public int AttendanceRecord(string message) { db DataBase = new db(); string Querry = string.Format( @"IF not EXISTS(select * from LeaveApplication inner join statushistory on StatusHistory.LeaveApplicationID=LeaveApplication.LeaveApplicationID where EmployeeID=(select EmployeeID from Employee where EmpNo='{1}') and '{0}' between FromDate and ToDate and LeaveApplication.ApplicationType=0 and StatusHistory.ApplicationStatusID='2' ) BEGIN insert into Attendance(EmployeeId,AbsentDate,Message) select EmployeeID, '{0}', '{2}' from Employee where Employee.EmpNo='{1}' END select @@rowcount as Count" , Date, EmpNo, message); //retun int value=1 if employee leave is not found,pending or rejected so we can send emails to that employee and retun 0 if found... return(Convert.ToInt32(DataBase.ExecuteScalar(Querry))); }
public void NotifyAbsentees() { string Subject = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SubjectAttandance"]; string Body = ""; string Querry = string.Format("select EmployeeName,Email from Employee where EmpNo='{0}'", EmpNo); db d1 = new db(); DataSet ds = d1.Read(Querry); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string Name = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); string mail = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][1].ToString(); Body = string.Format("Dear {0} you are absent at {1} kindly for more information check your dashboard Thankyou.", Name, Date); if (AttendanceRecord(Body) > 0) { Email e1 = new Email(); e1.Send(mail, Subject, Body); } } }