/// <summary>
        /// Populate the data set for an 'Asset Register' format report where there are only 3 columns
        /// in the report - Asset Name , Field and Value and the rows are the fields and values listed
        /// vertically grouped beneath their asset.
        /// </summary>
        protected void PopulateAssetRegisterReport()
            // Get the Table from the DataSet
            DataTable dataTable = _reportDataSet.Tables["AuditData"];

            // OK - this report is ASSET based so we loop through each asset listing the field and value
            // for each in turn.
            foreach (Asset asset in _cachedAssetList)
                // Loop through each field in the report and create a row containing the
                // asset name ,field name and value
                foreach (AuditDataReportColumn reportColumn in _auditDataReportColumns)
                    // Get the value of this column for this asset
                    AuditDataReportColumnValue columnValue = reportColumn.GetValueForAsset(asset.AssetID);

                    if (columnValue != null)
                        // In an ASSET REGISTER report we have special handling for APPLICATIONS in that we do NOT
                        // include them at all if the application is determined to not be installed on this asset
                        if ((reportColumn.FieldType != AuditDataReportColumn.eFieldType.applications) || ((string)columnValue.DataValue != AuditDataReportColumn.ApplicationNotInstalled))
                            // Create a new row in the report
                            dataTable.Rows.Add(new object[] { asset.Name, reportColumn.ShortFieldName, (string)columnValue.DataValue });
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate the data set for a 'Standard' format report where the fields in the report
        /// are the columns and the values for those fields form the rows
        /// </summary>
        protected void PopulateStandardReport()
            // Get the Table from the DataSet
            DataTable dataTable = _reportDataSet.Tables["AuditData"];

            // Count of rows is number of assets
            int rowCount = _cachedAssetList.Count - 1;

            // Loop for each row
            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowCount; rowIndex++)
                // Create a new row
                DataRow newRow = dataTable.NewRow();

                // ...and add the columns to that row taking the values from the report columns
                int columnIndex = 0;

                foreach (AuditDataReportColumn reportColumn in _auditDataReportColumns)
                    AuditDataReportColumnValue columnValue = reportColumn.Values[rowIndex];

                        newRow[columnIndex] = columnValue.DataValue;
                    catch (Exception ex)


                // Add the row to the table