static void Main(string[] args) { bool run = true; while (run == true) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Rock, Paper, Scissors!"); RPSGenerator rps = new RPSGenerator(); Rockstar r = new Rockstar(rps); Randy ra = new Randy(rps); RPSApp app = new RPSApp(rps); Console.WriteLine(app); Console.WriteLine(app.GameOn()); Console.WriteLine(); run = Continue(); } }
public RPSApp(RPSGenerator rps) { Console.Write("Enter your name: "); string name = Console.ReadLine(); name = name.ToLower(); }
public string GameOn() { Console.WriteLine("Who would you like to play against, Lenny or Randy?"); string players = Console.ReadLine(); players = players.ToLower(); if (players == "randy") { RPSGenerator rps = new RPSGenerator(); Randy ra = new Randy(rps); Console.WriteLine(ra.GenerateRPS()); } else if (players == "lenny") { RPSGenerator rps = new RPSGenerator(); Rockstar r = new Rockstar(rps); Console.WriteLine(r.GenerateRPS()); } else { Console.WriteLine("That is not a valid player."); } Console.WriteLine("Rock, Paper or Scissors? R/P/S"); string gameAnswer = Console.ReadLine(); gameAnswer = gameAnswer.ToLower(); /*if (name == "r" && players == "paper") * { * Console.WriteLine(name + ": rock"); * Console.WriteLine(players + ": paper"); * Console.WriteLine(name + "wins!"); * } * if (name == "p" && players == "paper") * { * Console.WriteLine(name + ": paper"); * Console.WriteLine(players + ": paper"); * Console.WriteLine("Issa draw!"); * } * if (name == "s" && players == "paper") * { * Console.WriteLine(name + ": scissors"); * Console.WriteLine(players + ": paper"); * Console.WriteLine(players+ "wins!"); * }*/ return(players); }
static void Main(string[] args) { RPSGenerator rps = new RPSGenerator(); Rocky r = new Rocky(rps); var rocky = r.GenerateRPS(); Other o = new Other(rps); var other = o.GenerateRPS(); Console c = new Console(); Score sc = new Score(); int[] track = new int[2]; var userName = c.GetUserName(); bool run = true; while (run == true) { var playerName = c.GetPlayer(); //Rocky or Others var userChoiceRPS = c.GetRPSfromUser(); //r/p/s var human = rps.GetByString(userChoiceRPS.ToLower()); // Compares user string against the list (r/p/s) stored in RPSGenerator class if (playerName == "r") { System.Console.WriteLine("Rocky: " + rocky); // rocky } else if (playerName == "o") { System.Console.WriteLine("Other: " + other); // other } else { System.Console.WriteLine("I did not understand that, please try again."); } System.Console.WriteLine(userName + " : " + human); // user player track = sc.ScoreCard(rocky, other, human, userName, playerName); //integer array "track" keeps scores run = Continue(); } Score.DisplayScore(track, userName); }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool run = true; while (run == true) { RPSGenerator rps = new RPSGenerator(); Rock r = new Rock(rps); Weapon w = new Weapon(rps); Console.WriteLine("Enter your name"); string inputName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to play against TheJets or the TheSharks? (j/s)"); string inputPlayer = Console.ReadLine(); inputPlayer = rps.JetsSharks(inputPlayer); Console.WriteLine("Rock, paper, or scissors? r/p/s"); string inputWeapon = rps.GetByString(Console.ReadLine()); string randomWeapon = w.GenerateRPS(); if (inputPlayer == "TheJets") //if user input is the JETS { Console.WriteLine(inputName + ":" + inputWeapon + "\n" + inputPlayer + ":" + r.GenerateRPS()); } else if (inputPlayer == "TheSharks")//if user input is the SHARKS { Console.WriteLine(inputName + ":" + inputWeapon + "\n" + inputPlayer + ":" + randomWeapon); } run = Continue(); } }
public Randy(RPSGenerator ra) : base(ra) { name = "Randy"; }
public Rock(RPSGenerator r) : base(r) //this class will always spit out Rock?? { name = "rock"; }
public Rocky(RPSGenerator r) : base(r) { name = "Rocky"; }
public int[] ScoreCard(string _rocky, string _other, string _human, string _userName, string _playerName) { RPSGenerator rps = new RPSGenerator(); Rocky ro = new Rocky(rps); Other ot = new Other(rps); if (_playerName == "r") { //Draw if (_human == _rocky) { System.Console.WriteLine("Draw!"); } //Paper beats rock else if (_human == "paper") { winCountUser++; System.Console.WriteLine(_userName + " :wins!"); // user wins } //Rock beats scissors else if (_human == "scissors") { winCountRocky++; System.Console.WriteLine(ro.GetName() + " :wins!"); // rocky wins } } if (_playerName == "o") { //Draw if (_human == _other) { System.Console.WriteLine("Draw!"); } //paper beats rock else if (_human == "paper" && _other == "rock") { winCountUser++; System.Console.WriteLine(_userName + " :wins!");// user wins } else if (_human == "rock" && _other == "paper") { winCountOthers++; System.Console.WriteLine(ot.GetName() + " :wins!");//others win } //rock beats scissors else if (_human == "rock" && _other == "scissors") { winCountUser++; System.Console.WriteLine(_userName + " :wins!"); // user wins } else if (_human == "scissors" && _other == "rock") { winCountOthers++; System.Console.WriteLine(ot.GetName() + " :wins!");//other wins } //scissors beat paper else if (_human == "scissors" && _other == "paper") { winCountUser++; System.Console.WriteLine(_userName + " :wins!");//user wins } else if (_human == "paper" && _other == "scissors") { winCountOthers++; System.Console.WriteLine(ot.GetName() + " :wins!");//other wins } } scoreBoard[0] = winCountUser; scoreBoard[1] = winCountRocky; scoreBoard[2] = winCountOthers; return(scoreBoard); }
public Weapon(RPSGenerator r) : base(r) { name = "rock"; name = "paper"; name = "scissors"; }
public Player(RPSGenerator r) { rpsList = r; }
public Rockstar(RPSGenerator r) : base(r) { name = "Lenny"; }
public Other(RPSGenerator r) : base(r) { name = "Others"; }