Exemple #1
        public void makeLemonStands()
            int numofstands = UserInteraction.GetUserInputInt("Lets open some lemonade stands, how many would you like to open?");

            for (int i = 0; i < numofstands; i++)
                LemonadeStand newstand = new LemonadeStand();

                Console.WriteLine($"What is the name of location {i + 1} ?");
                newstand.standName = Console.ReadLine();

                newstand.numSold = UserInteraction.GetUserInputInt("How many cups will this location sell?");

                newstand.customerPrice = UserInteraction.GetUserInputDecimal("What will your price to sell the lemonade be?");

                newstand.sellerCost = UserInteraction.GetUserInputDecimal("How much does it cost you to make the lemonade");

                Console.WriteLine($"This stands total revenue will be: { newstand.getTotalRevenue()}");
                Console.WriteLine("The stands total expenses are: " + newstand.getTotalExpense());
                Console.WriteLine("Your total profit of " + newstand.standName + " is " + newstand.getTotalProfit());

Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("How many lemonade stands would you like to open?");

            int numberOfLemonadeStands     = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            List <LemonadeStand> locations = new List <LemonadeStand>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLemonadeStands; i++)
                LemonadeStand lemonadeStand = new LemonadeStand();

                Console.WriteLine("What is the name of location " + (i + 1) + "?");
                lemonadeStand.Name = Console.ReadLine();

                Console.WriteLine("How many cups will you sell?");
                lemonadeStand.NumberOfCups = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                Console.WriteLine("How much will you sell each cup for?");
                lemonadeStand.PricePerCup = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                Console.WriteLine("How much will each cup cost to make?");
                lemonadeStand.CostPerCup = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                Console.WriteLine("You'll be opening a stand called " + lemonadeStand.Name + ".");
                Console.WriteLine("If you sell all " + lemonadeStand.NumberOfCups + "cups");
                Console.WriteLine("Your total revenue will be $" + lemonadeStand.GetTotalRevenue() + ".");
                Console.WriteLine("Your total expnses will be $" + lemonadeStand.GetTotalExpenses() + ".");
                Console.WriteLine("Your total profit will be $" + lemonadeStand.GetTotalProfit() + ".");
Exemple #3
 public Player(string name)
     this.name     = name;
     cashBox       = new CashBox();
     lemonadeStand = new LemonadeStand();
     daysPlayed    = 1;
Exemple #4
        public bool BuyLemonade(string pitcherType, LemonadeStand lemonadeStand)
            int overallInterest = Convert.ToInt32(initalInterest + GetTemperaturePreference() + GetForcastPreference() + GetTastePreference(pitcherType) + GetPricePreference(lemonadeStand.PricePerCup)) + GetIcePreference(lemonadeStand.IcePerCup);
            int randomNumber    = randomizer.Next(50, 85);

            return(randomNumber < overallInterest);
Exemple #5
        public void start(ref LemonadeStand stand, String weatherState, int temperature)
            List <String> peopleNames = new List <String> {
                "Joe", "Jimmy", "Jon", "Velda", "Colleen", "Borus", "Patrick", "Anna", "Joanne",
                "Upsilon", "Plato", "Socrates", "Earl", "Ingryd", "Ella", "Terryl"

            //preference according to weather
            int    potentialCustomers = 0;
            int    soldTo             = 0;
            Random rnd = new Random();

            // 10 waves of 3-10 people
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                //make a random amount of people appear here
                for (int j = 0; j < rnd.Next(3, 10); j++)
                    if (stand.checkPitcher())
                        Person p = new Person(peopleNames);
                        // how weather influences person
                        if (weatherState == "Sunny")
                        if (weatherState == "Rainy")
                        p.influenceBuyChance(.25 - stand.getPrice());

                        p.influenceBuyChance(temperature / 65);

                        if (p.makeDecision(ref stand))

                //people make a decision if they want to by here
            //returns money made and popularity gained
            UI.writeLineAt($"You Sold to {soldTo} of {potentialCustomers} potential customers", stand.pos);
Exemple #6
        public bool makeDecision(ref LemonadeStand L)
            //decides if they want some lemonade

            Random      rnd      = new Random();
            Func <bool> decision = () => {
                double n = rnd.Next(0, 100) * buyChance;
                if (n > 50)

            if (decision())
                //buyin some lemonade
                if (this.money > L.getPrice())
                    double cost = L.sellTo(this);
                    this.money -= cost;

                    if (this.likes(L.getRecipe()))
                        UI.writeLineAt($"{this.name}: Like the lemonade", L.pos);
                        UI.writeLineAt($"{this.name}: This lemonade is meh", L.pos);
Exemple #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("How many stands do you want to open?");
            int numberOfStands = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfStands; i++)
                LemonadeStand newStand = new LemonadeStand();

