Exemple #1
        private bool kiemtra()
            string f1 = "", f2 = "";
            bool   bFound = true;

            switch (i_loai)
            case 1: f1 = "xxx.d_dutru"; break;

            case 2: f1 = "xxx.d_xtutruc"; break;

            case 3: f1 = "xxx.d_hoantra"; break;

            default: f1 = "xxx.d_haophi"; break;
            f2   = f1 + "ct"; f1 += "ll";
            sql  = "select distinct b.idduyet from xxx.d_duyet a," + f1 + " b," + f2 + " c," + user + ".d_dmbd d ";
            sql += "where a.id=b.idduyet and b.id=c.id and c.mabd=d.id ";
            sql += "and to_char(a.ngay,'dd/mm/yyyy')='" + s_ngay + "'";
            sql += "and a.loai=" + i_loai + " and a.phieu=" + i_phieu;
            if (i_loai == 2)
                if (bIntheocstt)
                    sql += " and a.makp=" + i_makp;
                    sql += " and a.makhoa=" + i_makp;
                sql += " and a.makhoa=" + i_makp;
            DataTable dt = d.get_thuoc(s_ngay, s_ngay, sql).Tables[0];

            bFound = dt.Rows.Count > 0;
            if (bFound)
                decimal id = decimal.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["idduyet"].ToString());
                sql  = "update " + f2 + " set slthuc=0 where id in (select a.id from " + f1 + " a,xxx.d_duyet b where a.idduyet=b.id ";
                sql += "and b.id=" + id;
                sql += ")";
                d.exe_thuoc(s_ngay, s_ngay, sql);
                d.upd_duyet(s_mmyy, i_makp, i_nhom, i_loai, i_phieu, s_ngay, "");