Exemple #1
                public static Struct Decoded(byte[] data)
                    var packet = new GamePacket(data);
                    var result = new Struct();

                    packet.Position        = 1;
                    result.SourceNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
                    result.Slot            = (SpellSlot)packet.ReadByte();
                    result.FromX           = packet.ReadFloat();
                    result.FromY           = packet.ReadFloat();
                    result.ToX             = packet.ReadFloat();
                    result.ToY             = packet.ReadFloat();
        /// <summary>
        ///     Detects the spells that have missile and are casted from fow.
        /// </summary>
        public static void GameOnOnGameProcessPacket(GamePacketEventArgs args)
            //Gets received when a projectile is created.
            if (args.PacketData[0] == 0x3B)
                var packet = new GamePacket(args.PacketData) { Position = 1 };

                packet.ReadFloat(); //Missile network ID

                var missilePosition = new Vector3(packet.ReadFloat(), packet.ReadFloat(), packet.ReadFloat());
                var unitPosition = new Vector3(packet.ReadFloat(), packet.ReadFloat(), packet.ReadFloat());

                packet.Position = packet.Size() - 119;
                var missileSpeed = packet.ReadFloat();

                packet.Position = 65;
                var endPos = new Vector3(packet.ReadFloat(), packet.ReadFloat(), packet.ReadFloat());

                packet.Position = 112;
                var id = packet.ReadByte();

                packet.Position = packet.Size() - 83;

                var unit = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Hero>(packet.ReadInteger());
                if ((!unit.IsValid || unit.Team == ObjectManager.Player.Team))

                var spellData = SpellDatabase.GetBySpeed(unit.ChampionName, (int) missileSpeed, id);

                if (spellData == null)
                if (spellData.SpellName != "Laser")
                var castTime = Environment.TickCount - Game.Ping / 2 - spellData.Delay -
                                   (1000 * Geometry.SwitchYZ(missilePosition).To2D().Distance(Geometry.SwitchYZ(unitPosition)) /

                //Trigger the skillshot detection callbacks.
                    DetectionType.RecvPacket, spellData, castTime, unitPosition.SwitchYZ().To2D(),
                    endPos.SwitchYZ().To2D(), unit);
Exemple #3
                public static Struct Decoded(byte[] data)
                    var packet = new GamePacket(data);
                    var result = new Struct();

                    packet.Position        = 1;
                    result.SourceNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
                    result.MoveType        = packet.ReadByte();
                    result.X = packet.ReadFloat();
                    result.Y = packet.ReadFloat();
                    result.TargetNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
                    result.UnitNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
Exemple #4
        private static void Game_OnGameProcessPacket(GamePacketEventArgs args)
            var packet = new GamePacket(args.PacketData);
            Camp camp;

            switch (packet.Header)
                case 0xC3:
                    packet.Position = 5;
                    var UnitNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
                    var CampId = packet.ReadInteger();
                    var EmptyType = packet.ReadByte();
                    var BuffHash = packet.ReadInteger();
                    var respawnTime = packet.ReadFloat();

                    camp = Camps[CampId];
                    if (camp != null)


                case 0xE9:
                    packet.Position = 21;
                    var campId = packet.ReadByte();

                    camp = Camps[campId];
                    if (camp != null)

Exemple #5
                public static Struct Decoded(byte[] data)
                    var packet = new GamePacket(data);
                    var result = new Struct();

                    packet.Position      = 12;
                    result.UnitNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
                    result.Speed         = packet.ReadFloat();

Exemple #6
                public static Struct Decoded(byte[] data)
                    var packet = new GamePacket(data);
                    var result = new Struct();

                    packet.Position            = 1;
                    result.TargetNetworkId     = packet.ReadInteger();
                    result.Type                = (DamageTypePacket)packet.ReadByte();
                    result.TargetNetworkIdCopy = packet.ReadInteger();
                    result.SourceNetworkId     = packet.ReadInteger();
                    result.DamageAmount        = packet.ReadFloat();

Exemple #7
        public static void Game_OnGameProcessPacket(GamePacketEventArgs args)
            if (!Config.Item("comboWreset").GetValue<bool>() || args.PacketData[0] != 0x65 || !MasterYi.W.IsReady() ||
                LxOrbwalker.CurrentMode != LxOrbwalker.Mode.Combo)

