public Дисциплина() { InitializeComponent(); lector = new Lector(); discipline = new Discipline(lector); _xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer <List <Discipline> >("data.xml"); comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; }
public Дисциплина() { InitializeComponent(); lector = new Lector(); discipline = new Discipline(lector); _jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer <Discipline>("data.json"); comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private bool Validate(Lector model) { var results = new List <ValidationResult>(); var context = new ValidationContext(model); if (!Validator.TryValidateObject(model, context, results, true)) { string strWithErrroe = ""; foreach (var error in results) { strWithErrroe += $"{error.ErrorMessage}\n"; } MessageBox.Show(strWithErrroe); } return(!results.Any()); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var model = new Lector(); model.Name = textBox1.Text; model.Surname = textBox2.Text; model.Patronomyc = textBox3.Text; model.Department = comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString(); model.Auditory = textBox4.Text; model.Number = maskedTextBox1.Text; if (!Validate(model)) { return; } Lector.Name = model.Name; Lector.Surname = model.Surname; Lector.Patronomyc = model.Patronomyc; Lector.Department = model.Department; Lector.Auditory = model.Auditory; Lector.Number = model.Number; this.Close(); }
public Discipline(Lector lect) : this() { lector = lect; }
private void AddSubject_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Name_textBox.Text == "") { throw new Exception("Empty fields"); } else { foreach (var item in subjects) { if (item.Name == Name_textBox.Text) { throw new Exception("Name with this value already exists"); } } #region Write and validatie oobjects var lecturer = new Lector() { Initials = LectorInicials_textBox.Text, Birthday = Birthday_dateTimePicker.Value, Experience = Convert.ToInt32(Experience_numericUpDown.Value), Phone = PhoneNumber_maskedTextBox.Text }; var subject = new Subject { Name = Name_textBox.Text, Year = Convert.ToInt32(Year_numericUpDown.Value), Semester = Convert.ToInt32(Semester_numericUpDown.Value), Specialty = Subject.AddSpeciality(Specialty_textBox.Text), NumberOfLectures = NumberOfLabs_trackBar.Value, NumberOfLabs = NumberOfLabs_trackBar.Value, Control = Exam_radioButton.Checked ? Subject.ControlType.Exam : Subject.ControlType.Credit, Lecturer = lecturer }; #endregion if (checkValidationObject(lecturer) && checkValidationObject(subject)) { subjects.Add(subject); listViewOutput.Items.Clear(); ShowSubjectCollection(subjects); if (!SaveToXML_button.Enabled) { SaveToXML_button.Enabled = true; } GlobalEventTracker("Добавлен элемент в коллекцию", subjects); } } } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show(exc.Message, "Error!"); } }
public Discipline(Lector lect) { lector = lect; Specialty = new List <string>(); }