/** Moves the object by applying  forces and torque. */
        public override void MoveTo(ReadonlyList <Hand> hands, PhysicsMoveInfo info, Vector3 solvedPosition, Quaternion solvedRotation)
            if (info.shouldTeleport)
                _obj.warper.Teleport(solvedPosition, solvedRotation);
                Vector3 targetVelocity        = PhysicsUtility.ToLinearVelocity(_obj.warper.RigidbodyPosition, solvedPosition, Time.fixedDeltaTime);
                Vector3 targetAngularVelocity = PhysicsUtility.ToAngularVelocity(_obj.warper.RigidbodyRotation, solvedRotation, Time.fixedDeltaTime);

                float targetSpeedSqrd = targetVelocity.sqrMagnitude;
                if (targetSpeedSqrd > _maxVelocitySqrd)
                    float targetPercent = (_maxVelocity * _obj.Manager.SimulationScale) / Mathf.Sqrt(targetSpeedSqrd);
                    targetVelocity        *= targetPercent;
                    targetAngularVelocity *= targetPercent;

                float   followStrength        = _strengthByDistance.Evaluate(info.remainingDistanceLastFrame / _obj.Manager.SimulationScale);
                Vector3 lerpedVelocity        = Vector3.Lerp(_obj.rigidbody.velocity, targetVelocity, followStrength);
                Vector3 lerpedAngularVelocity = Vector3.Lerp(_obj.rigidbody.angularVelocity, targetAngularVelocity, followStrength);

                Vector3 centerOfMassOffset = _obj.warper.RigidbodyRotation * _obj.rigidbody.centerOfMass;
                _obj.rigidbody.velocity        = lerpedVelocity + Vector3.Cross(lerpedAngularVelocity, centerOfMassOffset);
                _obj.rigidbody.angularVelocity = lerpedAngularVelocity;
        /** Transfers the averaged velocity to the released object. */
        public override void OnThrow(Hand throwingHand)
            if (_velocityQueue.Count < 2)
                _obj.rigidbody.velocity        = Vector3.zero;
                _obj.rigidbody.angularVelocity = Vector3.zero;

            float windowEnd   = Time.fixedTime - _windowDelay;
            float windowStart = windowEnd - _windowLength;

            //0 occurs before 1
            //start occurs before end
            VelocitySample start0, start1;
            VelocitySample end0, end1;
            VelocitySample s0, s1;

            s0 = s1 = start0 = start1 = end0 = end1 = _velocityQueue.Dequeue();

            while (_velocityQueue.Count != 0)
                s0 = s1;
                s1 = _velocityQueue.Dequeue();

                if (s0.time < windowStart && s1.time >= windowStart)
                    start0 = s0;
                    start1 = s1;

                if (s0.time < windowEnd && s1.time >= windowEnd)
                    end0 = s0;
                    end1 = s1;

                    //We have assigned both start and end and can break out of loop

            VelocitySample start = VelocitySample.Interpolate(start0, start1, windowStart);
            VelocitySample end   = VelocitySample.Interpolate(end0, end1, windowEnd);

            Vector3 interpolatedVelocity = PhysicsUtility.ToLinearVelocity(start.position, end.position, _windowLength);

            //If trying to throw the object backwards into the hand
            Vector3 relativeVelocity = interpolatedVelocity - throwingHand.PalmVelocity.ToVector3();

            if (Vector3.Dot(relativeVelocity, throwingHand.PalmNormal.ToVector3()) < 0)
                interpolatedVelocity -= Vector3.Project(relativeVelocity, throwingHand.PalmNormal.ToVector3());

            _obj.rigidbody.velocity        = interpolatedVelocity;
            _obj.rigidbody.angularVelocity = PhysicsUtility.ToAngularVelocity(start.rotation, end.rotation, _windowLength);

            _obj.rigidbody.velocity *= _velocityMultiplierCurve.Evaluate(_obj.rigidbody.velocity.magnitude);
        protected virtual void simulateFrame(Frame frame)

            var active = _activityManager.ActiveBehaviours;

            for (int i = 0; i < active.Count; i++)

            dispatchOnHandsHoldingAll(frame, isPhysics: true);

