private void PrintDayResults(LemonadeStandOwner player) { if (players.Count > 1) { UI.ClearPrint($"{}'s results"); Console.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine($"You sold {player.cupsSoldToday} cups to {player.customersServedToday} customers.\n"); Console.WriteLine($"Today's revenue: ${player.moneyEarnedToday}\nToday's costs: ${player.moneySpentToday}\nToday's net profit: ${player.moneyEarnedToday - player.moneySpentToday}"); Console.WriteLine($"Total revenue: ${player.moneyEarnedTotal}\nTotal costs: ${player.moneySpentTotal}\nTotal net profit: ${player.moneyEarnedTotal - player.moneySpentTotal}"); Console.WriteLine($"Today's Customer Satisfaction: {player.todayCustomerSatisfaction}\nPopularity: {player.popularity}"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void WrapUpDay(LemonadeStandOwner player) { player.moneyEarnedTotal += player.moneyEarnedToday; player.moneySpentTotal += player.moneySpentToday; player.popularity += player.todayCustomerSatisfaction; UI.ClearPrint($"Day {dayCounter} results"); PrintDayResults(player); player.SpoilItems(); player.moneyEarnedToday = 0; player.moneySpentToday = 0; player.cupsSoldToday = 0; player.customersServedToday = 0; player.todayCustomerSatisfaction = 0; }
public virtual void Shop(string weatherForecast) { UI.ClearPrint(weatherForecast); Console.WriteLine($"Select an item by it's number, or type 'done'\n${money} Remaining"); PrintInventory(); string userInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (userInput != "done") { try { int userChoice = int.Parse(userInput) - 1; BuyItem(userChoice); Shop(weatherForecast); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error. Make sure you select the number of your choice."); Shop(weatherForecast); } } }
public virtual void ManageStand(string weatherForecast) { UI.ClearPrint(weatherForecast); Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?\n(S)hop for Supplies\nChange (R)ecipe\nSet (P)rice\nStart (D)ay\nDeclare (B)ankruptcy"); string userInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); switch (userInput) { case "s": Shop(weatherForecast); ManageStand(weatherForecast); break; case "r": writeRecipe(); ManageStand(weatherForecast); break; case "p": SetPrice(); ManageStand(weatherForecast); break; case "d": break; case "b": UI.ClearPrint($"You declare bankruptcy! {name}'s lemonade stand is finished!"); isBankrupt = true; Console.ReadLine(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Not a valid command. Please pick S, R, P, D, or B"); Console.ReadLine(); ManageStand(weatherForecast); break; } }
public void RunDay() { today = new Day(); string weatherForecast = $"Weather Forecast: {}\nTemperature Forecast: {today.forecastTemperature}\n"; foreach (LemonadeStandOwner player in players) { if (!player.isBankrupt) { if (players.Count > 1 && player.GetType() != typeof(Computer)) { UI.ClearPrint($"{}'s turn"); Console.ReadLine(); } player.ManageStand(weatherForecast); } } todayCustomerTraffic = baseDailyCustomerTraffic + today.actualWeather.customerTrafficModifier + (today.actualTemperature - 50); UI.ClearPrint($"Begin Day {dayCounter}"); Console.ReadLine(); foreach (LemonadeStandOwner player in players) { if (!player.isBankrupt) { RunPeriods(player); } } foreach (LemonadeStandOwner player in players) { if (!player.isBankrupt) { WrapUpDay(player); } } Console.ReadLine(); dayCounter++; }
public void RunPeriods(LemonadeStandOwner player) { if (players.Count > 1) { UI.ClearPrint($"{}'s turn."); Console.ReadLine(); } for (int i = 1; i <= periodsPerDay; i++) { StartPeriod(i, player); ShortageAlert(player); //customer loop for (int j = 0; j < (todayCustomerTraffic + player.popularity) / periodsPerDay; j++) { customer = new Customer(randomizer); if (player.lemonadeCupPrice <= SetCustomerPrice()) { player.ServeCustomer(customer.cupsDesired); player.todayCustomerSatisfaction = customer.GetSatisfaction(player.currentRecipe.lemonsPerPitcher, player.currentRecipe.sugarPerPitcher, player.currentRecipe.icePerCup); } } WrapUpPeriod(i, player); } }
public void StartPeriod(int periodNumber, LemonadeStandOwner player) { UI.ClearPrint($"Begin Period {periodNumber}"); Console.WriteLine($"It is {}\nIt is {today.actualTemperature} degrees"); player.ChangePrice(); }