                Console.WriteLine("What is the name of location " + i + "?");
                newStand.Name = Console.ReadLine();

                Console.WriteLine("How many cups will you sell in this location ");
                newStand.NumberOfCups = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                Console.WriteLine("What is the price in this location");
                newStand.PricePerCup = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                Console.WriteLine("What is the cost in this location");

                newStand.CostPerCup = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                Console.WriteLine("This stand's total revenue will be "
                                  + newStand.GetTotalRevenue());
                Console.WriteLine("This stand's total expense will be "
                                  + newStand.GetTotalExpenses());

                Console.WriteLine("This stand's total profit will be "
                                  + newStand.GetTotalProfit());
            for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfStands; i++)
                LemonadeStandCorporation totalsOfStands = new LemonadeStandCorporation();
            Console.WriteLine("Total revenue");
            LemonadeStandCorporation totals = new LemonadeStandCorporation();

            Console.WriteLine("Total revenue is " + totals.GetTotalRevenueOfStands());
            Console.WriteLine("Total profit is " + totals.GetTotalProfitOfStands());
            Console.WriteLine("Total expense is " + totals.GetTotalExpensesOfStands());

        static void Main(string[] args)
            LemonadeStand stand = new LemonadeStand();

            Console.WriteLine("What is the name of this lemonade stand?");
            stand.Name = Console.ReadLine();

            stand.TableCost        = GetDecimalAnswerFromUser("How much will your table cost?");
            stand.ChairCost        = GetDecimalAnswerFromUser("How much will your chair cost?");
            stand.SignCost         = GetDecimalAnswerFromUser("How much will your sign cost?");
            stand.LemonsCostPerCup = GetDecimalAnswerFromUser("How much will the lemon cost per cup?");
            stand.SugarCostPerCup  = GetDecimalAnswerFromUser("How much will the sugar cost per cup?");
            stand.PricePerCup      = GetDecimalAnswerFromUser("What will be the price of a cup?");

            Console.WriteLine("How many cups will you sell?");
            string numberOfCupsResponse = Console.ReadLine();

            stand.NumberOfCupsSold = int.Parse(numberOfCupsResponse);

            decimal totalProfit = stand.GetTotalProfit();

            Console.WriteLine("Your profit will be $" + totalProfit);
Exemple #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LemonadeStand stand = new LemonadeStand();

            Console.WriteLine("How much does a cup cost to make?");
            string costResponse = Console.ReadLine();

            stand.CostPerCup = double.Parse(costResponse);

            Console.WriteLine("For how much will a cup be sold for?");
            string priceResponse = Console.ReadLine();

            stand.PricePerCup = double.Parse(priceResponse);

            Console.WriteLine("How many cups have been sold this season?");
            string cupsSoldResponse = Console.ReadLine();

            stand.CupsSoldPerSeason = int.Parse(cupsSoldResponse);

            Console.WriteLine($"Your revenue is: {stand.TotalRevenue()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Your expenses are: {stand.TotalExpenses()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Your current profit is: {stand.TotalProfit()}");
Exemple #10
 public Day(ref LemonadeStand stand)
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LemonadeStand inputInstance = new LemonadeStand();

            int numberOfLemonadeStands = inputInstance.GetUserInegerInput("How many lemonade stands would you like to open?");

            List <LemonadeStand> locations = new List <LemonadeStand>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLemonadeStands; i++)
                LemonadeStand lemonadeStand = new LemonadeStand();

                Console.WriteLine("What is the name of location " + (i + 1) + "?");
                lemonadeStand.name = Console.ReadLine();

                lemonadeStand.numOfCups   = lemonadeStand.GetUserInegerInput("How many cups will you sell?");
                lemonadeStand.pricePerCup = lemonadeStand.GetUserDoubleInput("How much will you charge per cup?");
                lemonadeStand.costPerCup  = lemonadeStand.GetUserDoubleInput("How much will you spend on lemonade?");

                Console.WriteLine("After calculating all of your inputs...");
                Console.WriteLine(lemonadeStand.name + " sounds like a good name for this stand.");
                Console.WriteLine("If you are going to sell " + lemonadeStand.numOfCups + " cups of lemonade");
                Console.WriteLine("and you are charging $" + lemonadeStand.pricePerCup + " ");
                Console.WriteLine("and it costs you $" + lemonadeStand.costPerCup + " per cup of lemonade.");
                Console.WriteLine("This stand's revenue will be $" + lemonadeStand.totalRevenue());
                Console.WriteLine("This stand's expenses will be $" + lemonadeStand.totalExpenses());
                Console.WriteLine("This stand's profit will be $" + lemonadeStand.totalProfit());


