Exemple #1
        private static CommandPropertySpec BuildPropertySpecForType(Type t)
            int length = GetLengthFromAttribute(t);
            var props  = new List <PropertySpec>();

            var rawProps = t.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic).Where(prop => prop.GetCustomAttribute <NoSerializeAttribute>() == null);

            foreach (PropertyInfo prop in rawProps)
                SerializeAttribute attr = prop.GetCustomAttribute <SerializeAttribute>();
                if (attr == null) // This means the property shouldnt be serialized

                SerializableAttributeBase serAttr = prop.GetCustomAttribute <SerializableAttributeBase>();
                if (serAttr == null)
                    throw new SerializationException(t.Name, "Missing serialization definition on property {0}", prop.Name);

                MethodInfo tmpSetter = prop.CanWrite ? prop.GetSetMethod(true) : null;
                MethodInfo tmpGetter = prop.GetGetMethod(true);
                Delegate   setter    = tmpSetter != null?Delegate.CreateDelegate(Expression.GetActionType(t, prop.PropertyType), tmpSetter) : null;

                Delegate getter = tmpGetter != null?Delegate.CreateDelegate(Expression.GetFuncType(t, prop.PropertyType), tmpGetter) : null;

                bool isCommandId = prop.GetCustomAttribute <CommandIdAttribute>() != null;

                props.Add(new PropertySpec(setter, getter, serAttr, attr, prop, isCommandId));

            return(_propertySpecCache[t] = new CommandPropertySpec(length, props));
Exemple #2
 public PropertySpec(Delegate setter, Delegate getter, SerializableAttributeBase serAttr, SerializeAttribute attr, PropertyInfo propInfo, bool isCommandId)
     Setter      = setter;
     Getter      = getter;
     SerAttr     = serAttr;
     Attr        = attr;
     PropInfo    = propInfo;
     IsCommandId = isCommandId;