Exemple #1
        static void cacheSpriteFramesInfo(string imageDevPath, LHScene scene)
            string sceneRelative = scene.relativePath;
            string curDevSuffix  = scene.currentDeviceSuffix(true);

            string atlasName = LHUtils.stripExtension(imageDevPath);
//			string atlasName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageDevPath);

            string atlasPlist = atlasName + ".plist";
//			string atlasPlist = Path.ChangeExtension (atlasName, "plist");

            string sceneSuf = sceneRelative + curDevSuffix;

//			atlasPlist = sceneSuf + atlasPlist;

//			Debug.WriteLine ("atlasPlist");
//			Debug.WriteLine (atlasPlist);

//			string sceneSuf = Path.Combine (sceneRelative, curDevSuffix);
//			atlasPlist = Path.Combine (sceneSuf, atlasPlist);

            CCSpriteFrameCache cache = CCSpriteFrameCache.SharedSpriteFrameCache;


            atlasName = sceneRelative + atlasName;
//			atlasName = Path.Combine (sceneRelative, atlasName);

            if (false == scene.hasEditorBodyInfoForImageFilePath(atlasName))
                string path = CCFileUtils.FullPathFromRelativePath(atlasPlist);

                PlistDocument   document = CCContentManager.SharedContentManager.Load <PlistDocument>(path);
                PlistDictionary dict     = document.Root.AsDictionary;

                PlistDictionary framesDict = dict ["frames"].AsDictionary;

                foreach (var pair in framesDict)
                    string          sprName = pair.Key;
                    PlistDictionary frmInfo = pair.Value.AsDictionary;

                    if (null != frmInfo)
                        PlistDictionary bodyInfo = frmInfo ["body"].AsDictionary;

                        if (null != bodyInfo)
                            Debug.WriteLine("CACHING BODY " + sprName + " atlas " + atlasName + " body " + bodyInfo);

                            scene.setEditorBodyInfoForSpriteName(sprName, atlasName, bodyInfo);
        public void loadPhysicsInfoFromDictionary(PlistDictionary dict, CCNode nd)
            _node = nd;

            if (null != dict)
                int shapeType = dict ["shape"].AsInt;
                int type      = dict ["type"].AsInt;

                LHScene scene = ((LHNodeProtocol)_node).getScene();

                b2World world = scene.getBox2dWorld();

                var bodyDef = new b2BodyDef();
                bodyDef.type = (b2BodyType)type;

                CCPoint position = _node.Parent.ConvertToWorldspace(_node.Position);
//				bodyDef.position = scene.metersFromPoint (position);
                bodyDef.position = new b2Vec2(position.X, position.Y);

                float angle = CCNodeTransforms.GlobalXAngleFromLocalAngle(_node, _node.RotationX);
                bodyDef.angle = LHUtils.LH_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(angle);

                bodyDef.userData = _node;

                _body          = world.CreateBody(bodyDef);
                _body.UserData = _node;

                Debug.WriteLine("BODY:" + _body);

                _body.SetFixedRotation(dict ["fixedRotation"].AsBool);

                _body.SetSleepingAllowed(dict ["allowSleep"].AsBool);
                _body.SetBullet(dict ["bullet"].AsBool);

                _body.AngularDamping  = dict ["angularDamping"].AsFloat;
                _body.AngularVelocity = -360.0f * dict ["angularVelocity"].AsFloat;
                _body.LinearDamping   = dict ["linearDamping"].AsFloat;

                CCPoint linearVel = CCPoint.Parse(dict ["linearVelocity"].AsString);
                _body.LinearVelocity = new b2Vec2(linearVel.X, linearVel.Y);

                CCSize size = _node.ContentSize;
//				size.Width = scene.metersFromValue (size.Width);
//				size.Height = scene.metersFromValue (size.Height);

                CCPoint scale = new CCPoint(_node.ScaleX, _node.ScaleY);
                scale = CCNodeTransforms.ConvertToWorldScale(_node, scale);

                previousScale = scale;

                size.Width  *= scale.X;
                size.Height *= scale.Y;

                PlistDictionary fixInfo = dict ["genericFixture"].AsDictionary;

                Debug.WriteLine("FIX INFO " + fixInfo);

                Debug.WriteLine("SHAPE TYPE " + shapeType);

                if (shapeType == 0)               //RECTANGLE
                    LHBodyShape shape = new LHBodyShape();
                    shape.createRectangleWithDictionary(fixInfo, _body, _node, scene, size);

                else if (shapeType == 1)               //CIRCLE
                    LHBodyShape shape = new LHBodyShape();
                    shape.createCircleWithDictionary(fixInfo, _body, _node, scene, size);

                else if (shapeType == 4)               //oval
                    PlistArray shapePoints = dict ["ovalShape"].AsArray;
                    if (shapePoints != null)
                        LHBodyShape shape = new LHBodyShape();
                        shape.createShapeWithDictionary(fixInfo, shapePoints, _body, _node, scene, scale);
                else if (shapeType == 5)               //traced
                    String fixUUID = dict ["fixtureUUID"].AsString;

                    Debug.WriteLine("TRACED " + fixUUID);

                    PlistArray shapePoints = scene.tracedFixturesWithUUID(fixUUID);

                    Debug.WriteLine("RETURNS " + shapePoints);

                    if (shapePoints == null)
                        //CHECK IN ASSET
                        //LHAsset asset = _node.assetParent;

                    if (shapePoints != null)
                        LHBodyShape shape = new LHBodyShape();

                        Debug.WriteLine("WE HAVE A TRACED SHAPE");

                        shape.createShapeWithDictionary(fixInfo, shapePoints, _body, _node, scene, scale);

                else if (shapeType == 6)               //editor
                    LHSprite sprite = (LHSprite)_node;

                    if (sprite != null && sprite.GetType() == typeof(LHSprite))
                        String imageFile = sprite.getImageFilePath();

                        imageFile = LHUtils.stripExtension(imageFile);

                        Debug.WriteLine("WE HAVE AN EDITOR SHAPE for sprite " + sprite + " node " + _node + " tst " + imageFile);

                        PlistDictionary bodyInfo = scene.getEditorBodyInfoForSpriteName(sprite.getSpriteFrameName(), imageFile);

                        Debug.WriteLine("WE HAVE BODY INFO " + bodyInfo);

                        if (bodyInfo != null)
                            PlistArray fixturesInfo = bodyInfo ["shapes"].AsArray;

                            for (int i = 0; i < fixturesInfo.Count; ++i)
                                PlistDictionary shapeInfo = fixturesInfo [i].AsDictionary;

                                Debug.WriteLine("SHAPE INFO " + shapeInfo);

                                LHBodyShape shape = new LHBodyShape();

                                shape.createEditorWithDictionary(shapeInfo, _body, _node, scene, scale);


//				if (dict.ContainsKey ("alpha")) {
//					_node.Opacity = (byte)dict ["alpha"].AsFloat;
//				}