Exemple #1

        // Function launched before the simulation starts properly. Used to initialize other things.
        // In the case of this module, it's use to initialize the road network by checking different things.
        public override void Initialize()
            modelCore.UI.WriteLine("  Initialization of the Forest Roads Simulation Extension...");
            Timestep = parameters.Timestep;
            modelCore.UI.WriteLine("  Reading the rasters...");
            // We read all of the maps.

            // Testing if a harvest extension is included in the scenario and thus initialized
            if (modelCore.GetSiteVar <int>("Harvest.TimeOfLastEvent") != null)
                this.harvestExtensionDetected = true; modelCore.UI.WriteLine("Harvest extension correctly detected.");
                modelCore.UI.WriteLine("   Without a harvest extension, no roads will be created by this extension. Please include a harvest extension in your scenario, or this extension will be quite useless.");

            // We check if some roads are not connected to sawmills or to a main public network.
            modelCore.UI.WriteLine("   Checking if the wood has somewhere to go...");
            if (!MapManager.IsThereAPlaceForTheWoodToGo(ModelCore))
                throw new Exception("   FOREST ROAD SIMULATION WARNING : There is no site to which the road can flow to (sawmill or main road network). " +
                                    "   Please put at least one in the input raster containing the initial road network.");
            // If some exist, we initialize the roadnetwork to indicate which road is connected to them, and to connect the roads that might be isolated.
                // We initialize the "cost raster" on which the path of our roads will be based.
                modelCore.UI.WriteLine("   Cost raster created. It can be visualised in the output folder of the extension.");
                // We initialize the initial road network
                modelCore.UI.WriteLine("   Initializing the road network...");
                RoadNetwork.Initialize(ModelCore, parameters.HeuristicForNetworkConstruction);
                // We initialize the relative locations that will have to be checked to see if their is a road in it at skidding distance from a site.
                skiddingNeighborhood = MapManager.CreateSearchNeighborhood(parameters.SkiddingDistance, modelCore);
                modelCore.UI.WriteLine("   Skidding neighborhood initialized. It contains " + skiddingNeighborhood.Count + " relative locations.");
                // If the loop behavior is activated, we will create a search neighborhood to create loops
                if (parameters.LoopingBehavior)
                    minLoopingNeighborhood = MapManager.CreateSearchNeighborhood(parameters.LoopingMinDistance, modelCore);
                    maxLoopingNeighborhood = MapManager.CreateSearchNeighborhood(parameters.LoopingMaxDistance, modelCore);
                    modelCore.UI.WriteLine("   Smaller looping neighborhood initialized. It contains " + minLoopingNeighborhood.Count + " relative locations.");
                    modelCore.UI.WriteLine("   Bigger looping neighborhood initialized. It contains " + maxLoopingNeighborhood.Count + " relative locations.");
                // We initialize the metadatas
                // If we are going to simulate the wood flux, we initialize objects important for it.
                if (parameters.SimulationOfWoodFlux)
                    RoadNetwork.fluxPathCatalogue  = new List <FluxPath>();
                    RoadNetwork.fluxPathDictionary = new Dictionary <Site, FluxPath>();
                // We output the map at timestep 0. Can be usefull.
                MapManager.WriteMap(parameters.OutputsOfRoadNetworkMaps, modelCore);
            modelCore.UI.WriteLine("   Initialization of the Forest Roads Simulation Extension is done");
Exemple #2
        // Function called at every time step where the extension is activated.
        // Contains the effects of the extension on the landscape.
        public override void Run()
            // We give a warning back to the user if no harvest extension is detected
            if (!this.harvestExtensionDetected)
                modelCore.UI.WriteLine("   Without a harvest extension, no roads will be created by this extension. Please include a harvest extension in your scenario, or this extension will be quite useless.");

            // If not, we do what the extension have to do at its timestep : for each recently harvested site, we'll try to build a road that lead to it if needed.
            else if (this.harvestExtensionDetected)
                // 1) We age all of the roads in the landscape, if aging is simulated. Those that are too old will be considered destroyed.
                List <Site> listOfSitesWithRoads;
                if (parameters.SimulationOfRoadAging)
                    listOfSitesWithRoads = MapManager.GetSitesWithRoads(ModelCore);

                    foreach (Site siteWithRoad in listOfSitesWithRoads)
                    // 2) We update the status of all the roads concerning their connection to an exit point (sawmill or main road network); so that the pathfinding algorithms can now when to stop afterward.
                    ModelCore.UI.WriteLine("   Looking to see if the roads can go to a exit point (sawmill, main road network)...");
                    listOfSitesWithRoads = MapManager.GetSitesWithRoads(ModelCore);

                // 3) We get all of the sites for which a road must be constructed
                modelCore.UI.WriteLine("  Getting sites recently harvested...");
                List <Site> listOfHarvestedSites = MapManager.GetAllRecentlyHarvestedSites(ModelCore, Timestep);

                // 4) We shuffle the list according to the heuristic given by the user.
                modelCore.UI.WriteLine("  Shuffling sites according to the heuristic...");
                listOfHarvestedSites = MapManager.ShuffleAccordingToHeuristic(ModelCore, listOfHarvestedSites, parameters.HeuristicForNetworkConstruction);

                // 5) We reset the wood flux objects and data for the current timestep, if wood flux is sumlated
                if (parameters.SimulationOfWoodFlux)
                    modelCore.UI.WriteLine("  Reseting wood flux data...");

                // 6) We initialize some UI elements because this step takes time, and set the cost of construction/repairs at this timestep to 0.
                modelCore.UI.WriteLine("  Number of recently harvested sites : " + listOfHarvestedSites.Count);
                modelCore.UI.WriteLine("  Generating roads to harvested sites...");
                var progressBar = modelCore.UI.CreateProgressMeter(listOfHarvestedSites.Count);
                var watch       = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
                int roadConstructedAtThisTimestep = 0;
                RoadNetwork.costOfConstructionAndRepairsAtTimestep = 0;

