public async Task Report() { string last = await Program.p.GetDb().GetLast(Context.Guild.Id); if (await Program.p.GetDb().IsBan(Context.User.Id.ToString())) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.IsBanned(Context.Guild.Id)); } else if (last != null) { string[] content = last.Split('|'); await Program.p.GetDb().DeleteLast(Context.Guild.Id); await Program.p.client.GetGuild(Sentences.refGuild).GetTextChannel(Sentences.refChannel).SendMessageAsync( "", false, new EmbedBuilder { Color = Color.Red, Title = "Report of user " + content[0] + " by " + Context.User.Id + ", chan NSFW: " + ((ITextChannel)Context.Channel).IsNsfw, Description = "<" + content[1] + "> the " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss") }.Build()); await((await(await Context.Guild.GetTextChannelAsync(Convert.ToUInt64(content[2]))).GetMessageAsync(Convert.ToUInt64(content[3]))) as IUserMessage).ModifyAsync( x => x.Embed = new EmbedBuilder { Color = Color.Red, Title = Sentences.Reported(Context.Guild.Id) }.Build()); await ReplyAsync(Sentences.ReportDone(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.NoReport(Context.Guild.Id)); } }
private EmbedFieldBuilder EditField(EmbedField field, string emoteName, bool addReaction, int counter, int id, ulong guildId) { if (counter == id) { bool found = false; string finalStr = ""; string emoteSmallName = emoteName; Match match = Regex.Match(emoteSmallName, "<(:[^:]+:)[0-9]+>"); if (match.Success) { emoteSmallName = match.Groups[1].Value; } foreach (string s in field.Value.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None)) { if (s == Sentences.NothingYet(guildId)) { continue; } string[] emote = s.Split(' '); if (emote[0] == emoteName || emote[0] == emoteSmallName) { int newNb = Convert.ToInt32(emote[1].Substring(1, emote[1].Length - 1)) + ((addReaction) ? (1) : (-1)); if (newNb > 0) { finalStr += emote[0] + " x" + newNb + Environment.NewLine; } found = true; } else { finalStr += s + Environment.NewLine; } } if (!found) { finalStr += emoteName + " x1" + Environment.NewLine; } if (finalStr == "") { finalStr = Sentences.NothingYet(guildId); } return(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = field.Name, Value = finalStr }); } return(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = field.Name, Value = field.Value }); }
/// <summary> /// Check images in message and send them in gate if necessary /// </summary> /// <param name="arg">SocketMessage received from HandleCommandAsync</param> /// <param name="msg">User message</param> private async Task SendMessageGate(SocketMessage arg, SocketUserMessage msg) { string url = GetImageUrl(msg); if (url != null) { ulong guildId = (arg.Channel as ITextChannel).GuildId; RestUserMessage waitMsg = await arg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.WaitMsg(guildId)); if (!await db.IsBan(arg.Author.Id.ToString())) { bool isNsfw = (arg.Channel as ITextChannel).IsNsfw; if (await IsSfw(url, isNsfw)) { TimeSpan?waitValue = CanSendImage(guildId); if (waitValue == null || waitValue.Value.TotalSeconds < 0) { if (timeLastSent.ContainsKey(guildId)) { timeLastSent[guildId] = DateTime.Now; } else { timeLastSent.Add(guildId, DateTime.Now); } List <string> ids = db.GetAllGuilds(guildId, isNsfw, out _, out _); if (ids.Count == 0) { await waitMsg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Content = Sentences.NoChan(guildId)); } else { await SendImageToServer(ids, arg, url, guildId, waitMsg); } } else { await waitMsg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Content = Sentences.WaitImage(guildId, TimeSpanToString(guildId, waitValue.Value))); } } else { await waitMsg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Content = Sentences.NsfwImage(guildId) + ((isNsfw) ? (" " + Sentences.WrongNsfw(guildId)) : (""))); } } else { await waitMsg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Content = Sentences.IsBannedImage(guildId)); } await IncreaseCommandReceived(); } }