            // LogPacket(args);
            var gp = new GamePacket(args.PacketData) {Position = 1};
            var dmg = Packet.S2C.Damage.Decoded(args.PacketData);

            var targetId = gp.ReadInteger();
            int dType = gp.ReadByte();
            int unknown = gp.ReadShort();
            var damageAmount = gp.ReadFloat();
            var targetNetworkIdCopy = gp.ReadInteger();
            var sourceNetworkId = gp.ReadInteger();
            var dmga =
            if (dmga - 10 > damageAmount || dmga + 10 < damageAmount)

            if (MasterYi.Player.NetworkId != dmg.SourceNetworkId && MasterYi.Player.NetworkId == targetId)

            var targ = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(dmg.TargetNetworkId);
            if ((int) dmg.Type != 12 && (int) dmg.Type != 4 && (int) dmg.Type != 3)

            if (MasterYi.W.IsReady() && LxOrbwalker.InAutoAttackRange(targ))
                // LXOrbwalker.ResetAutoAttackTimer();
            // Console.WriteLine("dtyoe: " + dType);
Exemple #8
        public static void OnGameProcessPacket(GamePacketEventArgs args)
                if (Talon.orbwalker.ActiveMode.ToString() == "Combo" || Config.Item("harHard").GetValue<KeyBind>().Active)
                    if (args.PacketData[0] == 101 && Talon.Q.IsReady())
                        Packet.S2C.Damage.Struct dmg = Packet.S2C.Damage.Decoded(args.PacketData);
                        // LogPacket(args);
                        GamePacket gp = new GamePacket(args.PacketData);
                        gp.Position = 1;

                        int targetID = gp.ReadInteger();
                        int dType = (int)gp.ReadByte();
                        int Unknown = gp.ReadShort();
                        float DamageAmount = gp.ReadFloat();
                        int TargetNetworkIdCopy = gp.ReadInteger();
                        int SourceNetworkId = gp.ReadInteger();
                        if (Talon.Player.NetworkId != dmg.SourceNetworkId)
                        Obj_AI_Hero targ = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Hero>(targetID);
                        if (targ != null)
                            useQ = true;

            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #9
 public static Struct Decoded(byte[] data)
     var packet = new GamePacket(data) { Position = 5 };
     return new Struct(
         packet.ReadFloat(), packet.ReadFloat(), packet.ReadInteger(), packet.ReadInteger(),
Exemple #10
 public static Struct Decoded(byte[] data)
     var packet = new GamePacket(data);
     var result = new Struct();
     packet.Position = 1;
     result.SourceNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
     result.Slot = (SpellSlot)packet.ReadByte();
     result.ToX = packet.ReadFloat();
     result.ToY = packet.ReadFloat();
     result.ToZ = packet.ReadFloat();
     return result;
Exemple #11
 public static Struct Decoded(byte[] data)
     var packet = new GamePacket(data);
     var result = new Struct();
     packet.Position = 1;
     result.SourceNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
     result.MoveType = packet.ReadByte();
     result.X = packet.ReadFloat();
     result.Y = packet.ReadFloat();
     result.TargetNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
     result.UnitNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
     return result;
Exemple #12
                public static Struct Decoded(byte[] data)
                    var packet = new GamePacket(data);
                    var result = new Struct();

                    packet.Position = 1;
                    result.TargetNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
                    result.Type = (DamageTypePacket)packet.ReadByte();
                    result.TargetNetworkIdCopy = packet.ReadInteger();
                    result.SourceNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
                    result.DamageAmount = packet.ReadFloat();

                    return result;
Exemple #13
 private void OnGameSendPacket(GamePacketEventArgs args)
     if (!PacketCast) return;
     if (args.PacketData[0] == 153)
         var PacketData = new GamePacket(args.PacketData[0]);
         PacketData.Position = 1;
         if (PacketData.ReadFloat() != Player.NetworkId) return;
         if (PacketData.ReadByte() != 0) return;
         switch (Config.Item(Name + "cancelAni").GetValue<StringList>().SelectedIndex)
             case 0:
                 Packet.C2S.Emote.Encoded(new Packet.C2S.Emote.Struct(0));
             case 1:
                 Packet.C2S.Emote.Encoded(new Packet.C2S.Emote.Struct(1));
             case 2:
                 if (targetObj != null)
                     var pos = targetObj.Position + Vector3.Normalize(Player.Position - targetObj.Position) * (Player.Distance(targetObj) + 50);
                     Packet.C2S.Move.Encoded(new Packet.C2S.Move.Struct(pos.X, pos.Y)).Process();
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        ///     Detects the spells that have missile and are casted from fow.
        /// </summary>
        public static void GameOnOnGameProcessPacket(GamePacketEventArgs args)
            //Gets received when a projectile is created.
            if (args.PacketData[0] == 0x3B)
                var packet = new GamePacket(args.PacketData) {Position = 1};