                // 7) We construct the roads to each harvested site
                foreach (Site harvestedSite in listOfHarvestedSites)
                    // We construct the road only if the cell is at more than the given skidding distance by the user from an existing road.
                    if (!MapManager.IsThereANearbyRoad(skiddingNeighborhood, harvestedSite))
                        // If the looping behavior is activated, we will check if we should do a loop.
                        if (parameters.LoopingBehavior)
                            // To create a normal road if one of the conditions fail
                            bool conditionsForLoop = true;

                            // We don't create a loop if there are roads that are too close
                            int roadsInSmallNeighborhood = MapManager.HowManyRoadsNearby(minLoopingNeighborhood, harvestedSite);
                            if (roadsInSmallNeighborhood > 0)
                                conditionsForLoop = false;
                                // We don't create a loop if there are no roads close enough, at least 2 to make a loop
                                int roadsInLargeNeighborhood = MapManager.HowManyRoadsNearby(maxLoopingNeighborhood, harvestedSite);
                                if (roadsInLargeNeighborhood < 2)
                                    conditionsForLoop = false;
                                    // We don't create a loop if there are too many roads nearby
                                    double percentageOfRoadsAround = (double)((double)roadsInLargeNeighborhood * 100.0) / (double)maxLoopingNeighborhood.Count;
                                    if (percentageOfRoadsAround > parameters.LoopingMaxPercentageOfRoads)
                                        conditionsForLoop = false;
                                        // Now, we let the dijkstra function for the loop try to create a loop.
                                        // However, if the loop is too costly to build or if the probability isn't right, the loop will not be constructed (see inside this function)
                                        int numberOfRoadsCreated = DijkstraSearch.DijkstraLeastCostPathWithLooping(ModelCore, harvestedSite, minLoopingNeighborhood, parameters.LoopingMaxCost);
                                        roadConstructedAtThisTimestep += numberOfRoadsCreated;
                            // If one of the conditions to make the loop has failed, we create a normal road.
                            if (!conditionsForLoop)
                                DijkstraSearch.DijkstraLeastCostPathToClosestConnectedRoad(ModelCore, harvestedSite);
                        // If no looping behavior, we just create the least-cost road to the site.
                            DijkstraSearch.DijkstraLeastCostPathToClosestConnectedRoad(ModelCore, harvestedSite);
                modelCore.UI.WriteLine("   At this timestep, " + roadConstructedAtThisTimestep + " roads were built");
                modelCore.UI.WriteLine("   The construction took " + (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000) + " seconds.\n");

                // 8) If woodflux is simulated, We add the woodflux from the harvested area to the closest road, and we then used a dijkstra
                // search that only goes through roads in order to reach an exit point for the wood. Every road used will see its flux value
                // for the timestep augment by one. The quantity of woodflux is based on the number of cohorts harvested in the cell.
                if (parameters.SimulationOfWoodFlux)
                    modelCore.UI.WriteLine("  Fluxing the wood to exit points...");

                    progressBar = modelCore.UI.CreateProgressMeter(listOfHarvestedSites.Count);
                    int sitesFluxedAtThisTimestep = 0;
                    ISiteVar <int> numberOfCohortsDamaged = modelCore.GetSiteVar <int>("Harvest.CohortsDamaged");

                    foreach (Site harvestedSite in listOfHarvestedSites)
                        int  siteFlux            = numberOfCohortsDamaged[harvestedSite];
                        Site siteWithClosestRoad = MapManager.GetClosestSiteWithRoad(skiddingNeighborhood, harvestedSite);

                        // Case of the siteWithClosestRoad being a fluxpath : we just flux this path.
                        if (RoadNetwork.fluxPathDictionary.ContainsKey(siteWithClosestRoad))
                            RoadNetwork.fluxPathDictionary[siteWithClosestRoad].FluxPathFromSite(siteWithClosestRoad, siteFlux);
                        // If not, we create a flux path.
                            DijkstraSearch.DijkstraWoodFlux(PlugIn.ModelCore, siteWithClosestRoad, siteFlux);
                    modelCore.UI.WriteLine("   At this timestep, the wood of " + sitesFluxedAtThisTimestep + " sites was fluxed.");
                    modelCore.UI.WriteLine("   The fluxing took " + (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000) + " seconds.\n");

                // 9) We finish by upgrading the types of the roads if they have to be according to the woodflux for the timestep, and the parameters given by the user, if woodflux is simulated.
                if (parameters.SimulationOfWoodFlux)
                    listOfSitesWithRoads = MapManager.GetSitesWithRoads(ModelCore);

                    foreach (Site siteWithRoad in listOfSitesWithRoads)

                // 10) We write the output maps
                MapManager.WriteMap(parameters.OutputsOfRoadNetworkMaps, modelCore);
                if (parameters.SimulationOfWoodFlux)
                    MapManager.WriteMap(parameters.OutputsOfRoadNetworkMaps, modelCore, "WoodFlux");

                // 11) We write the log, and we're done for this timestep.
                RoadLog roadLog = new RoadLog();
                roadLog.Timestep = modelCore.CurrentTime;
                roadLog.NumberOfHarvestedSitesToConnect = listOfHarvestedSites.Count;
                roadLog.NumberOfRoadsConstructed        = roadConstructedAtThisTimestep;
                roadLog.TimeTaken = (int)watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / (1000 * 60);
                roadLog.CostOfConstructionAndRepairs = RoadNetwork.costOfConstructionAndRepairsAtTimestep;
            } // End of if harvest extension detected
        }     // End of run function