public async Task Infos() { EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder { Color = Color.Purple }; embed.AddField(Sentences.Author(Context.Guild.Id), "Zirk#0001"); embed.AddField(Sentences.Uptime(Context.Guild.Id), Program.TimeSpanToString(Context.Guild.Id, DateTime.Now.Subtract(p.startTime))); embed.AddField(Sentences.LatestVersion(Context.Guild.Id), new FileInfo(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location).LastWriteTimeUtc.ToString(Sentences.DateTimeFormat(Context.Guild.Id)) + " UTC+0", true); embed.AddField("GitHub", ""); embed.AddField(Sentences.InvitationLink(Context.Guild.Id), Sentences.inviteLink); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); }
public async Task CloseGate() { if (!CanModify(Context.User, Context.Guild.OwnerId)) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.OnlyManage(Context.Guild.Id)); } else if (await Close(Context.Guild.Id)) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.GateClosed(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.NoGate(Context.Guild.Id)); } }
public async Task Ban(string id, params string[] reason) { if (Context.User.Id != Sentences.ownerId) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.OnlyUser(Context.Guild.Id, Sentences.ownerName)); return; } bool banned = false; string finalReason = string.Join(" ", reason); if (await Program.p.GetDb().IsBan(id)) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.AlreadyBanned(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { await Program.p.GetDb().Ban(id, finalReason); await ReplyAsync(Sentences.Banned(Context.Guild.Id)); banned = true; } int i = 0; bool wasPm = false; foreach (SocketGuild sg in Program.p.client.Guilds) { if (banned && !wasPm) { SocketGuildUser user = sg.Users.ToList().Find(x => x.Id.ToString() == id); if (user != null) { await user.SendMessageAsync(Sentences.UserBanned(Context.Guild.Id) + finalReason); wasPm = true; } } if (sg.OwnerId.ToString() == id) { i++; await Close(sg.Id); } } if (i > 0) { await ReplyAsync(i + Sentences.GateClosedBan(Context.Guild.Id)); } }
public async Task OpenGate() { if (!CanModify(Context.User, Context.Guild.OwnerId)) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.OnlyManage(Context.Guild.Id)); } else if (await Program.p.GetDb().IsBan(Context.User.Id.ToString())) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.IsBanned(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { await Program.p.GetDb().OpenGate(Context.Guild.Id, Context.Channel.Id); await ReplyAsync(Sentences.GateOpened(Context.Guild.Id)); } }
/// <summary> /// Return a string given a TimeSpan /// </summary> /// <param name="ts">The TimeSpan to transform</param> /// <returns>The string wanted</returns> public static string TimeSpanToString(ulong guildId, TimeSpan ts) { if (ts.Days > 0) { return(Sentences.TimeDays(guildId, ts.Days.ToString(), ts.Hours.ToString(), ts.Minutes.ToString(), ts.Seconds.ToString())); } if (ts.Hours > 0) { return(Sentences.TimeHours(guildId, ts.Hours.ToString(), ts.Minutes.ToString(), ts.Seconds.ToString())); } if (ts.Minutes > 0) { return(Sentences.TimeMinutes(guildId, ts.Minutes.ToString(), ts.Seconds.ToString())); } return(Sentences.TimeSeconds(guildId, ts.Seconds.ToString())); }
public async Task Language(string language = null) { if (Context.User.Id != Context.Guild.OwnerId) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.OnlyUser(Context.Guild.Id, (await Context.Guild.GetOwnerAsync()).ToString())); return; } if (language == null) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.LanguageHelp(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } string key = null; language = language.ToLower(); var alternate = p.GetTranslationKeyAlternate(); if (alternate.ContainsKey(language)) { key = language; } else { foreach (var k in alternate) { if (k.Value.Contains(language)) { key = k.Key; break; } } } if (key == null) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.InvalidLanguage(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { await Program.p.GetDb().SetLanguage(Context.Guild.Id, key); Program.p.GetLanguages()[Context.Guild.Id] = key; await ReplyAsync(Sentences.LanguageChanged(Context.Guild.Id)); } }
