer.Sha + ")");
                                        Dialog.UpdateMessage("Processing current version...");

                                    currentVersion = DictionaryByVersion(commit);

                                    if (currentVersion != null)
                                        VersionDiff versionDiff = new VersionDiff();
                                        if (commitToRefer != null)

                                        Comparer.ensureGuidDictionary(previousVersion, currentVersion);
                                        Comparer.compareDictionary(previousVersion, currentVersion, versionDiff);
                                        DialogResult result =
                                                "Cannot open file for commit\n" + commit.MessageShort + " (" + commit.Sha +
                                                ")\nplease see log file (GUI.Log) for more information.\nPress OK to continue.",
                                                "Cannot open file", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                                        if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                                            // Stick back to the previous version to continue the process
                                            currentVersion = previousVersion;
                                            // Stop the process
                                    currentVersion = previousVersion;

                                previousCommit = null;
                                previousCommit = commit;

                            if (commit == LastCommit)

                            commitToRefer = commit;
Exemple #59
        private static void ApplyPatch(RepositoryInfo sourceRepository, RepositoryInfo targetRepository, string patch, Commit commit)
            var sourceSlashIgnore = 1 + sourceRepository.SharedPath.Count(c => c == '\\') + 1;
            var result            = Runner.RunCommand("git",
                                                      $"-c \"user.name={s_mirrorSignatureUserName}\" -C \"{targetRepository.Path}\" am --signoff --reject --3way -p{sourceSlashIgnore} --directory=\"{targetRepository.SharedPath.Replace('\\', '/')}\"",
                                                      s_logger, patch);

            if (result.ExitCode != 0)
                s_logger.Error($"The commit being applied is ${commit.Sha} ${commit.MessageShort} {commit.Author}");
                    $"patching failed, please open '{targetRepository.Path}' and resolve the conflicts then press any key");
                s_emailManager.Email("Merge Conflicts", $"Merge Conflicts in {targetRepository.Name} while applying commit {commit} from repo {sourceRepository.Name}");
Exemple #60
        private static void CreateNewCommit(Project project, OrganicClass[] organicClasses, string branchName, LibGit2Sharp.Commit checkoutCommit, BadSmellMinerDbContext context)
            var commit = new DomainModels.Commit(project.Id, checkoutCommit.Sha, organicClasses);

            commit.AuthorName   = checkoutCommit.Committer.Email;
            commit.FullMessage  = checkoutCommit.Message;
            commit.ShortMessage = checkoutCommit.MessageShort;
            commit.DateTime     = checkoutCommit.Committer.When.DateTime;
            commit.BranchName   = branchName;

