Exemple #1
        static public bool tiltedTile(Tile [] neighbors, Vector3 hitPoint, PlaneData plane, float angle, float tileWidth, out Vector3 tempVector, out Vector3 newPosition, out Quaternion newRotation)
            newRotation = plane.q;
            newPosition = hitPoint;
            tempVector  = Vector3.zero;
            if (neighbors [0] != null && neighbors [1] == null && neighbors [2] == null && neighbors [3] == null)
                tilt(neighbors[0], hitPoint, plane, angle, tileWidth, out tempVector, out newPosition, out newRotation);
            else if (neighbors [0] == null && neighbors [1] != null && neighbors [2] == null && neighbors [3] == null)
                tilt(neighbors[1], hitPoint, plane, angle, tileWidth, out tempVector, out newPosition, out newRotation);
            else if (neighbors [0] == null && neighbors [1] == null && neighbors [2] != null && neighbors [3] == null)
                tilt(neighbors[2], hitPoint, plane, angle, tileWidth, out tempVector, out newPosition, out newRotation);
            else if (neighbors [0] == null && neighbors [1] == null && neighbors [2] == null && neighbors [3] != null)
                tilt(neighbors[3], hitPoint, plane, angle, tileWidth, out tempVector, out newPosition, out newRotation);

Exemple #2
        static private void tilt(Tile neighbor, Vector3 hitPoint, PlaneData plane, float angle, float tileWidth, out Vector3 tempVector, out Vector3 newPosition, out Quaternion newRotation)
            Vector3    neighborTile     = neighbor.gameObject.transform.position;
            Vector3    newTileDirection = -1 * (neighborTile - hitPoint).normalized;
            Vector3    rotator          = Vector3.Cross(newTileDirection, plane.p.normal);
            Quaternion tempRotation     = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, rotator);

            newRotation = tempRotation * plane.q;

            tempVector = newTileDirection * tileWidth * 0.5f;

            newPosition = tempRotation * tempVector + neighborTile + tempVector;
        public static void construct()
            int id = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Keyboard);

            Tools.current = Tool.None;

            posM = Event.current.mousePosition;

            posM = new Vector3(posM.x, Camera.current.pixelHeight - posM.y, 0);
            Ray ray = Camera.current.ScreenPointToRay(posM);

            Vector3    hitPoint;
            float      dist;
            Quaternion currentPlaneRotation = plane.q;
            Plane      currentPlane         = plane.p;

            if (currentPlane.Raycast(ray, out dist))
                hitPoint = ray.GetPoint(dist);

                Vector3 dv = hitPoint - plane.origin;
                Vector3 Px = plane.q * Vector3.right;
                Vector3 Py = plane.q * Vector3.forward;
                float   dx = Vector3.Dot(dv, Px);
                float   dy = Vector3.Dot(dv, Py);
                dx       = Mathf.Round(dx / tileWidth) * tileWidth;
                dy       = Mathf.Round(dy / tileHeight) * tileHeight;
                hitPoint = dy * Py + dx * Px + plane.origin;

                xValue = (int)dx;
                yValue = (int)dy;

                Handles.color = Color.green;

                Handles.color = Color.blue;

                Quaternion newRotation = currentPlaneRotation;
                Vector3    newPosition = hitPoint;
                Vector3    tempVector  = Vector3.zero;

                bool canAddNewPlane = false;
                if (addNewPlane)
                    Tile [] neighbors = new Tile[4];
                    neighbors [0]  = Tile.checkTile(plane.tileDictionary, xValue + 1, yValue);
                    neighbors [1]  = Tile.checkTile(plane.tileDictionary, xValue, yValue + 1);
                    neighbors [2]  = Tile.checkTile(plane.tileDictionary, xValue, yValue - 1);
                    neighbors [3]  = Tile.checkTile(plane.tileDictionary, xValue - 1, yValue);
                    canAddNewPlane = Tilt.tiltedTile(neighbors, hitPoint, plane, angle, tileWidth, out tempVector, out newPosition, out newRotation);

                Handles.ArrowCap(GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive), newPosition, Quaternion.Inverse(newRotation), 10);
                Handles.DrawWireDisc(newPosition, newRotation * Vector3.up, tileWidth * 0.5f);

                Event e = Event.current;

                if (e.type == EventType.KeyDown)
                    Debug.Log("KEY char : " + e.character + " : KEY CODE : " + e.keyCode);

                if ((e.type == EventType.MouseDrag || e.type == EventType.MouseDown) && e.button == 0)
                    PlaneData selectedPlane = plane;

                    if (Tile.checkTile(selectedPlane.tileDictionary, xValue, yValue) == null)
                        GameObject temp = (GameObject)MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(source, newPosition - newRotation * tempVector, newRotation);                      /// here is the mistake,,, it doesn't map the position correctly

                        Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(temp, "Created go");

                        Tile tempTile = new Tile(xValue, yValue, temp);

                        selectedPlane.tileDictionary.Add(new Tile.Key(xValue, yValue), tempTile);

                    if (canAddNewPlane)
                        GameObject temp = (GameObject)MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(source, newPosition, newRotation);
                        Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(temp, "Created go");

                        Plane addedPlaneTemp = new Plane(newRotation * Vector3.up, newPosition);

                        int index = PlaneData.addPlane(addedPlaneTemp, newRotation, newPosition);

                        Tile tempTile = new Tile(xValue, yValue, temp);

                        PlaneData.planes[index].tileDictionary.Add(new Tile.Key(xValue, yValue), tempTile);
                        plane = PlaneData.planes[index];

                        addNewPlane = false;

 public static void setPlane(PlaneData plane)
     Construct.plane = plane;