                packet.ReadFloat(); //Missile network ID

                var missilePosition = new Vector3(packet.ReadFloat(), packet.ReadFloat(), packet.ReadFloat());
                var unitPosition = new Vector3(packet.ReadFloat(), packet.ReadFloat(), packet.ReadFloat());

                packet.Position = packet.Size() - 119;
                var missileSpeed = packet.ReadFloat();

                packet.Position = 65;
                var endPos = new Vector3(packet.ReadFloat(), packet.ReadFloat(), packet.ReadFloat());

                packet.Position = 112;
                var id = packet.ReadByte();

                packet.Position = packet.Size() - 83;

                var unit = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<AIHeroClient>((uint) packet.ReadInteger());

                if (!unit.IsValid<AIHeroClient>())
                    return; // only valid hero

                var spellData = SpellDatabase.GetBySpeed(unit.ChampionName, (int) missileSpeed, id);

                if (spellData == null)
                    return; // only if database contains skillshot

                if (spellData.SpellName != "Laser")
                    return; // ingore lasers

                var castTime = System.Environment.TickCount - Game.Ping/2 - spellData.Delay -

                //Trigger the skillshot detection callbacks.
                    DetectionType.RecvPacket, spellData, castTime, unitPosition.SwitchYZ().LSTo2D(),
                    endPos.SwitchYZ().LSTo2D(), unit);
                /// <summary>
                /// Decodes the specified data.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="data">The data.</param>
                /// <returns>Struct.</returns>
                public static Struct Decoded(byte[] data)
                    var packet = new GamePacket(data);
                    var result = new Struct();

                    result.NetworkId = packet.ReadInteger(1);
                    result.Unit = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(result.NetworkId);

                    result.BuffSlot = packet.ReadByte();
                    result.BuffId = packet.ReadInteger();
                    result.Duration = packet.ReadFloat();

                    return result;
                /// <summary>
                /// Decodes the specified data.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="data">The data.</param>
                /// <returns>Struct.</returns>
                public static Struct Decoded(byte[] data)
                    var packet = new GamePacket(data);
                    var result = new Struct();

                    result.NetworkId = packet.ReadInteger(1);
                    result.Unit = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(result.NetworkId);

                    result.BuffSlot = packet.ReadByte();
                    result.Type = (BuffType) packet.ReadByte();
                    result.Stack = packet.ReadByte();
                    result.Visible = packet.ReadByte() > 0;
                    result.BuffId = packet.ReadInteger();

                    result.TargetNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
                    result.Target = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(result.TargetNetworkId);

                    packet.Position += 4;

                    result.Duration = packet.ReadFloat();

                    result.SourceNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
                    result.Source = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(result.SourceNetworkId);

                    return result;
                /// <summary>
                /// Decodes the specified data.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="data">The data.</param>
                /// <returns>Struct.</returns>
                public static Struct Decoded(byte[] data)
                    var packet = new GamePacket(data);
                    var result = new Struct();

                    result.SourceNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger(1);
                    result.SourceUnit = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(result.SourceNetworkId);

                    result.SpellFlag = packet.ReadShort(10);
                    result.SpellHash = packet.ReadInteger();
                    result.SpellNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();

                    packet.ReadByte(); //this always used to be 0, maybe flag now
                    packet.ReadFloat(); // always 1
                    packet.ReadFloat(); // always player nID
                    packet.ReadFloat(); // always player nID

                    result.MissileHash = packet.ReadInteger();
                    result.MissileNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();

                    var p = packet.Position + 8;
                    result.ToPosition = new Vector2(packet.ReadFloat(), packet.ReadFloat(p));
                    packet.Position += 4;

                    var c = packet.ReadByte(65);
                    if (c > 0) //hopefully c is 1 always
                        result.TargetNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
                        result.TargetUnit = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(result.TargetNetworkId);
                        packet.ReadByte(); // for 0
                    result.ChannelTime = packet.ReadFloat();
                    result.Delay = packet.ReadFloat();
                    result.Visible = packet.ReadFloat();
                    result.IsVisible = result.Visible > 0;
                    result.Cooldown = packet.ReadFloat();


                    result.SpellSlot = (SpellSlot) packet.ReadByte();
                    result.SpellFlag2 = packet.ReadByte();
                    result.ManaCost = packet.ReadFloat();