public async Task StatsGate() { IEnumerable <dynamic> emotes = await Program.p.GetDb().GetEmotes(Context.Guild.Id); if (emotes != null) { Dictionary <string, int> allEmotes = new Dictionary <string, int>(); foreach (var f in emotes) { Match match = Regex.Match(f.ToString(), "\"([^\"]+)\": \"([0-9]+)\""); if (match.Groups[1].Value != "id") { allEmotes.Add(match.Groups[1].Value, int.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value)); } } if (allEmotes.Count == 0) { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.NoEmote(Context.Guild.Id)); } else { string finalStr = ""; int counter = 10; while (counter > 0 && allEmotes.Count > 0) { KeyValuePair <string, int>?biggest = null; foreach (var kv in allEmotes) { if (biggest == null || kv.Value > biggest.Value.Value) { biggest = kv; } } finalStr += biggest.Value.Key + " x" + biggest.Value.Value + Environment.NewLine; allEmotes.Remove(biggest.Value.Key); counter--; } await ReplyAsync(Sentences.MyEmotes(Context.Guild.Id) + Environment.NewLine + finalStr); } } else { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.NoEmote(Context.Guild.Id)); } }
public async Task StatusGate() { string finalStr = ""; string id = await Program.p.GetDb().GetGateChan(Context.Guild.Id); if (id != null) { finalStr += Sentences.GateChannel(Context.Guild.Id, "<#" + id + ">"); } else { await ReplyAsync(Sentences.NoGateHere(Context.Guild.Id)); return; } int total, relative, read; relative = Program.p.GetDb().GetAllGuilds(Context.Guild.Id, (await Context.Guild.GetTextChannelAsync(ulong.Parse(id))).IsNsfw, out total, out read).Count; await ReplyAsync(finalStr + Environment.NewLine + Sentences.NbGates(Context.Guild.Id, total.ToString(), read.ToString(), relative.ToString())); }
/// <summary> /// Send image to 3 random guilds and write emote status in channel /// </summary> /// <param name="ids">ids of all guilds available</param> /// <param name="arg">SocketMessage got by HandleCommandAsync</param> /// <param name="url">url to image</param> private async Task SendImageToServer(List <string> ids, SocketMessage arg, string url, ulong guildId, RestUserMessage waitMsg) { bool isLast; List <ITextChannel> chans = SendImages(ids, (arg.Channel as ITextChannel).IsNsfw, guildId, out isLast); EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Description = Sentences.FileSent(guildId, chans.Count.ToString()) }; for (int y = 0; y < chans.Count; y++) { embed.AddField("#" + (y + 1) + ((y == 0 && isLast) ? (" " + Sentences.LastImage(guildId)) : ("")), Sentences.NothingYet(guildId)); } ulong msgId = waitMsg.Id; await waitMsg.ModifyAsync((x) => { x.Content = ""; x.Embed = embed.Build(); }); List <ImageData> datas = new List <ImageData>(); foreach (ITextChannel chan in chans) { ulong msgDest = (await chan.SendMessageAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder() { ImageUrl = url, Title = Sentences.ImageReceived(chan.GuildId), Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder() { Text = Sentences.EmoteHelp(chan.GuildId) } }.Build())).Id; ITextChannel textChan = (arg.Channel as ITextChannel); datas.Add(new ImageData(textChan.GuildId, arg.Channel.Id, msgId, chan.GuildId, chan.Id, msgDest, textChan.IsNsfw)); } int counter = 0; foreach (ImageData data in datas) { await db.SendImage(data, counter, url, guildId); counter++; } }
private Task LogError(LogMessage msg) { if (ravenClient == null) { Log(msg); } else { ravenClient.Capture(new SentryEvent(msg.Exception)); } CommandException ce = msg.Exception as CommandException; if (ce != null) { ce.Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Red, Title = msg.Exception.InnerException.GetType().ToString(), Description = Sentences.Error(ce.Context.Guild.Id, msg.Exception.InnerException.Message) }.Build()); } return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public async Task Help() { await ReplyAsync("", false, new EmbedBuilder { Color = Color.Purple, Description = Sentences.Help(Context.Guild.Id) }.Build()); }