            //Apply soft contacts from both hands in unified solve
            //(this will clear softContacts and originalVelocities as well)
            if (softContacts.Count > 0)
                using (new ProfilerSample("Apply Soft Contacts", this)) {
                    PhysicsUtility.applySoftContacts(softContacts, originalVelocities);


            for (int i = 0; i < active.Count; i++)
        /// <summary>
        /// Transfers the averaged velocity to the released object.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnThrow(InteractionBehaviour intObj, InteractionController throwingController)
            if (_velocityQueue.Count < 2)
                intObj.rigidbody.velocity        = Vector3.zero;
                intObj.rigidbody.angularVelocity = Vector3.zero;

            float windowEnd   = Time.fixedTime - _windowDelay;
            float windowStart = windowEnd - _windowLength;

            // 0 occurs before 1,
            // start occurs before end.
            VelocitySample start0, start1;
            VelocitySample end0, end1;
            VelocitySample s0, s1;

            s0 = s1 = start0 = start1 = end0 = end1 = _velocityQueue.Dequeue();

            while (_velocityQueue.Count != 0)
                s0 = s1;
                s1 = _velocityQueue.Dequeue();

                if (s0.time < windowStart && s1.time >= windowStart)
                    start0 = s0;
                    start1 = s1;

                if (s0.time < windowEnd && s1.time >= windowEnd)
                    end0 = s0;
                    end1 = s1;

                    // We have assigned both start and end and can break out of the loop.

            VelocitySample start = VelocitySample.Interpolate(start0, start1, windowStart);
            VelocitySample end   = VelocitySample.Interpolate(end0, end1, windowEnd);

            Vector3 interpolatedVelocity = PhysicsUtility.ToLinearVelocity(start.position,

            intObj.rigidbody.velocity        = interpolatedVelocity;
            intObj.rigidbody.angularVelocity = PhysicsUtility.ToAngularVelocity(start.rotation,

            intObj.rigidbody.velocity *= _velocityMultiplierCurve.Evaluate(intObj.rigidbody.velocity.magnitude);
        void FixedUpdate()


      #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (!Application.isPlaying)

            using (new ProfilerSample("Interaction Manager FixedUpdate", this.gameObject)) {
                // Ensure scale information is up-to-date.
                _scale = this.transform.lossyScale.x;

                // Update each interaction controller (Leap hands or supported VR controllers).

                // Perform each interaction object's FixedUpdateObject.
                using (new ProfilerSample("FixedUpdateObject per-InteractionBehaviour")) {
                    foreach (var interactionObj in _interactionObjects)

                // Apply soft contacts from all controllers in a unified solve.
                // (This will clear softContacts and originalVelocities as well.)
                using (new ProfilerSample("Apply Soft Contacts")) {
                    if (_softContacts.Count > 0)
                        PhysicsUtility.applySoftContacts(_softContacts, _softContactOriginalVelocities);


        public void MoveTo(Vector3 solvedPosition, Quaternion solvedRotation,
                           InteractionBehaviour intObj, bool justGrasped)
            Vector3 solvedCenterOfMass = solvedRotation * intObj.rigidbody.centerOfMass + solvedPosition;
            Vector3 currCenterOfMass   = intObj.rigidbody.rotation * intObj.rigidbody.centerOfMass + intObj.rigidbody.position;

            Vector3 targetVelocity = PhysicsUtility.ToLinearVelocity(currCenterOfMass, solvedCenterOfMass, Time.fixedDeltaTime);

            Vector3 targetAngularVelocity = PhysicsUtility.ToAngularVelocity(intObj.rigidbody.rotation, solvedRotation, Time.fixedDeltaTime);

            // Clamp targetVelocity by _maxVelocity.
            float maxScaledVelocity = _maxVelocity * intObj.manager.SimulationScale;
            float targetSpeedSqrd   = targetVelocity.sqrMagnitude;

            if (targetSpeedSqrd > maxScaledVelocity * maxScaledVelocity)
                float targetPercent = maxScaledVelocity / Mathf.Sqrt(targetSpeedSqrd);
                targetVelocity        *= targetPercent;
                targetAngularVelocity *= targetPercent;

            float followStrength = 1F;

            if (!justGrasped)
                float remainingDistanceLastFrame = Vector3.Distance(_lastSolvedCoMPosition, currCenterOfMass);
                followStrength = _strengthByDistance.Evaluate(remainingDistanceLastFrame / intObj.manager.SimulationScale);

