public void PlayRPS() { Random r = new Random(); //setup Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Roshambo EXTREME!\n" + "\nWhat's your name? HURRY GO!"); string uName = Console.ReadLine(); User user = new User(uName); Player opponent; Players.Add(user); int choice = 0; Console.WriteLine($"\nWhat up {user.Name}! Who would you like to play?!??!!\n" + $"\n1) Ranbo" + $"\n2) RockMan" + $"\nChoose 1 or 2:"); Validator.IsInRangeIndex(Console.ReadLine(), 1, 2, out choice); if (choice == 0) { opponent = new Ranbo(); } else { opponent = new RockMan(); } Players.Add(opponent); while (true) { //generate win or loss along with encouragement. int noiceNum = r.Next(0, (RightOn.Length - 1)); int bumNum = r.Next(0, (Bummer.Length - 1)); string noice = RightOn[noiceNum]; string doh = Bummer[bumNum]; string uChoice = user.generateRoshambo(); string oChoice = opponent.generateRoshambo(); int match = WhoWon(uChoice, oChoice); Console.WriteLine($"\n{user.Name} picks {uChoice}!" + $"\n{opponent.Name} picks {oChoice}!\n"); switch (match) { case 0: Console.WriteLine("It's a tie!"); break; case 1: Console.WriteLine($"You win! {noice}"); user.Wins++; break; case 2: Console.WriteLine($"{opponent.Name} wins...{doh}"); user.Losses++; break; default: Console.WriteLine("EXCRUCIATINGLY TERRIBLE FAILURE"); break; } Console.WriteLine("\nDo you want to play again? (Y/N)"); if (Validator.YayOrNay(Console.ReadLine().ToUpper())) { continue; } else { break; } } Console.WriteLine($"You won {user.Wins} times and lost {user.Losses} times."); Console.WriteLine("Later!"); }