            PopsicleStand inputInstance1 = new PopsicleStand();

            int numberOfPopsicleStands = inputInstance1.GetUserInegerInput("How many popsicle stands would you like to open?");

            List <PopsicleStand> locations1 = new List <PopsicleStand>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPopsicleStands; i++)
                PopsicleStand popsicleStand = new PopsicleStand();

                Console.WriteLine("What is the name of location " + (i + 1) + "?");
                popsicleStand.name = Console.ReadLine();

                popsicleStand.numOfPopsicles   = popsicleStand.GetUserInegerInput("How many popsicles will you sell?");
                popsicleStand.pricePerPopsicle = popsicleStand.GetUserDoubleInput("How much will you charge per popsicle?");
                popsicleStand.costPerPopsicle  = popsicleStand.GetUserDoubleInput("How much will you spend on the popsicles?");

                Console.WriteLine("After calculating all of your inputs...");
                Console.WriteLine(popsicleStand.name + " sounds like a good name for this stand.");
                Console.WriteLine("If you are going to sell " + popsicleStand.numOfPopsicles + " popsicles");
                Console.WriteLine("and you are charging $" + popsicleStand.pricePerPopsicle + " ");
                Console.WriteLine("and it costs you $" + popsicleStand.costPerPopsicle + " per popsicle.");
                Console.WriteLine("This stand's revenue will be $" + popsicleStand.totalRevenue());
                Console.WriteLine("This stand's expenses will be $" + popsicleStand.totalExpenses());
                Console.WriteLine("This stand's profit will be $" + popsicleStand.totalProfit());


Exemple #12
 public Player(LemonadeStand stand)
     this.stand = stand;
Exemple #13
 public Player()
     this.stand = new LemonadeStand(new recipe(5, 5, 5));
Exemple #14
 public Player()
     inventory     = new Inventory();
     wallet        = new Wallet();
     lemonadeStand = new LemonadeStand();
Exemple #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //new stuff__________________________________________

            LemonadeStand lemonadeStand = new LemonadeStand();

            Console.WriteLine("Hello !");
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of your lemonade stand");
            //string standName = Console.ReadLine();
            lemonadeStand.Name = Console.ReadLine();                                  //************************

            Console.WriteLine("Your Lem Stand will be named: " + lemonadeStand.Name); //*************

            Console.WriteLine("How many cups will you sell?");
            // int numCups = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            lemonadeStand.NumbCups = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); //*********

            Console.WriteLine("How many Customers do you predict?");
            int numCustomers = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("How much will you sell each cup for?");
            // int priceCups = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            lemonadeStand.PriceCups = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());//***************

            Console.WriteLine("How much will each cup cost to make? ");
            lemonadeStand.CostperCup = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); //***************

            decimal totalRevenue  = lemonadeStand.NumbCups * lemonadeStand.PriceCups;
            decimal totalExpenses = lemonadeStand.NumbCups * lemonadeStand.CostperCup;
            decimal totalProfit   = totalRevenue - totalExpenses;


            // int totalRevenue = numCups * priceCups;

            Console.WriteLine("Your total revennue would be" + totalRevenue);
            Console.WriteLine("Your total expenses would be" + totalExpenses);
            Console.WriteLine("Your total expenses would be" + totalProfit);



            LemonadeStand stand2 = new LemonadeStand();

            stand2.Name         = Console.ReadLine();
            stand2.NumbCups     = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            stand2.PriceCups    = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            stand2.CostperCup   = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            stand2.NumCostumers = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            decimal revenue2       = stand2.PriceCups * stand2.NumCostumers;
            decimal totalExpenses2 = stand2.NumbCups * stand2.CostperCup;
            decimal totalProfit2   = revenue2 - totalExpenses2;


            LemonadeStand stand3 = new LemonadeStand();

            stand3.Name         = Console.ReadLine();
            stand3.NumbCups     = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            stand3.PriceCups    = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            stand3.CostperCup   = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            stand3.NumCostumers = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            decimal revenue3       = stand3.PriceCups * stand3.NumCostumers;
            decimal totalExpenses3 = stand3.NumbCups * stand3.CostperCup;
            decimal totalProfit3   = revenue2 - totalExpenses2;

            // LIST VERSION++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

            List <LemonadeStand> locations = new List <LemonadeStand>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)     //5 Locations
                locations.Add(new LemonadeStand());

            foreach (LemonadeStand stand in locations) ///locations?
                stand.Name         = Console.ReadLine();
                stand.NumbCups     = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                stand.PriceCups    = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                stand.CostperCup   = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                stand.NumCostumers = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                decimal revenueALL       = stand.PriceCups * stand.NumCostumers;
                decimal totalExpensesALL = stand.NumbCups * stand.CostperCup;
                decimal totalProfitALL   = revenueALL - totalExpensesALL;