public static void AddUsedCar() { Console.WriteLine("Enter the manufacturer of the car: "); string manufacturer = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the make of the car: "); string group = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the year the car was made (ex. 2014): "); string modelYear = Console.ReadLine(); int model_Year = int.Parse(modelYear); Console.WriteLine("Enter the price for the car: "); string newPrice = Console.ReadLine(); double new_Price = double.Parse(newPrice); Console.WriteLine("Enter the car's mileage: "); string miles = Console.ReadLine(); double miles_ = double.Parse(miles); UsedCar usedAddition = new UsedCar(manufacturer, group, model_Year, new_Price, miles_); }
static void Main() { Car tesla = new Car("Tesla", "Cybertruck", 2020, 35000); Car bronco = new Car("Ford", "Bronco", 2020, 50000); Car viper = new Car("Dodge", "Viper", 2020, 45000); UsedCar ford = new UsedCar("Ford", "Focus RS", 2016, 25000, 75000); UsedCar toyota = new UsedCar("Toyota", "Prius", 2012, 15000, 10000); UsedCar koeniggsegg = new UsedCar("Koeniggsegg", "Agera", 2016, 100000, 75000); int number = 0; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Car Lot!"); do { CarLot.CarInventory(); Console.WriteLine($"{CarLot.Cars.Count + 1}. Add a car"); Console.WriteLine($"{CarLot.Cars.Count + 2}. Quit"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Which car would you like to purchase?"); string entry = Console.ReadLine(); if (!int.TryParse(entry, out number)) { Console.WriteLine("Please have a valid input next time."); } if (number < CarLot.Cars.Count + 1) { Console.WriteLine(CarLot.Cars[number - 1].Make); Console.WriteLine("Confirm purchase? 'Y' to confirm, else any other value to cancel."); string yn = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (yn == "y") { Console.WriteLine("You have succesfully purchased the " + CarLot.Cars[number - 1].Make); CarLot.RemoveCar(number - 1); } } else if (number == CarLot.Cars.Count + 1) { Console.WriteLine("Is this a new or used car?"); while (true) { string NewUsed = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (NewUsed == "new") { //Call seperate Method to Add New Car to list. CarLot.AddNewCar(); break; } else if (NewUsed == "used") { //Call seperate Method to Add Used Car to list. UsedCar.AddUsedCar(); break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Please enter new or used."); } } } else if (number == CarLot.Cars.Count + 2) { Quit(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Not a valid input."); } }while (Quit()); }