                    p = packet.Position + 8;
                    result.FromPosition = new Vector2(packet.ReadFloat(), packet.ReadFloat(p));

                    return result;
 /// <summary>
 /// Decodes the specified data.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data">The data.</param>
 /// <returns>Struct.</returns>
 public static Struct Decoded(byte[] data)
     var packet = new GamePacket(data) { Position = 6 };
     var targetNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
     var type = packet.ReadByte();
     var sourceNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
     var x = packet.ReadFloat();
     var y = packet.ReadFloat();
     var silent = (packet.ReadByte() & 1) != 1;
     return new Struct(
         x, y, targetNetworkId, sourceNetworkId,
         (PingType)type, silent);
 /// <summary>
 /// Decodes the specified data.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data">The data.</param>
 /// <returns>Struct.</returns>
 public static Struct Decoded(byte[] data)
     var packet = new GamePacket(data);
     var result = new Struct { RecvTime = packet.ReadFloat(1), AckTime = packet.ReadFloat(5) };
     return result;
Exemple #20
                public static Struct Decoded(byte[] data)
                    var packet = new GamePacket(data);
                    var result = new Struct();

                    packet.Position = 1;
                    result.UnitNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
                    result.MaxHealth = packet.ReadFloat();
                    result.CurrentHealth = packet.ReadFloat();
                    return result;
Exemple #21
                public static Struct Decoded(byte[] data)
                    var packet = new GamePacket(data);
                    var result = new Struct();

                    packet.Position = 12;
                    result.UnitNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
                    result.Speed = packet.ReadFloat();

                    return result;
Exemple #22
        private static void PacketHandler(GamePacketEventArgs args)
            var packet = new GamePacket(args.PacketData);
            if (OnGainBuff != null)
                if (args.PacketData[0] == 0xB7)
                    packet.Position = 1;
                    var targetbuff =
                    int buffSlot = packet.ReadByte();
                    int bufftype = packet.ReadByte();
                    int stackCount = packet.ReadByte();
                    int visible = packet.ReadByte();
                    int buffID = packet.ReadInteger();
                    int targetID = packet.ReadInteger();
                    int unknown = packet.ReadInteger();
                    float duration = packet.ReadFloat();
                    float starttime = Game.Time;
                    float endtime = Game.Time + duration;
                    var sourceNetworkId = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(BitConverter.ToInt32(args.PacketData, 24));
                    OnGainBuff(targetbuff, sourceNetworkId,
                        new OnGainBuffArgs { Slot = buffSlot + 1, Type = bufftype, Count = stackCount, Visible = visible, BuffID = buffID, TargetID = targetID, Duration = duration, StartTime = starttime, EndTime = endtime });
            if (OnLoseBuff != null)
                if (args.PacketData[0] == 0x7B)
                    packet.Position = 1;
					var targetbuff = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(packet.ReadInteger());
                    int buffSlot = packet.ReadByte();
                    int buffID = packet.ReadInteger();
                    if (targetbuff == null)
                    OnLoseBuff(targetbuff, targetbuff,
                        new OnGainBuffArgs { Slot = buffSlot + 1, Count = 0, BuffID = buffID });
            if (OnUpdateBuff != null)
                if (args.PacketData[0] == 0x2F)
                    Console.WriteLine("Update BUFF PACKET");
                    var targetbuff = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(packet.ReadInteger());
                    int buffSlot = packet.ReadByte();
                    float timeBuffAlreadyOnTarget = packet.ReadFloat();
                    float duration = packet.ReadFloat();
                    float starttime = Game.Time;
                    float endtime = Game.Time + duration;
                    var source = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(packet.ReadInteger());
                    if (targetbuff == null)
                    OnUpdateBuff(source, targetbuff,
                        new OnGainBuffArgs { Slot = buffSlot + 1, Count = 1, Duration = duration, EndTime = endtime });

                if (args.PacketData[0] == 0x1C)
                    Console.WriteLine("Update BUFF PACKET2");
                    var targetbuff = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(packet.ReadInteger());
                    int buffSlot = packet.ReadByte();
                    int stackCount = packet.ReadByte();
                    float duration = packet.ReadFloat();
                    float timeBuffAlreadyOnTarget = packet.ReadFloat();
                    float starttime = Game.Time;
                    float endtime = Game.Time + duration;
                    var source = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(packet.ReadInteger());
                    if (targetbuff == null)
                    OnUpdateBuff(source, targetbuff,
                        new OnGainBuffArgs { Slot = buffSlot + 1, Count = stackCount, Duration = duration, EndTime = endtime });
                /// <summary>
                /// Decodes the specified data.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="data">The data.</param>
                /// <returns>Struct.</returns>
                public static Struct Decoded(byte[] data)
                    var packet = new GamePacket(data);
                    var result = new Struct();

