private DataTable Lista_DiferenciaInv()
            DtReporte = new DataTable("Productostock");
                var BL = new tb_60local_stock_inventarioBL();
                var BE = new tb_60local_stock_inventario();

                BE.moduloid = moduloid.Trim();
                BE.local = local.Trim();
                BE.lineaid = lineaid.Trim();
                BE.dif = dif;

                DtReporte = BL.GetReportDif(VariablesPublicas.EmpresaID.ToString(), BE).Tables[0];

                if (DtReporte != null)
                    return DtReporte;
                    return null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return null;
        private void btn_excel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var BL = new tb_60local_stock_inventarioBL();
            var BE = new tb_60local_stock_inventario();
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            BE.moduloid = modulo.Trim();
            BE.local = local.Trim();
            BE.lineaid = lineaid.Text.Trim();
            BE.dif = chk_diferencias.Checked;
            dt = BL.GetReportDif(VariablesPublicas.EmpresaID.ToString(), BE).Tables[0];
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            { ExportarExcel(dt); }