void DoNode(LUtfNode node, LUtfNode parent, int idx) { string id = ImGuiExt.IDWithExtra(node.Name, parent.Name + idx); if (node.Children != null) { var flags = selectedNode == node ? ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.Selected | tflags : tflags; var isOpen = ImGui.TreeNodeEx(id, flags); if (ImGui.IsItemClicked(0)) { selectedNode = node; } if (node.ResolvedName != null) { ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.TextDisabled("(" + ImGuiExt.IDSafe(node.ResolvedName) + ")"); } ImGui.PushID(id); DoNodeMenu(id, node, parent); ImGui.PopID(); //int i = 0; if (isOpen) { for (int i = 0; i < node.Children.Count; i++) { DoNode(node.Children[i], node, (idx * 1024) + i); } ImGui.TreePop(); } } else { if (node.Data != null) { ImGui.Bullet(); } else { Theme.Icon("node_empty", Color4.White); ImGui.SameLine(); } bool selected = selectedNode == node; if (ImGui.Selectable(id, ref selected)) { selectedNode = node; } if (node.ResolvedName != null) { ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.TextDisabled("(" + ImGuiExt.IDSafe(node.ResolvedName) + ")"); } DoNodeMenu(id, node, parent); } }
void DoModel(ModelFile mdl) { if (mdl.Hardpoints.Count > 0) { if (ImGui.TreeNode(ImGuiExt.Pad("Hardpoints"))) { Theme.RenderTreeIcon("Hardpoints", "hardpoint", Color4.CornflowerBlue); foreach (var hp in mdl.Hardpoints) { HardpointGizmo gz = null; foreach (var gizmo in gizmos) { if (gizmo.Definition == hp) { gz = gizmo; break; } } if (hp is RevoluteHardpointDefinition) { Theme.Icon("rev", Color4.LightSeaGreen); } else { Theme.Icon("fix", Color4.Purple); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (Theme.IconButton("visible$" + hp.Name, "eye", gz.Enabled ? Color4.White : Color4.Gray)) { gz.Enabled = !gz.Enabled; } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Text(hp.Name); } ImGui.TreePop(); } else { Theme.RenderTreeIcon("Hardpoints", "hardpoint", Color4.CornflowerBlue); } } else { Theme.Icon("hardpoint", Color4.CornflowerBlue); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Text("Hardpoints"); } }
void DoNode(NodeReference reference, int idx, Vector4 enabled, Vector4 disabled) { var col = instance.NodeEnabled(reference) ? enabled : disabled; string label = null; if (reference.IsAttachmentNode) { label = string.Format("Attachment##{0}", idx); } else { label = string.Format("{0}##{1}", reference.Node.NodeName, idx); } ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, col); string icon; Color4 color; NodeIcon(reference.Node, out icon, out color); if (reference.Children.Count > 0) { if (ImGui.TreeNodeEx(ImGuiExt.Pad(label), ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.OpenOnDoubleClick | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.OpenOnArrow)) { Theme.RenderTreeIcon(label.Split('#')[0], icon, color); int j = 0; foreach (var child in reference.Children) { DoNode(child, j++, enabled, disabled); } ImGui.TreePop(); } else { Theme.RenderTreeIcon(label.Split('#')[0], icon, color); } } else { Theme.Icon(icon, color); ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Selectable(label, selectedReference == reference)) { selectedReference = reference; } } ImGui.PopStyleColor(); }
void DoNode(LUtfNode node, LUtfNode parent, int idx) { string id = node.Name + "##" + parent.Name + idx; if (node.Children != null) { var flags = selectedNode == node ? TreeNodeFlags.Selected | tflags : tflags; var isOpen = ImGui.TreeNodeEx(id, flags); if (ImGuiNative.igIsItemClicked(0)) { selectedNode = node; } ImGui.PushID(id); DoNodeMenu(id, node, parent); ImGui.PopID(); //int i = 0; if (isOpen) { for (int i = 0; i < node.Children.Count; i++) { DoNode(node.Children[i], node, (idx * 1024) + i); } ImGui.TreePop(); } } else { if (node.Data != null) { ImGui.Bullet(); } else { Theme.Icon("node_empty", Color4.White); ImGui.SameLine(); } bool selected = selectedNode == node; if (ImGui.SelectableEx(id, ref selected)) { selectedNode = node; } DoNodeMenu(id, node, parent); } }