            Vector3 lerpedVelocity        = Vector3.Lerp(intObj.rigidbody.velocity, targetVelocity, followStrength);
            Vector3 lerpedAngularVelocity = Vector3.Lerp(intObj.rigidbody.angularVelocity, targetAngularVelocity, followStrength);

            intObj.rigidbody.velocity        = lerpedVelocity;
            intObj.rigidbody.angularVelocity = lerpedAngularVelocity;

            _lastSolvedCoMPosition = solvedCenterOfMass;

            // Store the target position and rotation to prevent slippage in SwapGrasp
            // scenarios.
            intObj.latestScheduledGraspPose = new Pose(solvedPosition, solvedRotation);
Exemple #7
        public void MoveTo(Vector3 solvedPosition, Quaternion solvedRotation,
                           InteractionBehaviour intObj, bool justGrasped)
            Vector3 targetVelocity        = PhysicsUtility.ToLinearVelocity(intObj.rigidbody.position, solvedPosition, Time.fixedDeltaTime);
            Vector3 targetAngularVelocity = PhysicsUtility.ToAngularVelocity(intObj.rigidbody.rotation, solvedRotation, Time.fixedDeltaTime);

            // Clamp by _maxVelocity.
            float maxScaledVelocity = _maxVelocity * intObj.manager.SimulationScale;
            float targetSpeedSqrd   = targetVelocity.sqrMagnitude;

            if (targetSpeedSqrd > maxScaledVelocity * maxScaledVelocity)
                float targetPercent = maxScaledVelocity / Mathf.Sqrt(targetSpeedSqrd);
                targetVelocity        *= targetPercent;
                targetAngularVelocity *= targetPercent;

            _useLastSolvedPosition = !justGrasped;
            float followStrength = 1F;

            if (_useLastSolvedPosition)
                float remainingDistanceLastFrame = Vector3.Distance(_lastSolvedPosition, intObj.rigidbody.position);
                followStrength = _strengthByDistance.Evaluate(remainingDistanceLastFrame / intObj.manager.SimulationScale);

            Vector3 lerpedVelocity        = Vector3.Lerp(intObj.rigidbody.velocity, targetVelocity, followStrength);
            Vector3 lerpedAngularVelocity = Vector3.Lerp(intObj.rigidbody.angularVelocity, targetAngularVelocity, followStrength);

            Vector3 centerOfMassOffset = intObj.rigidbody.rotation * intObj.rigidbody.centerOfMass;

            intObj.rigidbody.velocity        = lerpedVelocity + Vector3.Cross(lerpedAngularVelocity, centerOfMassOffset);
            intObj.rigidbody.angularVelocity = lerpedAngularVelocity;

            _lastSolvedPosition = solvedPosition;
        void FixedUpdate()

            // Physics should only be synced once at the beginning of the physics simulation.
            // (Will be re-set to its original value at the end of the update.)
      #if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
            var preUpdateAutoSyncTransforms = Physics.autoSyncTransforms;
            Physics.autoSyncTransforms = false;
            try {

        #if UNITY_EDITOR
                if (!Application.isPlaying)

                using (new ProfilerSample("Interaction Manager FixedUpdate", this.gameObject)) {
                    // Ensure scale information is up-to-date.
                    _scale = this.transform.lossyScale.x;

                    // Update each interaction controller (Leap hands or supported VR controllers).

