static void Main(string[] args) { #region Explaination // Read Northwind using Entity core 2.1.1 // Basic LINQ // More advanced LINQ with lambda // Nuget : entityframeworkcore 2.1.1/ entityframeworkcore.sqlserver 2.1.1/ 2.1.1 // Command - install-package microsoft.entityframeworkcore - v 2.1.1 #endregion List <Customer> customers = new List <Customer>(); List <Customer> selectedDatabaseCustomers; List <Product> productsList = new List <Product>(); List <Category> categoriesList = new List <Category>(); using (var db = new Northwind()) { customers = db.Customers.ToList(); // Simple Linq from local collection // Whole dataset is returned (more data) // IENUMERABLE ARRAY var selectedLocalCustomers = from customer in customers select customer; // Simple query over database directly // Only return actual data we need // Lazy loading - query not actually executed // Data not actually arrived yet // Force data by pushing ToList selectedDatabaseCustomers = (from customer in db.Customers where customer.City == "London" || customer.City == "Berlin" orderby customer.CompanyName select customer).ToList(); printCustomers(selectedDatabaseCustomers); // Create custom object output var selectedCustomCustomers = (from customer in db.Customers select new { Name = customer.ContactName, Location = customer.City + " " + customer.Country }).Take(10).ToList(); foreach (var c in selectedCustomCustomers) { Console.WriteLine($"{c.Name,-20}{c.Location}"); } // Grouping // Group and list all customers by city // City... count(Customer) var selectedGroupCustomers = (from customer in db.Customers group customer by customer.City into Cities orderby Cities.Key select new { City = Cities.Key, Count = Cities.Count() }); foreach (var c in selectedGroupCustomers.ToList()) { Console.WriteLine($"{c.City,-15}{c.Count}"); } // Join // Product with categoryID => category var products = (from product in db.Products join category in db.Categories on product.CategoryID equals category.CategoryID select new { ID = product.ProductID, Name = product.ProductName, Category = category.CategoryName }).ToList(); products.ForEach(p => Console.WriteLine($"{p.ID,-10}" + $"{p.Name,-30}" + $"{p.Category}")); // Smarter way to join Console.WriteLine("\n\nDisplay List using smarter \n" + "'dot' Notation to join tables\n"); // Read in products and categories productsList = db.Products.ToList(); categoriesList = db.Categories.ToList(); productsList.ForEach(p => Console.WriteLine($"{p.ProductID,-15}{p.ProductName,-30}{p.Category.CategoryName}")); // List categories with count of products and sub-list of product names Console.WriteLine("\n\nList categories with count of products and sub-list of product names\n"); categoriesList.ForEach(c => { Console.WriteLine($"{c.CategoryID,-5}{c.CategoryName,-15} has {c.Products.Count} products"); // Loop within loop foreach (var p in c.Products) { Console.WriteLine($"\t\t\t\t{p.ProductID,-5}{p.ProductName}"); } }); // Linq lambda notation Console.WriteLine("\n\nLINQ Lambda notation"); customers = db.Customers.ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"Local count is {customers.Count}"); Console.WriteLine($"Database count is {db.Customers.Count()}"); // Select....Distinct Console.WriteLine("\n\nList of Cities : Select ... Distinct ... OrderBy\n"); Console.WriteLine("Using SELECT to select one column\n"); var cityList = db.Customers.Select(c => c.City).Distinct().OrderBy(c => c).ToList(); cityList.ForEach(city => Console.WriteLine(city)); // Contaims i.e. same like SQL Like Console.WriteLine("\n\nContaims i.e. same like SQL Like\n"); var cityListFiltered = db.Customers .Select(c => c.City) .Where(city => city.Contains("o")) .Distinct() .OrderBy(c => c) .ToList(); cityListFiltered.ForEach(city => Console.WriteLine(city)); }