public static void DropdownButton(string id, ref int selected, IReadOnlyList <DropdownOption> options) { ImGui.PushID(id); bool clicked = false; const string PADDING = " "; string text = PADDING + ImGuiExt.IDSafe(options[selected].Name) + " "; var w = ImGui.CalcTextSize(text).X; clicked = ImGui.Button(text); ImGui.SameLine(); var cpos = ImGuiNative.igGetCursorPosX(); var cposY = ImGuiNative.igGetCursorPosY(); Theme.TinyTriangle(cpos - 15, cposY + 15); ImGuiNative.igSetCursorPosX(cpos - w - 13); ImGuiNative.igSetCursorPosY(cposY + 2); Theme.Icon(options[selected].Icon, Color4.White); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGuiNative.igSetCursorPosY(cposY); ImGui.SetCursorPosX(cpos - 6); ImGui.Dummy(Vector2.Zero); if (clicked) { ImGui.OpenPopup(id + "#popup"); } if (ImGui.BeginPopup(id + "#popup")) { ImGui.MenuItem(id, false); for (int i = 0; i < options.Count; i++) { var opt = options[i]; if (Theme.IconMenuItem(opt.Name, opt.Icon, Color4.White, true)) { selected = i; } } ImGui.EndPopup(); } ImGui.PopID(); }
protected override void Draw(double elapsed) { //Don't process all the imgui stuff when it isn't needed if (!loadingSpinnerActive && !guiHelper.DoRender(elapsed)) { if (lastFrame != null) { lastFrame.BlitToScreen(); } WaitForEvent(); //Yield like a regular GUI program return; } TimeStep = elapsed; Viewport.Replace(0, 0, Width, Height); RenderState.ClearColor = new Color4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1f); RenderState.ClearAll(); guiHelper.NewFrame(elapsed); ImGui.PushFont(ImGuiHelper.Noto); ImGui.BeginMainMenuBar(); if (ImGui.BeginMenu("File")) { if (Theme.IconMenuItem("New", "new", Color4.White, true)) { var t = new UtfTab(this, new EditableUtf(), "Untitled"); ActiveTab = t; AddTab(t); } if (Theme.IconMenuItem("Open", "open", Color4.White, true)) { var f = FileDialog.Open(UtfFilters); OpenFile(f); } if (ActiveTab == null) { Theme.IconMenuItem("Save", "save", Color4.LightGray, false); Theme.IconMenuItem("Save As", "saveas", Color4.LightGray, false); } else { if (Theme.IconMenuItem(string.Format("Save '{0}'", ActiveTab.DocumentName), "saveas", Color4.White, true)) { Save(); } if (Theme.IconMenuItem("Save As", "saveas", Color4.White, true)) { SaveAs(); } } if (Theme.IconMenuItem("Quit", "quit", Color4.White, true)) { Exit(); } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("View")) { Theme.IconMenuToggle("Log", "log", Color4.White, ref showLog, true); ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Tools")) { if (Theme.IconMenuItem("Options", "options", Color4.White, true)) { options.Show(); } if (Theme.IconMenuItem("Resources", "resources", Color4.White, true)) { AddTab(new ResourcesTab(this, Resources, MissingResources, ReferencedMaterials, ReferencedTextures)); } if (Theme.IconMenuItem("Import Collada", "import", Color4.White, true)) { string input; if ((input = FileDialog.Open(ColladaFilters)) != null) { StartLoadingSpinner(); new Thread(() => { List <ColladaObject> dae = null; try { dae = ColladaSupport.Parse(input); EnsureUIThread(() => FinishColladaLoad(dae, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(input))); } catch (Exception ex) { EnsureUIThread(() => ColladaError(ex)); } }).Start(); } } if (Theme.IconMenuItem("Generate