                    result.NetworkId = packet.ReadInteger(1);
                    result.Unit = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(result.NetworkId);
                    result.Slot = (SpellSlot) packet.ReadByte();
                    packet.Position += 1;
                    result.TotalCooldown = packet.ReadFloat();
                    result.CurrentCooldown = packet.ReadFloat();

                    return result;
Exemple #24
        static void Game_OnGameProcessPacket(GamePacketEventArgs args)
            if (args.PacketData[0] == Packet.S2C.EmptyJungleCamp.Header)
                Packet.S2C.EmptyJungleCamp.Struct camp = Packet.S2C.EmptyJungleCamp.Decoded(args.PacketData);
                Console.WriteLine("disable camp: "+camp.CampId);

            if (args.PacketData[0] == 0xE9)
                GamePacket gp = new GamePacket(args.PacketData);
                gp.Position = 21;
                byte campID = gp.ReadByte();
                Console.WriteLine("Enable camp: "+campID);


            if (args.PacketData[0] == 0x65 && Config.Item("doJungle").GetValue<KeyBind>().Active)
                GamePacket gp = new GamePacket(args.PacketData);
                gp.Position = 1;
                Packet.S2C.Damage.Struct dmg = Packet.S2C.Damage.Decoded(args.PacketData);

                int targetID = gp.ReadInteger();
                int dType = (int)gp.ReadByte();
                int Unknown = gp.ReadShort();
                float DamageAmount = gp.ReadFloat();
                int TargetNetworkIdCopy = gp.ReadInteger();
                int SourceNetworkId = gp.ReadInteger();
                float dmga = (float)player.GetAutoAttackDamage(ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(targetID));
                if (dmga - 10 > DamageAmount || dmga + 10 < DamageAmount)
                if (player.NetworkId != dmg.SourceNetworkId || player.NetworkId == targetID || player.NetworkId == TargetNetworkIdCopy)
                Obj_AI_Base targ = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(dmg.TargetNetworkId);
                if ((int) dmg.Type == 12 || (int) dmg.Type == 4 || (int) dmg.Type == 3)
                    Console.WriteLine("dmg: " + DamageAmount + " : " + dmga);


                /// <summary>
                /// Decodes the specified data.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="data">The data.</param>
                /// <returns>Struct.</returns>
                public static Struct Decoded(byte[] data)
                    var packet = new GamePacket(data);
                    var result = new Struct();

                    result.ReceivingNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger(5);
                    result.ReceivingUnit = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(result.ReceivingNetworkId);
                    result.SourceNetworkId = packet.ReadInteger();
                    result.SourceUnit = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(result.SourceNetworkId);
                    result.Gold = packet.ReadFloat();
                    return result;
Exemple #26
        public static void OnGameProcessPacket(GamePacketEventArgs args)

            if (Config.Item("comboWreset").GetValue<bool>() && args.PacketData[0] == 0x65 && MasterYi.W.IsReady() && LXOrbwalker.CurrentMode == LXOrbwalker.Mode.Combo)

                // LogPacket(args);
                GamePacket gp = new GamePacket(args.PacketData);
                gp.Position = 1;
                Packet.S2C.Damage.Struct dmg = Packet.S2C.Damage.Decoded(args.PacketData);

                int targetID = gp.ReadInteger();
                int dType = (int) gp.ReadByte();
                int Unknown = gp.ReadShort();
                float DamageAmount = gp.ReadFloat();
                int TargetNetworkIdCopy = gp.ReadInteger();
                int SourceNetworkId = gp.ReadInteger();
                float dmga =
                if (dmga - 10 > DamageAmount || dmga + 10 < DamageAmount)
                if (MasterYi.player.NetworkId != dmg.SourceNetworkId && MasterYi.player.NetworkId == targetID)
                Obj_AI_Base targ = ObjectManager.GetUnitByNetworkId<Obj_AI_Base>(dmg.TargetNetworkId);
                if ((int) dmg.Type == 12 || (int) dmg.Type == 4 || (int) dmg.Type == 3 )
                    if (MasterYi.W.IsReady() && LXOrbwalker.InAutoAttackRange(targ))
                       // LXOrbwalker.ResetAutoAttackTimer();
                   // Console.WriteLine("dtyoe: " + dType);