                    // Perform each interaction object's FixedUpdateObject.
                    using (new ProfilerSample("FixedUpdateObject per-InteractionBehaviour")) {
                        foreach (var interactionObj in _interactionObjects)

                    // Apply soft contacts from all controllers in a unified solve.
                    // (This will clear softContacts and originalVelocities as well.)
                    using (new ProfilerSample("Apply Soft Contacts")) {
                        if (_drawControllerRuntimeGizmos)
                            _softContactsToDraw = new List <PhysicsUtility.SoftContact>(_softContacts);
                        if (_softContacts.Count > 0)
                            PhysicsUtility.applySoftContacts(_softContacts, _softContactOriginalVelocities);



                if (autoGenerateLayers)
            finally {
        #if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
                // Restore the autoSyncTransforms setting to whatever the user had it as before
                // the Manager FixedUpdate.
                Physics.autoSyncTransforms = preUpdateAutoSyncTransforms;
Exemple #9
        /** Updates this hand model. */
        public override void UpdateHand()
            if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying)
            using (new ProfilerSample("Update InteractionBrushHand", this)) {
                using (new ProfilerSample("Update InteractionBrushBones", this)) {
                    float deadzone = DEAD_ZONE_FRACTION * _hand.Fingers[1].Bone((Bone.BoneType) 1).Width;
                    for (int fingerIndex = 0; fingerIndex < N_FINGERS; fingerIndex++)
                        for (int jointIndex = 0; jointIndex < N_ACTIVE_BONES; jointIndex++)
                            Bone bone           = _hand.Fingers[fingerIndex].Bone((Bone.BoneType)(jointIndex) + 1);
                            int  boneArrayIndex = fingerIndex * N_ACTIVE_BONES + jointIndex;
                            UpdateBone(bone, boneArrayIndex, deadzone);

                    //Update Palm
                    UpdateBone(_hand.Fingers[(int)Finger.FingerType.TYPE_MIDDLE].Bone(Bone.BoneType.TYPE_METACARPAL), N_FINGERS * N_ACTIVE_BONES, deadzone);

                if (_softContactEnabled)
                    //SOFT CONTACT COLLISIONS
                    using (new ProfilerSample("Update Soft Contact", this)) {
                        //Generate Contacts
                        bool softlyContacting = false;
                        using (new ProfilerSample("Generate Soft Contacts", this)) {
                            for (int fingerIndex = 0; fingerIndex < 5; fingerIndex++)
                                for (int jointIndex = 0; jointIndex < 4; jointIndex++)
                                    Bone    bone           = _hand.Fingers[fingerIndex].Bone((Bone.BoneType)(jointIndex));
                                    int     boneArrayIndex = fingerIndex * 4 + jointIndex;
                                    Vector3 boneCenter     = bone.Center.ToVector3();

                                    ////Generate and Fill softContacts with SoftContacts that are intersecting a sphere at boneCenter, with radius softContactBoneRadius
                                    bool sphereIntersecting;
                                    using (new ProfilerSample("Generate Soft Contact", this)) {
                                        if (_manager != null)
                                            sphereIntersecting = PhysicsUtility.generateSphereContacts(boneCenter, softContactBoneRadius, (boneCenter - previousBoneCenters[boneArrayIndex]) / Time.fixedDeltaTime,
                                                                                                       1 << _manager.InteractionLayer, ref _manager.softContacts, ref _manager.originalVelocities, ref tempColliderArray);
                                            sphereIntersecting = PhysicsUtility.generateSphereContacts(boneCenter, softContactBoneRadius, (boneCenter - previousBoneCenters[boneArrayIndex]) / Time.fixedDeltaTime,
                                                                                                       ~(1 << 2), ref softContacts, ref originalVelocities, ref tempColliderArray);
                                    softlyContacting = sphereIntersecting ? true : softlyContacting;

                        if (softlyContacting)
                            //(If we have a manager, let it handle resolving the contacts of both hands in one unified solve)
                            if (_manager == null)
                                using (new ProfilerSample("Apply Per Hand Soft Contacts", this)) {
                                    PhysicsUtility.applySoftContacts(softContacts, originalVelocities);
                            disableSoftContactEnqueued = false;
                            //If there are no detected Contacts, exit soft contact mode

                //Update the last positions of the bones with this frame
                for (int fingerIndex = 0; fingerIndex < 5; fingerIndex++)
                    for (int jointIndex = 0; jointIndex < 4; jointIndex++)
                        Bone bone           = _hand.Fingers[fingerIndex].Bone((Bone.BoneType)(jointIndex));
                        int  boneArrayIndex = fingerIndex * 4 + jointIndex;
                        previousBoneCenters[boneArrayIndex] = bone.Center.ToVector3();