Icon", "genicon", Color4.White, true)) { string input; if ((input = FileDialog.Open(ImageFilter)) != null) { gen3dbDlg.Open(input); } } if (Theme.IconMenuItem("Infocard Browser", "browse", Color4.White, true)) { string input; if ((input = FileDialog.Open(FreelancerIniFilter)) != null) { AddTab(new InfocardBrowserTab(input, this)); } } if (ImGui.MenuItem("Projectile Viewer")) { if (ProjectileViewer.Create(this, out var pj)) { tabs.Add(pj); } } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Help")) { if (Theme.IconMenuItem("Topics", "help", Color4.White, true)) { Shell.OpenCommand("https://wiki.librelancer.net/lanceredit:lanceredit"); } if (Theme.IconMenuItem("About", "about", Color4.White, true)) { openAbout = true; } ImGui.EndMenu(); } options.Draw(); if (openAbout) { ImGui.OpenPopup("About"); openAbout = false; } if (openError) { ImGui.OpenPopup("Error"); openError = false; } if (openLoading) { ImGui.OpenPopup("Processing"); openLoading = false; } bool pOpen = true; if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("Error", ref pOpen, ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { ImGui.Text("Error:"); errorText.InputTextMultiline("##etext", new Vector2(430, 200), ImGuiInputTextFlags.ReadOnly); if (ImGui.Button("OK")) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } pOpen = true; if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("About", ref pOpen, ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { ImGui.SameLine(ImGui.GetWindowWidth() / 2 - 64); Theme.Icon("reactor_128", Color4.White); CenterText(Version); CenterText("Callum McGing 2018-2020"); ImGui.Separator(); CenterText("Icons from Icons8: https://icons8.com/"); CenterText("Icons from komorra: https://opengameart.org/content/kmr-editor-icon-set"); ImGui.Separator(); var btnW = ImGui.CalcTextSize("OK").X + ImGui.GetStyle().FramePadding.X * 2; ImGui.Dummy(Vector2.One); ImGui.SameLine(ImGui.GetWindowWidth() / 2 - (btnW / 2)); if (ImGui.Button("OK")) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } pOpen = true; if (ImGuiExt.BeginModalNoClose("Processing", ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { ImGuiExt.Spinner("##spinner", 10, 2, ImGuiNative.igGetColorU32(ImGuiCol.ButtonHovered, 1)); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Text("Processing"); if (finishLoading) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } //Confirmation if (doConfirm) { ImGui.OpenPopup("Confirm?##mainwindow"); doConfirm = false; } pOpen = true; if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("Confirm?##mainwindow", ref pOpen, ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { ImGui.Text(confirmText); if (ImGui.Button("Yes")) { confirmAction(); ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("No")) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } var menu_height = ImGui.GetWindowSize().Y; ImGui.EndMainMenuBar(); var size = ImGui.GetIO().DisplaySize; size.Y -= menu_height; //Window MissingResources.Clear(); ReferencedMaterials.Clear(); ReferencedTextures.Clear(); foreach (var tab in tabs) { ((EditorTab)tab).DetectResources(MissingResources, ReferencedMaterials, ReferencedTextures); } ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(size.X, size.Y - 25), ImGuiCond.Always); ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(new Vector2(0, menu_height), ImGuiCond.Always, Vector2.Zero); bool childopened = true; ImGui.Begin("tabwindow", ref childopened, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoSavedSettings | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBringToFrontOnFocus | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize); TabHandler.TabLabels(tabs, ref selected); var totalH = ImGui.GetWindowHeight(); if (showLog) { ImGuiExt.SplitterV(2f, ref h1, ref h2, 8, 8, -1); h1 = totalH - h2 - 24f; if (tabs.Count > 0) { h1 -= 20f; } ImGui.BeginChild("###tabcontent" + (selected != null ? selected.RenderTitle : ""), new Vector2(-1, h1), false, ImGuiWindowFlags.None); } else { ImGui.BeginChild("###tabcontent" + (selected != null ? selected.RenderTitle : "")); } if (selected != null) { selected.Draw(); ((EditorTab)selected).SetActiveTab(this); } else { ActiveTab = null; } ImGui.EndChild(); if (showLog) { ImGui.BeginChild("###log", new Vector2(-1, h2), false, ImGuiWindowFlags.None); ImGui.Text("Log"); ImGui.SameLine(ImGui.GetWindowWidth() - 20); if (Theme.IconButton("closelog", "x", Color4.White)) { showLog = false; } logBuffer.InputTextMultiline("##logtext", new Vector2(-1, h2 - 24), ImGuiInputTextFlags.ReadOnly); ImGui.EndChild(); } ImGui.End(); gen3dbDlg.Draw(); //Status bar ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(size.X, 25f), ImGuiCond.Always); ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(new Vector2(0, size.Y - 6f), ImGuiCond.Always, Vector2.Zero); bool sbopened = true; ImGui.Begin("statusbar", ref sbopened, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoSavedSettings | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBringToFrontOnFocus | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize); if (updateTime > 9) { updateTime = 0; frequency = RenderFrequency; } else { updateTime++; } string activename = ActiveTab == null ? "None" : ActiveTab.DocumentName; string utfpath = ActiveTab == null ? "None" : ActiveTab.GetUtfPath(); #if DEBUG const string statusFormat = "FPS: {0} | {1} Materials | {2} Textures | Active: {3} - {4}"; #else const string statusFormat = "{1} Materials | {2} Textures | Active: {3} - {4}"; #endif ImGui.Text(string.Format(statusFormat, (int)Math.Round(frequency), Resources.MaterialDictionary.Count, Resources.TextureDictionary.Count, activename, utfpath)); ImGui.End(); if (errorTimer > 0) { ImGuiExt.ToastText("An error has occurred\nCheck the log for details", new Color4(21, 21, 22, 128), Color4.Red); } ImGui.PopFont(); if (lastFrame == null || lastFrame.Width != Width || lastFrame.Height != Height) { if (lastFrame != null) { lastFrame.Dispose(); } lastFrame = new RenderTarget2D(Width, Height); } RenderState.RenderTarget = lastFrame; RenderState.ClearColor = new Color4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1f); RenderState.ClearAll(); guiHelper.Render(RenderState); RenderState.RenderTarget = null; lastFrame.BlitToScreen(); foreach (var tab in toAdd) { tabs.Add(tab); selected = tab; } toAdd.Clear(); }
void DoModel(RigidModelPart part) { //Hardpoints bool open = ImGui.TreeNode(ImGuiExt.Pad("Hardpoints")); var act = NewHpMenu(part.Path); switch (act) { case ContextActions.NewFixed: case ContextActions.NewRevolute: newIsFixed = act == ContextActions.NewFixed; addTo = part; newHpBuffer.Clear(); popups.OpenPopup("New Hardpoint"); break; } Theme.RenderTreeIcon("Hardpoints", "hardpoint", Color4.CornflowerBlue); if (open) { List <Action> addActions = new List <Action>(); foreach (var hp in part.Hardpoints) { if (doFilter) { if (hp.Name.IndexOf(currentFilter, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1) { continue; } } HardpointGizmo gz = null; foreach (var gizmo in gizmos) { if (gizmo.Hardpoint == hp) { gz = gizmo; break; } } if (hp.Definition is RevoluteHardpointDefinition) { Theme.Icon("rev", Color4.LightSeaGreen); } else { Theme.Icon("fix", Color4.Purple); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (Theme.IconButton("visible$" + hp.Name, "eye", gz.Enabled ? Color4.White : Color4.Gray)) { gz.Enabled = !gz.Enabled; } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Selectable(ImGuiExt.IDSafe(hp.Name)); var action = EditDeleteHpMenu(part.Path + hp.Name); if (action == ContextActions.Delete) { hpDelete = hp; hpDeleteFrom = part.Hardpoints; popups.OpenPopup("Confirm Delete"); } if (action == ContextActions.Edit) { hpEditing = hp; } if (action == ContextActions.MirrorX) { var newHp = MakeDuplicate(GetDupName(hp.Name), hp); //do mirroring newHp.Definition.Position.X = -newHp.Definition.Position.X; newHp.Definition.Orientation *= new Matrix4x4( -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); //add addActions.Add(() => { part.Hardpoints.Add(newHp); gizmos.Add(new HardpointGizmo(newHp, gz.Parent)); OnDirtyHp(); }); } if (action == ContextActions.MirrorY) { var newHp = MakeDuplicate(GetDupName(hp.Name), hp); //do mirroring newHp.Definition.Position.Y = -newHp.Definition.Position.Y; newHp.Definition.Orientation *= new Matrix4x4( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); //add addActions.Add(() => { part.Hardpoints.Add(newHp); gizmos.Add(new HardpointGizmo(newHp, gz.Parent)); OnDirtyHp(); }); } if (action == ContextActions.MirrorZ) { var newHp = MakeDuplicate(GetDupName(hp.Name), hp); //do mirroring newHp.Definition.Position.Z = -newHp.Definition.Position.Z; newHp.Definition.Orientation *= new Matrix4x4( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); //add addActions.Add(() => { part.Hardpoints.Add(newHp); gizmos.Add(new HardpointGizmo(newHp, gz.Parent)); OnDirtyHp(); }); } } foreach (var action in addActions) { action(); } ImGui.TreePop(); } }
protected override void Draw(double elapsed) { TimeStep = elapsed; Viewport.Replace(0, 0, Width, Height); RenderState.ClearColor = new Color4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1f); RenderState.ClearAll(); guiHelper.NewFrame(elapsed); ImGui.PushFont(ImGuiHelper.Noto); ImGui.BeginMainMenuBar(); if (ImGui.BeginMenu("File")) { if (Theme.IconMenuItem("New", "new", Color4.White, true)) { var t = new UtfTab(this, new EditableUtf(), "Untitled"); ActiveTab = t; AddTab(t); } if (Theme.IconMenuItem("Open", "open", Color4.White, true)) { var f = FileDialog.Open(UtfFilters); OpenFile(f); } if (ActiveTab == null) { Theme.IconMenuItem("Save", "save", Color4.LightGray, false); } else { if (Theme.IconMenuItem(string.Format("Save '{0}'", ActiveTab.DocumentName), "save", Color4.White, true)) { var f = FileDialog.Save(UtfFilters); if (f != null) { ActiveTab.DocumentName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(f); ActiveTab.UpdateTitle(); string errText = ""; if (!ActiveTab.Utf.Save(f, ref errText)) { openError = true; if (errorText == null) { errorText = new TextBuffer(); } errorText.SetText(errText); } } } } if (Theme.IconMenuItem("Quit", "quit", Color4.White, true)) { Exit(); } ImGui.EndMenu(); } bool openLoading = false; if (ImGui.BeginMenu("View")) { Theme.IconMenuToggle("Log", "log", Color4.White, ref showLog, true); ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Tools")) { if (Theme.IconMenuItem("Options", "options", Color4.White, true)) { showOptions = true; } if (Theme.IconMenuItem("Resources", "resources", Color4.White, true)) { AddTab(new ResourcesTab(Resources, MissingResources, ReferencedMaterials, ReferencedTextures)); } if (Theme.IconMenuItem("Import Collada", "import", Color4.White, true)) { string input; if ((input = FileDialog.Open(ColladaFilters)) != null) { openLoading = true; finishLoading = false; new Thread(() => { List <ColladaObject> dae = null; try { dae = ColladaSupport.Parse(input); EnsureUIThread(() => FinishColladaLoad(dae, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(input))); } catch (Exception ex) { EnsureUIThread(() => ColladaError(ex)); } }).Start(); } } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (ImGui.BeginMenu("Help")) { if (Theme.IconMenuItem("Topics", "help", Color4.White, true)) { Shell.OpenCommand("https://wiki.librelancer.net/lanceredit:lanceredit"); } if (Theme.IconMenuItem("About", "about", Color4.White, true)) { openAbout = true; } ImGui.EndMenu(); } if (openAbout) { ImGui.OpenPopup("About"); openAbout = false; } if (openError) { ImGui.OpenPopup("Error"); openError = false; } if (openLoading) { ImGui.OpenPopup("Processing"); } bool pOpen = true; if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("Error", ref pOpen, ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { ImGui.Text("Error:"); errorText.InputTextMultiline("##etext", new Vector2(430, 200), ImGuiInputTextFlags.ReadOnly); if (ImGui.Button("OK")) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } pOpen = true; if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("About", ref pOpen, ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { ImGui.SameLine(ImGui.GetWindowWidth() / 2 - 64); Theme.Icon("reactor_128", Color4.White); CenterText(Version); CenterText("Callum McGing 2018-2019"); ImGui.Separator(); CenterText("Icons from Icons8: https://icons8.com/"); CenterText("Icons from komorra: https://opengameart.org/content/kmr-editor-icon-set"); ImGui.Separator(); var btnW = ImGui.CalcTextSize("OK").X + ImGui.GetStyle().FramePadding.X * 2; ImGui.Dummy(Vector2.One); ImGui.SameLine(ImGui.GetWindowWidth() / 2 - (btnW / 2)); if (ImGui.Button("OK")) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } pOpen = true; if (ImGui.BeginPopupModal("Processing", ref pOpen, ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { ImGuiExt.Spinner("##spinner", 10, 2, ImGuiNative.igGetColorU32(ImGuiCol.ButtonHovered, 1)); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Text("Processing"); if (finishLoading) { ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui.EndPopup(); } var menu_height = ImGui.GetWindowSize().Y; ImGui.EndMainMenuBar(); var size = (Vector2)ImGui.GetIO().DisplaySize; size.Y -= menu_height; //Window MissingResources.Clear(); ReferencedMaterials.Clear(); ReferencedTextures.Clear(); foreach (var tab in tabs) { ((EditorTab)tab).DetectResources(MissingResources, ReferencedMaterials, ReferencedTextures); } ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(size.X, size.Y - 25), ImGuiCond.Always); ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(new Vector2(0, menu_height), ImGuiCond.Always, Vector2.Zero); bool childopened = true; ImGui.Begin("tabwindow", ref childopened, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoSavedSettings | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBringToFrontOnFocus | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize); TabHandler.TabLabels(tabs, ref selected); var totalH = ImGui.GetWindowHeight(); if (showLog) { ImGuiExt.SplitterV(2f, ref h1, ref h2, 8, 8, -1); h1 = totalH - h2 - 24f; if (tabs.Count > 0) { h1 -= 20f; } ImGui.BeginChild("###tabcontent" + (selected != null ? selected.Title : ""), new Vector2(-1, h1), false, ImGuiWindowFlags.None); } else { ImGui.BeginChild("###tabcontent" + (selected != null ? selected.Title : "")); } if (selected != null) { selected.Draw(); ((EditorTab)selected).SetActiveTab(this); } else { ActiveTab = null; } ImGui.EndChild(); TabHandler.DrawTabDrag(tabs); if (showLog) { ImGui.BeginChild("###log", new Vector2(-1, h2), false, ImGuiWindowFlags.None); ImGui.Text("Log"); ImGui.SameLine(ImGui.GetWindowWidth() - 20); if (Theme.IconButton("closelog", "x", Color4.White)) { showLog = false; } logBuffer.InputTextMultiline("##logtext", new Vector2(-1, h2 - 24), ImGuiInputTextFlags.ReadOnly); ImGui.EndChild(); } ImGui.End(); //Status bar ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(size.X, 25f), ImGuiCond.Always); ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(new Vector2(0, size.Y - 6f), ImGuiCond.Always, Vector2.Zero); bool sbopened = true; ImGui.Begin("statusbar", ref sbopened, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoSavedSettings | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBringToFrontOnFocus | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize); if (updateTime > 9) { updateTime = 0; frequency = RenderFrequency; } else { updateTime++; } string activename = ActiveTab == null ? "None" : ActiveTab.DocumentName; string utfpath = ActiveTab == null ? "None" : ActiveTab.GetUtfPath(); ImGui.Text(string.Format("FPS: {0} | {1} Materials | {2} Textures | Active: {3} - {4}", (int)Math.Round(frequency), Resources.MaterialDictionary.Count, Resources.TextureDictionary.Count, activename, utfpath)); ImGui.End(); if (errorTimer > 0) { ImGuiExt.ToastText("An error has occurred\nCheck the log for details", new Color4(21, 21, 22, 128), Color4.Red); } if (showOptions) { ImGui.Begin("Options", ref showOptions, ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize); var pastC = cFilter; ImGui.Combo("Texture Filter", ref cFilter, filters, filters.Length); if (cFilter != pastC) { switch (cFilter) { case 0: RenderState.PreferredFilterLevel = TextureFiltering.Linear; break; case 1: RenderState.PreferredFilterLevel = TextureFiltering.Bilinear; break; case 2: RenderState.PreferredFilterLevel = TextureFiltering.Trilinear; break; default: RenderState.AnisotropyLevel = anisotropyLevels[cFilter - 3]; RenderState.PreferredFilterLevel = TextureFiltering.Anisotropic; break; } } ImGui.End(); } ImGui.PopFont(); guiHelper.Render(RenderState); foreach (var tab in toAdd) { tabs.Add(tab); selected = tab; } toAdd.Clear(); }
void DoModel(ModelFile mdl, AbstractConstruct con) { //Hardpoints bool open = ImGui.TreeNode(ImGuiExt.Pad("Hardpoints")); var act = NewHpMenu(mdl.Path); switch (act) { case ContextActions.NewFixed: case ContextActions.NewRevolute: newIsFixed = act == ContextActions.NewFixed; addTo = mdl.Hardpoints; addConstruct = con; newHpBuffer.Clear(); popups.OpenPopup("New Hardpoint"); break; } Theme.RenderTreeIcon("Hardpoints", "hardpoint", Color4.CornflowerBlue); if (open) { foreach (var hp in mdl.Hardpoints) { if (doFilter) { if (hp.Name.IndexOf(currentFilter, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1) { continue; } } HardpointGizmo gz = null; foreach (var gizmo in gizmos) { if (gizmo.Definition == hp) { gz = gizmo; break; } } if (hp is RevoluteHardpointDefinition) { Theme.Icon("rev", Color4.LightSeaGreen); } else { Theme.Icon("fix", Color4.Purple); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (Theme.IconButton("visible$" + hp.Name, "eye", gz.Enabled ? Color4.White : Color4.Gray)) { gz.Enabled = !gz.Enabled; } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Selectable(hp.Name); var action = EditDeleteHpMenu(mdl.Path + hp.Name); if (action == ContextActions.Delete) { hpDelete = hp; hpDeleteFrom = mdl.Hardpoints; popups.OpenPopup("Confirm Delete"); } if (action == ContextActions.Edit) { hpEditing = hp; } } ImGui.TreePop(); } }